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Topics - hmgROCK

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a lot of hmong people try to sell this life insurance
it basically like a whole life insurance
but tie to the market

you still get your money policy if you die and until you die
and it gain cash value as it age depending on how the market is doing

you can take out those cash value if you need it pay bill and stuff
or take it all out and leave the policy if you like once you reach a certain age

it's like a cheap investment(401k)+life insurance at the same time

as with all life insurance, get it while you are young
less expensive
ive been playing $20 for a $100k for many years now long time ago

so $20 (per month) X 12 (month)= $240 per year
$240 (per year) x 70 (years)= $16,800 (estimate payment base on average lifespan)
$100,000-16,800= $83,200 ( they paid you a return to your kids) and your $16,800

life insurance is almost like an investment for your kids
i think it's pretty decent, you deal with market


General Discussion / no money to go to laos/thailand???
« on: May 25, 2017, 11:13:14 AM »
plane ticket there are expensive
1-2k per person
that's too much for the average joe

than 12+ hours flight

but you can still get the experience by going to this cheap place
that I SWEAR looks just like Laos/thailand
with the buddha
just south of st paul

Debate Central / Why do you want Trump to fail so badly?
« on: April 04, 2017, 06:43:55 PM »
I'm a independent
Vote for this dude
Because there wasn't much of a choice
It was either Trump or Hillary

Didn't like both of them
I also don't want them to fail badly too

It seem like the left and right want this dude to fail badly
Come on
Let's pray this dude do well
And that the country don't go to shit

General Discussion / Anybody need help with their tax?
« on: February 02, 2017, 07:22:20 PM »
I don't claim to be an expert, but I know a few stuff
Below is a picture of a family relatives tax, that i help earlier today
we try to get the MAX refund
gotta reach into uncle sam pocket and get every penny
you know what i mean

you can file at turbo tax for free

don't sign up for their $29.99 offer and it will be free

all these crazy ISIS muslim folks
bombing each other
causing soo much trouble in the world
and saying they're doing it in the name of GOD

Yeah, right buddy
i know GOD don't want that

two wars
housing crisis
people losing their houses left and right and living in their cars

as much as the right side wanna blame

i think obama did a pretty good job

he bought the economy back
there lots of job
unemployment is down

i know our right wing PHer are hella mad
he done good thing

Faith & Beliefs / remember that RAPTURE a few years ago? so fake and fraud
« on: December 29, 2016, 07:48:52 AM »
i can't believe alot of you crazy christian folks believe in that stuff
many sold and donated their stuff to the church
and when it never came
you are left poor and broken


Debate Central / trump has 3 wifes, how is that a christian value?
« on: December 21, 2016, 08:11:08 AM »
the republican they talk alot about christian value and beliefs
this dude, donald trump has 3 wifes

if you read the book (bible)
it is strongly against multiple wives and divorces

matthew 19:6
So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."

word straight from jesus himself

Faith & Beliefs / why we only talk about jesus? what about the other gods?
« on: December 15, 2016, 10:12:12 AM »
what about yer shao ( hope I type this right, the hmong god in the sky)????

General Discussion / is climate change real? Trump says no
« on: December 12, 2016, 11:03:18 AM »
I think it is real
because when I visit cali
there were so many cars (others) and it causes a lot of pollution
it was so hot and there was no wind
so the smog kinda of linger in the city
I had a hard time breathing

it was kinda like this

The Game Room / lol don't buy call of duty infinite warfare
« on: November 09, 2016, 12:49:17 PM »
Play and beat the game this weekend
the storyline is kinda of dumb
just of space stuff, shooting and traveling
i like to say you spend about 50% of your time on that jackal ship shooting other ships

Multiplayer is pretty bad
i'm level 25
you have to unlock powerful weapon using those in game token stuff
i only play hardcore cuz i don't want to buy

I think that is a dumb reason

I am not a trump supporter and I will tell you why

1. his tax plan favor the rich
2. he going get rid of obamacare/ good bye you 20 million people who has obamacare, time to die in the street again
3. he don't want to raise the min wage $7.25
4. nukes

here just some of my reason why i don't support him
why do you?

We just want to see something
with our eyes

but every single time

its always

"how dare you say that"
"how dare you ask that question"
"f off dude"
"you are stupid"
some random outta topic respond "two lesbian asking for help" etc...

I just don't get why you get so upset.

Debate Central / Let's talk abortions
« on: October 13, 2016, 10:01:43 AM »
I'm not a Democrat or Republican
I'm in the middle

If you don't have  your period for 1-3 months
And found out you are pregnant
I'm fine with you getting abortion within those early stages

But I do have a problem
Once you are pass the 22++weeks
At these really almost late stages where the baby is already developed
And just waiting to get big enough and come out

That's a no no no for me

I watch a video
You can Google it
The baby is in the final stage
Ready to come out
The mom did an abortion
The doctor grab the legs and body.
Cut off the neck
Went in there to get the rest of the head because head is too big

Here the video

Faith & Beliefs / people saying weird stuff about that black moon tomorrow
« on: September 29, 2016, 03:23:25 PM »
saying it is a sign
end of time
the apocalypse

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