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Failure to Evolve the Mind
« on: March 19, 2020, 03:12:11 PM »
Today the entire knowledge of human history is at our fingertips.  We know more about the known universe today than ever.  Yet, with all that increase in knowledge, we have become diminished in our spirit.  A new virus spreads across the globe and everything grinds to a halt.  Hate emerges.  Fear emerges.  Greed emerges.  Gluttony emerges.  The evolution should be greater belonging, greater togetherness, greater solutions, but all is not what it should seem.  Seems like we've been taught all wrong.  A house of cards made of knowledge but empty of the spirit.

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Offline DuMa

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Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2020, 04:57:16 PM »
This wuhan virus fear has opened up my eyes in terms of a testing ground to see who is truly your family and friends. 

I'm not mad at them for they do not know what they are doing. 

They know I worked in the bay.  I don't have symptoms.  Already, I got a notice from family members in town not to go to their house in fear of me spreading wuhan. 

What if I'm married or have a steady gf and she too gave me such ultimatum? 

You kind of asking yourself.  What did I do?  Why are they prosecuting me for what I do not have? 

That my friend is the hardest thing to swallow.   :'(

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Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2020, 05:02:27 PM »
Damn!  It is like that!   :'(  You really don't know who people are until there is a crisis.  Just remember that crisis teaches us to expand our mind and spirit.  It is only in a crisis, through a crisis and out of a crisis can we understand who we are (what I am).  If you learn something important about the human spirit, the human condition, and the human experience, then be thankful because they were the catalyst to it.

This wuhan virus fear has opened up my eyes in terms of a testing ground to see who is truly your family and friends. 

I'm not mad at them for they do not know what they are doing. 

They know I worked in the bay.  I don't have symptoms.  Already, I got a notice from family members in town not to go to their house in fear of me spreading wuhan. 

What if I'm married or have a steady gf and she too gave me such ultimatum? 

You kind of asking yourself.  What did I do?  Why are they prosecuting me for what I do not have? 

That my friend is the hardest thing to swallow.   :'(

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Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2020, 06:09:41 PM »
It is like a big nightmare.  If you can just imagine this.  You have a loving family, your status is ok, the world is ahead of you and you wake up one day to see that the world is no longer the world that you remembered it as. 

Everything turned against you.  People rejecting you for no cot dayam reason at all.  You try to use your credit card, bank card, all denied.  You go to work and they tell you to go home.  You go home and you can't even go home because your home is now someone elses home.  Your own mother and father turns their back on you. 

I'm just making up some examples so for those who wants to know what the world of people who are living near this so called epic center wuhan so of speak have to deal with. 

Lots of conditions out there.  Like for example, my boy who works at telsa.  They are shrinking down their department so if you are out of pto, you will not get payed.  I know you can apply for EDD but edd is not the answer for them if they have bills upon bills.  Then when he gets home, he can't even go home because he has high risk parents there.  So what to do now?  He is going to be homeless in his own car.  He can pee in the bush but what about taking a poop, where do you run?  You are now a homeless guy.  Who knows if they will open back up his plant so he can get some money flowing from work.  He might get laid off so the uncertainty is out there.  What is he going to do with washing his clothing when laundry mats are on lockdown?  Where is he going to shower when gyms are all closed?  Where is he going to eat when everyone closes and I suppose he can buy food at walmart to eat but what's left or how is he going to heat his food?

How long is this going to last? 

I'm telling you.  You are force to be by yourself and to deal with your daily needs, all by yourself. 

I'm not gonna let him suffer like this.  I know he doesn't have symptoms like me but I have a roof all to myself.  He can catch wuhan with me and I'm not about to isolate myself and be lonely either. 

We can only hope for a temporary situation but what if it gets worse?  What if the government is going to make drastic measures again?  What if things do not get any better?  Water and electricity gets shut down.  How are we going to survive now? 

Confusion will be on people's face.  No one is trusting no one because anyone of us might have wuhan and no one wants to catch it. 

I honestly do not care about catching wuhan.  My view is that if my family members are in dire, I will be there for them, no matter what.  We can all catch wuhan together but this whole human relationship thing is something that I will not allow to be lost.  So far, it is lost.  It is slipping.  It feels like what was happening in commie vietnam back in the vietnam war era.  You get family members turning each other in to get a prize from the commie government.  The trust issue is gone. 

Another example I can give is if you are married into the inlaw family.  You guys have a great family relationship but then your significant other die and now the inlaw side of the family will not even look at you in the eye.  You are now by yourself.   What crime have they done to deserve this?


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Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2020, 06:27:57 PM »
Yes, this pandemic is teaching a lot about how we humans think (the crazy hoarding and emptying of store shelves) and about human relationships, etc.  :'(

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Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2020, 07:46:28 PM »
Yes, this pandemic is teaching a lot about how we humans think (the crazy hoarding and emptying of store shelves) and about human relationships, etc.  :'(

Talking about human relationship, let me tell you something or two so listen up.

You know that this social distancing and wuhan virus scares is more scarier than catching cooties or aids factors so with that in mind, no one in their right mind is going out on a meat hunting expedition these days.  In other words, if you single, sucks to be you cuz the market, well there is no market if people are avoiding one another and no such a thing as a social gathering anymore. 

With that in mind, if you have that someone, you better learn how to keep them (for now)   :2funny:

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Offline lilly

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Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2020, 06:18:39 PM »
Talking about human relationship, let me tell you something or two so listen up.

You know that this social distancing and wuhan virus scares is more scarier than catching cooties or aids factors so with that in mind, no one in their right mind is going out on a meat hunting expedition these days.  In other words, if you single, sucks to be you cuz the market, well there is no market if people are avoiding one another and no such a thing as a social gathering anymore. 

With that in mind, if you have that someone, you better learn how to keep them (for now)   :2funny:

Ha!  My friend told me her and her hubby are sleeping separately to be safe.   ;D  Are couples that are living together also sleeping separately right now?  "What would you do?"  ;D

Anyway, I'm scared to be around people right now.  But I do miss someone.

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Offline DuMa

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Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2020, 09:43:46 PM »
Ha!  My friend told me her and her hubby are sleeping separately to be safe.   ;D  Are couples that are living together also sleeping separately right now?  "What would you do?"  ;D

Anyway, I'm scared to be around people right now.  But I do miss someone.

If couples are both negatives then either trust n through sickness n in wuhan, yall should stay together, catch it together n die together.  If one is positive then quarantine the other while the other person do the beer run for you.

No need to treat one another like how you are treating strangers.

People phobia should be on your radar if you do not want to catch it since that is how we are catching it.  Lay low n only send out a person to do essential runs if you are out of supplies or food. 

This covid 19 is like alien bug attacking you.  If it is the flu, your body already see that it is human so it can fight it but alien bug, it will somehow helps the covid to multiply in your body until you get symptom and be a spreader of germs. 

Thus why our body can not fight it, no medication for it n hence, it worse than the flu as it slowly mutates n causes more destruction.   

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2020, 12:40:48 AM »
The virus is real but the shutdowns are fake orchestrated by the unreasonable and always emotionally obnoxious left. It's nothing more than to push political agendas (ahem Nancy Paum-losi).

Suddenly, people who were in the same space a little over 2 weeks ago have to distance themselves? If they were going to catch the virus then it would've happened two weeks ago. Don't give up your pho just yet, folks, for this fake outrage.

The shutdowns don't make any hill of beans sense. If you close stores early then that will only set off panic. That means more people in the store during the same hours. They're going to hoard more since you're telling them not to go out. They might as well buy up the whole store since they're not supposed to go out again.

Essential stores should stay open 24 hours so people can go at different times. Non-essential businesses should stay open. If you're a tax accountant, ain't like there is a mob in your office anyways. You have very little foot traffic to be worried about Coronavirus. Plus, you can schedule appointments. And hey, you are staying productive to keep the economy going.

I don't know about anybody else but I've always been able to work remotely so this is business as usual for me. My kids attend a school where a lot of their learning is virtual, too. So not much has changed other than the fact that they stay home now to do their virtual learning instead of doing it at school.

All the people overreacting are plain sheep. I'm still going out for my walks. Still taking my kids out to ride their bikes.

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Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2020, 02:37:12 AM »
The virus is real but the shutdowns are fake orchestrated by the unreasonable and always emotionally obnoxious left. It's nothing more than to push political agendas (ahem Nancy Paum-losi).

Suddenly, people who were in the same space a little over 2 weeks ago have to distance themselves? If they were going to catch the virus then it would've happened two weeks ago. Don't give up your pho just yet, folks, for this fake outrage.

The shutdowns don't make any hill of beans sense. If you close stores early then that will only set off panic. That means more people in the store during the same hours. They're going to hoard more since you're telling them not to go out. They might as well buy up the whole store since they're not supposed to go out again.

Essential stores should stay open 24 hours so people can go at different times. Non-essential businesses should stay open. If you're a tax accountant, ain't like there is a mob in your office anyways. You have very little foot traffic to be worried about Coronavirus. Plus, you can schedule appointments. And hey, you are staying productive to keep the economy going.

I don't know about anybody else but I've always been able to work remotely so this is business as usual for me. My kids attend a school where a lot of their learning is virtual, too. So not much has changed other than the fact that they stay home now to do their virtual learning instead of doing it at school.

All the people overreacting are plain sheep. I'm still going out for my walks. Still taking my kids out to ride their bikes.

You have your feelings and thoughts into this and I respect you for that but at the same time, I welcome you to any epic center like new york and see how real it can be. 

My cousin in mn shared the same feelings as you are.  The numbers are low in his neck of the woods and business like usual for him.  Mn got a big mass amount of space for people to roam so that's not a problem for social distancing.  Now lets see, so far, this wuhan has caused these drama in my so called life.

2 of my best boys are at it with each other - possible fear of losing their jobs at tesla
a drinking buddy just shot his wife and put a bullet in his head.  caught wuhan and don't know how to deal with it?  love triangle?  How about all of the above?
females got tested for wuhan and now isolating themselves and going broke for staying at hotel and it is not 48 hours turnaround for results either.  Friction in my life cuz I can't see them and I have no women in my life at the moment.   :2funny:
I'm being banned from any of my relatives cuz I worked in the bay and as a precautions measures, I must isolate myself.  Talking about stressing out when you feel like they are disowning you but what have you done?

while in isolation, I almost went into mental breakdown after the 2nd day.  If that is what jail feels like, come shoot me already. 

I took pto for a week to dodge people and nothing to do and no where to go. 

Life isn't normal.  I'm people's phobia now.  I washed my  hands and using sanitize wipes so much that I might have OCD. 

Then there is the issue about god.  If you are righteous then why be scared for right?  If he wants you to catch and die, you die.  What can I do? 

Add all this together and this coming monday, I will be back to work again.  The party is over but the wuhan still lingers as anybody can have it. 

Oh and found out 2 of my other friends caught wuhan and are in isolation.  Husband show signs and wife does not.  It is the asymptomatic folks that I'm more afraid of.  They don't even want to give me a test cuz I showed no signs whatsoever.  I worked in a chinese infested area of silicone implant valley area too. 

Cot dayam, my anxiety is at an all time high. 

But that's just another day I suppose.  I'm suppose to think that this whole chit is just another political game that old men plays right? 

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Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2020, 09:37:44 AM »
here's a second evolution of the mind...if one is dying of the covid-19, you can expect that you will die alone. unlike cancer and other terminal illness, you can expect loved one by your side.  unfortunately for covid-19, you would not want anyone you love present, as they may die with you.

Well how about lining up all of your haters and have them tied up and next to you while you cough your azz off and die so they too may catch it and die? 

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