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Messages - Allday-24

Pages: 1 [2]
General Relationship / Re: Marrying someone with a different faith???
« on: November 08, 2017, 11:31:08 AM »
You should really dive deep into understanding why you believe in your religion/beliefs that you do.  It is only when you truly or want to understand it from a different perspective and dimensions will you know how far you can go to be there with another person (family members, spouse, children, bf/gf, etc.)

Someone can be very deep into their beliefs because through their experiences, they have crossed boundaries, barriers, obstacles, and have witness miracles.  Whatever their experiences may be, try to understand it even if you don't practice it.  Try to learn about it, even if you disagree with it. 

Everyone is their own individual and they decipher different meanings from the same things.  Life is a mystery and to some people, it is worth living to discover the mystery of life.

Hey thanks! This is some good stuff. Keep an coming!

General Relationship / Re: Marrying someone with a different faith???
« on: November 03, 2017, 08:42:26 PM »
When I dated my Filipina girl. She was a devoted Catholic and a strong believer in Christ. I wasn't but I respected her preference and she respected my ways so respect for each other's belief/preference can go a long way.

When I say respect I mean you don't have to practice it or believe in it but show some respect when others are practicing it.

I broke up with her not because of her religious belief but because she became more and more insecure and controlling the more serious our relationship got. And that's a no no for me...

Good luck!


General Relationship / Marrying someone with a different faith???
« on: November 03, 2017, 06:11:59 PM »
Hello, I am in a relationship with a gal that I am really interested in settling down with. However, she is a strong believer of Christ and I am very traditional. Please share your experiences with me. I'd like to know how you two made it through with the differences. 

The Single & Dating Scenes / Re: Late 20s and single... What's life?
« on: February 28, 2017, 10:56:04 PM »
Hello! Thanks for all the suggestions, minus the arguing part. Lol well to make things easier l already have a degree in business, I will use my GI bill on a master's degree, I've skydive quite a few times and I have been to many countries. But I still feel so empty. Like what else is there before I settle down.

The Single & Dating Scenes / Late 20s and single... What's life?
« on: February 25, 2017, 11:54:53 AM »
Hello I am a single 27 year old male in the military. I'm soon going to be joining everyone back in the civilian world. What do single people my age do?

College Life / College majors?
« on: December 27, 2012, 07:26:22 PM »
Double major in business management and marketing.Mino r In economics..


My daughter attends UC Davis and I'm footing the bill. If she wants to waste my money on finding herself, she can go to Community or go to work. Time is money.

I honestly think that is the best investment for your money ma'am..

Thats awesome to see so many folks going to higher education, for those who are just starting... in my personal opinion, wait a bit, or you should at least know what you want to do before you go in, when I was going to college, honestly I didn't know what I was going to be and just followed and took whatever courses the few guys at my college was going, at the time being an Engineer was the big thing and so thats all the courses I took...and they were hard too, now I look back and I think to myself, those two years of my life, even though it was for education, was wasted away...I'm not even in that field anymore, I don't remember hardly half the stuff I learned then. 

If you decide to go straight into college make sure you know what you want out of your education or you'll spend alot of time wasted and money wasted if you're flipping alot of the bill from your own pocket.  At the very least I say take courses so you can at least be a teacher when you get out.  AT the very least!  That way you'll have some sort of job.  I remember going to my sister's graduation and alot of folks I saw graduate with a major in General STudies.... I mean for realz? Hopefully they can get some sorta teaching job.

Basically, I'm saying don't go to college if you're just going to be wasting your time, college is not needed untill you know you need it and you know what you want to be. 

Also, I see alot of awesome major's in here as well as major's I'm thinking "how are you going to make money with that?!?!"  Please don't be offended, back in the day my sister when she went to college said she was going to become a marine biologist and I told her, how is she going to make money with that!?!?!?  Good thing reality hit her and she became a RN, now she's banking.   So I wanted to ask all of the one's with a degree in whatever, how are you folks fairing in your financial life?  Did the degrees help you out any?

I do see alot of folks with multiple degrees from multiple colleges and was wondering if all those colleges helped out as well, did they?

Now for me, I'm going to say I don't have any kinda degree which is obvious and not making that much money honestly still living check to check.  Could it be due to lack of education?  Could be...

So please commet!

Quite interesting really...

Yeah idk what im goinh to college for too. Ive been going for 2 years now. I really dont want to be a drop out but i know that living paycheck to paycheck aint the life i want to live. So for now, im going to find myself basically. I think that is the whole idea of college. Dont u agree?

College Life / Re: School Loans!!!
« on: October 14, 2012, 10:28:57 PM »
10k is peanuts like someone said.  Just finish school and do something you enjoy.

And don't expect to make a six figure income right out of school. I don't know why people think that. 

Right now, focus on school and finish.

Thanks, that's probably the best advice I got on here yet..

College Life / Re: School Loans!!!
« on: October 09, 2012, 01:14:27 PM »
Be thrifty, be frugal, be focus on school and get 3.5gpa or above or you'll end up very disappointed.. .and will have to go back to get a master's degree.
10k is pretty cheap in my opinion.

So what is a lot in your opinion? or anybody else opinion?

College Life / Re: School Loans!!!
« on: October 03, 2012, 04:25:51 PM »
Thanks for the words.. Man i need t o land that 100k a year job then..

College Life / School Loans!!!
« on: October 03, 2012, 02:18:48 PM »
I have been going to school for 2 1/2 years and I have 10,000+ dollars to pay off after i graduate, I know that I will be taking out more student loan to get my degree. I want to get some pointers on how I can avoid it.. Also, is it worth it?

Please share with me your experienece with student loans... Thanks  ALLDAY-24

The Best of PebHmong / Re: Daily Quotations
« on: April 09, 2012, 10:01:09 AM »
When I was in grade school, they told me to write down what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I wrote down happy.
They told me I didn't understand the assignment,
I told them they didn't understand life

- Unknown

I did this..
You have some good quotes couchpotato..

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