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Messages - JonniJacko

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Online Journal / Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« on: June 11, 2024, 12:12:54 AM »
I hope someday, you will dance again......

Online Journal / Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« on: June 09, 2024, 12:44:39 AM »
Got together with some old timers.distant relatives....F olks I've not seen in years. I was expecting the old "when are you going to tie the knot, start a family...etc" but all I got was "hows life, whatta been up to" would had been nice if someone said "you're the only smart one out of us all, you're living life on your own terms, free spirited and all"....hahaha

Use to be I'll feel like I am missing out or have bad luck...Now I think they miss out and Im actually very bless....eithe r way, everyone's got their own path to pave and walk. Few  choose to walk the lonely cold dark road that leads to blessings that are immeasurable in the physical realm....I don't know why I did, but either I was arrogant and wanted to be different, lols or I was randomly chosen...hahah a

The Single & Dating Scenes / fuking Hmong people man yo
« on: June 07, 2024, 05:26:56 PM »
me and my co-worker were talking bout how mexicans and Hmong dudes aren't really any ey go to work, and they fuke with other people's g-f or wives...once you start talking to a girl nobody really cares about, you bring out the best in her, and all the sudden all these fuking simpass dikes want and the co worker had a great laugh and the truth is its fuking true...lols

back in high school, there was a chick, average jane, but I started to talk to her, you know, walk her to class, talk to her while we wait for our rides after school....all the fuken sudden out of nowhere, 10 other fuking hmiggas tryin to steal her ass away...and im like fuking hmiggas...wher e the fuke were you hmiggas when none of yo bichass wouldnt give her a split second of your fuking time...fuking simpass mofofackas..lo ls then when you're like fuke it, let em have her...then these same bichass hmiggas no fuking care for her ass anymore too...fuking shiit the fuke is wrong with these bichass mofofackers... lols
then he added, and if it was a fuking white dude or black dude talking to the girl all the sudden, these simpass mofos wouldnt do jack shit...lmao

same skin syndrome...lma o

Online Journal / Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« on: June 07, 2024, 04:42:53 PM »
A bunch of us Day shift guys work night shift last night. And it was funny how we're not close to each other, but because we work night and everyone else seem to give us the look, it made us bond..All the sudden, the guys are joking, laughing, and like each other now...This is probably what the Asian prisoner means when they in prison, they got to mend differences with other Asian rivals and stick s But once back out, its back to being enemies...So I'm expecting us day shift folks go back to talking smack each other during the day shifts...lmao

looks like the Government made those greedy sponsors give back to the community this time. lol

Online Journal / Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« on: June 03, 2024, 01:47:08 AM »
Talk to yourself sometimes, listen to your own advice...lols sometimes we give good advice to others, but we don't follow our own...haha

Conner is a 6 foot 200 lb good looking fella. Yet, he is very soft spoken and very gentle hearted. He didn't look like he was in any mood to be bothered or talked to. So all I said was "what's up man, I'll be around so just hollar if you need anything" and went on with my duties. It was towards our last break, that he was visibly upset. He was sitting down on the stairs with his head down, teary eyed and everything. Another worker informed me, so being the team leader sometimes meaning taking extra duties..haha So I went to where he was sitting, kindly asked him if I can sit next to him. He told me he just going through a lot. I said okay, I didn't ask, but I told him to tell me about it.
So holding back his tears, he told me..Struggling with bills, heartbroken, family issues, transportation issues...I said, keep fighting, it's all part of growing up and maturing into a responsible productive citizen..haha I told him, I will put in a ticket for extra hours for him personally, and direct him to company resources for mental health if he wants it. As for transportation, a co-worker said he can donate a bike and helmet..I said great. Conner kindly accepted the offer....

I left that day thinking to myself...if only I listen to my own advice...hahah a

Online Journal / Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« on: June 01, 2024, 08:17:36 PM »
there are only two types of outcomes when you meet people out there.....thos e you come across, and it's either you hurt them, or they will hurt you..and then those where you both don't want to hurt each other, but win together...hah a The tricky part is, the second type is hard to come across..

In a world where competition is brutal, greed is real, materialism is praise, and superficial is's a very sad time for humans....haha

Online Journal / Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« on: June 01, 2024, 07:18:21 PM »
Life is like a math class, you learn some lessons early on, but if you don't go back from time to time to refresh and relearn how to solve those math problems, you forget how to after some time, and when it comes to the finals, you''re scrambling to memorize everything again the night before..or you get overconfident and think you will all the sudden remember how to solve it during the finals....Life lessons are the same, just because you learn a life lesson, if you don't take mental notes or actual paper notes of it, reflect back and review the notes, assuming you'll know what to do when or if it hits you again, but when it do, you don't exactly remember how to handle or deal with it...lols

This is why you set alone times to be reflective, introspective, refresh and recharge...Whe n you stop learning and relearning life lessons and if you do encounter the same problems, you're scrambling how to handle or deal with it...lols

General Relationship / dating game is very different these days.
« on: June 01, 2024, 06:35:40 PM »
Must watch for those of you who keep settling for less...haha Wish I knew this sooner...but you either do this, or you give them the playa mentality....l mao

saw this story on the news..they showed his mugshot and dude look the same from 2005, nothing close to the age enhance wonder he was able to elude capture for so long..lmao

Online Journal / Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« on: June 01, 2024, 05:15:14 PM »
Halfway through the year already folks....We are living in scary times...hahaha

Online Journal / Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« on: May 29, 2024, 07:18:44 AM »
some of the most cliche sayings has stood the test of times and remain the most powerful....

You reap what you sow.....(this saying is eternal, don't care what no one says...)

Its not how much you love someone, but how much you love yourself ( I knew this from an early age, but, back to the first saying, you reap what you sow...and I fukeup too many times and forgot how to love myself...the only thing that save me was, though I forget to, I never stop to, deep within, I knew it was my savior) haha

well yeah folks...when you accept these two God given knowledge, and really live by them, you will escape Hell (earth) with minimal damage...

General Discussion / Whoaa, shizz is this fer reals
« on: May 28, 2024, 10:58:01 PM »

the truth is folks, don't hide the ugly truths of life to your some point you got to show and tell them....and then teach them how to handle life's trials and tribulations.. the problem with most parents is they are too loving and protective of their children..this does more harm than good in the long run....they will be thrown in the battlefields with no experience or training.....h aha your children must enter the war zones as soon as they know how to write their name...hahah

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