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Messages - Hung_Low

Pages: 1 ... 255 256 [257] 258 259 ... 275
Same concept as you bragging about the girl in your class and so on.

 O0 O0


More bad news for Obamacare...
Maybe this lady should just quit her job and get a $8/hr job so she can qualify for free healthcare from Obamacare.

Maybe that's what we all should do, quit our job and work at fast food to qualify for free healthcare.

...height wise because this dude (her fiance?) is 5' 4" tall... ;) ;D:

If the tries to beat her "up", she'll beat him "down"  :2funny: :2funny:

Debate Central / Re: population of humans
« on: October 14, 2016, 10:55:25 PM »
yall need to stop tripping   :2funny:

Must be from states that legalized marijuana... too much cannabis in the brain  :2funny: :2funny:


I know Trump is an idiot but if you're going to bring up Trump's faults... to be unbiased you have to also bring up Hillbilly's faults too.

Seems to me, the liberal media only want to dig garbage from Trump's past but refused to cover all the garbage from Hillbilly. As we see here during an interview with CNN... the host is all about putting out Trump's garbage, but refused to talk about Clinton. She then switches to another CNN correspondent to talk more Trump issue. Pretty unbiased to me... 


We finally have a smart Democrat... We all (Republicans, Independents and even some Democrats) knew this law was a piece of crap but Pelosi and the Dems wanted to shoved it down American's throat. Now, even Democrats are screaming about its failure... Even today, we have Soros funded groups and individual writing articles in Left media praising how wonderful it is...

Bill Clinton, "the craziest thing in the world" referring to Obamacare. He later apologized because of backlash from his party and Dem lemmings.

Gov. Dayton said,"The reality is the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable for increasing numbers of people." Minnesotans are facing double digit increases for these Obamacare plans as insurers are running away from it. Remember that Gov. Dayton was a strong supporter of Obamacare and even proudly proclaiming that the law is working in Minnesota. Ironic that now, he's the first major Democratic governor criticizing it.

Yeah she got no booty but shes pretty!  And shes got a funnie personality too.

Shes the one in red and white skirt.

If i could find a hmong girl like her...

They all must have the same plastic surgeon... they all look alike. If you're going to spend that much money for your face, why not fork out a little more for a boob and booty job? They should get in touch with Niki Minaj and Kylie Jenner's plastic surgeon. They'll get bubble butt like them afterward.

Hmong News / Re: Hmong Marijuana workers to robbed in CA...
« on: October 12, 2016, 05:12:05 PM »
Well.. That's what happens when you play with dirty money.

Some Hmong people are idiots... first it was the chicken farm, than the catfish farm and now it's the marijuana farm. When will they learn that there is no such thing as quick money. Majority of those that make big money on marijuana are doing it illegally.

3849's doable... O0



New guy:

What the new guy lack, he makes up for it in a hot female co-star...

Hmong News / Hmong Marijuana workers to robbed in CA...
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:52:58 PM »
I heard through the grapevine that a group of marijuana farm workers got robbed at gun point in CA... Is this true?
I couldn't find anything in the news, might be because the owner of the farm might be illegally growing more than his share of the plants thus not reporting the robbery to police.

Hmong News / Re: KEEP moving forward
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:46:41 PM »
Good job maiv puv!  Maiv pao...Maiv PAC!!!  Please don't kill me!

That's very sexist... you'll be hanged if you're a Republican.

What this group forgot to mentioned that the 30% who are not working are working under the table for cash. I know lots of Hmongs in MN, working illegal under the table for cash only. Lots of them go to CA or NC to work on those illegal marijuana farm.

Debate Central / Re: Republicans Paid A Heavy Price!!!
« on: October 11, 2016, 06:19:04 PM »
When you become a bunch of obstructionist s and a party of NO, this is how your party ends up!  You have no one to blame but your idiotic political agenda driven but extremist minorities (mostly by Extreme White Englo saxon).

It goes both ways... No mater who's in the White house, the other party will not work with him. That's how these two party system work. It was never like that before...

The Dems and the left media gave those labeled to the Repubs because they couldn't get their way. It's was never a compromised nor bi-partisans. The last time the Dems was a majority in Congress we got Obamacare shoved down our throat. Why do you think they lost the majority in the House.

I see the same non-coorperation, non-bipartisan from both parties.

I think she look pretty!

Weren't you the one that says Asian has no booty?
These girls don't have any booty at all...

Debate Central / Re: Trump win that debate!
« on: October 10, 2016, 09:57:03 PM »
How many of you agree that Trump won?

Didn't care to watch the debate this year but I know who lost... the American people. If these two are the choices we have from both parties, we are all doom. One corner, we have a person that can't shut his mouth and full of ego and on the other hand, we have a habitual liar that's above the law.

This will be the first year I'm not going to vote. H3ll, if Obama was running again, I'll vote for him over these two. That's saying a lot...

Hmong Culture & History / Re: Is anyone worried....
« on: October 10, 2016, 08:10:11 PM »
How do we even know that the Hmong culture being practice today or even 50 years ago in Laos is true Hmong. The Hmong are known to blend other culture into theirs...

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