
Author Topic: Dem senator candidate threw the race card when she's getting annoy...  (Read 208 times)

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Offline Hung_Low

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During a Senate debate in Ohio, Morgan Harper - a Democrat and Josh Mandel wer debating on issues... it quickly got out of hand.

This is some of their exchanges.

Mod: Do you support mandatory covid vaccination for all undocumented aliens as well as all children as young as 2 yrs old. – toward Harper

Harper: So we have been living with this covid pandemic for almost 2 years… long explanation of what she’s about for 2 years.

Mandel: I believe the question was “are you for or against vaccination for illegal immigrants…” I’m going to give up 10sec of my time for you to answer that question “are you for or against mandatory vaccination for illegal immigrants?”

Harper: That is not the focus of what people…

Mandel: Yes, for or against it…

Harper: that is not what we’re focus on…

Mandel: Who’s the politician here… I’m going to ask for the 3rd time “are you for or against mandatory vaccination…”

Harper: That’s now what we’re focused on now…

Mandel: exactly… you see it here first, you can not run for US senate and be afraid to answer simple question. Of course I’m against… I’m strongly(x3) against vaccine mandate for our kids… I’m strongly(x3) against allowing any illegal immigrants into this country.

Mod: Do you support eliminating bail to poor people when they are arrested?

Harper: I support looking at our criminal justice system holistically. It is time for us to have a US senator who is for us every single day, it’s our turn Ohio.

Mandel: for someone who’s never hold a public office, someone who’s been with the swamp for 30 years. The question was… in case you didn’t hear it… “Are you for or against eliminating bail?”

Harper: You are not the moderator of this debate, ok, it is your time to answer the question. I just answered the question, I don’t want to waste your time to answer…(she’s getting annoy he’s not letting her off the hook)

Mandel: You’re getting angry, calm down

Harper: Not at all

Mod: Mr. Mandel, how much time roughly (35sec) to respond

Mandel: I’m against eliminating bail. We’ve seen time and time again people get out of prison, they kill again, they rob again, they rape again.. of course we shouldn’t get rid of bail, it’s insane. (turning toward Harper) I yield the rest of my time plus your 30sec to answer the question. (She’s very annoyed by now)

Harper: Ohio want to know your answer, why are you running for the United States Senate, what is your vision for us as a state, what is your answer to the fact that we have a 24yrs old killed down the street just days ago.

Skip, skip,

Mandel: First of all, Morgan, are you ok? The question was about big tech and you’re talking about immigration, you ok? Secondly of all, why are you getting so angry, you don’t have to get angry… The reality is, these big tech company….

Harper: Let’s talk about radical… that any time a black woman standing before you have an opinion…that’s somehow.. become “angry” and out of line… that’s radical. You better be prepare to have a lot of black people stating what we need and what we’re advocating for in front of you and to do that without on racist trope… cause that’s what we heard a lot of tonight. And what the question was about was creating economic opportunity for the black community and it should be a priority for anyone who’s thinking of being in the US senate…
(She's throwing the race card - calling him a racist for saying that she should calm down and not get so annoyed or angry)

Mandel: I just think it’s a form of racism to say that we should have certain economic development for certain race, person… I think it’s how Joe Biden… I think it’s racism when he says, he’s only going to nominate a black woman. How about nominating the most qualify person as possible for the supreme court and if it ends up being a black woman, so be it. Let’s judge people and make decision as policy maker base on the merit. Let’s do what’s best for all the people of Ohio.

goes on and on and on...

Harper would not shake hands with Mandel…

You can google the whole debate there.

I kinda felt for her because he's putting her on the spot and would not let go when she wouldn't/doesn't answer the questions...

One thing though, your job as a US Senator from your state is to represent your state and all the people living in your state, not just the people with the same race or view as you are. Being a US Senator is not about creating opportunity for black community, it's about creating opportunity for all the people in your state, period.

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