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Messages - Hung_Low

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Debate Central / Re: majority of uneducated women are voting for Trump
« on: November 09, 2016, 11:51:23 PM »
90% of senior citizens vote Trump...They don't care and don't believe in a woman president. Even hmong my mom say Hillary doesn't qualify for president because she's a woman.

Actually, my mom called me and told me to vote for Hillbilly because she was told by other Hmongs that Trump will cut all medicare/medicaid and deport all people that are not white... I had to laugh. These are the craps that's spread by Hillbilly supporters.

They'rw flashing it on the news all night tonight.  Get off Foxnews and watch some real news for once.

Sure... the same news media that's shouting Hillbilly will win in a landslide because of their polls saying so.

Those that claim educated people do this and uneducated people do that are just as ignorant as those polls showing Clinton winning.


that's why the republicans picked an orange monkey to run for president  :idiot2:

Who's laughing now... even a orange monkey can eat a banana, which is what Hillbilly is.

From what I'm hearing they can't vote for Trump and won't vote for Hillary so they just not voting.

Apparently,  you're mistaken and they are voting. AND All those that claimed to be voting for Hillary is turning against her.

The majority of hardcore Hmong Christians I've met still blindly follow the obsolete traditional Hmong rule of no dating anyone of your last name.

Hmong people, Christian or otherwise, what is the logic and reasoning behind this if according to Christianity, everyone is descendents of (strangely and conveniently European-named) Adam and Eve.

Confused!  Help!

This has nothing to do with Hmong Christian... it's the tradition that Hmong believe in. Even Hmong that are not Christian forbid marrying within clans (people with the same last name).
Now-a-days... if two men or two women can married each other, Hmong can marry anyone they want. It's all fair game from now on.

Faith & Beliefs / Re: I have proof that religion it makeup
« on: November 08, 2016, 07:36:54 PM »
1. if you are Muslim and eat pork then you are not following the Muslim faith properly.

2. you don't need to go to church to believe in christ. like the thief that died on the cross.

Anyone can believe in Christ, there is not law or rule that you can't believe in Christ. Just as people believe Big Foot, Lochness, etc.
But to be a true Christian, you have to follow Christ. Don't tell me you're a Christian but let your action tell me you're a Christian.

Faith & Beliefs / Re: Looking for Bible translator English into Hmong
« on: November 08, 2016, 07:30:18 PM »
I believe there's one for christian and catholics already translated.  - I just stick with the english ones.  It's already difficult enough understanding the bible in english.  In hmong would be alot harder.

You are correct. There is an app for it already. But the current Hmong Bible translation is not well written. They are working on a new Hmong translated Bible as we speak. These will be translated by Hmong PhD and Doctor of Theology...

Faith & Beliefs / Re: Looking for Bible translator English into Hmong
« on: November 08, 2016, 07:28:20 PM »
For the sake of hmong cultural survival, integrity, and hmong remaining as one people, hopefully that bible translation project fails.

What!!! the current hmong culture aren't even original anymore. You sound like a paranoid person I might in Thailand. He told me that the reason he did not moved to the US way back then is because he didn't want his children to lose the Hmong culture and Hmong language. It's really funny because his kids speak mostly Thai and not even Hmong.

Money & Investment / Re: Need help understanding real assets
« on: November 08, 2016, 07:23:39 PM »
This is for my school research project. Two requirements are 1) to list and explain the major categories of real assets and 2) list and explain individual real assets . I know that real assets are tangible things like real estate, land, oil, metals, etc. But I'm not sure which are a real asset and which are individual. Help please. I just need to know what the difference between real assets and individual real assets is. This isn't really my field of study and I'm lost. Thank you!

I've not heard of "individual real asset" before... I know financial assets vs real assets.

Debate Central / Re: majority of uneducated women are voting for Trump
« on: November 08, 2016, 06:48:35 PM »
while majority of educated women are voting hillary. 

So I think our right winged PHers will have to argue that uneducated women are smarter than educated women.  Good luck with that!  :2funny: ;D :2funny:

Where's your research or study on that? Our left nutz phers are full of themselves.

Your argument makes no sense whatsoever... Take a look at all those that voted Hillbilly or Trump. You'll realized that majority, I mean majority of black, Latino, Asian women on welfare or poor (gov't handouts) are voting Hillbilly AND these aren't exactly highly educated.

This is the same garbage that Dems loves to point out like most uneducated people support Republicans... look again at all those ghetto, inner city, poor neighborhood voting Dems and supporting Dems. You'll realized that majority of Dems supporters are uneducated and on gov't handouts.

Hmong Culture & History / Re: Shamanism
« on: November 06, 2016, 06:49:23 PM »
Go to youtube type pie00infinite in the search column for real Hmong shaman mediums not make believe stuff like what your typing there...

Hmong shaman are like fortune tellers... they are a load of crap.

Debate Central / Two cops killed in Iowa... Should BLM be blame?
« on: November 03, 2016, 06:01:36 PM »

According to some Phers in here, yes... BLM is to blame because they incite hate for cops.

- Peter Lee, executive director of Covered California. Lee has made well over $1 million running California’s Obamacare exchange. He received massive raises in the past two years, going from a salary of $262,644 in 2014 to $420,000 beginning this July. On top of that nearly $160,000 raise, Lee received two other whopping bonuses of $52,258 in 2014 and $65,000 in 2015—winning more in one lump sum than many families make in an entire year. Lee's enrolled in CA's state employee insurance. He won't enroll in the Obamacare exchanges.

-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt literally cashed in to the tune of over $4.8 million in stock options on joining the Obama administration, more than enough to forego any employer subsidy for his health coverage. He refused to answer question why he's not in the Obamacare exchanges.

-Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell (net worth: $4.6 million) have plenty of financial resources to forego an employer subsidy and purchase exchange coverage. Even at a total premium of $15,000 for his family, one year’s insurance costs would total less than 0.3 percent of the stock gains from Obamacare. He too refused to answer why he's not on the exchanges.

-Urban Institute published a paper claiming that exchange coverage was actually cheaper than the average employer plan. One of the study’s authors, John Holahan, received a total of $313,932 in compensation in 2014—$267,051 in salary, and $46,881 in other compensation and benefits. Does Holahan therefore believe that giving up his subsidized benefits and relying “only” upon his $267,051 salary presents too great a sacrifice for him to bear financially? If he and his colleagues truly believe exchange plans are more efficient than employer coverage—as opposed to just coming up with a talking point to rebut Obamacare’s massive premium increases—then shouldn’t they enroll themselves? Nope, neither the authors of the report nor their employees are enrolled in the exchanges.

-Larry Levitt, a senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation. Last week Levitt tweeted that exchange premium increases don’t apply to many people—a talking point that Drew Altman, Kaiser’s CEO, has also made in blog posts. Care to guess how much these scholars claiming exchange premium increases are overrated make themselves? According to Kaiser’s IRS filing, Levitt received $333,048 in salary and $48,563 in benefits in 2014. His boss, Altman, pulled down a whopping $642,927 in salary, $149,509 in retirement plan contributions, and a $13,545 expense account—nearly $806,000 in total compensation. Another irony is that neither one of them are on the exchange.

-Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan “Stupidity of the American Voter” Gruber. Last week, Gruber said Obamacare “was working as designed” and that people who lost their coverage thanks to the law “never had real insurance to begin with.” Unfortunately, MIT’s tax filings don’t include his salary. However, given that Gruber’s infamous undisclosed contract with the Obama administration totaled nearly $400,000, and that he literally made millions from other contracts, it’s fair to say Gruber could afford to purchase his own health insurance outside his employer—if he wanted to. So ask whether he would give up his employer coverage to purchase the “real insurance” Obamacare provides. Wouldn’t you know, he too refused to answer.

Again, those the promote it and created it don't want it. Ask any Democrat politician if they got coverage from Obamacare... you might be surprised that very few is, majority are getting it from private insurance.

muslim student from the middle east.. In a Redneck town.  Should we victim blame him for this?  How much is Trump to blame for inciting hate?  Repubs in here will say Trump is not to blame and try to point at other things.  May not even be a hate crime but we probably will never know because I don't expect Menomonee police to put in too much efforts into finding out how it happened.  He is, afterall, a muslim. a saudi. a brownskin.  Hmong Republicans need to realize they ain't white enough either.

Really?? You're going to stoop that low to even bring Trump into this? I thought you were much more than that, my mistake. Hmong Dems need to realized that they aren't white/black/brown enough either.
If you have been paying attention from other sources instead of your LLM, you'll see that majority of hate, instigators of violence, trouble makers at all Trump rallies are from the Left. Heck, they even turn violent at their own rallies.

Such hypocrites... when the left claimed Trump is this and that, they're actually the ones that are hateful.

Blaming Trump is like blaming Hillbilly for your lying...

What does it mean?!?!?

Anyways..I was craving something sweet...

So I decided to go get some boba... I get there...order my large avacado boba like I always do.....

Then...when she called my name to go get my boba...

She gave me some extra in a little cup!!!

Could this mean something?  Was it just becuase it was holloween?!?!

Or maybe she just made too much?

Or means... you know what! 

Anyways those two girls working there was cute...

One was tall as heck..I'd say like 6'3 or something....

One was like 5'8..

They were both asians...

Dressed up for holloween too...

The tall one was....a zombie?...maybe vampire?

The shorter one was a cop...

I think skinnie asian girls pulls off zombies and vampires off the best...or like scary nurses to...

The other in the cop uniform looked nice too...they can really pull off those "naughty" cop...firefigh ter...referee etc

Well here's the picture..

Hey I'm just doing it nkaujsee style, don't get mad at me!

You're overthinking too much... it's just extra and she didn't want to waste it by throwing it away. I get that all the time...

Trivia Questions / Re: How high is the mountain?
« on: October 30, 2016, 04:33:14 PM »
I bet there're couples of gina caves to explore.  ;D

Only explore those that don't have a lot of bush nor fungi around the opening.

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