
Author Topic: DC vs. Marvel  (Read 32312 times)

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #60 on: October 18, 2015, 07:03:23 PM »
It's been a while since I actually posted a DC vs. Marvel battle, so let's do...

Ultron vs. Amazo

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #61 on: November 06, 2015, 10:15:53 AM »
Marvel Villains vs. DC Villains

I've always liked this battle.  A hero is often defined by his rogues gallery.  It doesn't even have to be a fight.  It can just be who has a better and more interesting gallery.  Many people like the Marvel heroes, but what about the flip-side? 

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #62 on: November 06, 2015, 10:45:32 AM »
Flash has only recently been featured in the mainstream.  Flash has always been a great character for comic fans, but everyone else is finally coming along.  I am surprised you didn't list Grodd. 

For a good Flash debate, try debating who is the best flash (It's like arguing the best GL).  Most people might say Barry, but there are a lot of Wally fans, especially those who started reading in the 90's.  Then there is Jay and Bart.  Even that dude from DC 1 Million is fun.  He is here and there, but I would like to see more stories with him. 

Batman and flash's rogue are probably the two that gets talked about the most.

Captain cold.
Weather Wizard
Reverse Flash
Captain Boomerang
Cobalt Blue

And then we all know most of Batman's rogues gallery.

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #63 on: November 06, 2015, 10:53:19 AM »
What?  No.  Batman/Catwoman hands down.  Batman/Talia comes as a better argument.  Terry and Ten were never really an item.  Terry was just on a semi-rebound from Dana, who is his actual SO.  Plus, Terry made it clear that he has no romantic interest in Ten after the letter.  Plus, we see that Terry ends up with Dana in a BB episode in the JLU series. 

That being said, it would be fun for them to go back and explore that relationship more....maybe when they are in their 20's. 

Not DC vs Marvel..  but who do you think is the better pair.

Batman/catwoman vs Batman Beyond/Ten (Melanie Walker)

From the way it's written in the show and from what I've seen in the comics.  I prefer the Melanie/Terry.  There's more non-batman interactions

or even.

Terry/Dana vs Terry/Melanie

I still would rather go with Terry/Melanie.  There's more chemistry there.  Dana is annoying.  Almost like an annoying Mary Jane clone.

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #64 on: November 06, 2015, 11:05:59 AM »
Barry was popular in the early days and now today.  But, there was a time where Wally was the only Flash, and he had some really fun stories.  The JLA reboot in the late 90's featured Wally, not Barry.  The entire "Speed Force" thing, that was Wally.  There are some people who only read Wally stories.  Plus, Wally, like Nightwing, grew up with readers.  Unlike heroes like Superman who just stay forever ageless, you see Wally's story arc, and that's something special. 

Of course, you get the real OG's, and they vote Jay and everyone else on the JSA. 

Personally, I am 50/50 between Barry and Wally. 

LOL i forgot some, especially Grodd. it's still too early for me.  it's only 8:50 so I'm mentally barely awake right now. I also forgot Killer Frost among others.  (Can't wait to see her in the show!)

I'm thinking most would say Barry because like me, We mostly only know Barry.  Followed by Wally.

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #65 on: November 06, 2015, 11:14:25 AM »
I never liked the Dana character.  I never liked Terry's family either.  However, I understand the importance of their existence.  It's a nice nod to Bruce's work as Batman.  Gotham may always need a Batman, but at least this Batman is able to live a somewhat happier life.  They just need to explore those stories more. 

The reason why I said they can re-explore those stories in their 20's is because it is conceivable that Terry and Dana will seriously break up in the future.  Chances are that Dana will go to college, and Terry will choose an "internship" with the Wayne Enterprises.  Dana will probably move out of Gotham for a years and start seeing other guys.  If I were writing the story, I would make her into a Lois Lane kind of character.  During this time, Terry and Ten do their Batman/Catwoman imitation.  In their 30's, I would then make Terry and Dana reconnect. 

But hey, that's me and my fan fiction. 

Right.  Didn't think about Talia.  That is a better comparison.
The 2 episodes she was in was more enjoyable then the entire season with Dana.  She was bad, but not truly bad.  Which was interesting compared to Dana who was pretty much always nagging though it's understandable why she nagged.
Would like to see her make an appearance.  Though I'm not sure where they can go with it considering most of the "charm" is because of the two of them being conflicted between their jobs and love interest and I doubt she would still be with her family afterwards.

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #66 on: November 06, 2015, 11:30:49 AM »
Maybe in 20 years....sadly . DC is trying to copy and paste the Marvel formula.  DC fails to understand that their heroes are different.  The first JLA story should be a multiverse story.  Throw us for a loop right from the start. 

That being said, a good Martian invasion story would be fun, and a great way to introduce Manhunter. 

I only loosely follow the comics so I don't know too much.  Usually tend to read ones that flows smoothly unlike some Marvel comics that branches out way too much. 

You think we'll ever see a live adaptation of Crisis on Earth 3?  I want to see a live version of JLA vs Crime Syndicate.

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #67 on: November 06, 2015, 11:41:13 AM »
Oh, Batman is a nutcase, and that is why his villains are what they are.  We can sit here and write a book on it.  Long story short, his villains represent all of his own personal issues. 

Complicated Grief Disorder?  Yes.
Obsessive/Compulsive?  Yes. 
Egomania?  Take on the entire JLA?  Yes. 

The list goes on and on, and there is a villain for each one.  Pick a mental disorder, Batman probably has it.  This is the reason why Batman has the best rouges gallery.

if the "once and future thing" is anything to go off of, they could really do that. She moves on, and he chooses to stay working for Wayne Enterprises and keep the cowl as part of the Justice League.  So he kind of is following Bruce's line of never giving up the cowl.  Though they may have to go into details of it.

Reminds me of the mini talk we had in theory a few weeks ago and someone suggested Bruce is still grieving over the loss of his parents.  He never truly got over them so he continues to keep himself busy that way he doesn't think about it, kind of like a drug fix.  Someone else said he had a sort of Hero Complex where he kept thrusting himself into dangerous situations in order to fight his own inner demons of "If only he was stronger, he could've saved his parents." Neither were comic fans so they based their interpretation on the shows.  There were other things mentioned but I don't remember them all.

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #68 on: November 09, 2015, 06:34:56 PM »
Battle for the Cowl was a great story arc.  Not sure if the movie will go that route or not.  They  might mix a few stories. 

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #69 on: November 10, 2015, 05:41:35 PM »
Damien isn't bad, but I am just not too fond of  him.  He seems like a redundant character in the Bat Family.  They already did the "rebellious Robin" with Jason Todd.  That being said, a fun story would be Damien vs. Terry.  Or maybe they should explore the possible future DC One Million presented way back in the late 90's....Was that Damien in the flashback story with Two Face Two?  He was described as the son of Bruce and Talia.  Did DC really setup the Damien character in 1999?  Or is this all coincidence? 

Or better yet, a Robin Battle Royale.  Tim vs. Damien vs. **** vs. Jason vs. Stephanie vs. Carrie vs. Talon.  I feel bad for Carrie.  I don't think she is going to make it far. 

The recent movies with him aren't great, but they aren't awful either.  I rather have something to watch rather than nothing. 

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #70 on: November 11, 2015, 01:25:10 AM »
I am actually behind on TV.  I've been too busy lately.  Even when I have some free time, I find myself not watching TV.  I am actually really far behind on lots of TV shows.  Some series that I haven't finished yet are Breaking Bad, Lost, BSG....

That being said, I plan to binge watch Supergirl, Daredevil, and Arrow during Thanksgiving.  But who knows, other things might come up.

B. what's your thought on Supergirl so far?

I'm enjoying it.  It knows when to have fun, doesn't need to be all dark like arrow or try very hard to be something right away like Gotham.  It's just slowly building up with alot of emotional bits.

The IM between Kara and Clark in this week's episode was a great moment.

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #71 on: November 11, 2015, 01:38:50 AM »
I am not really shocked by movie or TV story-lines anymore.  If you read comics, almost every story has been told.  It's just fun to see a different take on it.  For example, for Batman Begins, people were like, "OMG!  What a creative take on it!"  But comic readers read this story from the 80's.  Or, look at The Incredibles.  To me, it was incredibly predictable, but my friends were so shocked.  Of course the kid grew up to be the bad guy.  Of course the cape was going to do him in.  And of course, Jack Jack has powers...and quite possibly be the most powerful. 

I didn't list all the shows I plan to watch.  There are just too many.  Off the top of my head, I think the order might be....this season's Walking Dead, Agents of Shield, Flash, Daredevil, Supergirl.  I might throw in some older shows that I never finished.  I am just not that hyped about Gotham.  I get the feeling that Gotham Central and GCPD did it better.   

Gotham Season 2 is starting off good. season 1 was a snore..
Definitely binge through Arrow Season 3, it was pretty lackluster. 

Don't forget Flash.  It was a great season 1. Though if you know comics, its quite predictable about what may happen in the season.  Season 2 is harder to depict.

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #72 on: November 11, 2015, 08:58:06 AM »
Okay I didn't go through all the verbage because I've seen these discussions before but I'll say this. 
I used to be a Superman fan back when I was 8 but as I grew older and wiser, I came to realize that to build a character so powerful that you'd have to come up with something silly like Kryptonite as his weakness so the bad guy stands a chance is not very imaginative.  Therefore DC really appeals to very young generations where you wanna see an unstoppable character where as Marvel appeals to a wider audience.

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #73 on: November 11, 2015, 03:40:18 PM »
That's not really true.  In fact, it doesn't even make sense.  I'd go into the details of why, but it's not worth it.  In the end, if you like Marvel stories more, that's fine.  Marvel has some really nice characters and stories, but so does DC. 

Only silly fanboys would try to argue that one is better than another.  Fanboys like to argue Playstation vs. Xbox.  Fanboys like to argue Apple vs. Android.  Fanboys like to argue Marvel vs. DC.  The truth is that there are good (and bad) games on both Playstation and Xbox; there are good (and bad) things about Apple and Android; there are good  (and bad) stories from Marvel and DC. 

Okay I didn't go through all the verbage because I've seen these discussions before but I'll say this. 
I used to be a Superman fan back when I was 8 but as I grew older and wiser, I came to realize that to build a character so powerful that you'd have to come up with something silly like Kryptonite as his weakness so the bad guy stands a chance is not very imaginative.  Therefore DC really appeals to very young generations where you wanna see an unstoppable character where as Marvel appeals to a wider audience.

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Re: DC vs. Marvel
« Reply #74 on: December 20, 2015, 10:08:23 PM »
I love The Dark Knight Returns story, but I am tired of every movie and new fanboy using ONLY this story.  There are more Bat stories than this....

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