Just listened to a very hopeful general tarot reading. Yes! I claim it!
It was so spot on that it was scary. It's not the same tarot reader but it aligned with the other one. However, this one revealed the aftermath of the tower moment. The betrayal will happen and I do believe so because I've been feeling it for months now. It's not that this person wants to intentionally betray me but it's because they don't have much of a backbone to stand up and fight, and so they're easily manipulated. They got themselves into a pickle (toxic situation). They think that by breaking our deal, they're going to save me from getting hurt but nothing could be farther from the truth. But they'd rather sacrifice my feelings and pull the "I didn't mean to" card afterwards. This person has a habit of doing that and so they're always sabotaging good opportunities for themselves. It's actually quite irritating.
I don't know why they can't remove themselves from toxic situations/people. For some reason they have to be petty and respond. It's so childish. And in doing so, they push away the good people. Then they wonder why things don't work out for them.
Well, it's because this person would rather play stupid games with toxic people then focus on the true, good, and loving people who are there for them. Anyways, according to tarot, by the time this person is done burning down the house (fighting with the toxic person through some debt/obligation), they will have lost the good people (me) in the process.
I'd share the video but then y'all would know my zodiac sign.