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Messages - hmgROCK

Pages: 1 ... 1531 1532 [1533] 1534 1535 ... 1556
The Game Room / Re: lol don't buy call of duty infinite warfare
« on: November 09, 2016, 02:12:07 PM »
the weapon on multiplayer is kinda like advance warfare
you know how like you have to open those boxes

and the weapon pop out and the weapon has like different stats
some states on the weapon increase your damage, hip fire, etc...

in infinite war, you have to buy ingame token to unlock it
or you can grind to unlock it
it takes pretty long, i heard from other it is 86 hours per unlock

The Game Room / lol don't buy call of duty infinite warfare
« on: November 09, 2016, 12:49:17 PM »
Play and beat the game this weekend
the storyline is kinda of dumb
just of space stuff, shooting and traveling
i like to say you spend about 50% of your time on that jackal ship shooting other ships

Multiplayer is pretty bad
i'm level 25
you have to unlock powerful weapon using those in game token stuff
i only play hardcore cuz i don't want to buy

Faith & Beliefs / Re: beliefs are just beliefs
« on: November 08, 2016, 09:52:24 AM »

If beliefs are just beliefs and not to be taken so seriously then you should take your own advice.

Stop believing in yourself so seriously. You seem to be so bothered by Christianity. You need a new belief.


i don't have a belief
for those who have
don't take it too serious
belief are just belief

its like fairies
you can believe they are real or not
but don't start going crazy

Pro Sports Discussion / Re: NFL TALK
« on: October 27, 2016, 10:05:26 PM »
don't hate man
i warn you about brock osweiler

shoulda have gone with the usually suspect
heck, even tom brady

i can't believe you don't pick him

Pro Sports Discussion / Re: NFL TALK
« on: October 26, 2016, 03:17:19 PM »
i told you brock osweiler was bad
and to go with the usually suspect for your quarterback

Debate Central / Re: IBD/TIPP poll shows Trump leading...
« on: October 25, 2016, 10:00:00 PM »

just for fun and games
and the holiday

$10 amazon gift card says
Hillary Clinton will win

hurry and take up my offer

Debate Central / Re: IBD/TIPP poll shows Trump leading...
« on: October 25, 2016, 01:14:55 PM »
hey hung_low

I will bet you a $10 amazon gift card
Hillary is going win

let me know if you going take up my offer

I am the Hmong Nostradamus
All my prediction came true
My NFL outcome
Shoot even my latest Dylan sentence I say dude going serve 10-20 years

Shoot. I even prediction what y'all going say before I even make this threat.

Y'all going mad.
Say some irrational and out of this way "why do the sun comes up" etc...

Your issue is you just use your eyes and even then you're still blinded by your own judgement. 

I can't teach an old dog any tricks; especially when that old dog doesn't want to learn.  We can't open your mind to the idea of *gasp* other religions, beliefs, customs.  What we mostly find appalling is how you just know everything yet lack the tact of building up an argument.
"Because I said so" isn't really a strong defense.  Even more so as your defense is weaker than a wet paper bag.

I'm not even religious but at least I don't step on the toes of others who are or follow different religions, customs, creed.

So did you at least say hello to the kettle or are you still spinning around?

See what I mean
I ain't making fun of anyone
I simply just asking a question outta of curiosity

And here I am
Being attacked
For asking a question

If y'all don't talk about those kinda of subjects
just say so

I can agree with that. :2funny:

personally, I think he should at least win so these big babies can stop whining and he can axe OBAMA care because I don't want to be in it. Forced to buy or pay a penalty, that's just unconstitution al.

Obamacare ain't the best

But it's paying 2000 vs 100000 whatever for that new heart
Because you got no insurance

See what we mean? Ask questions and he gets all defensive.


how am i all defensive?

there is no proof
what do you want me to give you
there is nothing, nadda, zip, zero

I think that is a dumb reason

I am not a trump supporter and I will tell you why

1. his tax plan favor the rich
2. he going get rid of obamacare/ good bye you 20 million people who has obamacare, time to die in the street again
3. he don't want to raise the min wage $7.25
4. nukes

here just some of my reason why i don't support him
why do you?

Debate Central / Re: Let's talk abortions
« on: October 18, 2016, 06:19:51 AM »
Exactly. It's a movie.  So your beliefs are from a movie?


i just say check out dante's inferno
it's a good game, movie, books

FYI youtube is good man
it just a video hosting site
you can watch and learn something

see what i mean

General Discussion / Re: Changing of Seasons
« on: October 17, 2016, 02:55:04 PM »
crazy warm weather for us midwester

some tree are all colorful
while some are still green

climate change is real

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