PebHmong Discussion Forum

Life & Living => Faith & Beliefs => Topic started by: TheAfterLife on March 13, 2021, 06:48:31 PM

Title: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: TheAfterLife on March 13, 2021, 06:48:31 PM (

I've hear stories that in the Hmong community, we have been raising more shamans than ever. I think Salad Vang has been raise to put to the test against the Shaman, in my opinion, maybe it's going to be like how Moses challenges the three black magic priests in Egypt.

If this is so, I guess it's going to be another round to prove to humanity again.

Also, if the devil has been working hard in the Hmong community by raising more shamans, then God only need to raise one as His silver bullet.
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 15, 2021, 02:48:48 PM
someone is jealous ;D ;D
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 16, 2021, 01:29:45 AM
He may be going on right direction by severing himself from Shamanism, but he's in the wrong position of making himself the center of attention self-proclaiming of having God's power through him. smh

Only Jesus himself can do that and so are his disciples. Anybody can be a follower of Jesus however does he or she ever know Jesus really well. To tell someone who's really connect to Jesus by observing the body language and words coming out his or her mouth. He or she cannot authorize to heal, preach, convert anyone to Christianity without a holy spirit. It's considered a sham to boast and claim him/herself as Jesus's follower. Like Jesus said only a sheep hear his word, but a goat does not.
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 16, 2021, 12:49:02 PM
i wonder how much salad vang paid them
 ;D O0
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: theking on March 16, 2021, 01:08:33 PM
i wonder how much salad vang paid them
 ;D O0

Why "wonder", shouldn't you already ***KNOW*** being the "hmong Nostradamus and is always right" and all??  ???

Or are you just another FRAUD like "DR TOM" for example.. ???
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Dok_Champa on March 16, 2021, 04:55:50 PM
Pastors I admire a lot are pastors like the late Billy Graham, Dr. Charles Stanley of "In Touch Ministry", John MacAuthor of "GRACE to YOU" Radio Show, Adrian Rogers of "Love Worth Finding", etc..

I listen to their radio broadcast faithfully for a long time....and I've never seen them instantly "heal" a person or flocks of people coming to them for instant miracles...

So, I'm a little skeptic of these instant miracles...  Pastors that perform instant miracles are pretty popular in African countries... you can go to youtube and find some interesting videos...

Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 16, 2021, 05:05:33 PM
Fake ass healing
These people need to go see a real doctor
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Mr_Mechanic on March 16, 2021, 05:29:07 PM
This dude.....don’t know him.  But, he’s only as legit as people(hmong) want him to be. 
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 16, 2021, 09:01:41 PM
Well, we don't know for sure unless you ask him. It's best you ask him rather than making delusional assumption.

I don't have to. I can see his fraudulent intents about a mile away knowing he don't know Jesus really well. Only idiots attract to a fraud like a moth to the flame.

I have heard countless rumors spreading around on FB posted by youngsters saying Salad forced elders who're in physical pain to be in front of the camera and also forced them to make a testimony about how Salad cure them. After few days they're not cured and they're in the same situation before.  ::)  :idiot2:

I used to search for a pastor at St. John's Episcopal Church in Marysville, California, and ask her for exorcism on me to remove demons and my physical pains on my body. Same method as the Afro pastors in Africa and same method as Salad Vang does to the Hmongs.
Until next morning, while I was still sleeping on the door step of First United Methodist Church, an angel appear to me in a dream saying to me, "Placing a hand on my head is not the way to salvation." Took me hours to figure out what he's saying. Also I noticed my body was cured by the angel that appeared in the dream, not by the fake pastor at St. John's Episcopal church.  ::)

Like I said earlier, anyone can be a follower of Jesus but does he or she knows Jesus really well. Jesus send angels to spread message across to anyone who hears him.
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 17, 2021, 01:15:00 PM
god angel demon satan


i haven't yet to see any of these fake stuff in real life ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 17, 2021, 02:48:38 PM
Okay Aronra. I bet you don't know who he is too.

Those fake stuff don’t exist
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 17, 2021, 08:06:35 PM
Fake ass healing
These people need to go see a real doctor

Don’t go lying you cure their cancer!!!
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 17, 2021, 10:27:48 PM
In bold, sounds a lot like Angel Moroni. Didn't God say to us not to contact or talk to any angels? It is forbidden.

Didn't one angel came to Jesus's biological mother Mary in the beginning and another angel appear to Jesus at the Garden Gethsemane and two angels appeared in front of his disciples after Jesus raise from the dead?  ::) :knuppel2:

That's what fake Christians will do: go through the scripture and cherry picking one verse and tell me what to do and not trust my own instinct/discernment. Well, I was lucky that I'm still alive because angels helped me to avoid FAKE Christians all these years. What did Jesus said to the Pharisees, "how can Satan and angel can be divided into two, huh?"  Hypocrite wouldn't understand.

Similar to Jehovah Witnesses would say, "Don't trust any angel or Jesus". How come there are painting of Jesus hanging on the wall at their kingdom halls. Hypocrite as well. smh What's the point of having Jesus in the painting if they don't believe Jesus as God too.  ::)

Evangelist would say, "Don't trust any angel. Jesus is not God". Tell you what. 
Jesus sat beside him on the throne and gave him jobs to do: pitchfork and his helpers aka angels to do his wills. This appear in the book of revelations.   

I'm tired of fake Christians cherry picking bible passages and they don't ever met Jesus and angels in real life.


Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 17, 2021, 10:28:20 PM
Fake ass healing
These people need to go see a real doctor

Don’t go lying you cure their cancer!!!

Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 18, 2021, 06:00:17 PM
Job 4:18

Job 15:14

Galatian 1:8 (

As much I am quite prejudice to angels that still talk trash about us to this day, I don't trust them.

These passages you've provided didn't say about the dangers of an angel except Satan tempting Job. How can you not know or met an angel in real life. All you do is cherry pick any verse from the bible and extract source from unreliable unknown Lukeworms. That's like JW would do when they haven't met angels and Satan once either instead they just trust the word in the book without experience any supernatural divination. That's sound mind (the ears hear so good to trust men) other than listening to divine angel speaking to you (sound doctrine words from God). ::) ;D

What did Jesus told two of his disciples not trust the Pharisees? The loaf of bread (a metaphor for doctrines) from Pharisees were worthless and their words don't will save disciples from condemnation.

For instance, an angel came to Peter and rescue him when he was bound to chain in prison.  ::)
How come I'm still alive when an angel came to me? Yeah he helped me so many times to avoid LUKEWORM CHRISTIANS. :2funny:

When I was still with JW for four weeks, I became sick gradually. That's why the angel came to me in a dream warning me about the hypocrisy they're spewing and the roaring thunder sounding above my house. As I left, I return to normal.  ;D O0
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 18, 2021, 07:11:20 PM
Angels role model is to protect. That's all. They are not here to give you another testimony of BS stuff. Do angels have the right to talk to you with something new to teach? I choose these verses because I worried that they might preach to you of something BS. Why make friends with an aassshole who mocks at you in their dinner table? They haven't said sorry to all of humanity for being a real jerk!  :police:

Anyway, back to Paul: (

What the heck are you saying, man? At first they protect you then they lie to you at same time. It doesn't makes sense at all. Sound like contradiction.

Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 19, 2021, 03:11:00 AM
No, you don't get it. Angels are suppose to protect, not to give another gospel. For example, if your dad tells you to save this dude, you save him, not to blab whatever your family secrets are. Do you do that? What are you, Fredo Corleone from Godfather? He has ONE simple role: be the boss of your business. What happened? Instead of being the boss, the employee looks down on him and make Fredo the employee as the servant takes over to be the boss. Moe Green, as you know it, is suppose to be the employer, not the main guy in charge. Fredo, as dumb as he is, you understand why he messed up. By comparing this to the angels, they have ONE SIMPLE TASK! Can you just protect the humans than to mutilate, kill, rape, and tell lies? The angel is suppose to do one task, but NOOOO! They do the boats-in-holes in Step Brothers. I hope you understand this.

Angels aren't perfect bruh. Why do you think so highly that they are? What evidence do you have in the academics that says that angels are meant to be listen? God said that you are not suppose to talk to anyone except Him! You know that He is a jealousy deity who doesn't want you to affiliate with another person. That, I understand. By God alone, that's fine. The rest to what you research are just side dishes and the crumbs to what He has left behind.

Again. Why trust an angel? I am fine for they are protecting me, but I am not fine when they are talking to me. Why? Because Daddy said, "Don't talk to strangers!" Is that simple enough? I mean, do you talk to a cop that you don't know who they are? It's fine they protect us, but to a cop, it's weird for them to know you. I mean, it's fine to talk to a cop, but it's not polite to jump IN a situation of friend zone. I mean, that's like demanding a girl to be your GIRL-friend. There are levels of friendship. Some people won't see you as a friend but an acquaintance; some people won't considered you at all. My suggestion, stay away from strangers that you don't know except God.

They suppose to send messages, not spread gospels.  :2funny:

I don't think highly of them. I respect their position as little helpers to sky daddy and Jesus. Their roles as a messenger for both God and mankind, a guidance for mankind, and protector of God's law. They were below of the triangular hierarchy/Trinity (father, son, and holy spirit). I have no choice to obey them rather than joining with the fallen angels/demons and Satan in hell. Here's my experience of encountering demons in my dreams. Whenever I see them they disguise themselves as mortals however as I blink my eyes their disguise shattered and their true form appear. Why they do that? Because of my discernment is strong and they're powerless while I'm alive.

Sometime angels send message or show premonition in a dream depending on next day event. Back in 2015 before the search of pastors and exorcists, I had a horrible dream where I enter abandoned house and there's an off duty cops came running toward me. He grab me by the shirt and shot me in the head where I saw myself falling to the ground laterally to the side. I woke up and thought to myself this could be a sign of omen. So I ignore it and pay attention to my chores. At noon I went to the store and came back home. Around the block near my house I didn't know there's a sheriff standing next to his patrol car. He's writing a ticket to the poor woman. When I walk pretty close, he got agitated by my presence and told me to walk across the street and around his car. I stood there feeling awkward because I'm this close to my house and his stupidity  :idiot2: making me furious. He suppose to be dealing the woman, not me. He got pretty agitated again and his hand was already on his pistol ready to fire at me. I look up at the woman and the expression on her face fearing for my life. She shook her head as a sign, "Don't do anything that you'll regret.". I had to abide to what the woman felt than listening to that snowflake Sheriff. You see the angel worried about the precaution for my safety. If it wasn't for the premonition he delivered I'll be shot dead cold or I'd committed a murder on the Sheriff either way.
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 19, 2021, 06:34:18 PM
In Red:

They have spread their own version of the Gospel. You can look at Mormonism and Muslim. I am sorry that I have be Lex Luthor on this part, but with my prejudice of what they've done to us, I don't trust them. That's fine that they are God's little helper; however, that doesn't MEAN that you give all of your trust on that guy. Look, superman is a nice person; however, how do you know in the long run about that thing won't turn back to go against you? I rather trust all on God because He's my father. The angels, no!

In Green:

I will be very skeptical of that since as a Christian skeptic who hasn't seen it, I will leave it as no comment.

Mormonism and Muslim are full of crap. So many contradictions in their beliefs. Why should I compare the angels I encountered to the book of Mormon and Quran?  There never was Joseph Smith. That character was stolen from the old testament of Genesis. Numbers 22:22-35. Balaam riding the donkey and they saw an angel stood on the road between two vineyards.  ::)
There never was Muhammad and their God. That story was originated from Arabian Nights. Muhammad was the king of thieves and his bandits were his recruits going around towns robbing luxuries and robbing women as their trophy wives. So many gullible people in the Middle East believe this ridiculous story and turn it into religious cult. In modern time, more Arab women turning against them and they are exposing their Islamic culture as hypocrisy.

What's up with the superman analogy. lmao 

So sky daddy is your father but you don't even trust his angels that he employed to do his works. Ooooook?

Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 19, 2021, 06:37:18 PM
I will be very skeptical of that since as a Christian skeptic who hasn't seen it, I will leave it as no comment.

Sooo you're skeptical of my testimony, but not skeptical of your uncle's testimony about his encounter with the devil and hell.
Seems contradictory and unfair.

Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 19, 2021, 07:01:20 PM
Sooo you're skeptical of my testimony, but not skeptical of your uncle's testimony about his encounter with the devil and hell.
Seems contradictory and unfair.



Why didn’t he take out his IPHONE
and just starts recording!!!   

Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 20, 2021, 01:37:19 PM


Why didn’t he take out his IPHONE
and just starts recording!!!   


Apologetic and Evangelical Christians cannot prove Jesus or God exists because they haven't met either one and they only believe the bible and words of men more than anything else besides God. Whatever their career is all about "salvation by works" (serving men) instead of "salvation by faith" (trusting the son of God).
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 20, 2021, 10:55:14 PM
Apologetic and Evangelical Christians cannot prove Jesus or God exists because they haven't met either one and they only believe the bible and words of men more than anything else besides God. Whatever their career is all about "salvation by works" (serving men) instead of "salvation by faith" (trusting the son of God).

You saying that people can lie????!!

Lol jk
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 20, 2021, 10:56:04 PM
Salad vang shouldn’t go around saying he cure cancer
You going get alot of people kill
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: Visualmon on March 21, 2021, 01:13:39 AM
If you didn't understand the superman analogy, then I can tell it to you plainly. I'm a bigot against angels because of what they did to us in Genesis 6. I don't take it lightly!

If you watch how much of a bigot is Lex Luthor to gods and powerful meta-humans, then you will understand why the X-Men are being treated like trash.

Again, I don't trust them. I trust Jesus more than those guys since they've hurt us from before.

They've never said sorry.

Bold red 1.
The angels you were referring to Genesis 6 are the fallen angels that Satan had deceived them and they're cast in hell with Satan during the days of Enoch (Seth's descendant). They're not the type of angels that fear their Lord 'O Almighty. When they're in hell, their appearance changed. They no longer shine divinal glow light but emit darkness. This is why they appear in the physical world during at night. This is where they came after Judas Iscariot when he betrayed Jesus. In the dream world and underworld, their appearance always be hideous because of their lustful nature. Whenever someone died, their soul trap in the dark void. Angels aka demons await him/her there.

Bold red 2.
Lex Luthor is in DC. X-Men are in Marvel. They're entirely in different universe, bruh.

Bold red 3.
I had to burst your bubble, pal. Angels in heaven suppose to aide Jesus no matter their jobs are. They had to rebuke you in order for you snap out of your self-fish consciousness. If you remain stiff-neck (stubborn/hardened-heart) they don't harm you but they'll reject you ever so slowly until they'll let other angels (thousands of fallen/demons) will come after you. You'll be hearing so many voices pouring into both of your ears until you become deaf. Your family members or your friends will be there for you however their shout cannot reach your ears. Demons will haunt you for rest of your miserable lives.

For instance, this has happened to King Saul when he disobeyed to God twice and he get no protection from God. Before Saul was the King, Samuel anointed Saul, angels came down to protect him wherever he goes. After Saul's failure, the angels left and the demons came. This is where Saul ordained his servants to summon David so he use his lyre and sing him a stress-free song to ward off the demons. There were times Saul attempt to murder David thrice, the demons finally came after Saul. Like Nathan said to David, "Saul won't stop looking for you until he kill you. Don't worry since you are not there to comfort him anymore, demons still come for him."

AfterLife, now you now the difference between fallen angels as demons and divinal angels as the helpers of Jesus and his father.
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 21, 2021, 06:50:52 PM
Need to stop telling, their tumor is now gone
All these fake ass healing
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 22, 2021, 01:16:17 PM
Oh wow Mr. Aronra, I didn't expect you to bluntly say that without evidence.

Your fake SALAD VANG
Going around telling people
he cure their arthritis

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 22, 2021, 07:25:31 PM
You blab without evidence.  :police:


youtube evidence !!

lol ;D ;D
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 22, 2021, 08:35:27 PM
Again, if there is no God, freewill is illusory.

You think we have free will?
No 9 to 5
No eat

That ain’t freewill

What a dumbass argument
Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 23, 2021, 02:58:41 PM
Okay, who's fault is that when you choose a 9 to 5 job? Who's fault is it? Is it God or is it you? Again, you're behaving like Aladdin from that Walt Disney, blaming the genie for not wishing well with consideration.

Therefore, now I understand why you hate God because you hate your life. That makes a lot of sense.


You live with your parent
Your family lock you up
Freewill my ass

Title: Re: Salad Vang, I guess he's legit...
Post by: hmgROCK on March 25, 2021, 09:13:26 PM
That was long ago. They lock me up because I start to behave like my uncles from my dad's side. Yes, I was that rebellious type who rubs a good deed in your face so that I can do more wrong, which will bring pitchforks and fire from neighboring people to come and kill you, that was me. I was the Merry and Pippin, naughty with slanderous words, but I am not like that anymore. As for you, which you don't seem to believe in freewill and God, then why are you even talking? Stones don't talk (I hope you catch this symbolism).

that ain't right... man
that explain your mental illness problem

 ;D ;D ;D

seek some help, bro

jesus is fake...