
Author Topic: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits  (Read 8391 times)

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2018, 01:43:10 PM »
You say that... but then there's a physical touch or tug... how do you explain that?
bro, you need to go to school and learn about nerves. here's an example... amputees still feel parts of their bodies that's no longer there.  O0

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2018, 03:54:45 PM »
Also I have friends that knows and have been expose to all sorts of weird unexplainable occurrence of I've learned to understand that everyone has a different way of interpreting things they see depending on what religious belief they have ...the Christians will say it's the attack of the devil, the shamans will say it's an evil spirit that has latched itself to u and etc.

I personally don't think the red strings, charms or trinkets will work for me as it's not really an attack of an evil entity but more so just my own mental state of depression...

You have to deal w/ it on how u believe fit...although it may or may not work, at least it will help to ease your mind a bit to lessen the fear...I hope this perspective of my experiences will help you to open your mind a bit...

thanks for sharing your experiences, it's really knowledgeable and helpful. i've ponder through so many probable causes of why this happens to me.but i guess the real problem i have is where do i start? i dont have any sort of connection in the small college town i live in. Of course i could go to church, but with out my husband support i feel super silly being there by myself.  Sorry this response isnt as long as yours but i have taken all of your word whole heartedly. lol

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2018, 04:07:31 PM »
Dang nkaujsee!  I'm sorrie to hear about you.  I'm too afraid to read all of your post.

Colormerainbow ... I don't know what to say..

For me, I sleEP on my belly.  I've only had one attack when I sleep on my belly. 

I'm more comfortable sleeping face up bit that's when the attacks come!!!  Oh Wells.   Sometimes I'm like "screw it, it's more comfy this way and I'll just deal with it"

I always fight it. 

A funnie story..  once I was attacked 3 times in one night...

It just became funnie I laughed about it when the morning came..

The first attack was a skinnie one and I fought it off, then another skinnie one tried agian later and I fought it off..and guess what?  On the 3rd attack I guess they went to get back up and it was big fat one!!!  Cheezes! !  I mean for reall? !?!?  Yeap, they went and got a fat one..  I fought it off as well.

Man, I woke up the next morning and just laughed.

lol, i've tried sleeping in different position before but it's never worked, sometimes now when i sleep i would like really bad headaches or my hear would hurts really bad to the point where i feel like something is screaming into my ear. scary. :O

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2018, 04:18:52 PM »
I sometimes get sleep paralysis or "sat on" but it varies. Sometimes it starts as a dark, terrifying presence in my room. I can tell how strong it is by how stark my fear is upon waking. Sometimes I don't even wake up fully. I'm more half awake but the fear is so strong, it's more real than the pillow beneath my cheek. Sometimes there's paralysis, but lately the presence is just there. It makes itself known by pulling my blanket off me. One time it attacked me by biting me but that was because I tried resisting. Other times, it enters my dreams and gives me nightmares, usually in the form of demonic entities.

Since you're between religions (I'm assuming Christianity and Hmong shamanism), have you tried praying? When it got really bad, I would sleep with a rosary and pray every night. During the night time visits, I would pray the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary. It worked... After a couple weeks, everything stopped. I stopped wearing the rosary and praying at night, so one night I had a particularly bad nightmare. I think it was the same dark presence because it felt familiar. Well, at that point I had enough so I turned to the presence in my dream and said very firmly, "That's enough!" But funnily it wasn't just my voice that came out. Another voice was layered over mine, deep and layered with authority. Right when I said that, something grabbed hold of me and pulled me. I went from darkness to light while being dragged from behind, and my ears were filled with the loud rushing of wind. Quite suddenly I woke up. My body was paralyzed. But I wasn't afraid. There was no fear this time. Just absolute certainty that I was alright. I waited patiently in the dark for my limbs to relax. I could hear ordinary night time sounds, like the house creaking and the wind shaking the leaves in the tree outside my window. The darkness in my room was benign, and I knew every dark shape and shadow. After a while, my body could move again. I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Ever since that night, I have not felt any dark presence or have had any sleep paralysis.

So for me, praying helped.

I don't know how to pray but I've tried praying.  i usually just call for god to help doesn't work though, do you think its because you need to know how to pray? My FIL once told me to not put my faith in too many things or else the results im looking for will never work 100%. Do you think this is true? I've tried fighting this thing but it never gives up sadly.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2018, 05:25:37 PM »
My parents also experience sleep paralysis when we were young....We were poor and had a 1 bedroom apt. & my siblings and I all slept in that same bedroom w/ my  my parents

In the middle of the night for some odd reasons both my parents would wake up in the middle of the night seeing this shadowy figure while experiencing the sleep paralysis at the same time...and then other times my father would wake my mom up from that state and vise versa... it went on for various times throughout the years that we've lived in that apartment...

Eventually my uncle (dad's older brother) became a shaman...and then my father put up his small thaj neeb (altar) and ever since then he's never experience it again...that shadowy figure no longer appear in the middle of the mom on the other hand still have occurrences here and there but it's not as bad

kuv niam siab mes li kuv and she's more susceptible to being exposed to these bad energies...

Onto another story time she was attending a traditional Hmong funeral and she decided to use the restroom...she said as she walked towards the restroom, there was this very cold wisps of air that passed by her and it literally suck the energy out of her body and she felt weaken for some odd shook her whole body to the core and she knew something wasn't right....that night when she went to sleep she saw this figure of an entity in her dream that kept wanting to bother or scare her, the face was like of a zombie ...Hmong people have a word for this...I forgot what the word is but it's when at a funeral or a place where spiritual energies roam, they latch onto u, not on purpose but because you happen to be there while they are doing their pass my mother may happened to be there for this entity to latch itself to her...they love to feed on the weak spirited and when your fear sets in that's the best time to latch :P

Yikes that is really scary. Did your family follow the old tradition or were your family church goers before your father put the alter up?

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2018, 05:29:11 PM »
Sleep on your side or your stomach n drool. 

Don't cross your arms on your chest while sleeping.  The reaper will bother you if they mistaken you for a dead person.

Drink warm milk before bed n wear a sock to warm up your feet.  Dead people have cold feet. 

By all means, just don't struggle.  Let your mind to catch up with your body.  The body wakes up faster than the mind hence a paralysis occurs. 

If all that don't work, masterbation before bed.  Orgasm releases good toxin feeling that can give you good sleep.

I had my case a long time ago.  So bad that I can hear myself praying like talking in my sleep.  So bad that I sleep walked but fell at the front door, where a religious statue was at.  Well silly kids n their imagination, the day before, I was fixated to that statues face n I kid you not, it smiled at me n I was warm n complete like my body n soul was heal. 

If Jesus talk to u, how would you feel moment.

haha DuMa, how accurate are the first 4?

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2018, 04:13:24 AM »
When I get home tommorow I'll type a really long reply and explain what it is based on my experiences...

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2018, 11:39:09 AM »
Allright, now that I'm on a computer..

Years and years of being attacked...

Yes it is still scary everytime....

But you know what?  When you "wake up" during the attack, you're actually still asleep.  After a while you start being aware of the whole situation. 

Yes, it looks just like your room...everyth ing is there and it makes you believe that you are actually awake but you're not...

Many of times in my later years now, during the attack's I'm aware that I'm not awake, even though I look around and can't move etc etc.. You're actually not awake.

So I'm not sure how it actually all works.. sometimes even you think your eyes are wide open.. and maybe they are, but I guess it is possible to recieve signals into your eyes still being asleep with your eyes awake and your brain is just trying to make sense of it all.

Who knows..

But from my experiences, like I said, even though you feel like you're awake and everything looks exactly like in your room, you're actually still asleep "dreaming" it.

Maybe i'm wrong and I'm sure Ill be wrong but like I said, there have been a lot of times later in my years  that I'm aware that it's just a dream.

And it's still scary, and yes I still "fight" it...

Thats why I said the other day I was suplexing and doing wrestling moves on whaterver was happening to me. 

Just ended up taking control of my dream and yeah doing all of that.

If you wanna talk about it!  You know what to do!  Hook me up with a hottie and we'll talk!

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2018, 12:12:20 PM »
Allright, now that I'm on a computer..

Years and years of being attacked...

Yes it is still scary everytime....

But you know what?  When you "wake up" during the attack, you're actually still asleep.  After a while you start being aware of the whole situation. 

Yes, it looks just like your room...everyth ing is there and it makes you believe that you are actually awake but you're not...

Many of times in my later years now, during the attack's I'm aware that I'm not awake, even though I look around and can't move etc etc.. You're actually not awake.

So I'm not sure how it actually all works.. sometimes even you think your eyes are wide open.. and maybe they are, but I guess it is possible to recieve signals into your eyes still being asleep with your eyes awake and your brain is just trying to make sense of it all.

Who knows..

But from my experiences, like I said, even though you feel like you're awake and everything looks exactly like in your room, you're actually still asleep "dreaming" it.

Maybe i'm wrong and I'm sure Ill be wrong but like I said, there have been a lot of times later in my years  that I'm aware that it's just a dream.

And it's still scary, and yes I still "fight" it...

Thats why I said the other day I was suplexing and doing wrestling moves on whaterver was happening to me. 

Just ended up taking control of my dream and yeah doing all of that.

If you wanna talk about it!  You know what to do!  Hook me up with a hottie and we'll talk!

Don't believe in what I say but at least have an open mind.

It is your spirit that is awake and what you see is real.  Your physical body does not need to be awake for you to have sight. 

You have to want to learn about it.  Almost like..."accepting" that you have sleep paralysis and not be afraid of it.  The more you are afraid of it, the more you are likely to have it.  All the negative energy you put on will accumulate and escalate your physical body to weaken.  You will be at your most vulnerable when you lose control of your waken life.

Don't be afraid.  Continue to fight and you will learn you have strength in a form you never knew you could.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2018, 12:30:50 PM »
I don't know how to pray but I've tried praying.  i usually just call for god to help doesn't work though, do you think its because you need to know how to pray? My FIL once told me to not put my faith in too many things or else the results im looking for will never work 100%. Do you think this is true? I've tried fighting this thing but it never gives up sadly.

Praying will not help you if you don't believe in it. 

You need to first learn about why people have beliefs and why they have faith in those beliefs.  It's not something that you can just say and do because it worked for someone else.  Your heart needs to be genuine, honest, and loyal. 

You will meet a lot of people who will tell you what works for them and certainly it does because they believe in it and they don't give up on it.  You may not know the depths of their beliefs but listen to how they express themselves and you might just learn why it works for them.  Think of it this way, if you cannot explain to yourself why something is not working for you, then maybe it's because you don't believe in it.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2018, 01:37:50 PM »
Praying will not help you if you don't believe in it. 

You need to first learn about why people have beliefs and why they have faith in those beliefs.  It's not something that you can just say and do because it worked for someone else.  Your heart needs to be genuine, honest, and loyal. 

You will meet a lot of people who will tell you what works for them and certainly it does because they believe in it and they don't give up on it.  You may not know the depths of their beliefs but listen to how they express themselves and you might just learn why it works for them.  Think of it this way, if you cannot explain to yourself why something is not working for you, then maybe it's because you don't believe in it.
people have faith and beliefs because they don't understand science. for example, many thought that meteors were plagues and bad omens. we know that isn't true. many others like you and people in here should understand that we are not living in the BCE era and move into the 21 century, for the sake of the children and the future.  O0

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2018, 01:44:44 PM »
people have faith and beliefs because they don't understand science. for example, many thought that meteors were plagues and bad omens. we know that isn't true. many others like you and people in here should understand that we are not living in the BCE era and move into the 21 century, for the sake of the children and the future.  O0

21st century is digging up BCE era to learn about the what can be "of" the I would say, you do you and be mindful.

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2018, 01:58:31 PM »
21st century is digging up BCE era to learn about the what can be "of" the I would say, you do you and be mindful.
digging up the past we learn about their beliefs and myths and apply science to understand. the only way humans have every moved forward is because of logical reasoning, people like newton darwin. why do you choose to live in the stone age?  :idiot2:

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2018, 03:11:38 PM »
digging up the past we learn about their beliefs and myths and apply science to understand. the only way humans have every moved forward is because of logical reasoning, people like newton darwin. why do you choose to live in the stone age?  :idiot2:

I guess you're going to have to go back to BCE era to dig up reasons and apply science to understand.... teehehe!

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Re: Charms, trinkets and other stuff to ward off evil spirits
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2018, 12:38:17 PM »
I guess you're going to have to go back to BCE era to dig up reasons and apply science to understand.... teehehe!
when you grow up and go to college take a course in Anthropology. i'm sure your mind will be blown when you realize all them video games beliefs you think are real come from old cultures.   O0

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