
Author Topic: Trump probably paid lots of $$$ to rig the election but still didn't go his way?  (Read 302 times)

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Trump is "livid" after GOP midterms performance, adviser says

Former President Donald Trump "is livid” and “screaming at everyone” after last night’s disappointing GOP results in the midterms, a Trump adviser who has been in contact with Trump’s inner circle tells CNN.

“Candidates matter,” the Trump adviser said. “They were all bad candidates,” the adviser continued, critiquing many of Trump’s handpicked contenders in key battleground states.

This adviser said it’s unlikely Trump would delay his expected presidential announcement because “it’s too humiliating to delay.” But the adviser said there are too many unknowns at this point.

The most striking loss for Trump came in Pennsylvania, where Republican Mehmet Oz fell to Democrat John Fetterman in what was the most expensive Senate race in the country. Trump endorsed Oz, during the contentious Republican primary, effectively pulling through a brutal primary and narrowly into the general election. But where the former president’s backing was decisive in the primary, it was an albatross in the general election for a Republican Senate candidate who was attempting to make inroads in the suburbs by touting his own moderation.

While Trump did score some Senate wins — Trump-backed GOP JD Vance defeated a stronger than expected challenge from Democrat Tim Ryan in the Ohio Senate race, while Republican Ted Budd defeated Democrat Cheri Beasley in North Carolina — those wins have so far been limited to clearly lean Republican states.

In the House, too, Trump acolytes lost in what were seen as competitive contests that Republicans needed to win if they were going to build a significant majority in the legislative body.

In New Hampshire, former Trump aide Karoline Leavitt lost to Democratic Rep. Chris Pappas in what was seen as a highly competitive contest. In North Carolina, Trump-backed Republican Bo Hines lost to Democrat Wiley Nickel in a race that was widely seen as a test of the former President’s influence. And in Ohio, Democratic state Rep. Emilia Sykes defeated Republican Madison Gesiotto Gilbert who bullishly touted her ties to Trump.

Trump’s evening was particularly bad when viewed through the lens of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ romp of a night.

DeSantis, Trump’s clearest rival for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, overwhelmingly won reelection on Tuesday, crushing Democrat Charlie Crist by nearly 20 percentage points, continuing to consolidate Latino support in Florida and even by winning populous counties like Miami-Dade.

The headline in Trump’s one-time hometown paper, the New York Post, said it all: “DeFUTURE,” the headline blared, showing the Florida Republican on stage with his family.

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Minor poll problems twisted into false US election claims

Two years after conspiracy theorists spread lies about President Joe Biden stealing victory from Trump, they are now propagating smaller lies about the 2022 midterm elections.

Trump and GOP allies are distorting the truth about election hiccups that experts say officials handled well, including voting machine malfunctions in Arizona’s largest county and errors in the poll books used to sign in voters in Michigan’s largest city.

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Offline theking

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This will just make Trump more "livid"...(if true) ???:

Trump's one-time White House chief of staff says the former president 'is not doing very well' on the midterms, and that Ron DeSantis could beat him in 2024

Former Trump White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said early on Wednesday that his ex-boss, Donald Trump, is having a bad election night and that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has come out on top.

"Between being Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis tonight, you want to be Ron DeSantis," Mulvaney told CBS News, NBC reported. "DeSantis wins tonight and Trump is not doing very well."

His comments came after DeSantis, largely seen as Trump's biggest rival, pulled off a huge victory over Charlie Crist in Florida on Tuesday night, which could potentially set him up for a Republican presidential primary in 2024.

Meanwhile, numerous Trump-backed candidates, including Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania and Tudor Dixon in Michigan, have underperformed or lost the mid-term races, Insider and its election partner DDHQ projected.

In Michigan, Dixon lost a gubernatorial race to Democrat Gretchen Whitmer while Oz, a celebrity doctor, was beaten by John Fetterman for a seat in the Senate.

In recent months, DeSantis has established himself as a favorite of the conservative movement, and rival to Trump. Alina Habba, a lawyer for Trump, warned DeSantis against a 2024 bid earlier this week.

Neither Trump nor DeSantis has officially declared plans to run for president in 2024.

But both are rumored to be potential candidates, with the former president hinting earlier this week that he will make a "big announcement" on November 15.

Mulvaney, who served as Trump's chief of staff from January 2019 to March 2020, has been critical of his former boss, whom he once called a "terrible human being."

He told CNN in July that Trump is the "only mainstream Republican" who could lose the White House in 2024.

Mulvaney also said that he wants to see a "new generation" in the Republican party that would include De Santis, former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, or former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.

A representative for Trump did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

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Offline theking

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These headlines and news can't be good for Donald.. ???:

-"Republicans blame Trump for midterm disappointment s"

-"Donald Trump Makes A Mockery Of His Election Freakout With Doozy Of A Typo"

“They stole the Electron from Blake Masters. Do Election over again!” the former president ranted on his Truth Social platform after GOP candidate Masters lost to Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly in the Arizona Senate race.

That’s “Electron” and not “Election.”

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Offline Hung_Low

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I don't see this as a Trump this or that...
People are so polarized and divided that it does not matter who runs... It's all about political party.
You can put a rapist, murderer or even an animal and if it represent the higher political party of that state, it will win.

This is the reason I don't care about these midterm or Senate/Rep elections, I only vote in the presidential election.

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- Maxi pad not greatest thing on earth but next to it.

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Real news is this weds

Trump will let you all know if he will be running again in 2024.  He was about to leak news last week but his advisor stopped him.  He is like facebook dude, waited till the election is over to see which side is winning to make a dic move. 

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