
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1603784 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #285 on: February 02, 2009, 11:04:16 AM »
Enough with the religious talk  ::)

ANYWAY! This happened years ago back in middle school.
On the day I decided to actually stay in school, two of my girls skipped school and went home. They got bored and since playing ouija board was all the rage back then, they did it in a closet . . .
They told me they started asking it ?s and when they asked where was it, it said it was next to Friend A who just laughed it off. Well, both of them got freaked out and tried to quit the game by pointing to good bye but it wouldn't go no matter how many times they tried so they just threw it away in rush. They were scared but didn't tell their parents 'cus they would've gotten beat for skipping school -_-
Anyway, the next day, B told me what happened and I was like, "Psh, whatever."
Well, it must have been like a few days after that when we realized that A had missed school for for a few days straight and usually we ditched like every other day or every other class period so something was up.
B wanted to go over to A's house 'cus she wasn't answering our calls but since I lived too far from them, I couldn't go so B went by herself. B told me that when she got there, she asked A's mom, who was like an aunt to her why A wasn't in school the past couple days, almost a week. A's mom said that A had been possessed by a spirit 'cus A started talking to herself and acting all weird like cutting herself and hiding in the closet all the time. So they got a shaman to come and diagnose A and that's when they found out that A had been playing ouija board by herself after that day B and her played it together. B said A looked like she was freaking crazy 'cus her hair was all messy and her eyes were just creepy... A's mom had her locked in her room for a few days and then they did some shaman thing and A was okay then but A and them moved away soon after and B never vowed to never play ouija board again.
I was freaked out by it too and only played it once since then :X

man that's some scary shiet. we used to play it as kids but it was the made up one you know the one you draw on paper and use a penny. my sister always played it but i'm real sensitive to paranormal crap so i don't like the idea of ouji board. anyways my sister told me a week ago tat she had heard in school that there were two hmong girls who had been portraying some of the effect you talk about in your story.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #286 on: February 02, 2009, 11:32:34 AM »
^ To be young and stupid  :(

The last and final time I played with a ouija board, I played with a real one and let's just say my 6th sense told me to quit while I was ahead.
I swear I could feel something in the room with us :X

Lesson learned: Don't go looking for trouble!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #287 on: February 02, 2009, 11:41:22 AM »
You got that right. That stuff is creppy even when not played, ahaha. No seriously though because a cousin and I played that by ourselves. Just him and me and no one else because everyone else got chicken. OMG! We didn't sleep until 5am in the morning because it was too unsafe!  :-\

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #288 on: February 02, 2009, 12:43:15 PM »
ouija board is a great way to have fun and also will lead you to many mysteries of the unknown. sometimes if you take it to an indian burial ground they say you could speak with the indians or lost civilizations if the ghosts are still around. hmmm...sounds fun huh? hahaha..
personally, ouija board is one of the gateways that linked us to the Spirits or Ghost demension. It is very dangerous and when played the spirits can hurt you in a small way, but what they can't do it kill you or give you a curse. they can only scare you because you don't know where they are, but what you can do. break the board and watch it burn because the link will be gone. and if they continues call a high priest for blessing and vowed never to use it again.

read this info
Some practitioners claim to have had bad experiences related to the use of talking boards by being haunted by "demons," seeing apparitions of spirits, and hearing voices after using them. A few paranormal researchers, such as John Zaffis, claim that the majority of the worst cases of so-called demon harassment and possession are caused by the use of Ouija boards. The American demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren stated that "Ouija boards are just as dangerous as drugs."[9] They further state that "séances and Ouija boards and other occult paraphernalia are dangerous because 'evil spirits' often disguise themselves as your loved ones—and take over your life."[9]
In 1944, occultist Manly P. Hall, the founder of the Philosophical Research Society and an early authority on the occult in the 20th century, stated in Horizon magazine that, "during the last 20-25 years I have had considerable personal experience with persons who have complicated their lives through dabbling with the Ouija board. Out of every hundred such cases, at least 95 are worse off for the experience." He went on to say that, "I know of broken homes, estranged families, and even suicides that can be traced directly to this source."[10]

Many Christians hold the belief that using a Ouija board allows communication with demons, which they say is Biblically forbidden as a form of divination.[11] Some people who claim to have been oppressed by evil spirits after using a board say that they could only get rid of these problems after Christian deliverance.[12] Many Christians believe that no dead person's soul can be summoned, and that the only summoned spirits are demons who are trying to harm humans.[13]

japanese trying closing the demon gate every 75 yrs. the chinese fought/heal the demons, the hmongs heal and cure...the point is demons are living among us but just in a different world but they can come into our world if they are lost or have unfinshed business. but for the majority in the spirit world, every ghost and spirits looked at good as you and me, but in our world their skin is rotten and scary.

stay safe and stay away from wee-jah board or other ways of communication.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #289 on: February 02, 2009, 01:06:01 PM »
hey mlor,
what kind of stupid things did you do? i hope it isn't what i am know alot of hmong college girls get........hah aha....
well anyways it is true to what you said..
it depends on your ancestors and if they let you convert. also shamanism is more like a culture than a maybe all the christians should know learn some of our culture because one of my respected uncle goes to church but knows everything about the hmong culture.
you can go far away but nommatter where you run off too, you will always fall back.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #290 on: February 02, 2009, 01:23:05 PM »
I will not go into one of the bathrooms at my workplace, I get the jeebies just walking past the door. When you walk into the bathroom there is a lounge before the bathroom, one day as I was doing my business and playing games on my cell I saw a shadow go pass my stall and into the other stall. But I didn't hear the door open or see their shoes. The stall was completely empty. I swore to never go in there again, but on another day I couldn't hold it in any longer and the smaller bathroom was too far from my office so I went in just a quick pee, right as I sat down the sink water turned on. There was no one else in there but me. I hurriedly flushed and swung the door open, the sink water was turned to the max with no one around. I haven't been in there since. I take the longer trip to the smaller bathroom.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #291 on: February 02, 2009, 01:38:35 PM »
i also have a ouiji board story to tell.
this was in california and one of my friend told me that at their old house they played a made up paper ouiji board with the candles lit. well while they were playing it sounded fake because you never know who's moving the little ring where you can see the letter and so they decided to put a end to it. so they all went to sleep and the next day when they woke up they all woke up in different places. one brother was sleeping on the bed and he ended up under the bed. the other ended up in the living room and the last one ended up in another room.
so they got scared and stop but then they showed us and we played, but nothing happened because it was paper and we needed the candles lit.and also we played during the day so it was to bright for them foes to come out and chat.

Here is another one.
my aunt in law told me that when they were in living in sactown apartments they played ouiji board and the next day her brother woke up outside of their second story apartment.  

here is another story

my older brother told me that backed in thailand when he was a naughty kid he would always go play hide and seek at night and on two occasions he had too meeting with them.But i advise you guys that my older brother had a big heart(hardcore) and he wasn't scared. that is one of the reason why he was well known in the street world, but he quit and became a well know soccer player..haha.. but anyways here is how it goes.
one day while my brothers and his friends were playing hide and seek on a full moon and it was getting dark so the elders told them to come home and they still wanted to play so they kept on playing and all of a sudden a rock starting flying at his friends and they got mad. so they all quit and asked each other who was throwing the rocks and they all said it wasn't them and it must of been the poj ntxooj and the poj ntxooj replied. they all got scared and ran home. they told the elders and they elders say that when kids make noise playing hide and seek, the poj ntxoojs like to come out and go frog hunting. once they hit you with a rock they link themselve with you and that is how you get sick...they can take your soul with them.

on another occassion,
my brother and his friends were playing hide and seek at night and my brother went to hide behind a chicken coop and he felt something breathing behind him. he felt the fur and something very wierd. so he turned to look and he saw a somewhat figure of non-human and ran home.

this is my experience with hide and seek games.
i used to live in the cali apartments that attached to the other apartments like side by side and so one night we decided to play hide and seek and i went to hide by this corner where the laos had place a bed leanin against the wall. so i decided i want to act out the shadow kick on the bed and out came my imagination. i thought i saw a furry head with red color on the eyes flowing striaght towards me. so i got scared and ran home yelling out monster. i never play after that and some years later my neighbors's apartments got burned down and one family got sicked from ghost talking.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #292 on: February 02, 2009, 02:15:20 PM »
this is a true story told to me by my old man..
back in the old country there was a family who left their little boy out to play and forgot to watch over him and then the little boy disappeared for sometime.  the family asked the whole village if they have seen the little boy but noone had seen him. probbaly two or three weeks later, there were some guys who went hunting and heard a little boy crying. they got scared because here was a little boy crying in the middle of nowhere so they decided to move on, but then one of the guys was the little boy's cousins and reconized the little boy so they went and surrounded the boy and took him home. the family then asked the little boy where did he go off too for sometime now and the little boy told them that poj nxtooj had taken him with them but they had left him because they said he couldn't eat worms and fishes so they deserted him. the boy's family did neeg and the boy was okay.

there are many scary babie ghost stories but i will tell you guys what i know...
there were these hunters who went hunting and they heard a babie crying and so they went to check it out. as they got closer to the crying they looked up and saw a girl with long hair dressed in hmong clothing crying out. they knew it was poj ntxooj and came home.

there some boys who were playing hide and seek at those vinai apartments and one day they boys heard baby crying and they didn't know what it was. so they got scared and ran off. one of the boys ran to hide in a house and the others made it safe to home. a couple of days later they saw their friend and he told them his nipple got sucked by a baby ghost and he showed them his nipple and they both were purple. the elders told them not to go out at night anymore or if they hear the baby crying they should do a spell.

many years ago
my mother-in-law told me that when she went to the hmong funeral she went to used the bathroom and she saw someone using the toilet next to her and when she came out to wash her hands. the person wasn't in the stalk anymore. she was the only one in the bathroom so he quickly left.
.............. ....
one of my friends mom went to work early in the morning and on her way their she was a man with a black suit and a suitcase walking across the small highway, but the man in black had no head. she was going to cross his path so she got scared and turned her way around.
.............. .....
backed in 98, my little cousins live in this house on the corner and as the weeks went by the little girls started seeing things. the adults didn''t experience any paranoima but the little girls say they would see blood stained on the basement wall. when they went to play in the basment they would see the wheel-chair rolling around and one of the youngest girl said she said an old white man sitting on the wheel chair and telling them to leave. the kids were experiencing the entit, so rumors got out and my uncle's family found out by relative that someone died in the house. also a laos woman slipped in the bathroom and died instantly. that same year my uncle moved from cali to wis and they ended up in that house. my auntie told my parents the info and my parents told my uncle and they got scared and move their things out on the same day they moved in. some of my friends that lived on that house said they would hear ghosts turning on the water and making noises walking up the stairs but they didn't care much about it because they were bangers.


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #293 on: February 02, 2009, 03:59:11 PM »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #294 on: February 02, 2009, 04:02:50 PM »
  :o :o :o omg freakier than how am i gonna drive home with those images in my head.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #295 on: February 02, 2009, 04:05:33 PM »
  :o :o :o omg freakier than how am i gonna drive home with those images in my head.

Who u gonna call

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #296 on: February 02, 2009, 05:11:23 PM »
lol yea 1-800-ghostbusters...i'm at school using wireless in the lounge all by myself too...on a rainy nite like this ooooo  :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #297 on: February 02, 2009, 05:16:44 PM »
ghost stories... I was not expecting anything visual!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #298 on: February 02, 2009, 09:16:45 PM »
i had some younger sisters who played the ouijia board. One got possessed. She transformed into a goth... my parents did everything they could. She would command the family to do things for her and if not, then the thing was going to kill her. She wanted peace and quiet and also was doing sign language. She missed out on school and was failing. Before that she was a straight A's and 4.0.

When she first started having these episodes, I couldn't be there... I started adding all these things she didn't like to do up and when my mom came over i told her that they shouldn't do what she command because if they do, it'll just give the thing more power over her. Decline her command and keep being loud like they used to be. It wants peace and quiet so it can whisper or talk the sister into doing things. It wasn't going to kill her. Everything was its way of trying to control the sister. My mom was afraid to try it. So one day i went over and started yelling at her. I told her to control herself, told her to be strong. Asking her why she's letting this thing take control of her. Told her to battle w/ the thing. Everytime she has her episode my parents would come over and ask me to go calm her down. It do work too but only if i'm there.

She's doing fine now. Hope she stays that way.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #299 on: February 02, 2009, 09:20:56 PM »
at my husband's workplace, it's haunted. If you're the only one left and you don't leave, you'll start hearing footsteps, see lights flickering off and on, toilet flushing, water running, doors opening and closing, etc. Sometimes you could feel the hair on you neck stand because that means it's watching you from a distant or it could be right behind you. This old guy who still works there also bring a cross w/ him, he also brings extra to hang around the workplace.

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