
Author Topic: feedbacks/answers going back to school  (Read 4831 times)

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feedbacks/answers going back to school
« on: January 10, 2015, 05:29:52 PM »
Hey guys I need some serious replies for my questions here. I am thinking about going back to school for a associate degree in IT networking. I am currently 31 yrs old so as you can see I haven't touched a book for a while since I have been concentrating on my kids. I am just going to be attending community college for this degree. What I want to know is can you still apply for any sort of financial assistance to go back?  I am planning on going full time and quitting my current job.

I understand it is 60 credits for a A.D. I appreciate any feedbacks and answers to my post.

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Offline SummerBerry

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Re: feedbacks/answers going back to school
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2015, 12:35:12 AM »
If you got kids and going to quit your job then sure you will get free financial aid.  Isn't that how some of us was like because of our parents and growing up on welfare making you low income getting all the benefits.  Financial aid is base income and family size. 

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Re: feedbacks/answers going back to school
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2015, 06:48:02 AM »
Thanks for the reply. I'm looking into it at the moment. Wouldn't want to kill myself working full time and full time school. My wife can handle the bills... lol

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Re: feedbacks/answers going back to school
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2015, 08:08:52 AM »
Hey guys I need some serious replies for my questions here. I am thinking about going back to school for a associate degree in IT networking. I am currently 31 yrs old so as you can see I haven't touched a book for a while since I have been concentrating on my kids. I am just going to be attending community college for this degree. What I want to know is can you still apply for any sort of financial assistance to go back?  I am planning on going full time and quitting my current job.

I understand it is 60 credits for a A.D. I appreciate any feedbacks and answers to my post.

Of course.

I believe completing FAFSA is a requirement for most, if not all higher education institutions if you want financial aid.

The best advice I can give you is to talk to a financial aid counselor at the community college you are looking at. They would be the one who could tell you what kind of aid you might be able to receive in your current situation.

Good luck!

Not sure where you live.

there is no age limit for FAFSA (free application for student aid --- can't believe i remembered what it stands for lol).
apply. the deadline is march 2nd. atleast it is here in CA.

Check your career, check the area you live at. Talk to people.

Because an AA might not be worth it. It might be useless and a waste of time.

I've never gone to a junior college(community college) so i can't really say what truly is the benefits of an AA.
All I know is, where I went to college (state university).  AA doesn't exist.  And for those who transferred and had them, an AA wasn't worth mentioning.
in some majors, a BA/BS is barely worth mentioning.

If you are going full time and the degree can benefit you.  I recommend aiming higher.  Unless you work at say fast food or something really crappy.
There really is no need to ditch your job, go full time, and only get a degree that doesn't do much.  Don't put in all that effort and only plan on getting the lowest degree available.
I'm not saying to aim for a PHD or whatever, but aim for atleast a BA/BS.

Of course AAs don't exist at a four year university.  :idiot2: If you attend a university, you receive a BA/BS.

I'm not sure if it occurred to you, but perhaps OP is attending a community college to get his AA because he already knows what he wants to do. Many kids in college get a BA/BS for the sake of getting one only to not even be working in the area they have a BA/BS in. Would you then consider that a waste of time and money as well? You mentioned that some majors aren't even worth mentioning have a BA/BS in. What majors would you consider those to be? (Just out of curiosity.)

You are coming close to sounding pretentiously snobby about your education (and major).

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Re: feedbacks/answers going back to school
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2015, 08:22:36 AM »
Don't let other people dictate what your goals are.  Don't let people tell you that your ambitions are worthless.  I'm not saying to ignore the advice of others, but don't let them belittle and dictate you either.  Chances are that you will be much happier making your own decisions and chasing your own goals, even if those decisions turn out poorly or you fail. 

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Re: feedbacks/answers going back to school
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2015, 08:42:40 AM »
I know exactly what I want when I will be heading back to school. I understand that some might say a A.D is worthless but people have their own opinions on it. I always tell myself don't go into a major/field that you know you won't be enjoying or just because a pay is higher. Starting low is better then being regret.

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Re: feedbacks/answers going back to school
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2015, 10:39:14 PM »
I did talk about a JC/CC so its quite obvious I'm aware OP is attending it.  The biggest question is, will this degree help him obtain a better job?  In some cases, the AA might. but in other cases, it might not and it might actually not be worth the time or effort.

In some places. they'll require you to have a higher degree.  And an AA might not even be cutting it. In some jobs a BS/BA isn't even cutting it.

How is it snobby? I never spoke about my education. I never spoke about how well I did. I didn't even mention my major in this thread.  I never even spoke about how well I did. for all you know, i could have been a college dropout. Or I could be one of those students in their 7th year and going nowhere. or I can have a degree that is like you said, just for the sake of having a degree.

An example? My major, actually is one where the BA/BS degree is in some parts not worth much.
Social work. The one thing we were often told by our professors is that, we will come into a situation where someone without a degree will be doing the same job as us.  It's not like having credentials.  No the degree only helps  a little.  In some jobs, it even holds us back because there is hardly any laws stating that you need a BSW or higher to perform a task. there are jobs that requires a MSW, LCSW and so on.  But not really any for a BSW.

I have alot of colleagues, along with myself, who was turned down for a health and human services job because they can pay someone else alot less to do the same work.
in my case. an Art major was selected over a social work (HHS) major , when it was a health and human services job.  They would have to pay me more because of my degree.  However with him, no background, no experience, no degree, he practically has nothing to be able to say he wants a higher pay.  Its not that I'm better than him .It's that I have the ability to perform the job better because of the background.  I wouldn't have argued for a huge pay,  but I would want something that is beneficial cause I am using my degree.
to be specific.  When I was interning, there was two of us who applied for the open position at the end.  One of the major things in the ad was that they are looking for someone with a background in a health and human services, highly prefer someone with a degree in social work or psychology.  By the time we started, we would have had our degrees, and the company knew this too, so they extended the opening till after we graduated.   The job was open to others outside the agency too.  Both of us did not get the job.  I was invited back for a summer picnic, which I did. I met the new staff, learned his responsibiliti es and we spoke briefly about his pay. He's being paid 8.50 to do social work related work with no experience, no degree, nothing.  While we had the experience, the degree and the 1 year internship with the agency.  Would I have settled for 8.50? nope.  9.50 or even 10 at the least.. That's not alot to ask for considering I have the background experience and the degree. of course it sounds demanding of me.. but why settle for something along the lines of minimum wage? I can work my way up. but coming from the bottom doesn't mean coming from the absolute bottom. There is a line to be drawn. 

Alot of social work jobs require an MSW, equivalent, or higher. 
I can hit up craigslist. type in social work. and the BSW isn't even worth mentioning there because alot require MSW + 2-4 years experience or higher. I can say I have a BSW + 1 year experience but they'll just ignore it.

That's not to say my degree is shit or that I shouldn't list it on my resume. it definitely is something. and its important. But I know the limitations of it  and what I have to face.  So i'm well aware of how effective the degree can be. Can the degree give you the advantage that you want? whether it's a more stable job, a better pay, or so on. 

In some cases, the degree cannot.  In some cases. the degree can.
And that's not even excluding degrees that is hard to really do anything with. like Philosophy, Photography, Art, Interior Design and so on. these degrees aren't ones "not worth mentioning" but they are degrees that are really difficult to even consider using. these are potentially wasted degrees.

And that's what I was getting at.
Before OP leaves his/her current position.  OP should look around and see if an AA will provide the chance of reaching OP's goal. There is a possibility the AA won't help.  There is the possibility it will. You never really know. Sometimes its really not worth the gamble.

And that's also not considering OP has a family.  Assuming its just husband,  wife and kids (we'll assume the kids don't work). that means they will only have one person working with that being the only income. It can be difficult to do so, it can be difficult on the family with only one income. thus the AA may not be worth it in the end. It can be very stressful and hard on the family.

There is alot of factors when it comes to the OP. all these things go into effect to really make the AA worth it or not in the shortrun and the longrun.

In my specific case. A BSW is good. it provides an edge. But an MSW is recommended.  All my professors recommended to get an MSW.  They've always told us not to settle for a BSW because the job market for a BSW degree is very small and very harsh to get by with. Its possible but its harsh. MSW provides you with leverage because it opens the field for either going up to a PHD, or leads us to others like PPSC or LCSW which gives you an even bigger scope of opportunity.
But hey. this isn't about me. this is about the op.

And I recommend looking around first. ensure that the AA will be advantageous for you.  There is no reason to drop your current job, get an AA and find out that it didn't provide you with anything.  It would really suck if it held your family down too.

Good lord, must you write an essay?

First of all, I never stated that you did not understand the OP was going to community college.  ::)Please work on your reading comprehension. I stated that you don't seem to understand that he already knows what he wants to do. He in fact states so.

Second, if such degrees are so worthless, why would you encourage him to waste his time and money on a four year degree?  :idiot2:

Pretentiously snobby, yes. You assume to know what is best for OP without hearing what he has to say. You imply that an AA degree is not a worthy accomplishment with your drawn out replies. If you cannot comprehend why you come off as pretentious, then there is nothing left to say.

And of course it was never about you...until you started talking about yourself. In case you missed it, you were the one who inserted your personal experience into the conversation by saying you attended a four year university, not me.

I'd say more, but I doubt you will be able to hear anything as you are already in the mindset that you know more and better then anyone who has posted.

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Re: feedbacks/answers going back to school
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2015, 05:31:55 AM »

Check your career, check the area you live at. Talk to people.

Because an AA might not be worth it. It might be useless and a waste of time.

Why would it be a waste of time for OP? He has already made up his mind.

I've never gone to a junior college(community college) so i can't really say what truly is the benefits of an AA.
All I know is, where I went to college (state university).  AA doesn't exist.  And for those who transferred and had them, an AA wasn't worth mentioning.
in some majors, a BA/BS is barely worth mentioning.

1) You state you don't know what the benefits of an AA are.
2) You insert that you went to a four year college. (Kudos to you!)
3) You state that AA doesn't exist at a four year college. Thanks for stating the obvious.
4) People who transferred with an AA degree, it's not worth mentioning? Of course they are't talking about their AA. They've now decided to get a 4 year degree! Now, are you stating that most of these people will not mention their AA degree or that part of their education on their resume?
5) In some majors,  a BA/BS isn't worth mentioning? Again, are you stating that if you are job hunting, you will not put that you have a BA/BS on your resume?

If you are going full time and the degree can benefit you.  I recommend aiming higher.  Unless you work at say fast food or something really crappy.
There really is no need to ditch your job, go full time, and only get a degree that doesn't do much.  Don't put in all that effort and only plan on getting the lowest degree available.
I'm not saying to aim for a PHD or whatever, but aim for atleast a BA/BS.

Didn't you just say that in some majors, it's not worth mentioning you have a BA/BS?  ::) Why should he be "aiming" for higher then? After all, there's no need to ditch your job, go full time, and only get a degree that doesn't do much.

Lowest degree possible? Your word choice says it all. You do not think highly of AA degrees despite you admitting that you don't know what the true benefits of an AA are. Aim for at least a BA/BS? What's so great about a BA/BS? Later on you go on to say that even a BA/BS is not enough for some majors! (Refer to your social work expository.) :idiot2:

You probably are too tunnel visioned to see this, but you constantly contradict yourself. It's pretty clear you have no clue what you are talking about, which is why you must write long winded responses to simple questions. i.e. Which degrees are considered not mentioning? (I don't needed an expository.)

I'll end it here, simply because it's clear you're some newly graduated kid who thinks that now that they've graduated with a 4 year degree that others should follow suit. A four year college degree is not for all. OP has already stated his mind is made, his wife will pay for the bills while he is in school. He has thought things through and had he truly wanted to attend a four year university, he would. OP didn't ask whether he should get an AA or a BA/BS. (You inserted your opinion telling him to get at least a BA/BS.)

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Re: feedbacks/answers going back to school
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2015, 01:21:48 PM »
AA degrees look like high school diplomas to employers.  It's best to get a Bachelors to increase your chances of getting your foot in the door or get experience by internship or volunteering. 

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Offline SummerBerry

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Re: feedbacks/answers going back to school
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2015, 12:50:19 AM »
He said CC/JC so yes it should cover. unless his wife makes a ton of money. 
If it was a university then even financial aid might not cover it all.

One of my coworkers was going to SJSU, but she dropped out . she said financial aid only covered for half of the tuition fee.
I never bothered to see the proof. but if that's true, that entirely sucks. and she comes from a low income family too.

I guess for your coworker it didn't covered her.  I have siblings who graduated from UCLA and UC Berkeley and few CSU and none talk about how much student loans they owed.  Financial aid covered their tuition and the check they get go to book, etc.  The one attending away from home and living either on campus or apt. did need to borrow a little to cover living expenses because they didn't work part time.  Depending on your employer you might get your student loans waived after a few year.  My sister with the school 5 husband 2 yr...etc.   My baby sister or the youngest living at home will graduated this May/June from CSU but she had nothing to lose because financial aid paid for her tuitions.  She just have to spend her check on book and supplies and pretty much can last her okay for the semester.  For anyone attending college near home they have nothing to lose with their financial aid check they get.  You can still work part time and still qualify for financial aid because the income still fall low. 

I know a family where almost every single one of the siblings who attend college just choose to go to CSU near home.  Even graduated in the same major.  I'm like why not someone attend another college somewhere else or choose a different major and you guys all the same....  She told me they attend college near home to save money but why they all choose the same path in career/major she doesn't know.... In order for them to get a better career they have to go back for their MSW otherwise because that BA isn't doing much.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 12:53:50 AM by SummerBerry »

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