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Messages - AppleBrook

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Hmong Stories / Re: Neej Neeg ONLY!
« on: May 10, 2012, 11:54:46 AM »
wow...he sacrified his little toddler for the lives of many others.

My dad had many stories to tell of our struggles and escapes during those times but I never fully paid attention to his stories. I should record them before it's too late. One story that I remember was about my little brother.  When we were hiding from the vietcongs, he got thirsty but we didn't have any so he ended up drinking urine released by my mom and my older sister. 

that is a neej neeg shall last a life-time and priceless!  please do share some as you learn more about them.

Hmong Stories / Re: Neej Neeb ONLY!
« on: May 09, 2012, 05:51:41 PM »
I heard this from my grandmother several years ago while she and my aunts were talking about some relatives.  I think I refer to this relative as aunt or Phauj T.  During the war Phauj T’s husband was killed by the Vietcongs.  Phauj T was still young and they had three children together, all girls.  The oldest was about 6, the middle girl was about 3 or 4, and the youngest was just a baby. 

After her husband died they made the journey from Laos to Thailand.  The baby was drugged with opium so that she slept most of the way and Phauj T was able to carry her on her back.  The oldest was able to walk and carry a small pack on her back.  The middle girl though was slow and forced Phauj T and them to fall behind. 

The group they were in wasn’t going to wait for them and time wasn’t on their side.  Eventually Phauj T had to make a tough decision.  She purposely drugged her middle daughter with enough opium to kill her and left her body in the jungle.

My grandpa said that during their journey from Laos they saw horrible things.  They saw abandoned babies nuzzling on the rotten flesh of their dead mothers in the jungles.  They saw children that were left behind in the jungle to fend for themselves because their parents couldn’t risk taking them with them.  Elderly people left to die alone because they were too slow and couldn’t go on.

touching and sad indeed.  war never realizes and knows humanity.  i guess this sort of things is a part of the beast. 

"ua neeb" is a holy and perhaps spiritual medication.  it is just to stimulate the mind so that chemical from the brain would be sent to the body.  sometimes it works and at other times does not.  this is all to it.  it is a cultural and tradidtional thing.  each race has their own unique way of practice with it (holy/spiritual medication). 

Hmong Stories / Re: Neej Neeb ONLY!
« on: May 03, 2012, 12:20:45 PM »
The Hmong have used the word dabneeg to mean both a folktale and a historical narration of a past real event.  How you spell your syllables--together, they refer to shaman life or shaman lifestyle or shaman fate only.   

i respect your definition, but this is mine.  i trust you would do the same in return.  share your neej neeg of the like "per my definition" stated herein above if you do have one.


Hmong Stories / Re: Neej Neeb ONLY!
« on: May 03, 2012, 12:07:18 PM »
First of all, the use of neej neeb refers to shamanism life only. What you are demonstrating here is more of a dab neeg kind of thing.

NO!  dab neeg is somewhat fictional, an event so surreal yet ghostly like.  neej neeb is non-fictional, must be a real "people" occurrence.

Hmong Stories / Neej Neeg ONLY!
« on: May 03, 2012, 11:43:11 AM »
share with us some of the stories you heard that is real and/or personal accounts you had experienced which merits a historical mark in a manner that years from now it is still remarkable.

i heard of this one from my best friend who we went to college together.  it is about how he, his siblings, parents and relatives escaped from laos to thai land.  this neej neeg is quite touching, especially to me.  here it goes.

he was about 8 years, old enough to gather food from the wild for his parents and young siblings but too young to carry a gun in combat.  they were in a group of close relatives.  there were about 50 members in the group.  they went through in thick-dense  mountains and rough terrains to get to their desired destination.  on the way, they ran into some difficult mishaps, especially one major which separated and killed many members in the group.  his family and his two uncles' family were fortunately congregated at the side of the mountain after the major mishap and gunfire with the red vietcongs.  after a day and night on the run, the vietcong were still after them.  they came upon a river bank near a forest-dense plateau, and the vietcong were just a few feet away.  one of the uncle's 2 years son was crying.  his covered his son's mouth, but the sound was still loud enough to trigger their whereabout.  it was too late to opium him, so the uncle grasp his 2 years son by the leg and smashed him to the rock on the ground near the river.  he killed his son by stumping the head to the shallow river with his feet.  while this ordeal was taking place, the vietcongs walked pass them a few yards away.  the next few days and night they reached the mekong river. 

the much sad mishap and dear unfortunate at the mekong river is another "must hear" neej neeg.  some bitter tears came down upon my face from my eyes when he told me this neej neeg while we were fishing at a local river.  i just cannot understand how/why humanity is so cruel, evil and selfish.  just recently, i discoverd and learned that those vietcongs who killed our brothers, sisters, parents, uncles, aunts, grandfathers, grandmothers, in-laws and friends in laos in the hill mountains and/or river banks ARE ACTUALLY HMONGS!

Outdoors & Recreational Hobbies / Re: Lets Start A Post Your Fish Thread.
« on: October 14, 2011, 03:21:48 PM »
@ Applebrook
What kind of lure/bait did ya use?

in AR, used blue fox and flying c.  in the sac main river around isleton, and walnut grove, used silvertron (single/double blade with various colors), kwik fish and roe.

Outdoors & Recreational Hobbies / Re: Lets Start A Post Your Fish Thread.
« on: September 29, 2011, 01:15:00 PM »
Solid catches, were you guys fishing muskies or was it incidental?

Applebrook is it still combat fishing up there?

yeap!  action is still HOT!  we got our limits yesterday's morning.  see  below.

Outdoors & Recreational Hobbies / Re: Lets Start A Post Your Fish Thread.
« on: September 26, 2011, 11:23:55 AM »
my son hooked his four salmons this year at the local river.

Outdoors & Recreational Hobbies / Re: Lets Start A Post Your Fish Thread.
« on: September 09, 2011, 01:37:31 PM »
Nice fish, is that a parasite bite by its belly?

no!  it is the sinker.  stripers at hogan are clean and safe.

Outdoors & Recreational Hobbies / Re: Lets Start A Post Your Fish Thread.
« on: September 09, 2011, 11:28:57 AM »
hogan lake
37in striper caught  O0

yeah lots of sturgeons in columbia river it's one of the best place especially...b ut it's pretty much in past knights landing...stur geon is pretty  much once a year for us too..but all levees been closed down for rebuilding so pretty much if you go buy boat your chances going to the hot spots will be better..

i do fishing in the river waterbodies by boating only.  perhaps you and your friends can go with me sometimes.  pm me your contact number.  i am from the sac areas.

28 we didn't go fish in the delta; too much hmong people there, we fish up north on the sac river..

knights landing areas, freeport, walnut grove, isleton or where?  i don't do specifically sturgeon fishing-maybe once a year.  i never caught one in kalif waterbodies, but lots of sturgeons in the columbia river in oregon.

great catch, yuknowthat!  you're from kalif in the central valley areas?  you caught it in the delta areas?

I forgot your other username but I notice your face. You're related to two phers in here. They're Xiong ladys that reside in Mn. If that's correct then you are who i though you are. Just curious that's all.

online, faces are rather familiar in many ways because they might  have gone through photoshop or something.  username is just a representative of the realism in which it can be anything of anyone.  for now, i only have one ph username. 

at any rate, i cordially inform you that you had me at wrong with another pher.

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