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General Category => Debate Central => Topic started by: duckwingduck on January 14, 2017, 07:10:12 PM

Title: Public education
Post by: duckwingduck on January 14, 2017, 07:10:12 PM
I do not have children.  Why do I have to pay tax to support the education of others' children? 
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: YAX on January 16, 2017, 06:49:34 AM
Because children have a right to free education in America and you live here so you have to pay to give them that right.  You can always move to another country if you like.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: duckwingduck on January 16, 2017, 10:45:58 AM
Because children have a right to free education in America and you live here so you have to pay to give them that right.  You can always move to another country if you like.

Should I also have the right to not pay for other people's education?   
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: YAX on January 16, 2017, 11:32:48 AM
Should I also have the right to not pay for other people's education?
You're not, your taxes are.  ;D
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: hmgROCK on January 16, 2017, 10:02:19 PM
Do you want to deal with stupid people?


Than put them in school
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Hung_Low on January 17, 2017, 07:16:57 PM
I do not have children.  Why do I have to pay tax to support the education of others' children?

Taxation Without Representation ...

Don't worry, we're all paying for things we would never agree to.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Giggles_Shyly on January 18, 2017, 09:41:44 AM
Children are our future, even if they aren't yours. We after all need new professionals to replace the old dying/retiring/dead ones :)
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: duckwingduck on January 18, 2017, 10:16:54 AM
Children are our future, even if they aren't yours. We after all need new professionals to replace the old dying/retiring/dead ones :)

Well, for some people they don't care about the future.  They want to extract as much from the world as they can and die before the world come crashing die.   So, they do not care about someone else's children or the future of their country.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: can on January 18, 2017, 03:42:50 PM
Well, for some people they don't care about the future.  They want to extract as much from the world as they can and die before the world come crashing die.   So, they do not care about someone else's children or the future of their country.

they're called republicans  :idiot2: :2funny:
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: duckwingduck on January 18, 2017, 05:09:04 PM

they're called republicans  :idiot2: :2funny:

I say if you can't beat them, join them.  I'm going to be selfish and refuse to pay to support others's children's eduction.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: zena on January 19, 2017, 01:57:04 AM
I do not have children.  Why do I have to pay tax to support the education of others' children?

The easiest way to put this is, these "other's children" eventually become doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers, etc. and continue to build this wonderful first world we live in.  Without "free" education, in which we are taxed for, our world would be like a 2nd world, something similar to some Asian countries, and Africa.

Btw, who paid for your education?
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: duckwingduck on January 19, 2017, 08:21:06 AM
The easiest way to put this is, these "other's children" eventually become doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers, etc. and continue to build this wonderful first world we live in.  Without "free" education, in which we are taxed for, our world would be like a 2nd world, something similar to some Asian countries, and Africa.

Btw, who paid for your education?

Well, if I do not care about the future of this country, those things would be irrelevant.  Well, that's what a republican is.

Rape the country.  Don't care about its future.  Take money from the poor and give it back to the rich.
To do that, cut social programs.  Cut healthcare just so their rich friends can save millions.

So much for prolife. 
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: YAX on January 22, 2017, 12:19:13 PM
Only 3 percent of your federal tax goes to education and you complained. You didn't just complained, you went and voted for Trump. So now we have to pay $500,000 per DAY just towards Trump's security. 
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: duckwingduck on January 28, 2017, 06:44:52 PM
Only 3 percent of your federal tax goes to education and you complained. You didn't just complained, you went and voted for Trump. So now we have to pay $500,000 per DAY just towards Trump's security.

My largest portion of my property tax goes toward grade 1-12 and technical colleges.  I did not vote for trump.

Bush nearly bankrupt America by starting 2 wars, and now Trump wants to build a wall and pass the pill to the citizens in form of sales tax. 
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Believe_N_Me on January 28, 2017, 09:10:43 PM
I do not have children.  Why do I have to pay tax to support the education of others' children?

You shouldn't have to pay taxes to fund the education of other people - especially those who don't pay income tax.

This is why I particularly support full enforcement of illegal immigration. Unless you live in an affluent area where the residents contribute by paying property taxes (because they are homeowners) and pay income taxes, you are basically paying to subsidize the education of Messicans and black kids - who don't even value education and underperform.

In other words, you are paying free daycare for Messicans and Blacks.

They suck up all the funds and resources in public schools. Again, unless YOUR kid attends a predominantly white school where parents are actually involved and funds are used for the academic good of the students.

I won't enroll my children in schools with a lot of Messicans and Blacks. I already know that my children won't be challenged because everything will be watered down to the lowest common denominator. Also, the majority of funds will be used to hire unnecessary staff that serves the Messican and black families for stupid programs, which address stupid things that should be taken care of at home.

But Messicans and blacks are hella lazy and freeloaders. They think it's the school's job to feed, clothe, and parent their children - no joking here. They literally do. They won't even buy school supplies for their kids because they claim they can't afford a box of .98 crayons (.45 when it goes on sale). They would rather keep sending their kids to school without the necessary supplies until the teachers complain to the school administration and then the district sees no other resolution but to provide it for the families. This means money that could have been used for new textbooks, modern learning tools, school renovations, etc. are used up for the stupidest s.hit.

Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Believe_N_Me on January 28, 2017, 09:16:25 PM
The easiest way to put this is, these "other's children" eventually become doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers, etc. and continue to build this wonderful first world we live in.  Without "free" education, in which we are taxed for, our world would be like a 2nd world, something similar to some Asian countries, and Africa.

Btw, who paid for your education?

No they DON'T.

Not in the inner city or in districts with large black and Hispanic demographics.

Districts with these two demographics often receive a lot of funds (don't believe the liberal narrative that they are underfunded), but they misallocate the money by hiring more unnecessary staff to address issues that are almost always non-academic related.

Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Believe_N_Me on January 28, 2017, 09:23:41 PM

they're called republicans  :idiot2: :2funny:

They're called LIBERALS.

You Democrats bleed the world dry.

The reason why college tuition continues to skyrocket is because of your Libtard professors and you low-income minority students who take out loans to pay for college.

Title: Re: Public education
Post by: lexicon on January 31, 2017, 09:48:05 AM
We've had "free" public education up until now. The majority of us have been through the public education system. It's not anything new.

Whether it works or not can be disputed. The many ways we've tried to solve the problem has had mixed results.

What is relevant now that was not relevant before? What's changed?
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Dom on January 31, 2017, 01:59:54 PM
I do not have children.  Why do I have to pay tax to support the education of others' children?
Same goes with people who choose not to work.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: YAX on February 06, 2017, 03:54:51 PM
I do not have children.  Why do I have to pay tax to support the education of others' children?
You don't have to if you're rich.  Wanna change that?
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: can on February 07, 2017, 01:22:28 PM
You don't have to if you're rich.  Wanna change that?
majority of republicans aren't rich either but they are too dumb to realized they are getting used.  :2funny: :idiot2:
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: nooneever on February 07, 2017, 01:49:05 PM
I wonder how things are going to change with Betsy DeVos.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: lexicon on February 07, 2017, 02:11:41 PM
Adios Public Education. We hardly knew ye.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Believe_N_Me on February 08, 2017, 12:53:54 AM
Public education is the worst thing for low income children, especially those living in predominantly black and Hispanic school districts. Blacks and Hispanics do not value education the same way. School is nothing but free daycare and free lunch - and I mean that literally. Coursework is watered down to the lowest common denominator at these schools. They simply are incapable of rising to meet the challenges of a rigorous curriculum. Unfortunately, administration is more concerned about student retention, behavior and increasing graduation rates than they are about the students who display gifted abilities - and that's typically because they are far and few. 

Public education is a costly burden for taxpayers, particularly those who have a large low-income population in their city. Property taxpayers aren't getting much for their money. My recommendation is to buy up these homes and rent them out in order to see a comfortable ROI.

If you do have to live in such a city for the time-being, make sure to exercise Open Enrollment so that your children aren't trapped with children from failing families.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Believe_N_Me on February 08, 2017, 01:00:08 AM
Defund federal and state money to underperformin g schools immediately. Better yet, shut them down.

Make students living in failing districts take an assessment test.

Those who pass the standard score will receive vouchers to enroll at schools that meet academic standards. Kids who are motivated about academics should be given opportunities to be with other like-minded students, rather than be disrupted by those who could give a rat's

Those who fail must be placed in a work-training program. There is no sense in making them sit and struggle in a classroom. They could be earning an income and learning valuable life skills that meet their abilities.. 
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: nooneever on February 08, 2017, 08:08:29 AM
Those who fail must be placed in a work-training program. There is no sense in making them sit and struggle in a classroom. They could be earning an income and learning valuable life skills that meet their abilities..

Education, such as core classes, just aren't for everyone.  If we really want to talk diversity then we have to accept this matter in life.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Gucci K on February 08, 2017, 09:53:42 AM
Public education is the worst thing for low income children, especially those living in predominantly black and Hispanic school districts. Blacks and Hispanics do not value education the same way. School is nothing but free daycare and free lunch - and I mean that literally. Coursework is watered down to the lowest common denominator at these schools. They simply are incapable of rising to meet the challenges of a rigorous curriculum. Unfortunately, administration is more concerned about student retention, behavior and increasing graduation rates than they are about the students who display gifted abilities - and that's typically because they are far and few. 

Public education is a costly burden for taxpayers, particularly those who have a large low-income population in their city. Property taxpayers aren't getting much for their money. My recommendation is to buy up these homes and rent them out in order to see a comfortable ROI.

If you do have to live in such a city for the time-being, make sure to exercise Open Enrollment so that your children aren't trapped with children from failing families.
i don't get this?!?!  so if its that bad, we shouldn't send our kids to school and let them learn on their own?  Don't tell me you never went to public school?  i bet it was the best time of your life. 
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Dom on February 08, 2017, 11:10:10 AM
Listen. Sanjay from India is going to take your job. Shouldn't have slacked off.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: lexicon on February 08, 2017, 12:04:53 PM
ZDN, the issue is that the current public education system is antiquated. Ask yourself, why do we still teach as if all students are the same?

Title: Re: Public education
Post by: duckwingduck on February 08, 2017, 01:22:21 PM
Public education is the worst thing for low income children, especially those living in predominantly black and Hispanic school districts. Blacks and Hispanics do not value education the same way. School is nothing but free daycare and free lunch - and I mean that literally. Coursework is watered down to the lowest common denominator at these schools. They simply are incapable of rising to meet the challenges of a rigorous curriculum. Unfortunately, administration is more concerned about student retention, behavior and increasing graduation rates than they are about the students who display gifted abilities - and that's typically because they are far and few. 

Public education is a costly burden for taxpayers, particularly those who have a large low-income population in their city. Property taxpayers aren't getting much for their money. My recommendation is to buy up these homes and rent them out in order to see a comfortable ROI.

If you do have to live in such a city for the time-being, make sure to exercise Open Enrollment so that your children aren't trapped with children from failing families.

school is cheaper than prison.

Title: Re: Public education
Post by: lexicon on February 08, 2017, 01:31:12 PM
school is cheaper than prison.

Prison has better food and a vastly superior education system. Maybe schools should be treated as prisons  :police:
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: can on February 08, 2017, 11:19:05 PM
school is cheaper than prison.

republicans love to cash out on prisons
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Gucci K on February 09, 2017, 09:12:54 AM
ZDN, the issue is that the current public education system is antiquated. Ask yourself, why do we still teach as if all students are the same?
no education is antiquated...t he system itself provides opportunity for knowledge, whether its in a poor community or high class.  We should treat every student equal, no one should be's up to the student/parent if they want to learn or not.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Evil_K_Man on February 09, 2017, 11:26:23 AM
You are investing in the future of America. Thanks for your contributions.

Plus a good school can increase the property value of homes around it.
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: Believe_N_Me on February 09, 2017, 10:29:16 PM
Everything you DEMs said is simply based on ignorance or stupidity. In PH Democrats case, it's BOTH.

So if good schools increase property values then what do you think happens when a school district fails?

The city turns into a dump site.

School isn't cheaper than prisons when you can make money off prisoners.

If school is so cheap then why is tuition going up?

Btw, there is nothing wrong with making money. Isn't that why you loser PHERs want to take out taxpayer money to fund your liberal college education so that you can get a degree to hopefully secure a good-paying job?

I don't expect any common sense from the lot of you who probably grew up in the projects of some over-crowded Hmong community.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: can on February 09, 2017, 10:58:21 PM
You are investing in the future of America. Thanks for your contributions.

Plus a good school can increase the property value of homes around it.

republicans are not investing in America, they are not smart enough to understand what investments means  :2funny: :idiot2:
Title: Re: Public education
Post by: lexicon on February 10, 2017, 08:28:59 AM
Trump is so Anti-Muslim, he hates all and any Profits.

Title: Re: Public education
Post by: w1s3m0n on February 24, 2017, 01:18:01 PM
Taxes is really a form of paying it forward.  Because you received free education, now that you have some money, you will have to pay it forward.  The more you have, the more you pay because you can afford to pay more.  Life is very fair in this case because without an education you would not be who you are.  Feel blessed, feel privileged and pay it forward.  That's the humane thing to do.

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