
Author Topic: Greyhound Station: Into the Abyss  (Read 5096 times)

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Greyhound Station: Into the Abyss
« on: June 21, 2014, 01:55:11 PM »
Dear M,

I hope you don't mind how things turned out. Maybe if I had tried harder, things would have turned out differently and we would all still be together. I guess I just wasn't strong enough glue. I think though, the way things have turned out is much healthier and better for everyone.

I wish you had been able to live out your life the way you had wanted to. I miss you.



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Re: Greyhound Station: Into the Abyss
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2014, 09:43:52 PM »
Dear G,

You made an appearance in my dream last night. It's probably been over a year since you last did. I was shopping in the grocery store when you came out of nowhere and were behind me in line. After we had paid for all our groceries and were getting ready to leave, you said you wanted to visit the "white people shop" that sold peppers. I had no idea what you were talking about, but you were adamant about going there. You said my parents had taken you there and it was close to P's place. I guess you didn't know that P and I haven't talked for about a year and parted on very bad terms.

I woke up not long after.

Until next time.



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Re: Greyhound Station: Into the Abyss
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2014, 01:16:19 PM »

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Re: Greyhound Station: Into the Abyss
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2014, 10:28:09 AM »
Dear M,

I dreamt of you last night.

I dreamt that after coming home (to a different home), the furniture in my bedroom had been rearranged, with some of it missing. You came seemingly out of nowhere to tell me that you were going to share my bedroom with me. There was barely any room for your twin sized bed to fit across from mine. I didn't know how to tell you that you'd be better off sharing someone else's bedroom with them.

All through out the dream, something seemed off about the whole encounter.

When I woke up, I remembered that you were gone. I suppose I knew that in my dream, but couldn't bring myself to admit it.

Whenever I dream of you, I think back to the day when we were all young. The world was full of possibilities. We were poor, but we were for the most part, happy.

I haven't forgotten about you.



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Re: Greyhound Station: Into the Abyss
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2014, 10:44:47 AM »
I'm sorry, but my ego simply won't allow me to think that M stands for anything other than Minorcharacter .

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Re: Greyhound Station: Into the Abyss
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2014, 09:17:57 AM »
Dear M,

I dreamt of you again, although you didn't quite make it into my actual dream.

We were at church camp, all six of us sisters, although in reality little M was always too young to really go with all of us together.

Those were good memories, and good times. In my dream, I realized that I was on my own despite all of us being there together. I guess that's the reality of it. We are no longer the innocent girls we once were. We've all gone our separate ways. Little M is in Europe, I'm here, and you are looking down on us.

Until we meet again.



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Re: Greyhound Station: Into the Abyss
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2014, 08:13:19 AM »
Dear M,

You have been on my mind lately. It's probably because your birthday is around the corner, and it's about that time you left us.

I miss your infectious smile and spirit. You always did have a way about you that drew people to you.



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Re: Greyhound Station: Into the Abyss
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2015, 03:38:51 PM »
Interesting thread about one's journey to the unknown.

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Re: Greyhound Station: Into the Abyss
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2016, 07:24:33 PM »
Last night I dreamt that we were at a park. I was with three friends and you were with her. There were lots of other people there, white people, black people, and other Hmong people.

We were just minding our own business when a fight broke out between a white couple and a few black people. Soon, the park became a warzone, which the white people pulling out guns and shooting at the black people. There were bullets flying in every direction. I told my friend we should leave, but she didn't want to risk getting hit by a stray bullet as we made our way to the car (that was about 100 meters away). Instead, we threw ourselves to the ground as a white guy sprayed the area with bullets from an automatic weapon. People were falling like flies. I was hoping he would spare us, but he didn't. As soon as he saw us, a spray f bullets flew at us, hitting our lower bodies with bullets. I sat up and realized my mistake. He looked at me and walked over. He noticed you next to me and shot you in the head. Then he proceeded to come closer to me and shoot me. As he stood over me, his cap fell on my head. I begged for him not to shoot me, but he ignored my pleas. I said a quick prayer as he pulled the trigger. My mind went blank as I watched him walk away. Then I realized I was still alive. God must have heard my prayer. As I touched my forehead, a bullet fell from it. His hat had somehow protected me.

I told my friend we needed to get out of there because it had been minutes and no one had called for help. All the white people were just standing around watching the massacre. Help was not coming. We needed to crawl over to the car and get out of there. I looked over to you, and crawled over to check on you. You were breathing, just barely. As you pulled me closer, I expected you to tell me to tell her that you loved her. (Where was she? Who knew? She disappeared during the chaos.) Instead you whispered softly to me, "Teach my kid." I cried and left you there to die.

As we were getting into the car, a few of the white people noticed and came at us. I picked up a gun I saw on the ground and attempted to fire back at them. I missed frequently, but grazed them a few times. As I got into the car, it turned out one of my friends wasn't really a friend. She tried to kill us, so I pushed her out the door.

We drove away and went to the hospital. The next day, my brother was showing me a list of people who had been shot at the park and their status. I didn't see your name on there, so I assumed you had died. However, later a nurse came by and I asked about you. She said you had survived.

A wave of relief washed over me. I shouldn't have left you behind, even if you were too heavy to move. I should have stayed until you were gone.


It's been years. I hope everything turned out the way you wanted.

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