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Topics - Hung_Low

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It's racism to called the police on black robbers (criminals) now? What country are we living in? I hope no body help her when she's a victim because of course we don't want to put the perp's life in danger.
Here's an idea, how about not robbing people and your life won't be in danger.

This is the same crap as this other family is doing...
Family angry at good samaritan who shot their son (who had a gun on the back of store clerk kneeling) while he was robbing store. Family claimed the good samaritan should just walked away because the gun was not pointed at him and his life was not in danger.

Same crap as this other black muslim woman... complaining that Asian are stealing African culture by serving boba tea.


Great clips of Dems explaining how important it is to nominate a Supreme Court justice as soon as possible and it's the POTUS's job to nominate and the Senate's job to vote on it.

Now, these same clowns are clamoring and threatening to impeach/stop Trump from doing his job. REMEMBER, it was one of their clown, Harry Reid, and his Dem cronies that changed the rule. It was established as a 60 votes need to appoint anyone to office but they simply made it just a majority - meaning, you only need 51 votes. So, the Dems have no one to blame but themselves for changing the rule. Some Dems even go as far as stacking the justice if they're in control - adding 3 more justices. How stupid can you be? What's to stop the GOP from doing the same when they're in control again?

This is what the M. McConnell told the Dems before they wanted to change the rule... from a legislative fillibuster to a majority rule.
"The important thing for our Democratic friends to remember is you may not be in total control in the future. And any time you start fiddling around with the rules of the Senate you always need to put yourself in the other fellow's shoes and just imagine what might happen when the winds shift,"

McConnell is probably laughing at the Dems right now. You reap what you sow...


A group of black families bought about 90+ acres of land in Georgia and will turn it into Wacanda. They want to build a town/city for blacks only. Well, only whites that are friendly to blacks can apply to live there. How does one certify that he/she is black friendly?

I don't disagree with them purchasing land and have some black families built houses there. However, when you annex it into a town or city and only allow blacks to live there, that's basically racism. The state should not give any funds to help the town/city. How would the MSM re-act if some White , Mexican, Asian, etc. etc. did the same thing? Chinatown, Greektown, etc. etc. is not the same because these places do not have a policy that only certain race can live in them.


Minneapolis city council member voted unanimously to defund police... starting with slashing the police dept. by $1.1millions and approve an city charter to rid the entire police department.

Now, these same ignorant idiots (obviously libtards and democraps) are wondering why crimes are up and there's no police around? How about these morons go out and protect the residents.

Andrew Johnson, who has been in favor of defunding the department, asked about the response to recent carjackings, saying "they've really terrorized residents."

    "How do we stop it?" he asked. "Because it seems like a huge problem and it's something we absolutely want to stop and it also seems very difficult to stop...How [do] we actually hold these individuals accountable, get them off the streets so they aren't terrorizing the community?"

Why don't you council members go out and ask these criminals to be nice and don't do it anymore because it's really bad...

General Discussion / 4Chan just revealed hacked infos of Antifa & BLM...
« on: September 16, 2020, 06:21:18 PM »

Anyone that believe these two groups are peaceful and fighting for injustice are just too blind to see...

BLM and their designated groups at protests:

Shield Soldiers: frontliners who use woodboards, swim boards or signs to form a first line of defense

Peaceful Protester: protesters who don't want to fight but join hand in hand with frontliners, sometimes with phones in hand to record police aggression

Frontliners:protesters who use umbrella or any other object to guard against projectiles and cameras, whole kepping hands free for when help is needed (projectiles from own group)

Range Soldiers:protesters who throw objects at police to stop them from advancing

Flag Bearers: Uses signs or a phone to signal to protesters when police are advancing or attacking

Fire Mage:[prosters who come prepared to set fire to properties and throw flammable projectiles (don't worry these protesters have theie own Frontliners to protect from misfires)

Fire Squads: protesters who use water or traffic cones to suppress/extinquich teargas cannisters

Light Mages:protesters who use laser pointers to obstruct surveillance camera, drones or at police

Copwatch:protester supporters who use phones to record violent police and document police tactics and weapons.

Medics: protest supporters who are able to treat injuries or have materials to treat teargas exposure

Barricaders protesters who build barricades our of found objects at strategic positions to black oncoming police and traffic that trails protesters

Online Comms: online protesters who use social media apps like Signal and Telegram to report on police strategies and provide protesters with real-time strategic updates

Designers: protest supporters who make inspiring graphics, helpful infographics or banners for protests

They must have forgot to list:

Foot Soldiers: protesters that go out to harass, berate and bully non-participants.

Hail-Hitlers: protesters who walks the street and force people to give the BLM salute.

Yep... peaceful protesting for sure.


Who is he waving to? Oh, I get it... it's was people a mile away. Biden has Eagle eyes that can spot his supporter a mile away.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

General Discussion / The DNC is pulling a fast one over their supporters...
« on: September 16, 2020, 05:25:54 PM »

Sen. Kamala Harris, California Democrat, has another way of describing a Biden administration if the Democratic ticket prevails in November: “a Harris administration together with Joe Biden.”

“A Harris-Biden administration is going to relaunch that effort and keep pushing it further to make it easier for military spouses and veterans to find meaningful careers, to ensure teachers know how to support military children in their classrooms," Biden stated during a veterans roundtable in Tampa, Florida.

The sad thing is... their supporters are too blind to even noticed it. I've said it all along that Biden is just a puppet to the DNC. This is the reason why many of the primary candidates all of a sudden dropped out right before Super Tuesday. Bernie probably didn't bail out until he got something, another summer home or big payment.

General Discussion / The HYPOCRISY is alive with the Dems...
« on: September 02, 2020, 09:51:30 PM »
Everyday, they keep proving to people they are hypocrites... enough is enough, we get who you are.

CA: salon are closed for indoor service... Pelosi, however, is a special kind of people. The rule do not apply to her. Even go as far as claiming it was a setup. Yeah, they force her to go there without a mask. Heck, the hair stylist was wearing a mask following her. Like I said, she's some kind of special person.

“People should not have to choose between their health and their vote, and that's very important,” - Pelosi on mail in vote
A slap to science in the face if not wearing mask - sign of bad behavior not wearing mask
Order mandatory mask on floor of congress
"You'd think as the president of the United States, you would have the confidence to honor the guidance that you are giving others in the country. Yes, he should have worn a face mask."

MSM is angry too but not at Pelosi but at the salon owner for putting this online. Politico writer was incensed, not at Nancy but at the owner of the salon, for taking video of another person without their consent in private setting. I don't think a salon is a private setting, it's a business.

Now, after she's been caught... she claimed she was set up. Maybe the owner forced Nancy to the salon without a mask. Nancy did a "Lightfoot"

Chris Cuomo

Was supposed to be in isolation because of his positive infection... CNN made a big show about Chris risking life to do her nightly show with the virus.
We all know what happened!!! He was caught.


order cops to arrest people for not wearing mask... He was caught strolling around without a mask in public.


See Nancy above

Just as blacks are tools to libs/dems...

"... if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." - Biden

BLM showed their true color... says "... F*** Asian"  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Asian are just tools to blacks...

General Discussion / Why are libs/dems not embarrassed about this?
« on: September 01, 2020, 10:19:00 PM »
"120 millions people die from COVID-19..." - Joe at PA campaign
"150 Millions people die from gun violence since 2007..." - Joe at Primary debate in SC
"We hold these truth to be self evidence. All men/woe men created by, go, you know this, you know the thing..." - Joe

Most recently... "COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak. Has taken more than 100 years look here's the lives. It's just I mean you think about it." - Joe Biden.

It's getting so bad that Nancy quietly do not want a Presidential debate - She excused it by blaming Trump(Typical). We all know she and the dems are scared to death of a possibility of Biden debating Trump. They all know that Trump would have his way with Biden while Biden will be trying to finish a coherent sentence. He would be a mess and they all know it.Hence, you wiill use the virus, protests, etc. etc. to stop it from happening.

General Discussion / Biden's embarrassing speech...
« on: August 31, 2020, 10:59:26 PM »
Biden gave an embarrassing speech... Why do the dems keep bringing him out of his basement?

"Fires are burning and we have a president who fans the flames, rather than fighting the flames," Biden said in his speech. "But we must not burn. We have to build. This president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country. He can't stop the violence because for years he's fomented it."

Hmmm... Biden's campaign staff donated to funds to released jailed rioters/looters, arsonists.

VP Harris did the same

libs/dems friendly celebs are doing it too

The only reason Biden was scripted to condemn the rioting, looting and destruction because what the dems hope these violent protests will wreak havoc on Trump but they're finding that it's driving people to Trump. Now, they are starting to condemn it CNN - Lemon.

Biden launched his campaign in 2019 with a video about the deadly violence in Charlottesvill e, Virginia, from a white nationalist rally. Now, violent demonstrations have broken out in several cities across the country, as peaceful protests over racial injustices and police brutality continue.

So Biden hopes that by showing the violence in Charlottesvill e, people will completely forget about all the violent, destruction and death at the hands of BLM, Antifa-g and dems support for these groups. The protest in Charlottesvill e was not a white supremacist rally, it was a sanctioned protest to stop the removal of Robert E. Lee's statue... the counter protesters got violent, as they always do and we're seeing them fully displayed now. Noticed after so much destruction, looting and killing the Dems and their MSM still refers to these as peaceful protests. Peaceful protests do not harrassed people, peaceful protests do not riot, loot or set building on fire, peaceful protests do not jump into street to block people, peaceful protests do not chant and force people to do their bidding, etc. etc. etc.

One person was shot and killed over the weekend after a confrontation between a caravan of Trump supporters in vehicles and counter-protesters in Portland, Oregon. The deadly clash came days after two protesters were shot and killed in Kenosha, Wisconsin, allegedly by a 17-year-old who now faces murder charges. Kenosha has been the site of continuing protests and clashes since a police officer shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back. Blake, who is Black, remains hospitalized and is partially paralyzed.

- the guy that was murdered in Portland was shot because he was a Trump supporter, plain and simple... witnesses stated that they heard people yelling "there's two of them... " and then gun shots. The Antifa lib/dem was arrested previously with possession of loaded gun but was released because a lib/dem prosecutor didn't want to try him and they let him go.
- The guy in Kenosha was attacked and actually fired at before he returned fires - granted, no one should be armed at all. This is the same as the incident in CA where protester decided to attack an armed man protecting his bar. He shot and killed the attacker...

On Sunday, Biden released a statement condemning the violence in Portland, and accused Mr. Trump of "recklessly encouraging violence." In his speech on Monday, Biden emphasized the need for justice and peace, simultaneously .

Actually, the libs/dems and their MSM are fanning the violence by their race baiting rhetorics and encouraging these kind of violence... Noticed that majority of these violence are happening in lib/dem control cities and states? But in honesty, the blame falls squarely on MSM and their opinionated bias race baiting articles. Nothing is ever reported of actual events but snippets of what they want to show to further their agenda.

"Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?" Biden said. "We need justice in America. And we need safety in America."
Joe - There will be more violence if Trump win, not because of Trump but because of the libs/dems and their mentality. We saw it as soon as Trump humiliated Hillary in 2016. What makes you think they will be civilized? You want safety in America, get rid off Antifa-g, BLM, white supremacists and stop hating on people that do not share your view. More and more register Independent and moderate dems are moving to Trump.

The "road back begins now," Biden said, adding that people know him, his heart and his family's story.
Regular people know who you are Joe unlike the sheep that are being lead by you, dems and MSM.

- We know that you're a serial sexual predator

- We know that kids loved your hairy legs and you love having kids on your lap

- Endless hug between Joe and Hillary

- Touching Joe
Who does this to someone's wife while they're speaking?

General Discussion / Looks like the Dems are doing a two-face...
« on: August 27, 2020, 11:06:26 PM »
The Dems were banking on these riots, looting and destruction of properties to take Trump down by calling them "peaceful" protesting for injustice. Throwing their supports for BLM and Antifa... actually endorsing and encouraging these riots and calling out to defund the police.

However, they are learning that normal people are getting sick and tired of these riotings, BLM and Antifa and turning to Trump.

CNN and Biden are now calling these riots are bad... it's because they saw that their support numbers are down in polls and study groups.

This piece here perfectly summarized what the Dems truly are...

The only problem is that Trump have a great chance of winning again because polls after polls is showing that he's neck in neck with Biden in swing states. Compare to 2016 when Hillary was winning in a landslide in polls.

General Discussion / CNN is the face of liberals/dems
« on: August 27, 2020, 10:35:13 PM »
Don the Lemon and his fools (guests) mocked Trump and his supporters... Did these fools not learned their lesson from the humiliated Hillary when she called Trump supporters "deplorables"? Guess who became President and who's looking like a fool after the election? It seems that's all the libs/dems can do... make fun of people.
However, in this little segment... These three grown man, acting like little adolescents, failed to see their stupidity. In a survey, GOP outperformed Dems when it comes to geography(locating countries on a map) with Independent leading the score. The funnies thing about this piece is that the guy (Lemon) who laugh the hardest is the same guy that can't tell a rhino from a hippo. I think Don the Lemon got his gig at CNN because of Affirmative Action (Diversity requirement) and because he's easily controlled.

General Discussion / Why didn't anyone think of this...
« on: August 27, 2020, 10:02:10 PM »
AOC suggest we all become pen pals and start buying stamps to write each other to save the USPS... But her idea is only for Progressive/Libs/Dems and no one else.

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

She also have another great idea on how to fund political campaign... get people to donate money and the gov't will fork up 6% of what people contribute. Another great idea, however, who's going to pay for that gov't part? Who else but us tax payers... in other words, your tax will pay for it, even if it's going to a different candidate than your choice.

Money just keeps raining on us according to her and her cronies...

But the libs/dems and their woke white libs are proving that they can get dumber and dumber...

"... intentions don’t matter." says Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf (a white lib), when talking about some ropes seen hanging from trees. According to Victor Sengbe (a black man) "the nooses found in Lake Merritt were not a symbol of hate. He says the nooses were used to attach a makeshift swing. “It’s unfortunate that a genuine gesture of just wanting to create a good time got misinterpreted .”

So, according to this white lib Mayor, any ropes that is hung are trees are now consider racism and hate crime, even if it's from black people or just so kids can play on it.

It's get dumber from there... Another idiot lib in Illinois wants to abolish "History" from school because it's racism, white privilege, etc. etc.

Ignorant white reporter ask Jonathan Isaac ( black professional BB player) if black lives matter because he refused to kneel during the Anthem and refused to put on BLM junks. Blacks lives matter but BLM does not matter... anyone that support BLM, need to go and read what they stand for. I've not seen a single dime from BLM that's being allocated to poor black neighborhood or those family that have innocent love ones murdered by blacks.

A white Antifa (BLM protester) claimed he's more black on the inside to a black woman that isn't falling for his BLM protesting...
Love how she made that sound pointing at him... He's right about something, he's more black than her on the inside: more hateful, more violent, more evil, etc. etc.

Do we have any Hmong that are more black on the inside than blacks?

And remember, you're not a Hmong if you aren't a sheep, ooops, I mean lib/dem and voting for Biden.

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