
Author Topic: Hmong DNA  (Read 14427 times)

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Offline YeejKoob13

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Re: Hmong DNA
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2013, 02:03:46 PM »

Unless you have a trump card hidden somewhere that we don't know about, I don't see how you can state the below without realizing I can quickly and easily counter you;

Lets forget about what you would say is "Hmong" DNA.  Lets go farther back in time.  Science has shown that Humans originated in Africa.  Lets see if there are any scientific proof that Hmongs have DNA gene(s) related to Africans?  People who refute that Hmong people did not originate in Africa contradicts scientific evidence.

Now again I admit that I'm no geneticist, but if we are to take the scientific evidence of humans originating from Africa (hence close to Egypt, or they had to passed through Egypt before migrating elsewhere, like what you would want us to believe) as true then how do you explain the Christian belief of the world only being about 6,000 years old?... According to science it took millions of years for primates/apes to evolve to into early humans. And early humans started leaving Africa about some 200,000 years ago... That's a huge gap in time between science and christianity.

You need to do more research and compare (and CONTRAST as well) Hmong culture to other ppl (and not just Jews) as well, like Chinese, other Asiatic ethnic groups. I strongly suspect that at the end you day you probably will find that we have more in common with others as compared to the Jews. Certainly our physical features don't look Jewish, so that's a strong distinction already.

In HmongKnight's thread about "map of Qhuab Kev..." I simply said that there are many evidence that Hmong culture and practices show a very high degree of relationship relating to the Israelites.  And then another member spoke out as Hmongs being the lost tribe of Israel.  I have information on what the "Lost Tribes of Israel" means and that is a totally different subject to talk about.  What I was pointing to were the facts that the religious practices by Hmong shamans and the Hmong belief, culture and traditions show a very close relationship between the two.  Take for example, who taught the Hmongs how to burn incense...afte r all, no hmong that I am aware of even knows how to make incense.  The closest thing the Hmong has to making incense is burning paper.  Here's another common practice regarding alter.  Hmong people make alters to worship.  Obviously, where did this alter making for worshipping come about in the Hmong history because building and making alters were recorded in the Bible a long time ago prior to Hmong history if we even can go that far.  Hmong people use animal sacrifices, so who taught them or when did animal sacrifices first started for the Hmongs?  Hmongs use the Bull or cow as one of the highest sacrificial animal as offering, so did the Israelites from Egypt...and they have record of it...Hmong people don't.  My question is why didn't the Hmong use a monkey or a snake.  The practices of certain methodology are very similar. 

So going back to genetic markers and such.  Ghenghis Khan was a mighty conquerer who has left his genetic trait and marker.  Science has proven that one out of every 8 person on Earth has that genetic marker.  Khan being a mongol drink milk as a form of getting their vitamins.  So do the Hmong people drink milk....NO they don't because Hmongs are a nomadic people.  The majority do not herd animals and for the few who do, they do not drink the milk of animals.  Hmong people are gypsies who  roam about what they can grow or gather, hence their understanding of using stone and masonry are very limited. 

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Re: Hmong DNA
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2013, 12:47:13 PM »
Lets forget about what you would say is "Hmong" DNA.  Lets go farther back in time.  Science has shown that Humans originated in Africa.  Lets see if there are any scientific proof that Hmongs have DNA gene(s) related to Africans?  People who refute that Hmong people did not originate in Africa contradicts scientific evidence. 

Y-DNA sequencing is exactly like a family tree.  You can trace it all the way back to what science ironically labels the chromosomal Adam.  Its already been verified that every single male outside of Africa can trace their Y-DNA to one man; hmong men are a part of that group.  We belong to the O descendants.  here's a nice family tree so you can see the branches:

All those things you mentioned:  incense, sacrifices, alters, they're just relics of ancient tribes and ancient cultures who our ancestors were once a part of.  It doesn't mean we have a direct link to the jews specifically; cause AFAIK, every single ancient religion and civilization had sacrifices and alters.

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