HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. You still mad about that. Between the two of us, who is more butthurt about the rules? I am willing to play under any rules, but you are butthurt about not being able to do your fake shot.
If you can't see the plays the white boys ran, then you don't know basketball like that black kid. It wouldn't have mattered, but the black kid is beetching about losing....just like you are here.
Scrubs come in all ages and genders. Young adults to mature men.
Anyone can be critiqued. And the black kid is not being critiqued on his game but his attitude. And let's not forget how you love to critique Hmong basketball players. You even like to make up imaginary critiques too. Have you ever heard of hypocrisy?
It is funny how you accuse me of being the black kid because the black kid is more like you. Who complains about losing? Who complains about not being able to do his fake shot? Who likes to brag about how awesome they are? It's YOU! HAHAHAHA.
That annoying black kid = thePoster. 
You just butthurt.
No, it's more like you.... look how you're critizing the kids... and lets emphasis... "kids"...
and its a pickup game in their driveway... and you're talking about play's and stuff...
I guess if watching "kids" play basketball is how you learn and gain more knowledge on basketball...
Whatever I guess.
Trust me, I'm definately could care less about that call.
I'm simply saying, you are the type to make that call.
I don't think you can distinguish or differentiate the difference between a pickup game and a real game.
All games to you is a "real" game... I'm sure you're stopping plays to call a foul... who call's foul in a pickup game? And you probably want your free throws too.
Hey, if that's how you play, that's how you play.
I'm pretty sure I've left the subject, but as you can see you still bring things up.
You only posted the video to compare it to me.
You actually made the post to just get at me...
That's quite sad buddie!
I can win games.. but like I said, what's the point? What's the point in going 100 percent? Unless I'm in some tournament or the nba then I can see a point.
What's the point in bringing everything to the table agianst the weekend warriors...and calling every single thing..
I don't think you can even start to understand...
... as far as basketball mentality goes..
To get to where I am, you still have alot of roads to travel.