
Author Topic: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)  (Read 44203 times)

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How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« on: June 25, 2013, 05:41:21 PM »

Everyone has their own unique progression story to tell so I figured I'll just share some of the things I did to get from 210 lbs to 170 lbs.  Hopefully, you'll find some of this info helpful even if your goal isn't exactly the same as mine.

1. Tracked protein to make sure I was getting at least 1 gram per pound of bodyweight (this was the only macro that I calculated).

2. Reduced overall calories mainly from carbs (not because carbs make you fat)

3. Carbs mainly came from cream of wheat, white rice, white bread, veggies, and fruits. I guess white rice and bread aren't so bad after all (no thanks to broscience).

4. Fats mainly came from my protein food sources, olive oil, and fish oil. Occasional peanut butter and varies nuts.

5. Proteins mainly came from chicken, beef, eggs, milk, and protein powder.

6. Supplements included protein powder, creatine monohydrate, probiotics, Xtend BCAA (not necessary but I use it to mask the taste of my caffeine tabs and I feel that the citrulline malate gives me a better pump), caffeine tablets, glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, fish oil.

7. I trained Monday (pushing), Wednesday (pulling), and Friday (lower). About 1.5-2 hours each session.

8. Used progressive overload. Either trying to increase load or reps for at least one compound exercise each week.

9. The majority of my exercises are basic compound movements (squats, bench, deadlifts, pullups, dips, pushups, barbell rows).

10. I didn't really started seeing my abs pop out until I started doing weighted crunches. Isometric ab exercises has it's place but it does very little for abdominal hyperthrophy.

11. The only structured cardio I did was my 5-10 minute warm prior to my lifting. I feel that traditional long steady state cardio is absolutely not needed to get leaner. 10 reps of heavy squats or 40 reps of dips makes for good cardio in my opinion.

Well, that's all I can think of for now. I'm definitely not in the same level of leanness as a competitive bodybuilder but I think I did well for someone who just wanted to get leaner without logging everything that I ate.

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2013, 05:56:41 PM »
Awesome! Looking good! No homo, haha... I'm 5'7", 145 and I'm trying to gain more mass. I want to be at least 170 lbs to 180 lbs, but I'm having a hard time. My metabolism is super fast and I can't seem to get myself to eat a crap load of food on a daily basis because it just makes me feel all bloated. I workout 3 times a week alternating different muscle groups and I also take supplement such as protein shakes and multivitamins, but my results remain steady. Any suggestions?

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2013, 06:41:05 PM »
Good job bro!

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2013, 06:43:36 PM »
Wow and Wow! That is such a big transformation! Great job! I wished I had the motivation.. argh!

Thanks.  Just make it a habit so you won't have to rely on motivation.

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2013, 06:44:03 PM »

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2013, 06:49:02 PM »
How long did it take you?  I need to drop some fat and up some muscle in.. lets say.. 6 weeks.  WHAT CAN I DO?!!

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2013, 06:52:34 PM »
Awesome! Looking good! No homo, haha... I'm 5'7", 145 and I'm trying to gain more mass. I want to be at least 170 lbs to 180 lbs, but I'm having a hard time. My metabolism is super fast and I can't seem to get myself to eat a crap load of food on a daily basis because it just makes me feel all bloated. I workout 3 times a week alternating different muscle groups and I also take supplement such as protein shakes and multivitamins, but my results remain steady. Any suggestions?

You just need more calories.  Solid food will make you fuller so you might have to go with liquid calories.  I got up to 210 lb by adding in an extra protein shake mixed with a couple teaspoons of peanut butter and whole milk.  Also, if you expect to have a low bodyfat at 180 lbs then you either have to bulk up to 200 lbs then do a cut or you could cycle your calories and do a slower bulk with minimal fat gain.  However, you'll gain some fat whether you take the fast route or slower route. 

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2013, 07:00:45 PM »
You just need more calories.  Solid food will make you fuller so you might have to go with liquid calories.  I got up to 210 lb by adding in an extra protein shake mixed with a couple teaspoons of peanut butter and whole milk.  Also, if you expect to have a low bodyfat at 180 lbs then you either have to bulk up to 200 lbs then do a cut or you could cycle your calories and do a slower bulk with minimal fat gain.  However, you'll gain some fat whether you take the fast route or slower route.

Cool. Thanks for the feedback...

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2013, 07:02:58 PM »
How long did it take you?  I need to drop some fat and up some muscle in.. lets say.. 6 weeks.  WHAT CAN I DO?!!

Well, if 6 weeks is all you have then I suggest you try to get the hook up with anabolic steroids.  Building muscle takes time especially for individuals who aren't chemically enhanced.

It took me a little over a year to get from 210 to 170 and I did lose some muscle mass along the way.  For novices who don't have much muscle mass to begin with, the process might take longer.

You can't lose fat and increase muscle simultaneously (unless you're a true beginner or on drugs).  You can decrease fat and minimize the loss of muscle or increase muscle and minimize the increase of fat.  You maintain muscle mass while cutting by getting enough protein and lifting heavy enough so that you give your muscles a reason to stick around while you're in a deficit.

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2013, 07:31:41 PM »
Things that I do for my diet that I hope will help you guys get some ideas for better nutrition.

Typical meal for me.  Usually lean beef or chicken mixed with veggies along with some white rice.  The amount of rice is usually lower on the days I don't workout.

How I prep my food on the weekends.  I weigh out my meats to calculate the protein content.  Each of the bags with beef is 100g which equates to about 30g of protein.  Each of the bags with chicken is 200g which equates to about 45g of protein.  The veggies aren't measured but are chopped and bagged for convenience.  My prep time on the weekends usually takes about 1-2 hours minus the shopping.  This is a whole weeks worth of food that I'm prepping.  On the morning of, I only pull out what I need for that day and cook it in the morning for the entire day. 

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2013, 07:45:27 PM »
  I like your transformation!  Good job. :)

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2013, 08:27:50 PM »
Well, if 6 weeks is all you have then I suggest you try to get the hook up with anabolic steroids.  Building muscle takes time especially for individuals who aren't chemically enhanced.

It took me a little over a year to get from 210 to 170 and I did lose some muscle mass along the way.  For novices who don't have much muscle mass to begin with, the process might take longer.

You can't lose fat and increase muscle simultaneously (unless you're a true beginner or on drugs).  You can decrease fat and minimize the loss of muscle or increase muscle and minimize the increase of fat.  You maintain muscle mass while cutting by getting enough protein and lifting heavy enough so that you give your muscles a reason to stick around while you're in a deficit.

PM'd bro.

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2013, 09:26:55 PM »
I'm jealous.  Thanks for the motivation.   O0

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2013, 10:07:12 PM »
Good transformation .

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Re: How I did it: Bulk to cut (210 lbs to 170 lbs)
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2013, 01:39:42 PM »
Great job, Traps!   O0

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