
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1608769 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #105 on: November 07, 2008, 01:37:35 AM »
Hmong people! come on! no matter what, do not and I repeat especially to the young aggressive hip boys, do not pick up or even stop for hitchhiker(s). Especially the very pretty, beautiful, and/or handsome one(s), even in broad day light. I have continuously heard over too many episodes of these giving stranger(s) a ride events. My uncle, who I mention earlier with the looking under your armpit trick, for example before he became a shaman and when he was a young aggressive hip boy, told me about one of his encounter. He was traveling around the neighborhood one day driving his new low rider truck (very popular back in the '80s) when he came to a complete stop at a red light and out of nowhere these two young sexy white teenage girls just snatch open his passenger door and slip into the vehicle with him, in broad day light (yeah!, make sure to always lock your car doors even while driving especially in the ghetto). You've got to imagine, my uncle must be out of his mind in between the moment wondering "who, what, where, why, when" right?, well he did. And than he went "wow! my ride is a hardcore chick magnet, man!. I didn't even have to invite or offer them a ride, they just pop right in" and "not just one but two at the same time, it's like hitting two birds with one stone". The really hilarious thought about the whole situation is the fact that he just immediately accepted their accompany, could be the attraction of their appearance, maybe. He recall he didn't realize about the bad odor smell in his vehicle until he drop "dump" them off at their final destination across town that goosebumps started beginning to increase around his body too. My uncle said the conversation during the trip was so blur he couldn't remember anything other than the girls giving him direction where to go. Could be faith or luck but he finally pull up at a gas station for refill and that's where the weird illusion also happened. As my uncle was pumping away, the girls climb out from his truck, thank him and walk away. He was suddenly confuse if this was the location where they wanted to be or was because they've just lost interest in his low rider and/or him. In the nick of time he turn to put the pump up so he can hurry to welcome and/or question the girls, but as soon as he turn back around to said something, both of them were gone. My uncle has to be horrified telling me the story, it has to be bringing back unwanted memory to him because in a almost whisper breath voice before he finish the story, he said that the trip back home seem to be forever for him and the hair on his back just stay straight up the whole time and it feels as if the girls was still in the truck right next beside of him. He said he tell me this so I won't have to witness the bad experience for myself and that he does not want to experience it as a witness himself ever again.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #106 on: November 08, 2008, 01:48:14 PM »
The looking under your arm pit trick is a WOW way to peak into the other world. The O.G. said sometime you'll see not just the spirits but also their entire realm. Most of the people who dare themselves into the stunt only claim seeing the ghost because that's what they're focus on. During my uncle's prime as a powerful shaman before he pass, he described to me about dimensions, that when he's there it's a totally different place but is actually the very same location as here. To those who's curious and wanted to try, beware, for the wise also speaks of big unwanted surprises. Hint is to be cautious when attempting the dangerous technique, like a ninja. If they somehow knew that you're trying to spy on them, they'll wait for the time when you act and "BOO!". There's also the one when you can peak through between your legs, like pretending to tide your shoelace, but first be very careful.

I got another theory why people see spirits when looking under their armpits and between their legs. If you don’t wash/clean these areas, they’ll reek real badly and when you put your nose close to it, the stink will cause you to hallucinate. This is only a theory but a sound one…LOL.  (j/k) 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #107 on: November 09, 2008, 12:21:53 AM »
the legendary littlefoot.   :o :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #108 on: November 09, 2008, 12:53:58 AM »
Look a gnome.  I bet I can drop this fool with my M4.  LOL  I bet it would start doing backflips and cart wheels too.   ;D ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #109 on: November 09, 2008, 09:31:02 AM »
wow... good ghost stories... keep them coming....   :)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #110 on: November 10, 2008, 11:47:19 PM »
If that's what you believe? true! could be that a lot of the old originals back in those days at Thailand and Laos don't really wash themselves. And because they've tried the exercise and are probably spooked by it, afraid to go swimming, leading to even more stinking ghosts under the armpits and between their legs.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #111 on: November 10, 2008, 11:49:47 PM »
What happened to all of the story tellers up in here? am I the only one? share your tales of cold chills.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #112 on: November 11, 2008, 12:19:47 AM »
Hmong people! come on! no matter what, do not and I repeat especially to the young aggressive hip boys, do not pick up or even stop for hitchhiker(s). Especially the very pretty, beautiful, and/or handsome one(s), even in broad day light. I have continuously heard over too many episodes of these giving stranger(s) a ride events. My uncle, who I mention earlier with the looking under your armpit trick, for example before he became a shaman and when he was a young aggressive hip boy, told me about one of his encounter. He was traveling around the neighborhood one day driving his new low rider truck (very popular back in the '80s) when he came to a complete stop at a red light and out of nowhere these two young sexy white teenage girls just snatch open his passenger door and slip into the vehicle with him, in broad day light (yeah!, make sure to always lock your car doors even while driving especially in the ghetto). You've got to imagine, my uncle must be out of his mind in between the moment wondering "who, what, where, why, when" right?, well he did. And than he went "wow! my ride is a hardcore chick magnet, man!. I didn't even have to invite or offer them a ride, they just pop right in" and "not just one but two at the same time, it's like hitting two birds with one stone". The really hilarious thought about the whole situation is the fact that he just immediately accepted their accompany, could be the attraction of their appearance, maybe. He recall he didn't realize about the bad odor smell in his vehicle until he drop "dump" them off at their final destination across town that goosebumps started beginning to increase around his body too. My uncle said the conversation during the trip was so blur he couldn't remember anything other than the girls giving him direction where to go. Could be faith or luck but he finally pull up at a gas station for refill and that's where the weird illusion also happened. As my uncle was pumping away, the girls climb out from his truck, thank him and walk away. He was suddenly confuse if this was the location where they wanted to be or was because they've just lost interest in his low rider and/or him. In the nick of time he turn to put the pump up so he can hurry to welcome and/or question the girls, but as soon as he turn back around to said something, both of them were gone. My uncle has to be horrified telling me the story, it has to be bringing back unwanted memory to him because in a almost whisper breath voice before he finish the story, he said that the trip back home seem to be forever for him and the hair on his back just stay straight up the whole time and it feels as if the girls was still in the truck right next beside of him. He said he tell me this so I won't have to witness the bad experience for myself and that he does not want to experience it as a witness himself ever again.
Goodness. You people need to use some common sense and basic reasoning. Those girls probably just needed a ride and wanted to scram before your loser uncle stalked them. He like most people exaggerate things to make it sound interesting like "but it was an open field where would they disappear to?" (Uh, the Gas Station? Duh!)

People these days. ><

Shamans are mentally ill Hmong people, when they are "chosen" the only cure for their mental illness is to lie to them that they've been chosen by the Heavens. This way they won't be so mentally ill, it also takes away the shame of the family that had the mentally ill member. When shamans do their jingle bells, that's when they're hallucinating. So yeah, Hmong let their mentally ill hallucinate. Shamans can't wait to get patients because they like visiting their "friends" from the "other side".

When they "cure" people of people's "illnesses" all they're really doing is playing doctor, and being the gullible and fragile mentally ill persons they are, they're actually convinced that they're curing the person they're supposed to cure. And if the person they're curing was gullible enough to go to a shaman for help then they'll probably end up cured. Because the types of illnesses need curing are mostly "Oh I think there's a ghost following me" (which is actually the wind blowing that trashcan that he/she couldn't see because it was out of their line of sight).

The truth hurts.

You should have seen how Christians reacted when I told them Jesus isn't a god. They chased me with pitchforks and torches. I hid as one of them, never to be found.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #113 on: November 13, 2008, 02:26:52 AM »
Hey here's a ghost story,

When I was a kid, I was at a Hmong funeral and was fixated by the Hmong "death drum" that they usually played there.
Well that night when we came home, I couldn't fall asleep. Somehow the beat and sound of the drum was so mesmerizing that
it kept me up all night. When I finally fall asleep, it was very early in the morning. When I was in that dreamy stage, I heard the
sound of the drum beating again...gettin g closer and louder and closer.....and then I felt like someone was crawling on me and it
scared that crap out of me. I screamed for my brother (who was sharing the bedroom with me) but he couldn't hear me.
I screamed for my mom but she couldn't hear me either. This thing was sitting on my chest and I couldn't breath in anymore.
It felt so cold and I was in a panic. I started to pray and as God to drive away this "evil spirit" and I kept praying and screaming.
I think the whole incident lasted only a minute but is seemed like forever. Finally when the drum sound and beat began to fade away
in the distant....was I able to get up. I was covered in sweats and that's when I was able to wake my brother up.
It still happens to me but not that dramatic anymore.

What a drum huh?  =)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #114 on: November 13, 2008, 03:03:24 PM »
here's one for you....

my dad is a pimp during his prime years (back in thailand)....even when he already married, he's still goes out to mess with girls...well, one night he was coming home from this one girl's house, he walked past the soccer field in Vinai camp. He saw two little girls still outside playing and laughing. So he stopped and was wondering who's little girls are still out in the middle of the night. He said it was close to midnight because that's when he comes home. So he approached the two little girls and said, "where are your parents, why are you still out playing in the middle of the night? Aren't you afraid you might see ghosts (poj ntxog)? Where do you live, let me take you home." So the little girls stopped what they were doing, stood up and stared at him. Then they ran off. He said he didn't think of it much until he was almost home that the girls ran off in the direction where the graves would be. That scared him and he started his pace and before he knew it, he was running home. We always thought it was karma for cheating my mom.

But that wasn't enough to stop him. Another time he went to a different girls house too. As we came back home, he said it was from "xoom cuaj to xoom ob" and that when he got to the intersection, he saw someone sitting there with the head on there forearm and on their knees. He said all he could see was the hair down on the side. And she was dressed in hmong clothes. So he flashed his flashlight toward her and asked why is she still sitting there in the middle of the night? But it didn't move at all or bothered to look up at him. He was suspicious and looked around to see if there were people because he felt a cold chill and wanted to make sure that this figure was not some lady waiting for her boyfriend to go pee. When he looked back to where the lady was sitting, it was gone. He could see the dent in the grass as if someone was really sitting there. By now, all the hair on his neck rose up and he took off running home. He said he was so scared that whatever he knocked on his way home, he didn't feel it. He said that the next morning he went outside to see that he knocked down somebody's firewood and had bruises on his shin.

I thought he deserve it, it was kind funny all the while a bit scary too. Got some more to come...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #115 on: November 14, 2008, 11:27:07 AM »
Around three months ago, my father went hunting for squirrels with some cousins.  Last year they found a hunting place where there were plenty of squirrels.  However, they noticed that no one was hunting in this area.  They thought maybe it was just their luck, so this year they went back to the same place.  This time though, strange things begin to happen.  My father would shoot a squirrel, and everyone would see the squirrel fall down, but when they went to the spot where the squirrel should have fallen down, nothing was there.  At night time, they would count four dead squirrels, and wake up in the morning to see five or six squirrels instead.  A little freaked out, but not enough, they decided to stay for another night.  This time, my father shot a squirrel, and when they went to pick it up, there were two squirrels instead of one.  This was the last straw so my father and my cousins decided to come home.  I don't believe they ever went back to that spot.

Anyways, the strangeness didn't stop there.  When my father brought home the squirrels, my mother would skin it, and clean everything out.  She'd put them in plastic bags and set them in the freezer.  Weeks later when she wanted to prepare a meal with the squirrel, she unraveled the squirrel, and to her horror, half of the squirrel was gone!  My mother said it was almost as if someone or something had torn and eaten half of the squirrel.  She then checked the other squirrels, and they too were in that condition.  There's no explanation to why this occurred.  We can't say it;'s frost bite because frost mite wouldn't make half a squirrel disappear.  No one had eaten the squirrel because it's only us kids in the house and we don't eat that stuff.

We decided to ua neeb rau kuv txiv.  Tus txiv neeb thiab li hais rau peb hais thiab my dad did not call out to our great grandfather and other ancestors when he and the cousins went out haunting.  My dad did not invite my ancestors to feast with him.  And so, the angry spirits decided to come and do that.  The txiv neeb said before my father eat, he must call out great grandfather and our other ancestors to eat. 

Now whenever my dad goes back to hunt, he always calls out for my great grandfather and our other ancestors.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #116 on: November 14, 2008, 11:32:35 AM »
another hunting incidence:

My aunty's father have been hunting squirrels and deers for a long time now.  However, there was an incidence that he'll never forget.  He was alone by himself in the forest.  He saw two squirrels, and decided to aim for them.  He shot at them and saw that they had fallen down.  Just when he's about to walk towards the squirrels, he start to hear whimpering cries like those of babies and toddlers.  He decides to follow the noise.  (he's a txiv neeb so he's had a lot of supernatural events happening to him.)  The crying and whimpering went further away until it stopped at a river.  By this time, he figured that he had probably stepped onto a pog ntxoob? terroritory, and so the ghosts/spirits didn't have time to disappear, but rather they changed their forms into the squirrels.  When he shot at one, the others begin to cry. 

He left the place as quickly as possible, and did not go find the squirrel he had shot at.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #117 on: November 14, 2008, 04:22:19 PM »
scary, glad I stopped hunting....her e's another one...

Just about 3 months ago, we kept having incidences at home. My brothers like to go fishing early early in the mornings because we live near a creek. Like the elders say, that's when you will run into a "poj ntxoog" or an evil spirit. So they would go fishing for every morning during fishing season. Well, a few days later something kept riding one of my brothers at night. It would fully wake him up but he can't move at all. He tries to scream and it sounded like someone was holding his mouth to stop him from screaming. My other brother who shared the same room heard and went to check up on him but saw nothing. So he rushed to turn on the lights and my brother was able to get up and move. He was afraid and didn't tell anybody.

The next day my brother who turned on the lights got his turn. He came home from work and saw a figure walked pass the hallway to another room. He thought my mom was there to visit, but when he followed to where the figure disappeared, no one was there. It turn out that no one else was home but him. He got scared and spent the night at my parents.

There was also another morning where my second younger brother saw a black figure come to lay in bed with him. My sis-in-law went to school at like 7 in the morning. Well, around 8, my brother saw a figure coming toward him. He was feel it sit on the bed and crawled over him to sleep on the other side of him. He thought it was his wife, so he didn't care and went to sleep. When he woke up, he was alone in his room. He asked my sis-in-law if she came back to get something because he saw her leave already. She said that she never came back to the room. I didn't believe it....I think it's just that they have been watching too many scary movies...or maybe just dreaming...

Afterwards, my dad was having bad dreams and they called a shaman to have him to do some jingle bell thing. He told my parents that when my brother went fishing, his spirit attracted the spirit of a girl by the creek and it followed him home. They had to make a fake doll to kick that girl spirit out. I guess I should have believed them.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2008, 04:25:30 PM by tub_nto_lus »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #118 on: November 14, 2008, 09:03:23 PM »
This story is base on one of my uncle who'd planed a fishing trip with some of his friends for a good summer weekend, and/or but other wise. Him and four of his closest fellow employees decided to try this new fishing place they been hearing so much about from other coworkers. My uncle and one of his buddy arrive at the area first right after work on a Friday, the location is only about 30 minutes away from where he lived. They'd just set up their tents and was already catching stripe bass left and right with only minnows as bait. The other two friends finally make it there and started walking toward my uncle and his partner. "Hey guys, come over here" they was calling to him, "What? you guys come over here" my uncle called back. "We're just here to see how you guys were doing, we're going back home now, okay?". My uncle was startle, it didn't make sense to him "why well they drive all the way out here, than turn back and leave all of a sudden" he was thinking to himself. Especially because they all had also agree on this little vacation. "Why?" my uncle ask, "Oh, something else came up, we'll tell you guys about it on Monday". Well, my uncle and his buddy didn't think much of the incident, excitement took over their conscience. Later when they met, my uncle discover the truth. As soon as the other two friends arrived and started toward the shore, they saw two little girls standing in the middle of the river in front of my uncle and his buddy. They were calling them over but they were too into fishing. My uncle thought about it, and it must be the ancestors helping catching those fishes, because it didn't bother them in any other way.

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No regret

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #119 on: November 15, 2008, 02:30:21 AM »
I don't know if this was just a nightmare or if it's real.  One time as I was about to fall alseep and was in dreamy state.   I heard loud pounding foot steps coming towards my room.  Right then I knew somebody or something scary was about to make it's way into my room.  I started to get real scared, because I've had nightmare experiences before and knew it wasn't going to be pleasant.  It turned out to be this little girly ghost, she was creepy and scary as hell with long hair.  she came in and lay right next to me in my bed.  I was on my side with my back towards her, she softly touched my face with her cold hand and asked, "you're having a hard time fall asleep ha?"  That's when I mustered all the power I had in me was able to break out and away from the situation and fully woke myself up.

It was so real, due to the fact that I was fully aware that I had to wake myself up from it.  And her hand, it was so real I could feel the coldness of it brushing along my face.

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