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Messages - Hung_Low

Pages: 1 ... 256 257 [258] 259 260 ... 273
Anime | Manga / Re: One Punch Man
« on: August 29, 2016, 10:35:40 PM »
first episode is out  ;D

Where the heck did he get his power from?

Debate Central / Re: Ben Shapiro is Wrong
« on: August 29, 2016, 10:22:42 PM »
It's funny how this guy labeled the left as one big group and you disagree... yet the left, Liberals and Democrats always, always label the right, conservatives, or Republicans as one big group and it's ok. Just as ignorant people claimed all religious, especially Christians, don't believe in science.

Money & Investment / Re: Inherit money
« on: August 28, 2016, 09:40:56 PM »
You are in your early 30s. You have a full time job that pays 80K a year.
Renting a 2BR apt for 1400 a month.

You just recently inherited $70K.

What's the best investment you can do with it?

Put it in an IRA... and keep adding more funds in the future. Watch that nest egg grow...

Question for those who may know.

If  the husband and his family are Green Hmong, but the wife and her family are White Hmong, who does the Old Man Naming or also known as Npe Laus for the husband?  Will it be her family or his family?

Usually the father of the bride gives the npe laug. But now-a-days, it doesn't matter just as long as the husband and wife like it.

Debate Central / Re: Conservative Students / Young People
« on: August 28, 2016, 01:32:06 AM »
Maybe later I will elaborate why higher education tend to be moderate to liberal.

Oh please... let me guess, because liberals and democrats believe in science and conservatives and republicans don't believe in science? Heard that lies too many times... A Democrat professor even wrote about it.

Actually... if you really pay attention, it's the Liberals and Democrats that are complaining all the time about higher education and how it's so unfair for Liberals, Democrats and Diversity. They want safe space, want diverse faculty members so these faculty can understand, etc. etc. Every time you hear something on CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Puffington Post, or any left media, it's the liberals that are complaining... It's funny how liberals and Democrats always, always tend to think they are better than anyone else.

When I was in college, some of my best professor are white. I didn't need an Asian or other race professor to get my education. I don't care if all professor are liberals and Democrats... just as long as you're teaching what you're supposed to teach and not put your two cent about politics or what I should think, act, or behave. I'm pretty sure a few of my past professor were atheist too.

Jokes & Riddles / Best PRANK I've ever saw...
« on: August 25, 2016, 10:48:02 PM »

Health & Fitness / Re: Ooo wee. This is my kind of man.
« on: August 18, 2016, 10:16:57 PM »
No I don't like black men in the sense you may be thinking. Most definitely Hmong men can achieve this look. It's not a far achievement for most men if they put the dedication into it.  If this guy can go from scrawny to this, I'm sure most Hmong men (who are usually scrawny) can do so too!

I was just joking...

The Single & Dating Scenes / Re: Divorce is so scary
« on: August 18, 2016, 10:09:00 PM »
I don't know how to pull through. What do you do to ease all the pain and the memories? Reality hits so hard but not a thing I can do to change it if he doesn't want to change. How do you continue to live on with your life? Please advise. Thanks.

Everything takes time... If you're the one that divorce the other, it's easy. But I'm sure if you're the one that got served, it'll take time. Just like losing a love one to death... it'll take time to heal.

Debate Central / You can't trust the current Adm on anything...
« on: August 18, 2016, 07:04:08 PM »

They first deny the $400millions sent to Iran was for prisoners exchange but because they had dealing with Iran in the 1970s. Only idiots would believer that the US still owes $400millions to Iran from the 70s.

Now, they're coming out and link the two as leverage for release of American prisoners... sounds like what they did with the Benghazi situation.

They can spin it anyway they want but we all know what those $400millions are for... more cash for terrorists.


Scary place huh?

YOu know what's funnie...

I've only visited fresno one time.

And before I ever went there... I always hear about how bad it is, and how people got rob and killed etc etc...

And then one day I happen to get up there..

And I was thinking "Man!  Fresno looks nice!  How can all that I hear be possible!?!!?"

The houses didn't look run downed... the lawns were kept...

But I guess looks can be decieving.

I remember also seeing fresno in a hmong movie... and I was like "wow! That's fresno?!?!?  It doesn't look run down or ghetto at all"

Appearantly it is.

You probably were in the good side of the city  ;) We all know every big city has a good/bad side...

Hmong News / Re: Victim of brutal beating in Fern Rock speaks out
« on: August 17, 2016, 06:23:24 PM »
Jesus and God wouldn't have allowed this to happen in the first place. And the perpetrators weren't shoo'd off by some supernatural force. They weren't there to kill or maim. They saw a defenseless elder man and went for his wallet and other valuables on him and they popped in a few punches and kicks. If they really wanted to kill or maim, those young guys could've easily done it, especially after being sprayed with mace.

The perps sprayed this Hmong man with mace, it's not the other way around.
Beside... God has nothing to do with this. Just because he's a minister does not keep him from harm. Evil will exist and when the time comes God will judge.

Nothing new. These things happen all the time especially in the ghettos but one thing for sure, you can't expect these type of things to happen in broad daylight. The problem is with the criminal justice system in this country. Juveniles knew any crimes they commit will just be a slap on the wrist and no big deal so they're emboldened to do harm to others. Because this is fuk up society where a man/woman can't stand up to his/her attackers just because his/her age being an adult. It's a crime for an adult to retaliate... Cause you're supposed to know better. fuk up! :P

I totally agree... These minor rules must be abolished and treat them all like adult for their criminal act. And make prison a h3ll hole.

Debate Central / Re: The Stupid Bathroom Debate
« on: August 16, 2016, 10:29:02 PM »
Why is this even an issue?  Do you really believe that a transgender person is out there trying to sneak a peek at you in a public bathroom?  WTF? 

There are shady people out there regardless of their sexual orientation.  If you aren't comfortable with whomever is going in the public restroom, then there is a simple solution....WA IT!  That's it. 

This stupid bathroom debate is only here for politics, religion, and homophobes.  There are still people out there that think anyone who is not straight is a rapist.

I just wanted to know how transgenders have been using bathroom all these years... Do they just go into the woods? Why do we need a Transgender bathroom in the first place?
If you have a pen1s go to the men's bathroom... and if you have a pu$$y, go to the women's bathroom. What is so hard to understand.

General Relationship / Re: Stroke Patient
« on: August 15, 2016, 07:09:09 PM »
Sorry... but I don't like this "parents don't understand how hard it is blah, blah, blah..." Think back when you were a little snot and they had to take care of you? How hard was it for them? They didn't make the money like you do now. They had to support half a dozen kids (give or take). They had to sacrificed everything to make you who you are. You probably used them for free childcare too, like 99.9% of Hmong people do. Be patient with him... and if you can't there are alternatives to sending him to an old home.

All this man wants is attention and love. His wife left him, he's in that condition (which no man wants to be in)... I say tell your friend to take him to an elder daycare when they both go to work and pick him up after work. Do not take him to old home... you can't trust these people.

General Relationship / Re: Catfish & Single Hmong-American Men
« on: August 15, 2016, 06:55:51 PM »
As a single Hmong-American male with an average look, built, education, job, and income, I'd say this catfish has an average "passport pussy" as Chris Rock would have joked.  I won't mind marryying her if she's not a catfish.

HEY... don't be talking about my cousin like that!!!!

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