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General Category => Debate Central => Topic started by: Evil_K_Man on April 11, 2016, 01:04:41 PM

Title: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Evil_K_Man on April 11, 2016, 01:04:41 PM
Well maybe not new, but just the most hypocritical things.  I'm talking about former US House Speaker Dennis Hastert.  While he was molesting boys, the GOP was busy putting him second in line to become president.

I can't believe this guy wanted to impeach Clinton yet he was a pedophile himself.  GOP, definitely not the party of morals...but of course we all knew that.

Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Hung_Low on April 11, 2016, 07:41:10 PM
Well maybe not new, but just the most hypocritical things.  I'm talking about former US House Speaker Dennis Hastert.  While he was molesting boys, the GOP was busy putting him second in line to become president.

I can't believe this guy wanted to impeach Clinton yet he was a pedophile himself.  GOP, definitely not the party of morals...but of course we all knew that.

You have just learned that the GOP is the same as the Democrats? Wow... amazing.

Do you know all there is about those that claimed to be Democrats? They are just as evil as these GOP... just as immoral. Name me one Democrat that we would all agree is a saint and I'll name one GOP also. If you can't name one, I can't name one either.
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Believe_N_Me on April 11, 2016, 10:14:56 PM
Right, because if someone has shaky morals we shouldn't care about their brilliant ideas and solutions.

Wow, that is so smart.

Steve Job was also a major a.sshole and deadbeat dad. Hey, we should've stopped him from reinventing Apple.

In fact, there are a lot of low-life innovators that revolutionized the world. We should stop them, too. Who needs electricity, running water, etc?


Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Evil_K_Man on April 12, 2016, 11:11:25 AM

Steve Job was also a major a.sshole and deadbeat dad. Hey, we should've stopped him from reinventing Apple.

At least he wasn't molesting little boys, unlike you GOPers...champ ions of morality.

Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Evil_K_Man on April 12, 2016, 11:14:24 AM
Right, because if someone has shaky morals we shouldn't care about their brilliant ideas and solutions.

You call molesting underage boys, shaky morals???  See how we differ?  You GOPers only see a petty offenses, whereas normal people like me see that as a criminal offense.

But yeah, shaky morals...gotac ha. LOL!!!
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Believe_N_Me on April 28, 2016, 03:44:41 AM
Molesting boys is a shaky moral?

It is next on the agenda of "normal" for you, gays.  ::)

The Romans did it, and so did the Greeks. Just like the Romans and Greeks both had openly gay societies.

You of all people should know that most gays had their first experience with a much older man.

Don't go running back into the closet now that you have come out.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

But most of all, you should leave America immediately. The forefathers were terribly racist. Many of them even had black slaves and killed some natives! Yep, we should do away with the Constitution. How can we take it seriously after all that?

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Evil_K_Man on April 28, 2016, 10:50:21 AM
We aren't Greeks or Romans.  We are god fearing Muricans.  As macho manly Murican, getting blow job from grown consenting women is A-Okay...touching little boys in the locker while you're a full grown man...that's the devil's work.

or in your case...shaky morals...LOL.

Anyways, your GOP hero is going to jail for like 15 months...cuz you know...the GOPs made a child molester second in line to be president, so he gets a lesser sentence.

Oh how great it is to be a out of one mouth and to the complete opposite and get away with it...well in Hastert's case...a slap on the wrist.
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: dogmai on April 29, 2016, 09:18:58 PM
I don't know why people always point out these things. There's no difference between the two. They are both politics.
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Evil_K_Man on May 02, 2016, 11:03:20 AM
I don't know why people always point out these things. There's no difference between the two. They are both politics.

To show the incredible level of hypocrisy, especially amongst those who see themselves on a higher moral platform, yet do the complete opposite of it in their personal lives.

So yeah its worth calling out in some cases. Especially ones like Hastert.
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Sifu on May 02, 2016, 11:23:05 AM
Scum is scum in my book.  Doesn't matter what they are, did, etc.
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 03, 2016, 01:40:16 AM
So by Evil_K_Man's logic he admits that Democrats have no morals because they project none in order to absolve themselves from looking like hypocrites.

Tell me Evil_K_Man, where hath Conservatives claimed that humans aren't sinners and easily tempted? Is that not why they uphold the laws knowing that humans will always break them?

That does not make Conservatives or anybody a hypocrite - it makes them human and easily tempted by worldly ways just as they have already proclaimed.

By YOUR LOGIC, the USA and every country are nations of hypocrites FOR THEY ALL HAVE LAWS. Why have these laws? Why preach them? Why enforce them knowing that they will always be broken.


Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Evil_K_Man on May 03, 2016, 11:46:52 AM
So by Evil_K_Man's logic he admits that Democrats have no morals because they project none in order to absolve themselves from looking like hypocrites.

They are the lesser of the two evils

That does not make Conservatives or anybody a hypocrite - it makes them human and easily tempted by worldly ways just as they have already proclaimed.

I'm sure that's what Hastert told himself as he was molesting little boys.
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 03, 2016, 09:48:26 PM
According to Evil K there are no such things as criminals. If a person never agreed to abide by the rules, then how can we accuse them of breaking them?

This is why the regressive Left loves Hillary and doesn't view her as a criminal or a hypocrite.

I can get on board with Evil K's logic. I never claimed to like the regressive left, thus the reason why I have no reasons to treat them like human beings. They aren't even human beings in my view. They are more like an incurable disease that plagues all that it touches.

Some PHer mentioned that Conservatives such as myself should move away if I can't stand such people. Um, what do you think all white towns and counties are trying to do? We Conservatives have no problems establishing our own schools, communities, marketplace, and so on. It's you freeloading regressive LEFTists that keep wanting to move in.  ::)

Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Evil_K_Man on May 04, 2016, 11:00:12 AM
You can move to the middle east or Africa, since they share your ideology.

I also saw on the news that their leaders are accustom to molesting little kids while professing their love to Allah or whatever god they worship out there.

Your kind will fit in perfectly.
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Hung_Low on May 04, 2016, 05:22:09 PM
To show the incredible level of hypocrisy, especially amongst those who see themselves on a higher moral platform, yet do the complete opposite of it in their personal lives.

So yeah its worth calling out in some cases. Especially ones like Hastert.

Let's not even go into hypocrisy... Dems are the very definition of what hypocrisy is.
1. They claimed to be fighting for the "equal" of women and Republicans as "war on women". I've never heard, seen any Republican nor Conservative demeaned any woman the way the Dems and Left media does when that particular woman isn't a Democrat or Liberal.

2. They claimed to be for the poor people and minorities... Take a look at any cities that are ran by Democrats and you'll see that the poor and minorities are treated the worst (Detroit, Chicago, etc.)

3. The claimed to be no racist... just listen to the words that are coming out of their mouth... Reid: Obama is light skin and don't speak in Negro dialect so he can be president; You can google tons of racist comments from the Democrats

4. They claimed to champion sexual acceptance... Hillbilly earnestly believe that marriage rights should be deny to gays but changed her mind when the poll shows she's losing supports. You can read about her stance before and after...

blah... blah... blah...

So, you see Evil. Dems are just as or more hypocrites than Republicans.
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 04, 2016, 08:41:24 PM
You can move to the middle east or Africa, since they share your ideology.

I also saw on the news that their leaders are accustom to molesting little kids while professing their love to Allah or whatever god they worship out there.

Your kind will fit in perfectly.

Muslims are the Liberal's newest best friend. They are the current protected species. If anybody shares their views and supports their culture it's YOUR posse. Just ask Angela Merkel and the Swedes.

I thought Obamacare was supposed to take care of healthcare for you folks so why is it that your tube continues to leak and stink up the place?

Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 05, 2016, 09:09:19 PM
It's interesting how Evil K likes to bring up the molestation charges against priests but glosses over any outrage for War on Boys.

Evil K brings this up NOT because he is concerned for boys and why they are often the target of "homosexual pedophilia" but because he HATES THE CHURCH MORE.

It is about shooting venom at the church and not REAL CONCERN FOR THE VICTIMS IN THOSE STORIES.

If this had been girls there would be outrage from FEMINIST GROUPS. The LIBERALS would flood the media with ads regarding Women's Rights and empowering girls.

But again, this is about HATING THE CHURCH and NOT:

Why are these cases all about "homosexual pedophilia"? And the damages done on boys?
Title: Re: Everyday we find out new things about the GOP
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 05, 2016, 09:11:59 PM
Don't be so surprised why this problem went on for years.

The Feminist Movement and Gay Rights made it a perfect setting to molest boys. After all, who is going to stick up for the boys and charge the gays?

Little white boys being molested by homosexual pedophiles. That must be part of the "white male privilege" that Liberals like to talk about so much. These white boys were "privileged".