
Author Topic: A Degree Doesn't Make You Right  (Read 11746 times)

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Re: A Degree Doesn't Make You Right
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2016, 05:47:22 PM »

You wrote, "I was thinking... maybe people like to have more faith in what a doctor or a graduate says becuase they feel those folks are better at evaulating situations... right?"

I am sure some people feel that that way, but they are wrong.  If I have a problem with my car, I want a mechanic.  If I have a health issue, I want a doctor.  Some doctors might also be good mechanics.  However, being a doctor doesn't make you a good mechanic. 

I thought I posted in this post already!

I did..

So nobody cares about the MRSA stuff?   OH wells...

In any case...

I was thinking... maybe people like to have more faith in what a doctor or a graduate says becuase they feel those folks are better at evaulating situations... right?

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Re: A Degree Doesn't Make You Right
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2016, 07:06:29 PM »

Arrogant much?  You are no different than the people you started this rant about.  Fail.

It's quite obvious that thePoster wasn't attacking your logic but rather trying to find reason in the other side.  Sometimes we have to look at things from both angles to gain a clearer understanding.

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Re: A Degree Doesn't Make You Right
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2016, 07:32:06 PM »

1.  insulting me does not make whatever you say valid

2.  just because people have reasons for whatever they believe, it does not make these reasons valid.  for example, some people do not hire blacks for the night shift because they think blacks can not see well at night.  they have a reason, but it is not valid.

3.  talk about a fail.....hahah ahaahha.  you and believe in me should go out for dinner.

Arrogant much?  You are no different than the people you started this rant about.  Fail.

It's quite obvious that thePoster wasn't attacking your logic but rather trying to find reason in the other side.  Sometimes we have to look at things from both angles to gain a clearer understanding.

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Re: A Degree Doesn't Make You Right
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2016, 01:00:20 AM »
too long to read every post, the basic rule is to follow the ones living in that house. i'm sure every one has their angle to justify anything.

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Re: A Degree Doesn't Make You Right
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2016, 05:19:52 PM »
With the education system graduating thousands upon thousands of people every year, a degree is more of a label these days rather than a testament of who you are as a intellectual/person. I'm not sure about other fields, but in the science and engineering fields, the name of your degree doesn't matter much once you graduate and move on to industry or higher education. What people care more about is what experiences/skills you can offer. The lines between  this engineer and that engineer, this scientist and that scientist all blur out, and it's your ability, creativity, and attitude that defines who you are as an intellectual. I think that Hmong people, both old and young, should try to adopt a similar view also. Don't put someone (or yourself) on a pedestal simply because your degree is something "prestigious". Judge people and yourself according to their character, their words, and their actions. Those people who have "high" degrees and "high-class" careers but look down on others are not people I respect at all. They clearly are too self-absorbed in their titles, and you shouldn't be afraid to call them out on that. They might have the brains in one tiny little area, but are trapped in a tiny world of their titles because of their arrogance. A well-rounded intellectual is someone who understands and practices humility while using their knowledge and abilities to better themselves and those around them.

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Re: A Degree Doesn't Make You Right
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2016, 11:47:19 PM »
So here we go again...

New guy comes into work.  He just got his doctorate, and he thinks he is the smartest person in the room.  The job he signed up for only requires a BS, so he is already overqualified.  His job is an entry level job.  But, whatever.  As part of my job, I show the noobies around. 

On his first day, he pisses off almost all the managers.  He is talking about how smartER he is.  He is talking about his big plans for the corporation.  He is talking about how he is going to make everyone as good as he is.  He fails to realize that some of the people he was bragging to were really smart AND more accomplished individuals.  He's just a noob.  Personally, that doesn't bother me.  A person can be as arrogant as he/she wants as long as the job gets done. 

Unfortunately, the job didn't get done.  The first week was below average.  I don't fire people for being below average because recently "below average" is average.  It's just sad that his performance isn't better given his big talk. 

The good news though, he seemed to have gotten the hint.  He is isn't completely incompetent, so he can be successful.  He just needs to focus on his job and not worry about changing the system.  Maybe his vision of the future is correct, but he needs to get some experience first.     

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