
Author Topic: Trying to be WOKE and appeal the race mongers backfired...  (Read 38 times)

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Offline Hung_Low

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An elite Catholic school kicked out two teens over 'black faced'... (remember when black face was the hot topic and talk of the town?).

The teens sued the school... won $1million case.

In the offending photo, the boys' faces were covered in dark green medication (A photo taken a day earlier revealed that they had tried on white face masks as well). The photo resurfaced on the same day recent SFHS graduates created a meme pertaining to the murder of George Floyd, which sparked its own outrage and controversy.

The student insinuated that the teens were using 'blackface' and deemed the photo 'another example' of racist SFHS students, before urging everyone in the group chat to spread it throughout the school community.

On June 4, 2020, Dean of Students Ray Hisatake called the boys' parents to ask them if they were aware of the photograph.

The parents asserted that the teens had applied green facemasks three years earlier, 'with neither ill intent nor racist motivation, nor even knowledge of what “blackface” meant,' according to the suit.

Less than four business hours later, Principal Katie Teekell called H.H's parents and said the teen was 'not welcomed back to SFHS.'

- Principal Teekell.

When the boy's father reiterated that his son had not engaged in blackface, Teekell responded that her decision was not based on 'intent,' but 'optics' and 'the harm done to the St. Francis community'.

Teekell said H.H. could choose to 'voluntarily' withdraw, rather than be expelled, with the incident scrubbed from his student record.

'At no time did Ms. Teekell, or anyone else from the SFHS administration, offer to investigate the allegations against the boys, or assist in removing the Photograph in any way,' the lawsuit asserts.

By June 17 the school's attorney was telling the families the image's 'disrespect was so severe as to warrant immediate dismissal'.

The school then backed a protest by parents who used the image as evidence of 'kids participating in black face (sic) and thinking that this is all a joke,' according to a Facebook page.

The teens ultimately withdrew on June 19, but H.H. encountered a problem when he attempted to join the football team at his new school.

Despite Teekell's promise (to wipe their record clean if they withdrawn from the school), SFHS was required to disclose that he had switched schools to avoid disciplinary action. This would see him banned from playing sports for a year, per regional rules.

'This lawsuit is our attempt to redeem our names and reputations, and to correct the record to reflect the truth of what actually happened,' the boys' families said in a joint statement.

'A photograph of this innocent event was plucked from obscurity and grossly mischaracteriz ed during the height of nationwide social unrest.

They claimed SFHS and its leadership had 'rebuffed' their attempts to correct the misunderstandi ng and 'seemed to have no interest in entertaining the truth'.

I hope these wokies and race mongers learned to not jump to conclusion before making accusations... and I hope that these parents, school staffs and teens that make this into a controversy is happy to be forking the $1millions to the teens - this is a private school, majority of the school budget is from the students and their parents... And the fact that George Floyd die of drug overdose and not from the cops just gives this BLM protest movement a big old 'black eye'.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2024, 07:56:32 AM by Hung_Low »

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- Maxi pad not greatest thing on earth but next to it.


