
Author Topic: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?  (Read 733105 times)

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2940 on: August 20, 2012, 12:31:53 PM »
Fabulous unworn items: keep or toss?   Here is something I’ve read in fashion magazines, heard on television and seen mentioned in the forum:  if you haven’t worn an item of clothing for over a year, pass it on.
I encourage closet editing, but I don’t agree with the strict application of this rule. If an item is dated, uncomfortable, ill-fitting or unflattering – by all means pass it on. But what happens to the items that are perfect, but are not in current circulation. Do they need to go? I don’t think so.
I suggest keeping items that are still in vogue, fit well, look good and that you enjoyed wearing before your preferences changed. Here are a few examples from my wardrobe:
  • Premium bootcut jeans: I prefer to wear skinnies and straight legs, but these five year-old jeans are in mint condition and staying in my closet.
  • Bias cut tweed jacket: I was into the “English countryside look” four years ago but have not sported it since. My funky tweed jacket was left orphaned for years until I renewed its life yesterday by matching it with a new black necktie shirt, slouchy grey boots and a bee-brooch. I’m glad I hung on to it because the cut is unique and flattering.
  • Pinstripe pants suit: I haven’t worn my pants suit in a while because I’m wearing pencil skirts instead. But I adore my suit and the fit is impeccable. Perhaps I’ll haul it out for cocktails over the holiday season and re-invent it’s look. It’s also a handy outfit to have for more conservative situations.
  • Formal dresses: I have a few vintage-looking cocktail dresses which are several years old. They don’t come out to play each year, but are fairly timeless and put out fires when I need a formal outfit in jiff. I’m not throwing them out any time soon.
It is important to be selective though. Don’t use this rationale to hoard questionable items. If in doubt, pass it on.
What’s your keep or toss rule?

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2941 on: August 20, 2012, 12:33:36 PM »
Closet Cleanup   It’s easy to get caught up in the illusion that with a full closet, we have a wardrobe that is brimming with possibilities. However, most closets are stuffed with items that you don’t need, shouldn’t be wearing, or don’t even get around to wearing. The objective is to create a wardrobe that is fluid and consists of pieces that are easy to combine. This does not just refer to clothing, but to shoes and accessories as well.
The first step to creating a wardrobe that works for you is to prune what you already have. You’ll need to re-evaluate your existing wardrobe one piece at a time. Be ruthless when you prune, because ultimately every stitch in your wardrobe should be flattering to your body and suit your lifestyle.
Ask yourself the following questions as you tackle each item:
  • Is this flattering for my body type?
  • Is it the correct size? (Remember to dress for the body that you’re in today)
  • Is alteration worth considering?
  • Is the garment outdated?
  • Is the piece still in good condition?
  • Is the colour right?
  • Is the pattern right?
  • Why do I never wear this item?
  • Is the garment comfortable? (If it looks good but feels awful – get rid of it.)
  • How many pairs of black pants, white collared shirts, black T’s and white T’s can I have? (You may find that you have many of each but none are perfect – weed them out.)
  • Have I outgrown this look?
  • Is the piece ”me”? (Everything is right about the garment but you feel that it’s just not right for you, which is why you don’t wear it – pass it on.)
  • Is this item style-enhancing?

Ideally, your wardrobe should consist of only the cherries. If you don’t love everything in your closet, re-evaluate it before you contemplate any more purchases. Pruning should happen at least twice a year. After years of doing this, I still regard cleaning out my closet to be an act of liberation!

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2942 on: August 20, 2012, 12:35:57 PM »
This season’s “it” skirt: the pencil   Pencil skirts are typically part of a business formal clothing capsule. That’s where we’ve seen the bulk of the pencil skirt trend over the last few decades, but not this season. Playful pencil skirts are popping up all over the show in an abundance of fabrications (and their style detailing is wicked). For those of you who like to sport the “naughty secretary” or “librarian look”, your fashion fantasy just came true.
The pencil skirt has been making it’s comeback for a while. It’s resurgence goes hand-in-hand with the rebirth of ‘80’s tapered jeans. Both profiles are about looking sleek, sleek, sleek.
Pear shaped body types should be careful with pencil skirts, because A-line silhouettes are generally more flattering. But if you’re a pretty pear and you want to wear a pencil skirt, I say give it a bash. I’ve had success with pear shaped gals in pencils if the silhouette falls straight from the hip down (no tapering). This type of pencil style offers the look of a pencil with the advantages of an A-line. It’s a win.
The opposite holds true if you’re after a little more curve on the hip and thigh area. Opt for a silhouette that tapers in from the hip and follows the contour of your legs. Also a win.
A lass in a slick top and curve-hugging pencil skirt is as feminine and alluring as it gets. I like to pair my pencil skirts with a tucked-in button-down, form fitting polo-neck, or blousy top, a biker jacket or denim jacket, and knee high boots, fancy flats or chunky pumps. YLF forum members are having a ball sporting their pencil skirts this season. Feast your eyes on Sarah, Kyle, Eva, Nicole, Patience, Tanya and Ana. Each a different body type sporting a different style. They look fab!
Satin Top & Pencil SkirtDouble-Serge Pencil SkirtStretch Vintage Cord Skirt
For some reason there aren’t many pencil skirt options available online, but there are fantastic styles at stores like Anne Taylor, Express, Macys, Club Monaco, Benetton, Anthropologie and Nordstrom. Remember that denim and corduroy pencil skirts are superb casual alternatives if you feel that tweed and smarter fabrications are too fussy for your lifestyle.

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2943 on: August 20, 2012, 12:37:28 PM »
Closet Organization: Part 1   Having done your closet cleanup, it is now time for some re-organization. You should have been left with 4 piles of clothes:
  • A pile to donate – consider donating to non-profit organizations like Dress for Success or the Salvation Army. Pass clothing that is the incorrect size or colour to family and friends who you feel might benefit.
  • A pile to have altered – get these items off to a tailor quickly.
  • A pile to store away – all outdated designer and vintage pieces should be kept because fashion repeats itself. You might not be able to wear them now, but you will again at some point. Store away items like your wedding dress, and other sentimental garments that you can’t bear to part with but cannot wear. Box them to protect them from moths.
  • A pile to keep – these are the “cherries” that made it into your new, regimented closet system.

The first step to creating a happy, efficient and comfortable personal dressing environment is to arrange the appropriate storage space and invest in the correct storage aids. Most of us are not blessed with lavish walk in wardrobes and have to make do with the cupboards we have. Not to worry – there are storage solutions for everything! The most important aspect to create in your closet is visibility – you cannot shop in your closet if you cannot see and access things easily. This goes for underwear, socks, shoes, belts, hats, scarves, gloves and handbags as well.
Before we can slot our wardrobe into a system, we’ll need the right tools:
  • Hanging space
  • Different types of hangers
  • Shelving space
  • Drawers and drawer dividers
  • Shoe racks or shoe files
  • A belt rack, necklace rack
  • Transparent boxes
  • Jewelry storage vessels (a very personal choice)
  • A full length mirror
The above items are inexpensive to buy and can make the world of difference to your daily dressing ritual. Once you have the correct supplies, you’ll be able to follow a simple system. Stay tuned for how an efficient clothing system can positively influence the way you dress!

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2944 on: August 20, 2012, 12:39:07 PM »
Closet Organization: Part 2   Hopefully you’ve managed to do a thorough closet cleanup and gotten as far as the first part of closet organization. All that remains is to give your closet a system. Regardless of the space you have available, the guidelines below should help you get organized:
  • Clothes, shoes and accessories only – try not to clutter your closet with all sorts of other items. The aim is to create a concise and efficient dressing area so that you can shop in your own closet every morning.
  • Hanging space – assign each item of clothing to its correct hanger and group your hangers by category (e.g. group all shirts together, then all knitted tops together, and so on)
    • Dresses,  jackets, blouses, shirts should be hung on a simple wooden or thick plastic hanger
    • Skirts should be hung on clip hangers
    • Suits, pants, slacks, jeans and shorts should be hung on suit hangers
    • Fancy knitted tops and knitwear should be hung on padded hangers
    • Heavy coats and jackets are best hung on shaped hangers
  • Shelving – fold and stack knitted tops, t-shirts, pullovers and sweatshirts into separate piles.
  • Underwear, camisoles, socks and tights –fold and section each category into drawers using drawer dividers.
  • Sleepwear – fold and place into a separate drawer or area in your walk in wardrobe.
  • Sports gear – work out clothes, ski clothes, cycling togs, soccer kit or any other type of sports gear needs to be folded and kept in a separate drawer or shelf. These items should not be worn as everyday clothing unless you are actually engaging in the sport. If you keep them close to the rest of your clothing, you’ll be tempted to wear them day to day and that’s not stylish.
  • Belts and long necklaces – hanging them on a tie rack makes them easy to access. Alternatively, hammering a small nail into a cupboard door for each separate accessory will also do the trick.
  • Handbags – if you do not have a separate cupboard for your bags – placing them on shelves will also work. Messenger bags are best hung on hooks, while dainty evening bags and clutches are best filed side by side or stacked in a drawer.
  • Shoes – shoes need to be stored either on shoe racks or in canvas shoe files. If you do not have room to keep your shoes in your closet underneath your hanging space, then in the coat closet close to the front door is also a good idea.
  • Scarves, hats, gloves and shawls – fold and stack these into boxes or baskets in your closet. If you have a large assortment, then group each category into its own separate box. These items are very seasonal and proper storage will keep them free from dust and moths.
  • Jewelry – everyone has their own personal storage vessel for their jewelry. Whatever you select needs to be easy to access and kept dust free. There is little point in storing everyday jewelry far away from your clothes – you’ll forget all about them when it comes to dressing.  Keep your accessory boxes organized – if your jewelry is tangled, you won’t wear it.

You will still be able to use the above closet system if you share a wardrobe with someone else. For the ultra regimented, consider sorting your clothes not only by category, but by colour – it not only makes your closet look even more inviting – but it makes it even simpler when putting together your look for the day.
With a little organization, even those of us with modest closets will be able to experience some of the benefits of a very fancy, custom California Closet like the one above.

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2945 on: August 20, 2012, 12:40:46 PM »
Shopping in your own closet   Cleaning out your closet, getting organized and practical about what’s inside of it is worth every minute of the effort. The end result makes my toes tingle with delight. Seeing neat and tidy piles of clothes can sometimes make a hectic morning seem more calm.  It sounds absurd, but perfectly displayed clothing, shoes and accessories seems to have a positive impact on the way you dress. Without fail, ordered shelves and rails seem to start off my day with clarity.
Messy closets are problematic because you can’t find what you are looking for in them. It therefore:
  • Takes you twice as long to get dressed for anything
  • Makes you spend unnecessarily on the duplication of items
  • Makes you feel like you have nothing to wear despite the fact that your wardrobe is bursting at the seams
The easier it is to see the entire contents of your wardrobe, the easier it is to choose an outfit. Sorting out the clothes and accessories in your closet has to be done with forethought and planning. It’s not just a question of hanging up things that are on the floor. The aim is to be able to shop in your own closet. Stay tuned on how to create a happy, efficient and comfortable personal dressing environment – rather like your favourite store.
Aspirational closet organization with a little help from Organize-it-Online and Aztec Closet Systems.

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2946 on: August 20, 2012, 12:42:51 PM »
Dress for the body that you’re in today   We have babies, gain or lose weight and get older. All of these things cause our body to change. When our body changes, we either need new clothes or we need to alter the clothes that we have.
What do you do about your new clothing requirement when your body transforms? Do you hold off shopping while you loose the 30 pounds your dietician recommended? Do you wait 6-12 months to get your body back after pregnancy? The answer to these questions is “no”.
Dress for the body that you’re in today.
Shopping for clothing and accessories is one of those rare opportunities in life where a quick fix can have long term effects. The gratification is instant, and the positive reinforcement will help you to avoid internalizing bad feelings about your body.
It’s never a good idea to wait for what may, or may not change about your body in the future. You are perfect right now – go shopping!

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2947 on: August 20, 2012, 02:23:58 PM »
Nice... 12 suits... what about jeans and khakis and burma/ cargo shorts, etc?

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2948 on: August 21, 2012, 09:35:36 AM »
I think it's safe to move this thread back into the open forum. Alot of people has expressed how much they miss this thread and that this was the only thread that kept them coming back for more. I think if someone doesn't feel comfortable posting their pix, that is up to them.

aiiyaahhh!!!  koj mas... not sure yet na!!!   :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2:

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2949 on: August 21, 2012, 09:57:39 AM »
Wow LL...did you write all that?

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2950 on: August 21, 2012, 10:24:59 AM »
No... Copy and paste only...

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2951 on: August 21, 2012, 05:42:25 PM »
I really enjoy reading this lady's blog... and her styling... wish I have time to do a blog for Hmong Women.... lolz... we have different rules, etc...
 Combine flat ankle boots
According styling experts, flowing dresses, big bags, flat shoes and especially boots are absolutely taboo for small women. Yes, yes – all those good things let little girls look even smaller :-( . But…
… I like flowing clothes. They will let beating my hippie heart faster and give me the feeling of freedom. Why should I abstain from them (losing only a few inches)?
… I love and need large pockets! Alone, my wallet is bigger than any clutch-bag and I get a few things, without whom I can not leave the house. So wherelse will a small woman like me with her keys, 2 phones, Mp3 player, Filofax (yes, yes – I’m old-fashioned), notebook, deodorant, perfume, hand lotion, hair brush, hair bands, chocolate bars, candy and chewing gum carry this stuff? ?

… although I love high heels, but every now and then I just like to wear flat shoes! And besides ballerinas I prefer flat boots. That they are shortening the silhouette visually, I must not say at this point, right? The world is not fair!

Combine flat ankle boots
I would still like to go without anything. Sure, as often as possible I try to combine low-heeled shoes with short dresses and skirts, because they stretch the legs, but if I like to wear tubes and ballerinas, I will take them too. Ok, maybe I will look like a dwarf, but then like a happy dwarf! Because I wear what I want and I therefore feel well. And that’s the main thing.
Combine flat ankle boots
combine grey shades
combine grey shades
My dress (or Longtop) is from adessa, belt from HIS, jacket: outlet, bag: “Volkshilfe“ – shop, boots from Belgium (I got them in orange as well;-) ). By the way, for the shoes I paid  only EUR 6. – .
Combine flat ankle boots

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2952 on: August 22, 2012, 01:02:59 PM »
hpa - the layered look is always fabulous - esp on guys who pair it well!

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2953 on: August 23, 2012, 02:45:55 PM »
1.  Weather Vane olive silk bomber jacket
2.  Everything is the same as above
3.  Scarf - Silk/cashmere green multi
4.  Jade ring
5.  Jade bracelet
6.  Green leather belt

LadyLionness.. .omg you look so much like my cousin! This is crazy!!!

« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 08:23:05 AM by LadyLionness »

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Re: Fashion Slaves...what are you wearing today?
« Reply #2954 on: August 23, 2012, 03:06:18 PM »
This outfit would look better on a 6 yr old child.  :-X Sure, the lady is hot and everything, just looks really OFF in my mind.

Ok, carry on.

Combine flat ankle boots
:-( .

Combine flat ankle boots
Combine flat ankle boots
combine grey shades

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