
Author Topic: Hahaha, good gawsh ladies! How about our side of the story!!!  (Read 913 times)

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Offline thePoster

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Hahaha, good gawsh ladies! How about our side of the story!!!
« on: February 03, 2017, 02:29:11 PM »

So anyways...when I was chillaxing in San Diego...

I did join a facebook group, yalls know my struggles there finding hmong people to meet.  Especially single folks who can go and do stuff. 

Sure theres married folks there but Im a single guy, what am suppose to do?  Come over to them married folks and kick it?  What does kicking it with them entail?  Sitting on the couch while they play with thier kids and drink a couple of beers with thier wife, ill pass. 

Us single older folks dont mix with married folks.

Sure I dont mind hanging out with guys...single guys, but cmon man, really?  Im going to go asking guys if they wanna hang out?  Just sounds weird!  To me anyways!

So...that leads me to why us guys would ask to talk to a female instead...

Anyways...back to the facegroup I joined a group... was funnie, a female member there was like mad and venting about how ok she accepted guys as her friends on facebook but it dont mean she want anything more and that guys keep asking her if shes single etc etc etc she just is reallt accepting guys and gals and seeing if they have anything in common and they can talk about it.  So anyways shes upset and dont like all the messages she be getting...and she goes on to day that facebook aint where she goes to look for love.  Shes all venting and mad...and she gets comments from all her galfriends saying "preech on sister!"  And "amen!"

So anyways...i just think its know why?

Becuase!  What I said earlier!  Yes us guys gonna ask her if she single, why?  Well duh we need to know if shes married or not before we start talking ro her duh!  If ahe got a husband itd be kinda rude right?  Thats why we ask duh!  Also, yes we ask if you are single bexuase maybe we wanna ask if you wanna hang out, becuase if youre married we arent going to ask that duh.  Thats why we ask, so we know duh!  Like i said earlier, we are si gle guys, we arent going to be looking for married couples to hang out with duh...

And also, just becuase we wanna hang out with you doesnt mean we are looking for love as well, maybe we just simply wanna hang out with a girl duh!  I dont know if girls understand that hanging out with a girl feels different than hanging out with another guy.   

And!  The thing thats the wackest becuase i see her post that...

Its that...we facebook messeged...and talked about how harder it is for folks of our age group to find others of our age group to hang out with, especially with the oppossite sex!  She was like she agreed that its hard.  And i explained that its even harder for guys bexuase everytime we ask a girl if she wanna hang out the girl automatically think we wanna bang her!  And alot of the time, thats not even the case!  I can say a good 95 perxent of girls Ive ever met, never even went as far as giving them a hug, the most they get is a hand shake unless they give or force a hug outta me. 

In anycase...she was like yeah, she understands the point of view and agree to whenever a girl is friendly with a guy, the guy think the girl wanna bang him!  And shes like thats also totally not the case either! 

So I was like dang!  Finally!  A girl that understands...

Then I see her post and Im like "wow, true colors here showing!"...  well that was a total 360...

So I guess thats how she really feels...

Yes ladies...all men are dogs...we do wanna bang everythi g...but you know what also..believe or not, thats actually not always the case.

So ladies!  Stop being so big inflated head all the time!!!

Maybe us guys just like to make and have female friends becuase sometimes we do get tired of listening to other guys talk and having to reciprocate conversations towards other guys about fishing, hunting, cars, d.ick jokes<----having to sit through those...

Girls need to be more open minded.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.


