
Author Topic: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary  (Read 6838 times)

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2014, 06:57:09 PM »
The Phoenix of flame
It's so insane
Ever saw fire in the rain
It's as beautiful as
The Japanese Crane

I'm lost in this photo
The sun setting behind
The day's ending of time
As pretty as the forest Bamboo
Lush and so smooth

Thanks for sharing that lonely picture
I'm quite depress now

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2014, 09:56:32 PM »
ST - the Phoenix, when think in terms of a spiritual manner, it's like a lives even though the physical is no longer there. 

Shinta-san - another great poetry.  Thank you!

kab.lug - thank you for stopping by!


Two memorable things happened over Memorial day. 

I was invited to a "white people" bbq.  I am the only Hmong there aside another Asian couple.  Anyway, a little white boy screamed, running around his mom..."I want some rice!  I want some rice!  I want some rice!"  Then he dashed to the food area and grabbed a handful of rice (I brought) and stuffed it into his mouth.  That was pretty amusing. 

Then during the bbq, I questioned myself if I was a fobby when I reached for my kua txob tuav nrog zaub ntxwb, dos, thiab txiv lws suav mus ntsw qaij ci while all the white people were lathering on bbq sauce.   

Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial day!

« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 06:08:21 PM by Willow »

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2014, 02:14:41 PM »
That's one cool palm tree photo.

I like bbq sauce with my bbq-ed meats.  But, I do have it with rice and I don't care what anyone thinks!  ;D

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2014, 12:50:33 PM »
moonangel - hahaha that's why I didn't care if anyone saw me reaching for my hot peppers. 


Ever notice how bright and sunny inside of the rainbow is?  It's like all inside is encased in a happy bubble.  Sometimes, I wish we can just bottle everything happiness inside of us.  Then, the world will be a much, much happier place. 

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2014, 01:09:30 AM »

My age is still young so my physician was really surprised when my test results came back - positive.  That's precisely what she said, You're still so young, this can't be!

But woo me!  This be!

I knew it from the first day my menstrual cycle was late for a week, then a month, then months, and months went into a year and so forth.  And when it did eventually come back again, it became heavy.  Though it has waned off for some years now; however, just the other day, I received a surprise visit from Aunt Flo and she came knocking hard!  Again!  Annoying!

Some friends tell me I am lucky; that I don't have to deal with Aunt Flo's visit each month.  The truth is, yes, I think I am pretty darn lucky too because I have no desire to have children (does that make me a bad person?).  Don't get me wrong.  I adore little kids, but only if I can hand them back after I'm done with them.  And my biological clock never ticked (now I understand why because it's broken LOL). 

Maybe some years into the future, I may reconsider children.  I know I won't be able to give a natural birth to a child, but there are plenty of children who are unwanted and abandoned by the very person who gave them life.  Adoption is always an alternative. 

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2014, 04:00:11 AM »
ST, tej zaum kuv nyaum nyaum es ntuj tsis pub kuv ua niam os.   :'( :'( :'(


[Not an iPhone photo]

Isn't the world just wonderful?  That human and animals can live symbiotically in a mutually beneficial relationship and to the advantage of both?

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2014, 07:17:58 AM »

Over the weekend, while everyone flocked to MN for the J4 festivity, we escaped to a more tropical place and enjoyed a quiet weekend together.  We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful and perfect weather.  It was a nice respite from all the craziness that has been happening in the last few short weeks. 

This afternoon, the s/o took his son to go take his golf lesson.  Apparently, the lady coach who is his coach has coached alongside Tiger Woods' old coach and many youngsters who have turned pro and currently are playing in the PGA. 

We were having a conversation about our day today and the s/o mentioned that the lady coach's son and his son go to the same school and they know each other.  The lady coach suggested that they (the two sons) should take lessons together.  I kidded with him that maybe in a subtle way, she was hinting of a hook up between them instead.  He made a facial gesture as though a brilliant thought has come to mind and said, "Well, she is divorced."  I replied jokingly, "Well, just let me know.  I certainly don't want to come in between you and your love affair with golf.  You can strut around saying you are now dating a PGA coach."  LOL Then he turned serious and said, "Yeah, I didn't think of it that way."  I turned to him and rub my right hand across his chest, "Does it stroke your ego knowing that other women fancy you?"

"Yeah," was his coy reply.  LOL

Though I won't post a photo to substantiate my claim, I have to admit, my s/o is quite a handsome man.  His athleticism and height coupled with his laid back nature makes him very appealing to the opposite sex.  And he's not picky because he picked me! 

So should I worry?  Not one bit.  I've grown enough as a person and learned from past relationships that having or being with someone doesn't complete me.  I also think that it comes with having the confidence in yourself that whether a relationship make it or break it, life still goes on.

Hope you all watched some spectacular fireworks!

« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 07:30:42 AM by Willow »

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2014, 10:59:05 AM »
Willow, I just stumbled across your journal. I love the photos and journal entries. Thanks for sharing with us. I'm a subscriber now. :)

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2014, 08:34:18 PM »
Willow, I just stumbled across your journal. I love the photos and journal entries. Thanks for sharing with us. I'm a subscriber now. :)

Thanks, sunsets!  You're welcome to stop by any time! 

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2014, 08:08:14 PM »

Fresh squeezed orange juice in ice with orange/cucumber slices and a touch of mint. 

Lately, I am finding myself drinking from a Mason jar.  I love the fact that these glass jars are not only keeping my drinks cool, they are also timeless and classic.  They remind me of the country, of old world charm.  I envision myself getting married under the overhanging shade of a big oak tree, with these glass jars filled with wild flowers suspending from the jutting branches.  Or sitting on my porch in the summer sun sipping ice cold lemonade (from the jar) staring off into the wheat/corn field and deepen valley.  That would be two dreams coming true for me if it'll ever happen.  And who's to say it can't happen, right?

On another note, the s/o was telling me that his male co-worker broke up with his girlfriend.  The co-worker found out his girlfriend went to the club and was grinding down with some guy.  I guess he got jealous and ended their relationship.  Then the s/o proceeded to comment on her body, that she has a rock'n body. 

That of course, piqued my interest and I asked, "What do you mean she has a rock'n body?  Is she in shape, work out?"

He nodded but added she had pitted acne scars on her face. 

I kept asking him how he knew she has a rock'n body.  And he said she also used to work with him and assured me he knew her way before we met.  I wasn't appeased with the answer and kept pressing him on the subject as he wouldn't give me a straight answer.  Finally, he let out a "Why, I can't believe it!  You are jealous that I think another woman has a rock'n body."  I stopped what I was doing and let him have the "LOOK",  you know that evil, mean, wish-something-bad-would-happen-to-you look.  LOL

(OK, I was a tad bit jealous.  And what woman wouldn't be?)

His banter did help for the fact that I was in my bathrobe, my hair in a bun and was looking very dowdy and matronly. 

I guess, every once in a while, I get my insecurities.  However, they are just that, insecurities.  I know my s/o, and he would never say anything deliberately to hurt me, and so to pacify his little teasing remarks, he said to me, "Everything about you is sexy (though I didn't feel it at the time) to me."  LOL 

So ladies, be a little bit jealous, but don't let it consume you.  Jealousy can eat up your confidence and drown you in resentment. 


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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2014, 07:31:22 PM »
It is okay to feel jealous but too much of it can actually drive the other person away. Not enough or no jealousy can also make the other person feel unloved as well. Sometimes, those feelings only come on if and when that person makes us feel a bit threaten.

Btw, I love those jars too and I have a few of them sitting in my cupboard.  O0

I know.  It's hard keeping the green eyed monster from surfacing though.  Guess that's human nature.  Hehehe

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2014, 10:07:01 PM »

Spent the day at the beach soaking up the sun. 

I feel it's really none of my business, but I have to voice my opinion on a matter concerning an acquaintance of mine.  A little back story...the acquaintance's last two ex-boyfriends (long-term) have hooked up and the most recent ex just married over the father's day weekend.  Her second most recent ex is slated to be married in August.  Well, she is still single and looking.  She's been doing the online dating and in the last year or so, has had three relationships (first two lasting just a few short months).  These relationships became official in the first few dates (which I thought were awfully quick); hence, also, the quick break ups.  Her current relationship is her third and with a much younger guy (who is seven years her junior).  She's very proud of her "cougar" status. 

Anyway, my point is that these men only want her because she seems desperate and needy so they take advantage of her vulnerability.  The men she is attracted to are athletic, outgoing and still into the party, bar/club hopping scene.  She, on the other hand, is ready to settle down and have a family.  Her biological clock has been ticking for some time now.  And she's not athletic or the outgoing type.  I mean, she is not fat but she isn't in excellent shape either.  In other words, her body is pog pog laus considering she hasn't had any kids.  On numerous occasions, I have advised her to stop dating little boys and start dating men her age or older and if she only wants to date athletic guys, she must also bring the same to the table.  Does she heed my advice?  No.  She got her heart broken over and over again. 

As in the saying, you can only lead a horse to water; you cannot make it drink.  Maybe this new younger guy can prove me wrong.  Otherwise, she will eventually learn.  However, I hope that when she does learn, it's not too late for her. 

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2014, 02:38:16 PM »
She got her heart broken AGAIN!.  Guess some people have to learn it the hard way, most do anyway. 

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Re: Life is Beautiful - An iPhotodiary
« Reply #28 on: August 06, 2014, 05:10:13 AM »
She is attracted to those type of men. Unless she learns how to stray from those type of men, she will have many heartbreaks to come. I find it that those young men are looking to have fun only. They are not really serious about settling down or want a serious relationship. And if they want to settle down, they will want someone who is younger than them or at least in their age range.

I know!  When we talked, I asked her if she discussed her expectations with this new guy and she said they both want the same get married and have children.  I replied, "That's fine and dandy, but just because he said that doesn't mean he wants those things now."

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