
Author Topic: This country is turning into a CHURCH STATE and I don’t believe in your god  (Read 1283 times)

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Offline Hung_Low

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I feel like USA is going into a CHURCH STATE like country
Kinda like them iraq and Saudi Arabia country
Where rules and policy is base on a 2000+ years old book

I don’t believe in your god
Your YEXUS guy

I don’t want play along with these fake make believe stuff

 ;D ;D ;D

You pissed you can't abort your baby? What does gun rights and moving abortion to a state decision have to do with being a CHURCH thing?

You watch too many CNN, MSDNC and them fear mongering Leftie media... Oh, no... Supreme court banning abortion... Oh no, they are going after civil rights, they are going after intermarriage right, they are going after voting right, blah, blah, blah BS.

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Offline hmgROCK

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We don’t believe in your god and teaching
Stop making policy and law base on your personal beliefs
You are hurting other people

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Offline hmgROCK

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I think lily says it best
Alot of us are still hmong shaman

All Republican politicians and 95% of Republican citizens are hypocrites.  Plain and simple.

Let me give a few examples.

Republicans say fiscal conservatism is one of their core values.  However, Republicans conveniently forget about fiscal conservatism when it comes to giving millions to the military complex, who are, by the way, their friends, whom they want to enrich.  And when it comes to helping out the poor and the struggling via social programs, all of a sudden they are FOR fiscal conservatism again.  They also forget about fiscal conservatism when it comes to giving huge tax cuts to the already filthy rich and playing it off as "trickle down economics" (which is an illusion, btw), but when it comes to helping the middle class... oh, fiscal conservatism again!

They are Christians and the bible teaches that they should love and help the poor, yet, they don't want to raise the minimum wage even though it's been 11 years since the minimum wage was raised.  They don't want to raise the minimum wage, simply because they don't want to help the people; they only want to help their rich business owner friends to get richer on the backs of the working class.  Workers are stuck with the same minimum wage even though costs of living continue to go up year after year; workers are barely surviving ON the poverty line (so many people are working 2-3 jobs and are living BELOW the poverty line), while CEO's continue to rake in insane amounts of bonuses year after year.  They go against their own bible teachings of helping the poor and the struggling. 

They are Christians and the bible teaches that they should love everybody (all the red and yellow, black and white children of the world), yet, they treat black and brown people and immigrant children poorly via systematic racism, via muslim bans, via traumatizing Mexican children by taking their parents away from them, via killing unarmed black men on the spot (no questions asked) while white murderers get gently escorted into cop cars, etc.

They are about family values but they don't have a problem with separating Mexican children from their parents.  They hate a black president who has never been divorced but love a white president who cheated on his wives and divorced multiple times.

Republicans are pro-life and are against abortion... BUT only when that kid has not been born.  Once that kid is born, all of a sudden they are not pro-life anymore.  So, wtf is this all about?  Either they are pro-life or they aren't, and clearly they are NOT pro-life, seeing that they are so against feeding/housing/clothing poor children via social programs.  They want to cut funding to social programs but they won't hesitate for a second to fund their friends by funding their friends' military businesses and by cutting taxes for their rich friends. 

The f-king list of hypocrisy is endless.

What it comes down to is, Republicans LOVE forcing their religious ideologies on others, they LOVE taking other people's rights to make their own choices, and they LOVE money more than god.  They are greedy mother effers.  They don't compromise, they don't care.  People need to tell Republican hypocrites that others can see right through their self-absorbed agendas.  People need to take action and go vote.

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Offline theking

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Troll bot spammer

"Troll"....written by the neutral PH members:

hmgrock you're the biggest troll i swear... i honestly don't think your online persona is real other than to troll..

Bro HR,

I called you a negative nancy.  I also said INO is a day trade because of the volatility.  At least get your information right.

If you are here to help people, why are you the biggest troll in this forum?  In addition to being the biggest troll, you don't even understand trading. 

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Offline hmgROCK

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US supreme court is really pushing those silly religious TOOTHFAIRY  policy
Really dangerous

Because i don’t believe in this YEXUS guy

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God did not created created god

