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Messages - Dok_Champa

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 158
Pet Forum / I'm looking for a little TEA CUP
« on: October 02, 2023, 04:09:52 PM »
can someone donate one for me? :P :P :P :P

Online Journal / Re: Life's Milestones
« on: September 29, 2023, 09:27:21 PM »
I have been in Vietnam for almost two weeks.  It's amazing! I've seen so many places that took my breath away.  Have you ever seen something so beautiful that you'd want to cry from within your soul?  The limestone rocks of Halong Bay, boat trip thru Trang An, the mountains of Ta Xua, the rice terraces of Mu cang chai, the hotspring of Tram Tau, the beauty of SAPA, all so breathtaking.  Ha Giang's mountain peaks and my goodness the steep road of Ma Pi Leng!  Some moments were scary but over all it wasn't that bad.
Lord I am bless to see with my own eyes the beauty of your creation and along the way i've created lasting memories.  Right now is my last night in Vietnam.  Ues I am in Meo Vac in one of those homestays I hear so much about.  It is quiet now and a feeling of sadness overcome me.  This might be the first and last time I set foot in this place.  I want the magic to remain a little longer. 

Lord thank you for keeping me protected n safe in this journey.  Thank you for allowing me to fulfill one of my bucket lists.  I still have more to go.  Life is beautiful!

In this journey thru Ha Giang, I see poverty in my Hmong people.  Heartbreaking but I must be over reacting as a tourist.  Yes they are poor but they are proud people who does not mind the hard work as evidence of the rice terraces winding up the mountain peaks, where I have to bend my head backward w/ my eyes tracing upward.  The children smiles and love is here among my people.  Lord bless and comfort them.

Now, it's me, the moon and the stillness of the night......unt il...

Looks outdated and food doesn't look good.  Just saying.... but the ballroom is nice!

General Discussion / Re: Hi PH CREW HOw About donating to HER
« on: August 15, 2023, 02:01:35 PM »
Sapa is fine.  The flood is in another region.

China was thinking the same thing, boys are more precious and now male outnumber women and so what do they do?  kidnap women of neighboring countries for all sorts of things.

General Discussion / Re: Hi PH CREW HOw About donating to HER
« on: August 14, 2023, 07:55:37 PM »
Continue helping.  They really need help.  For anyone interested, contact the youtuber. 

General Relationship / Re: Waiting for your soulmate?
« on: August 14, 2023, 07:51:42 PM »
In dating/relationship for single folks that are looking:  Just open yourself to know people and when you find a person you get along with in more ways than one, that's a good sign and could lead to lifelong happiness.  It's when you live in this fairytale land of finding the ONE that make you blind to what is in front of you and that does more harm than good.

General Discussion / Hi PH CREW HOw About donating to HER
« on: August 14, 2023, 03:20:03 PM »
Her community needs help right now.  How about helping her?

Travel & Vacation Forum / Re: I want to travel here one day
« on: July 13, 2023, 09:54:03 AM »
His show is more of Europe.  I've watched them before and he's pretty knowledgeable.  He also takes people on tour or has a tour company for trips to European countries.

Online Journal / Re: Life's Milestones
« on: July 13, 2023, 09:52:18 AM »
Cry Baby

I am such a cry baby.  I was watching Undercover Boss because it's a slow morning and I find myself w/ teary eyes because people shed tears of joy I shed tears of joy.  Thank goodness no one is coming through the door at the moment otherwise I'd get ask, "Are you ok" and it'll be so embarrassing to confess what happened ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion / Re: Why do young stepmoms and sons do it?
« on: July 11, 2023, 07:38:36 PM »
On rare occasion, you will see people crossing boundaries but for the most part, people don't cross that line.  They know it's a line they don't cross....even if temptation(s) calls for it.  Ex: over the weekend,  I see a slim beautiful woman w/ an elderly man.  I noticed her and I'm sure other guys will too.  I'm sure some guys are drooling but no one is doing anything because they know there's a boundary they don't cross...

However if she's single, i'm sure guys will be flocking to her haha...

Anything Goes / Re: Anyone Retiring Yet
« on: July 11, 2023, 07:24:56 PM »
The simple life in Laos is the best life haha....  Of course people over there don't believe that... But it's true.

Mines was Suzume.

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