
Author Topic: Talking to guys at the age of 30+  (Read 7556 times)

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Re: Talking to guys at the age of 30+
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2018, 10:29:09 AM »
Just from reading your posts, you seem like someone who needs constant emotional validation from men, and you justify every act with a senseless excuse no matter how wrong you are. The guys in here who say that you're beyond help are right. We all see how immoral you're being. Even though you're over 30, you still need to do some growing up.

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Offline Gucci K

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Re: Talking to guys at the age of 30+
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2018, 10:57:22 AM »
You should come to Cali and service her.  I'm willing to wrap a condom over your ddiicckk, hands free so you can use your hands to eat some sticky rice.

We see thirsty people here from time to time but it is absolutely wrong to toy with people's emotions like this.  Then again, knowing zdn and his bedtime history, if you hit it one time, you'll
Pipe her, two times you'll like her, three times you'll wife her. 

Dilly Dilly
toying with people's emotions...we hmong have a term...'cooking rocks for you to watch'

if i ever come back to cali, i'll leave no desperate woman, unturned. ha!

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Re: Talking to guys at the age of 30+
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2018, 12:08:37 PM »
While your concern is valid and I do agree but with this case, it is beyond help and with that, we need to bust out the beyond help advice. 

Sure what she is doing is wrong but if it is therapy for her, how can it be wrong for her thy self? As long as it is helping her to cope at the moment then party on  home girl.  Normal seems not to interest her so the unorthodox method to life is the redneck spice of life. 

It is like how you try to stop your dad from smoking but all fails so you say fawk it, here's a box full of them, enjoy.

Not necessary. If she talks to the right people, nothing is beyond help. Unless, it's "I don't care what people say" than I'll agree with you there. lol

All that coping is short lived, like putting a bandaid on it.

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Re: Talking to guys at the age of 30+
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2018, 12:21:46 PM »
Not necessary. If she talks to the right people, nothing is beyond help. Unless, it's "I don't care what people say" than I'll agree with you there. lol

All that coping is short lived, like putting a bandaid on it.

Same thing can be said with the big pharma companies.  Read the instructions to Tylenol and it will say Temporary relief instead of an about problem solver. 

I don't support the stuff she have done but I do support her getting help in the most temporary ways. 

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Re: Talking to guys at the age of 30+
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2018, 04:25:04 PM »
It sounds to me that you need a break from your boyfriend.  If you can't be happy now, I doubt you will be happy with him in the next 10 years.  Staying with him will give you an excuse not to open yourself up for the right one.  I say leave the boyfriend.

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Re: Talking to guys at the age of 30+
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2018, 04:41:32 AM »
...looks like you're looking for validation to cheat or get out of your relationship.  In all honesty, you might be 33 years old, but you have the emotional maturity of a little girl who still needs to qualify her feelings from others before you make any decision in your life.  Are you sure you want to avoid older men because you're afraid of what dating them might entail in terms of emotional commitment, or are you afraid they might expect you to act like a grown woman and be able to make decisions in your life without constantly looking to them for emotional validation?

Lost and confuse?  Name one one adult who doesn't feel like that at least once or twice a day.  This goes back to my belief that you're somehow emotionally stunted.  One part of being a grown up is to take on things that you have little to no preparation to handle.  A lot of times, you have just make a decision and go with it, regardless of if the outcome is to your liking or not.

You can string these young guys along all you want - and that is what you're doing and you're doing it knowing how these young, impressionable, men feel about you in the situation.  You can pretend you're not doing anything wrong and it's all for fun, but remember that these young men are human beings as well.  You might have a clear idea of the relationship you want to have with them, but they might not.  That could lead to disastrous results if you improperly handle the situation - and reading form your post, you are.

My advice to you is, do whatever you want.  But break up with your partner (if you haven't yet) and make sure you clarify your intentions to these younger men whom you're currently having an emotional affair with (which you are).

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Re: Talking to guys at the age of 30+
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2018, 10:54:13 PM »
Updated as of 6/04/18

For the past 2 weeks, I started seeing someone I met from Hmong single. Like how I mentioned that I’ve no self confidence, well he made me feel confident and comfortable in my own body. He says to me that I do not need to change myself or look like a certain someone to meet anyone. If they can’t accept you, don’t even bother knowing them. I thought about it and the previous week I messaged him saying “Let’s meet up because I will never lose weight”.  ;D So we met for over an hour that night because my man went fishing over night with the guy on Sunday. We went to the park and walk and talk. This guy here is like skinny skinny. I am twice his size or bigger.  ;D On Tuesday after memorial, we met up around noon time and grabbed Jamba Juice. We met for an hour and just chit chat. I had to sneak out to meet him. We continued to talk and see each other.  I decided to give him 100% of my time and I guess I told him my pity story of my relationship. This past weekend we hung out and did a lot of things. We had our first lunch and dinner date, cruising through town and etc. He says to me he like me a lot and want more then friends. He said I make him happy. I’m confused at the moment because I don’t want any relationship. My partner trust me now and I can’t do anything suspicious because he’ll find out and can murder me.

Is it normal to have feelings for someone who’s filling all the empty voids in your life? I mean he’s showering me with love, doing everything for me and treating me like a woman. I mean who doesn’t want that? I always wanted to have a man who’ll go eat pho, papaya salad and seafood with me and he’s doing that with me. All the places that I go alone, were doing and going together. I’m just scared to take the next step. Honestly, I miss him and think I’m having feelings for him. My partner said the meaniest things to hurt my self esteem so I won’t cheat on him. With the new guy, everything he said to me it’s lije on point. He pushed my button, we butt head and disagree with one another because he made me see reality. He said I’m babysitting my man, he said stuff to me and it’s like I’m stuck in an eggshell and so forth. The more I talk to him, the more similarities we shared and vavlue in life which makes me start liking him more. My younger guy friends who I talk to, I only want to hear sugar coated words but with him he’s the opposite. He was the last person in messenger that I wanted to know. I ignored him 2 months ago because the truth hurts me.

I’m complicating my life because I want to see what options are out there for me. This is an update of what I’m doing so far. I’m seeing/talking to someone and we’re both on the same page.

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Offline duckwingduck

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Re: Talking to guys at the age of 30+
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2018, 12:22:06 AM »
You should break up with your current partner.  Then wait a while before dating again. 

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Re: Talking to guys at the age of 30+
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2018, 06:40:09 PM »
Good morning everyone. It has been a while and after my last post on here, I started talking to more people even though I'm still in a relationship with my partner.

It was nice to know that even though I'm 33, it was still possible to find love at my age. When I first started talking to guys, I had a low self esteem. The more opened I became, I started feeling better about myself and I could feel my confidence coming back. I became more happier because of positive people who I've let into my life.

I spoken to a few guys and I told them honestly that I'm still in a relationship. I am blessed to know that they still stood by my side and waits for my call/texts. Whenever I feel down, those friends are just a phone call away.

If you are in a relationship, even a bad one, you need to devote all your time to that relationship.  It sounds like you aren't that invested in the relationship if you are talking to other guys on this board.  Even if it is just "support" and innocent, it reduces the value of the relationship you should be building with your SO.  If you are looking for "support" here on PC, your "relationship" isn't real and you need to get rid of it because you are wasting your time and your SO's time.

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