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Messages - Prude

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8
I wonder why anyone is complaining when they are only being promoted.

People with no aspiration.

Here's a song that's good for this situation.

Do you agree?

When do we see a person who actually looks like his or her photo on FB or on a business site?

I'm no exception.

We're both in our early 30s but she has a very low sex drive. I mean I'm at my sexual peak and she's like a low 2 on the scale of 1-10. I want it everyday, but she only wants it once a week. It's frustrating. I've been thinking about leaving her for a while now. Would you leave your significant other because they have a low sex drive?

That's why Hmong men have second and third wives. Each night that a woman isn't willing, he just goes over to the other woman.

I've noticed that Hmong men have very strong sex drives into their 50s and even 60s. If there's a young woman involved, into his 80s.

I can tell you that. Incredible! I can tell you that.

The light that burns the brightest and the machines that run the fastest will die soon.  Same with the human body.  She is biologically conserving her life and energy.  Bro..., work with her instead of thinking about leaving her.  I won't trade a presumably good with with a hooker or a sex addicted woman cuz shit ain't gona last.

Her drive will rise in two years and his will go down, huh?

Must be either a high school or a technical school you are in.

Bride price issue. She eloped and her parents are disadvantaged in the negotiations. The way to handle this is to show who's boss over her and her guy's family.

I bet you 100% that these two families know one another well and know what could and would happen if they were to let her elope successfully or to have the groom come and beg for her hands at her parents'.

Hmong Culture & History / Re: Do you believe in reincarnation?
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:00:48 PM »
I'm sure y'all have heard the story about the Diary of Anne Frank in high school English class.
Here is the video of her reincarnated.

I bet she kept diaries throughout her reincarnation periods.

Hmong Stories / Re: sleep paralysis vs getting sat on
« on: December 19, 2014, 08:36:41 PM »
Tsog tsuam.

General Education / Re: Finishing college
« on: November 15, 2014, 10:53:37 PM »
The way to have a better life is to have an education.

Of all the hmong invitations that I have ever been to, even myself, I have not witnessed any hmong guys entering a house, a party, a gathering where they would reach out and shake the hand of a female hmong there. 

Why is that?

I just don't do it because I copy what the people and their culture be doing first.  Maybe we don't know who that female belongs to so thou shalt not touch what is not ours?

Any physical contact between a man and a woman is the initiation towards a bed scene between the two. The Hmong are just not rushing that scene. Hence, the tradition of not shaking hands between the two sexes.

Hmong Culture & History / Re: How many color clans are there?
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:47:16 AM »
The linguistic uniqueness of our dialect. I almost burst into tears as I recognize those words. One thing I noticed (other than the heavy chinese accent) is the way how it's mostly sung with "past" tense"....


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