
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1607361 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #270 on: January 30, 2009, 05:38:36 PM »
I remember back in the early 80's there was this one family that got drive-by because their sons were gangsters. Everyone was okay except for the youngest boy in the family, maybe around 8 or 9 at the time. He was taking a nap on the sofa when the shooting occur and is the innocent one too. When he was alive, he loved watching Bruce Lee's movie. The night after they buried him, he came back and try to put on the VCR. They said that, that first night they'll hear someone messing with the VCR and TV even when everybody went to bed already. It kept on for a week and finally one night his mom left the TV on with one of Bruce Lee's film playing in it. After that he came to her in a dream and said "thanks, and that he love her very much". Ever since than it had stop.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #271 on: January 30, 2009, 07:51:55 PM »
Here's a ghost story that happened:

A woman and her family just moved to a new house. She couldnt sleep because it was still a bit awkward living there and she needed time to get use to the place. After she put her kids to bed and her husband went to bed too, she went to work on her computer in the living room. It began to get really late but she still wasnt tired. Her back was turned to the living room where she had set up her desk and she heard a childs laughter, very quiet, coming from the hallway behind her. She looked around and saw a shadow slip through the hallway and so she thought her daughter had woken up. She called out her daughters name but didnt get a reply. So she got up from her desk and went to the hallway and still did not see anything. She assumed her daughter had ran into her room which made her somewhat angry because she was suppose to be sleeping. She went to her daughters bedroom and opened the door expecting to see her daughter awake....but to her surprise she was fast asleep. This woman sat there staring at her daughter for a few minutes and then went back to the living room. As she sat down, she heard the laughter again, she turned her computer off and went to bed too freaked out by the laughter.... :-\

Theres more but I will post another time

« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 07:53:38 PM by ImTHATgrL »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #272 on: January 30, 2009, 11:18:18 PM »
Wow!, 333. That's something. That's just like Michael Jordan #23 is the main all star basketball player for the Chicago Bulls but he also always has Scottie Pippen #33 watching and backing him up to MVP.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #273 on: January 31, 2009, 01:18:34 PM »
ah yes, if they're not eating IEDs they are probably eating ak-47s, but still coming home in body bags. lol. u present your arguments like a little school girl. my point, is not per se what hmong soldiers are eating in iraq, just in case u missed my point, but it's to point out that shamans are dieing in the name of Christ as u seem to wrongly think is the reason we are in the middle east.

secondly, to say that hmong soldiers are somehow immune to emotional trauma and other side effects of war, u truly must be lacking in knowledge. a simple example would be those hmong vietnam war veterans who are still paranoid about the communist and viets raiding their villages in the middle of the night trying to gut them and their families. but i guess those hmongs must be Christian hmong soldiers, because a shaman hmong soldier is impervious to such things. LMAO.

just because jihadists and extreme muslims attacked us (i.e. 9/11) for religious reasons doesn't mean that our defense of ourselves to eliminate such terroristic acts is because we want to spread Christianity to the middle east. that's is such a thick headed claim. if u ever watched the news, u'd realize what some of the real issues are regarding the middle east. but of course u'd probably respond with some religious conspiracy that all the major news channel are owned by Christians and you are far more informed than them.

u and your bogus story. here's my story, a long time ago, a woman who wasn't christian kept having spiritual encounters, so she converted and was baptized and has never since experienced such things again. how do you like my story? LOL.

really, shamans like YOU, shouldn't even bother with medical medicines. you should just rely on your "jingle bells..." don't you think?

well thank you for your compliment. do share your story about the hmong king and Jesus. in order to be smart, one has to be well rounded.

on the contrary, i'm merely agreeing with some observations in here that most of the story tellers in here are shamans. and the only "scary" stories told in here involving Christians are told by Hmong shamnans. i'm not preeching to you or any other non-believers, simply agreeing with some comments and defending the Christian faith.

how many shamen do you see come home in body bags who die for christ. you must be dumb to not realize that a shaman is someone who is bless with ability to help others mainly older hmong people. a shaman is a txiv nees, just in case you don't know. not a hmong soilder, seems like you don't know anything about the hmong culture, thats probably a reason why you converted into christainity just to get away from the hmong culture, cuz your one of those clueless people who don't know shit. and the only reason hmong soilder are in iraq is because they decided to join the arm forces, and don't have a choice but to go fight.  also just because the main religion of whites is christ.  does not mean that they are fighting for christ.. how many shaman die fighting for christ.  i see none, but i see them around town helping other hmong families.
also we do rely on medicine, unlike you christian, just go and pray at your church. and donate your money, so your church can be rich.  you say you agree with some comments and defending your faith, well guess what its the same here.

long ago, god sent the hmong king and jesus down to earth, the hmong king was suppose to come first, but jesus stole his place and came first. god was really upset, many years later god finally caught up to jesus and punish him for his crime, so he got punish on the crosse and die, many stupid people thought that he was  a messiah, and was sent to help them, but they were wrong, thats the real story of jesus..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #274 on: January 31, 2009, 01:45:18 PM »
how many shamen do you see come home in body bags who die for christ. you must be dumb to not realize that a shaman is someone who is bless with ability to help others mainly older hmong people. a shaman is a txiv nees, just in case you don't know. not a hmong soilder, seems like you don't know anything about the hmong culture, thats probably a reason why you converted into christainity just to get away from the hmong culture, cuz your one of those clueless people who don't know shit. and the only reason hmong soilder are in iraq is because they decided to join the arm forces, and don't have a choice but to go fight.  also just because the main religion of whites is christ.  does not mean that they are fighting for christ.. how many shaman die fighting for christ.  i see none, but i see them around town helping other hmong families.
also we do rely on medicine, unlike you christian, just go and pray at your church. and donate your money, so your church can be rich.  you say you agree with some comments and defending your faith, well guess what its the same here.

long ago, god sent the hmong king and jesus down to earth, the hmong king was suppose to come first, but jesus stole his place and came first. god was really upset, many years later god finally caught up to jesus and punish him for his crime, so he got punish on the crosse and die, many stupid people thought that he was  a messiah, and was sent to help them, but they were wrong, thats the real story of jesus..

Wow interesting concept about Jesus Christ, Hmong King, eating IEDs in Iraq. First of all, I'm currently stationed in Iraq as a soldier, I'm also a Christian who respect our traditional ways. No matter who you are, if it's your're gonna go. I've know Christians, Atheists, and other religious believers that are killed here. When it's your's your time. Trust me, when the bomb hits or there's an attack...most will call unto whatever God/gods/spirit they believe for protection. This whole concept of one is better than the other in my retarded.

OK, second of all....we really need to leave this place for GHOST STORIES!!! If you two want to talk about your religious views, there's another forum for that.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #275 on: January 31, 2009, 01:57:30 PM »
I don't have a lot of personal ghost/spirit experiences but I like hearing them from others around me and share it w/ you all.
This is from one of my friend living in Wisconsin. She told me when they first got to the US in the late 80s and moved into their first house, she experienced something frighten.
It was an old house out in the middle of nowhere and she never had a good feeling about the house in the first place. Well one night when she was sleeping in her room next to her three siblings, she heard a scratching at the window. She look and it look like a man covered in dirt and feathers with an animal skull on his head. The man was staring intensely at her and it started to scratch the window again until it became so loud that she thought he was going to break it! This occurred a couple times during the first week but being so new to this country, she thought it was an "American" and that's what they do (lol). She finally told her parents and they got scared so they called an Shaman to look into this. The shaman came and did his thing and told them that the one scratching on their window was also a shaman of some sort from another time. He wasn't please with having the Hmong family living in the house because this place was his sacred ground to him. Many years later, my friend did some research and found out that that area was home to one of the Native American tribes that was later exterminated by the Americans in the 1800s. The spirit lingers on......

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #276 on: February 01, 2009, 02:07:53 AM »
this happen when i was still in high school. where i live there are plenty of bluffs around. One night after me and 3 of my buddies got done studying we decided to go hike up the bluffs. it started to get dark out.  it was early spring so it got dark close to 7pm.  we hiked in the woods about half a mile, and follow a trail up to the top of the bluff, we almost made it to the top when we came acrosse a field of grass, we decided to sit down and watch the night sky to see if we can see any shooting stars. we were sitting for about 10 mins when i notice a light down in the forest, from the spot that we were at we could see the city already. i told my buddies if they see it too, and they all saw it. we knew it was not a camp fire, or a flash light. we all thought it was weird, then all out of nowhere we heard the sound of drums coming from that direction. it was those drums that the hmong people would play at the funeral. cuz you know how they have a beat to hitting the drum. we would hear it then it would stop and a minute later it would start beating agan. we all got freak out. and started our journey back down into the forest. as we got down, one of our buddy decided that we should go investigate,  we had a vote and decided "sure why not" we hike along the trail towards the direction of the light, but to our suprise the light dissappear and the sound of the drum too. "also the leaves just started to appear on the trees so we could see clearly in the forest.  we thought it was creepy so we hiked back to our cars with speed.

also in high school, i would always get molested by ghost.  the first time it happen to me was when me and my cuzs was at my cuzs house, we stayed up all night telling ghost stories. i came home in the moring when the sun was up, and went to sleep, but all of a sudden i saw a dark figure come up to me and shit i couldnt moved, i try to scream to my little brothers but nonthing came out, i finally got free and was like wtf... it happen to me on and off, i kept track of it and it would happen once every 3 months.  one of those times i was sleeping and my head was turn towards my clock, it was 10:05 i fell asleep then i had this feeling and woke up just to see a black figure next to my window, i could move or talk i try moving and shit, but then i remember that i had a gold necklace with a buddha on it, somehow i move one of my hand and show it to the black figure, out of the blues the shadow figure started, to strangle me with my necklace, i try my hardest and broke free and fell from my bed, i got freak out and went to turn on the lights, i looked at my clock, and it was only 10:10pm,  it happen for 5 mins. i went to the bathroom and look at my neck in the mirror and to my suprise my neck was red with lines from my necklace. i got scare and went to sleep at my cuz's house.
a few months pass and i finally told my parents, they were "ua neej" for my dad, and decided to ask the shaman "who was my grandfather, to look into my problem too, later on after everyone left, my parents told me that my grandpa said that i've been playing to much in the forest that it followed me home. I was like wtf. i've have been in the forest alot. cuz we also go hiking in the bluffs.
ever since then i'd stop hiking in those curse bluffs.
after a while, i met a guy in college and he told me that the bluffs we always go hike on alot of hmong people would send evil spirits to throw away up there, i was like foreals. shit scare the shit out of me.....

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #277 on: February 01, 2009, 03:15:52 AM »
this happen during the vietnam war in laos. in this one village everybody moved out cuz they were afraid of the vietcongs, except for one family. In that family there was two daughter in their teens. One day a hmong guy came and started to mack on them. He would come once in a while to chat with them. It just so happen that their grandma was home and saw them talking with with him. after he left their grandma ask them who they were talking to, and they reply a hmong guy. their grandma was suspicious  and ask where he live since there was no one else in the village, they told her he live at the egde of town, their grandma then told them that if he come again pour these white dust/powder on his head. The next day the guy came back and they decided to pour it on his head. one of the sister ask if she can check his hair for lice. so he let her, as she was checking she pour the white dust/powder on his head. a minute later he told them that his head hurts and he was gonna go home. He left and never came back.
they told there grandma and she realize it was a ghost. that night they heard drums and qheej playing at the edge of town. their dad went to investigate and saw many tiny lights heading towards the forest. their dad got scare and came home. the next day. the dead ghost guy's dad came and talk to the girls dad, he told them that he was gonna marry one of his sons to his daughter. the girls dad knew that he was a ghost and said no.  that night one of his daughter got really sick and die. the family pack up there belongings and left.
                  "just to let you know those ghost are call "dab ntxaug" meaning tiny MOUSE ghost.
my dad told me that they are most afriad of cattle boys, cuz cattle boys would have nonthing to do when they would baby sit their cow, and would dig up mice to cook. and shit. He also said they are as powerful as P-U-Y..

When my parents first came to the usa they arrived in michigan. and my dad met my mom there and got marry, they first had me. one night my family was asleep i was about 1 yrs old and my dad had a dream that a poj ntxhoog was at the window looking at us, my dad woke up and to his suprise there was a cat at the window. my dad went and open the window and knock down the cat to the first floor, but when he looked down at the ground the cat was nowhere in sight.

my friend told me this story: back in laos his dad and his dad's buddy would go and mack on girls at night. but they had their own style of macking. they would go to the grave yard, and ask the dead guy to "ua nkawm luag" they had to carry his bamboo horse on one of thems back. "you know how the dead person is on the bamboo bed when there doing his/her funeral in laos" well the guy in the back who was not carrying the bamboo horse saw the dead guy all rotton on his buddy's back, but when they got to the girls house. they would put the bamboo horse on the girl's outside wall. This would make the girl sleepy and her whole family and not feel or hear a thing. then they would go and get laid... "I guess its call rape in this country" but when they are done they had to bring the bamboo horse back to his grave or else if they don't make it back b4 sunrise then they would go with him to the underworld.

I don't know if anybody in here heard this story but i will share happen in one of my grandma's village....don't know which one so don't ask...
right before the  hmong people got involve in the vietnam conflict there was this big rock that would scream at night. and the next day it would move a little further, it would scream every night and move a bit futher the next day.  this kept going on. and that year there was a bad locust and the harvest was bad... but the freaky thing was poj ntxoog would come to the edge of town and sing khwv thxiaj at night. then the war broke out and those people in that village started to move away to other village and at night poj ntxoog would come to the edge of town and beg the villagers not to leave them.. scary stuff.. shit....

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #278 on: February 01, 2009, 08:12:28 AM »

« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 11:26:31 AM by mlor »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #279 on: February 01, 2009, 10:05:49 AM »
very nice story...:)....i think dreams comes in so many symbolics and meanings, and the ancestors are living with us, but we don't see them...

All this debate on traditonal vs. Christian haunting reminds me of something I heard from my mother because my mother is a Christian, my father is traditional.

She said that no matter how much you can believe in Jesus, if the ancestors won't let you convert, you won't be able to.

She used my father as an example:

Back in the days after we landed, my father used to go to church every Sunday and loved it so much this white lady from the church even bought him this $50 Bible, and $50 was a lot back in the '80s! -_- Anyway, a few years passed and he started taking us kids to church with him.
Anyway, at that time, my mother was firmly against Christianity and banned me from going because she said "your grandparents don't like it so I don't go and since you are my daughter, you don't go either." Well, considering the fact that both sets of grandparents were dead, what she said really didn't make sense to my child self.
But she said it because soon after my dad started taking us kids to church, my mother had a dream that my father's parents came to her and told her that if my dad didn't stop doing what he was doing, bad things would befall the family. And wouldn't you know it but a week later my father started having nightmares and crying in his sleep. He never told my mom what he dreamt or why he cried but he threw out that bible. And as soon as he rejected Christianity, his nightmares went away and he told my mom that he has a dream of his parents and grandparents coming to visit him. They said they would not let my father worship Jesus and he would die if he did. And then he did the burning paper money thing to appease the ancestors.

After that, he held a grudge against both the traditional ways and Christianity.
He forbade us from attending church and anything to do with Jesus while at the same time, keeping us ignorant of the shaman beliefs. And dang, things really got heated when half of the family, including my mom, converted to Christianity more than 15 years later -_-

Another weird story:

I took a solo trip a while ago and the weird thing was, while I was on this journey of self-discovery, I never once felt an inkling of fear, doubt, or regret. And believe me when I say that I really put myself in a LOT of stupid situations a female shouldn't have put herself into :X  Anyway, when I returned, my mom said that the whole time I was gone, she asked Jesus to watch over me while my father prayed to the ancestors for my safety.

So I believe it doesn't matter if you're Christian or traditional because if the spirits want to be heard, they will make themselves known  :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #280 on: February 01, 2009, 12:52:02 PM »
I'm still cracking up at the "Famous Voltage" singer wording.  Frank Sinatra or Elvis is famous, hahaha but Voltage?  LOL 

Anyhow, about the religion debate: All religion involves spirits.  Christianity is the holy spirit & Shamans call on spirits.  People tend to say."Christians preach too much."  vs Shamanizims, "Closed minded about other religions(as in Christianity for example)."  We have to distinguish the difference between religion & culture. 

My ghost story: 

One night my brother was sleeping in his room & his room is located up by the kitchen.  My mom was done cooking & told me to go get him.  I ran to his bedroom door which was open & as I popped in I "Yelled out TIME TO EAT!" I then paused in shock.  I saw a shadowy figure knock over the iron moved across another bed & uncovered the blankets & into the closet & swayed the clothes.  My brother immediately jumped out of bed & pushed my ass out of the way screaming & hollaring.  My ass was so scared I ran too.  He then asked me when we got to the kitchen,"Did you see anything because I was screaming my ass off for help, something was on top of me."  I told him what I saw but I also told him I didn't hear anything as in him screaming/yelling.  I later gave my brother a cross to wear around his neck & it never happened again.     

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #281 on: February 01, 2009, 07:35:41 PM »
Here's another true story. About 8 years ago my husband's grandma and grandpa went from Minnesota to Wisconsin for the Green Bay New Year, on the way back his and grandma and grandpa had stopped at the rest area. His grandma died in the bathroom. The night before her funeral everyone was at the funeral home getting things ready for the funeral. The next morning the funeral director pulled my husband's uncle into the office and told him that last night when everyone left the funeral director went to check to if there was anyone around and he saw the lady in the coffin washing her hand in the bathroom, he got scared so he went to get his partner they both went to check the coffin the lady was gone, they than went back to the bathroom there was no one there either. They went back to the check the coffin and she was laying there. And also that morning when the funeral director and his office people came in the funeral home was litter with food. They were so scared that after that funeral they closed down the funeral home.  There's a story going around that when grandma was married to her first husband he loved so much that when he came back from war he bought her this gold necklace, and shortly after that he died. She had told her kids from that marriage that when she dies she wants to be buried with that necklace she that she can go and find their dad but my husband's family would not allow her to be buried with the necklace due to hmong traditions. So I think that's why she was angry and did what she did.

Here's another story for you guys out there. When my grandma passed away my aunt had her boyfriend over her house cause she was kinda scared. While they were laying in bed something scratch my aunt's back. She said it felt like a hand scratching her so she said to her boyfriend, honey something scratch me. I guess to calm her down he told her that it was him that had scratch her back but what he didn't realize was that he was holding her hands. They both got really scared. And than a month after my grandma had pass away my aunt was in her bedroom she felt a cold breeze and than she felt like someone was sitting next to her. She said she felt hair on the back of neck stand and also she was cold so, she said mom if that's you please don't scare me like this, you know that when you were alive I was scared of things like this. Please don't scare me. Than all the sudden there was this loud noise it felt like someone jumped off her dresser and walked out the door slamming the bedroom door. So, my aunt figure that was my grandma and she was mad cause she slammed the door.

I've got a lot more if anyone wants more let me know.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #282 on: February 01, 2009, 09:15:00 PM »
I don't know if it's possible but all I can tell you is I don't think that funeral director would be telling us things like that if it wasn't true.

Okay, I got another one. My friend and her husband went to Minnesota for a funeral and she said during the funeral while everyone was in line getting food they notice that there were these 2 guys dressed in hmong clothes. They didn't think anything of it because after all it was a traditional funeral. My friend and her husband got their food and was sitting down to eat. Well, she accidently dropped a piece of meat on the ground. She bent down to go pick it up as she was doing that she looked under the table she saw another guy under the table in hmong clothes. She was so freaked out all she said to her husband was she didn't feel good and they needed to leave. Her husband didn't question her because her face was as pale ad a ghost. When they got in the car and drove out the parking lot she told him what she saw.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #283 on: February 02, 2009, 08:58:41 AM »
how many shamen do you see come home in body bags who die for christ. you must be dumb to not realize that a shaman is someone who is bless with ability to help others mainly older hmong people. a shaman is a txiv nees, just in case you don't know. not a hmong soilder, seems like you don't know anything about the hmong culture, thats probably a reason why you converted into christainity just to get away from the hmong culture, cuz your one of those clueless people who don't know shit. and the only reason hmong soilder are in iraq is because they decided to join the arm forces, and don't have a choice but to go fight.  also just because the main religion of whites is christ.  does not mean that they are fighting for christ.. how many shaman die fighting for christ.  i see none, but i see them around town helping other hmong families.
also we do rely on medicine, unlike you christian, just go and pray at your church. and donate your money, so your church can be rich.  you say you agree with some comments and defending your faith, well guess what its the same here.

long ago, god sent the hmong king and jesus down to earth, the hmong king was suppose to come first, but jesus stole his place and came first. god was really upset, many years later god finally caught up to jesus and punish him for his crime, so he got punish on the crosse and die, many stupid people thought that he was  a messiah, and was sent to help them, but they were wrong, thats the real story of jesus..

 ;D lol. as Jack_25 said, there are soldiers of various faiths in the middle east INCLUDING non-Christian hmongs. when i say shamans, i'm referring to people who are traditionalist s and still believe in shamans. i suppose when you say Christian soldiers, you meant priests and pastors fighting in iraq right? LMAO!

look how you contradict yourself, you say the only reason hmong soilder are in iraq is because they decided to join the arm forces, and don't have a choice but to go fight. if someone DECIDES to join the armed forces, that implies that they CHOSE to join. wouldn't that mean that they did have a choice? i don't think someone chooses to fight in the war JUST for financial reasons because they need money for school or whatever. Jack_25 can provide insight on this. i mean if you needed money, you can go work at McDonald's and not necessarily need to risk your life. there's more to it why ppl join wars.

well i'm glad you know now that just because we have christian soldiers in the middle east, doesn't mean it's a holy war over there. i'm glad i've educated you in some ways.

regarding medicine. lol. perhaps you forget that some hospitals are named after religious figures. like the saints. i wonder if you choose only doctors who are non-Christians. lol.

if you were only defending your faith and so on on here, you wouldn't put such outrageous comments/stories against christians.

LMAO!!! ;D as for your story, i can tell you another story. but i'm sure you have an idea of what story i would tell you already. i suppose bhudda and muhamed stole the place of the hmong king too, so they got punished in their own way.

so the hmong king is god right? why does he call himself king if he's equivalent to a GOD? howcome you don't know his name? i mean Jesus has a name, we don't just call him a messiah. so what religion is associated to the hmong king? shamanism? if so, please give me another of your b.s. stories.  ;D

i think you're in over your head.

if you want to continue this, let me know, i'll set up a thread separate from here for us.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2009, 09:00:30 AM by Gatorade_Guy »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #284 on: February 02, 2009, 10:00:41 AM »
Enough with the religious talk  ::)

ANYWAY! This happened years ago back in middle school.
On the day I decided to actually stay in school, two of my girls skipped school and went home. They got bored and since playing ouija board was all the rage back then, they did it in a closet . . .
They told me they started asking it ?s and when they asked where was it, it said it was next to Friend A who just laughed it off. Well, both of them got freaked out and tried to quit the game by pointing to good bye but it wouldn't go no matter how many times they tried so they just threw it away in rush. They were scared but didn't tell their parents 'cus they would've gotten beat for skipping school -_-
Anyway, the next day, B told me what happened and I was like, "Psh, whatever."
Well, it must have been like a few days after that when we realized that A had missed school for for a few days straight and usually we ditched like every other day or every other class period so something was up.
B wanted to go over to A's house 'cus she wasn't answering our calls but since I lived too far from them, I couldn't go so B went by herself. B told me that when she got there, she asked A's mom, who was like an aunt to her why A wasn't in school the past couple days, almost a week. A's mom said that A had been possessed by a spirit 'cus A started talking to herself and acting all weird like cutting herself and hiding in the closet all the time. So they got a shaman to come and diagnose A and that's when they found out that A had been playing ouija board by herself after that day B and her played it together. B said A looked like she was freaking crazy 'cus her hair was all messy and her eyes were just creepy... A's mom had her locked in her room for a few days and then they did some shaman thing and A was okay then but A and them moved away soon after and B never vowed to never play ouija board again.
I was freaked out by it too and only played it once since then :X

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