
Author Topic: This is what MN should be protesting: city council just voted to abolish MPD...  (Read 1207 times)

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Minneapolis city council voted 12-0 to replace the police department with 'department of community safety and violence prevention'.

Seriously? Raise your hands if you think BLACK CRIMES WILL DECREASE?

Raise your hands if you believe Blacks are responsible enough to not have police presence?

Dude, these kaydoos can barely act human at their own family backyard bbq.

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

We are talking about a major city with a population of 429,606.

Welps, congrats Demonrat Hmong MN. You finally have your state of welfare utopia. Kaydoo savages come for free with the package.
You won't even have to import them from Africa.

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Why do you point fingers at the Blacks like that? Crimes aren't limited to any particular ethnic group.

This is a great opportunity for private security service contracts.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Why do you point fingers at the Blacks like that? Crimes aren't limited to any particular ethnic group.

This is a great opportunity for private security service contracts.

Because they've shown themselves to be low IQ savages on national tv. When I say "blacks", I'm directing it towards those who are doing this. I call them blacks because that is how they identify themselves. Stop acting like you don't know that THEY are the problem wherever they exist in large numbers.

You really think private security is going to be the solution? Who do you think is the back up for private security? Cops. Private security can't do shit but give direction. They still depend on the cops to deal with an unruly person. If there are no cops then security will have to perform the duties of a cop and we'll be back to square one as long as people like you keep emboldening black savagery.

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Offline lilly

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I think the MPD should not be abolished but thoroughly investigated and new leadership should take over.  I am NOT for defunding the police.  And I am not for community based policing.  We still need the police.  We just need the corruption and brutality by police officers and their superiors to stop, and we need better training for police officers.  They need humane treatment of civilians trainings, compassion and empathy trainings, self-protection trainings, responsibly answering to calls and threats trainings, personal accountability trainings (e.g. always having body cameras on and recording), etc.

The move by St Paul Schools to remove police from their facilities is a bad move, I think.  We need our kids to be protected from active shooters.  Just change the contracts to add language that has more of what we want (e.g. the schools should demand that they only want experienced and responsible cops to be assigned to the schools, etc). 

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Black communities experience the highest rate of crimes, such as: domestic violence, drug-related abuse, sexual assault, child abuse, etc.

Can you imagine defunding the police?

A black victim dials 9-1-1: "Quick, send out a social worker! I'm being shot at!"

These people are ridiculous.

Well now it's time for us to see how you liberals are going to get yourselves out of the hole that you dug for yourselves. And you really thought BLM was about fighting for equality?

 :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2:

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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But more importantly, if y'all defund the police then who is going to arrest all them xians attending church service in a parking lot?

 :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2:
 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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Offline DuMa

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For us not living there, it is like we are watching a bad movie.  Just like watching a movie, we no care kind of mentality but thanks for taking the initiative to use MN as a test crash dummy to see if such a thing would work. 

so they using security to police the whole city eh?  We called them rental cops.  We not afraid of them.  Actually, we will have a field day out there, doing crimes and get away with it cuz these private securities are not train.  Heck, we'll put our criminals in as security. 

Time to move out of that state folks.  Either that or upgrade on your guns and start shooting.  No cops so it is ok to shoot people and bury them in your neighbor's backyard. 

This is better than the movie purge.   :2funny:

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Offline DuMa

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I'm sorry guys but your local mn cops are already getting the message.  I'm telling yall, the Minneapolis police are the first to get soft.   I do not have to live there to know this.  Remember all them downtown mn shooting incidents?  Guess where the cops were?  They were there but they refuses to do anything about it cuz this bill is a blow to their work force.  It is like getting the news that you will soon be fired.  Heck no i'm working.  Yall on your own. 

When I'm in mn by next week, my curfew starts at sundown and I will never go to the unrested Minneapolis downtown that I once loved.   I don't feel safe so why go?  If cops don't back you up when you call 9-11 and it is still illegal to shoot and kill people, why go? 

Minneapolis was once on the polls as a great city to live in as in health statue but not no more.  It is a place where people should avoid if you want to be alive. 

We shall see what's up if the people will vote for it in this coming November.  Hell, I don't even think there will be a Minneapolis by November.   May God save you all. 


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Offline DuMa

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cot dam too funny

"Only individuals with "non-law enforcement experience in community safety services, including but not limited to public health and/or restorative justice approaches," will be eligible to hold the post, according to the amendment. "

so in other words, when the criminals shoot you with an AR, you go pee in your pants cuz you got no real training. 

Sounds about right.  Go rob a bank is the first thing I would do.  Criminals from all over are welcome to infiltrate Minneapolis cuz they got no police there.  This is paradise for them. 


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Offline hmgROCK

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No police or fire department in my city
You only got the county sheriff

Which takes half an hour to respond

No worry

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Offline hmgROCK

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Decriminalize drug
Than you don’t need the police

People doing 10 years for smoking weed

Cmon now

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Offline hmgROCK

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I smoke weed in California
It just makes you happy

Crack, coke, opium, dope....

Decriminalize all of it

People going do drug,
They going do drug

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Technically, the city council has more power than the mayor. They have already vowed to overturn Mayor Frey who announced that he is not for abolishing the police department. We will know if libtards in MN, especially the Hmong, have any guts. Libtards claim that they are the party of love and peace but if they cower and don't stand up to this, then THE WORLD WILL KNOW THAT LIBTARDS WILL NEVER KEEP YOU SAFE AND DO NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND.

According to the census, Blacks only make up 19.4% of the population in Minneapolis. Who are they to take away the police just because they have issues with law enforcement? The needs of the majority is greater than this one group. Yet, the Democrat city council leaders will sacrifice the safety of everybody else just to pander to blacks, who make up 80% of arrests (between 2009-2014 according to police data). They're also 46% of victims in a violent crime (black on black) and 80% victims of gun-related shootings (black on black).

They will protest and burn down buildings in a rage for a black thug like George Floyd but they will not show up to demand safety for city residents.

WOW! You people will just willingly hand over YOUR rights, freedoms, and safety.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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I think the MPD should not be abolished but thoroughly investigated and new leadership should take over.  I am NOT for defunding the police.  And I am not for community based policing.  We still need the police.  We just need the corruption and brutality by police officers and their superiors to stop, and we need better training for police officers.  They need humane treatment of civilians trainings, compassion and empathy trainings, self-protection trainings, responsibly answering to calls and threats trainings, personal accountability trainings (e.g. always having body cameras on and recording), etc.

The move by St Paul Schools to remove police from their facilities is a bad move, I think.  We need our kids to be protected from active shooters.  Just change the contracts to add language that has more of what we want (e.g. the schools should demand that they only want experienced and responsible cops to be assigned to the schools, etc).

If you believe Minneapolis has a problem with corrupt cops then I'm not surprised. Minneapolis is a liberal city, after all. Weak leadership and liberal policies are prime for corruption and chaos.

This is why most public schools are so poorly run because liberals care more about nursing everybody's feelings instead of holding students and parents accountable. Nobody upholds the standards and expectations so lawlessness and disrespect run amuck. Liberals make very bad leaders because they don't stand strong for anything so the people under them end up fending for themselves.

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