
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1605384 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2100 on: November 01, 2010, 12:30:08 PM »
good stories.. keep em coming  O0

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2101 on: November 01, 2010, 10:14:28 PM »
This was told to me by my sister from her friend.

Her guy cousin was in his room doing homework. He had his door closed and his younger brother kept coming back in and out. His younger brother finally stopped and left his door open. From the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow, and he turned around and it was a girl. He got scared and went downstairs, told his mom, and his mom said "oh its nothing. don't worry about it." So he just let it go. He still kept seeing her, and he got used to her presence.

He got so used to of her that one day when his family was having dinner he asked his mom: mom why didn't you put out a plate for my girlfriend? you know she is here and she is hungry."

his mom asks: your girlfriend? where is she?

"she is here mom. she is hungry too. bring a plate out for her."

She still didnt think much of it, and took a plate for him.

His family noticed that he started getting skinnier, and more crazier. His mom noticed that he would talk to himself, and she got scared and worried for him.

And so.....they put him in a mental institute. *weird huh? what kind of family does that without ua neeb???*

His mom would call him weekly, and whenever she is talking to him, it seems like he isn't talking to her. He would say: You know i miss you. why don't you come and visit me. oh i see you right outside my door. you are already here?

his mom asks him: who are you talking to?

he says: my girlfriend.

This would happen every time she would call. But one day, he calls them while they're having dinner and he asked: why didn't you guys set out a place for my girlfriend? you know she likes you guys. and she is very hungry. bring out a plate for her. she is in my room. tell her to come and join you guys. or you can have my little 2 sisters bring food for her. she really likes you two.

his 2 sisters were like 7 and 8 at that time, and they were bawling and scared. and their mom made them both bring a plate of food to his room.

he was still on the phone with them, and they were up the stairs, frightened and crying, they stopped.

he asked them why did they stop? and why are they so scared. he told them that she really likes them and that right now she is patting their heads to console them.

they both got really scared, dropped the food, and ran back downstairs. and on the phone, their brother asked: why did you guys drop the food? she is still hungry.

his family finally ua neeb, and found out that in his past life, him and his girlfriend promised be together forever. he reincarnated and she didn't. she finally found him and is going to stay with him.


these group of guys decided to rent out a cabin and they all had to share a bed. the one guy sleeping at the edge of the bed couldn't sleep because it was so cold. after everyone else fell asleep, he felt something touching the bed like adding more weight, and then he felt something rubbing his thigh. he turned his head and saw an old lady and she asks: nov puas yog nqaij os? (is this meat?)

he got scared, woke everyone up, and said that he wanted to go. he was like man lets go. i dont like staying here, lets go.

his buddies were like nah, man. we rented this place. if you dont want to sleep on the edge, i'll switch with you.

so his buddy switched place with him. same thing happens to him. he couldn't sleep because it was so cold. and then he felt something on the bed. then something rubbing his thigh. he turned his head, and saw the same old lady, and she asks him: noy puas yog nqaij os?

he woke everyone up, said the same thing. they all packed and left.


there is this certain yang clan that whenever someone passes away they have to put food and water in the deceased's coffin or else the coffin will shake. not sure why, but one time they didn't and the deceased's spirit possessed someone and shouted at them that he is hungry and very thirsty. after they put food and water in the coffin, it stopped shaking.


this aunt passed away for some unknown reason. when they were doing her funeral, they heard a loud high pitch scream, and the lights were flicker off and on. it stopped. and then it happened again. loud high pitch scream. lights flicker on and off. they didn't know where it was coming from. they looked and looked. they finally looked in the coffin, and the dead aunt had her mouth open. they had to manually hold her mouth together throughout the funeral. *eeekkk scary!*

eeekkkkk!  :o creepy!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2102 on: November 03, 2010, 05:42:29 PM »
Been reading these for a while and thought I would contribute. Here's one told by a marine.

In the late 1980's I was at Subic Bay naval base in the Phillipines attending a jungle survival course. I stayed in the Marine barracks. There were three US Marine security force companies that protected the base. At the time it had the distinction of being the only location in the world where the U.S. military was regularly conducting live combat patrols, in this case against the Communist New People's Army who regularly performed incursions into Subic and dropped mortar rounds onto the Charlie Company outpost in the hills.

When I was there I overheard some security force company Marines talking about the "Red eye". Over the next few days I heard this term several times. I finally asked one of them about it. This is what he told me. Back then there were very isolated clearings in the jungle on the perimeter of the base where guard towers were located. Each guard tower was manned by a Marine with a rifle and PRC-77 radio. There was one additional Marine on the ground at the base of the tower.

One night about a month earlier the Sergeant of the Guard recieved a radio call from one of the isolated posts. The tower Marine reported that he has seen possible movement in the jungle near his tower, The Sergeant instructed him to dispatch his ground sentry for a closer look. A short time later the tower Marine called back and said his ground sentry described what looked like a "Red eye" approaching the clearing from the jungle.

A minute later the tower Marine called frantically and reported his ground sentry was down and his position was being observed. The Sergeant dispatched the Corporal of The guard with the security alert team in a Humvee and asked who was in the towers perimeter. The Marine responded he didn't know and that he could just see one red eye approaching his position. A short time later one last frantic radio call came in from the tower. The Marine screamed "It's climbing the ducking ladder". The Sergeant responded who is climbing the ladder. The last transmission from the guard tower was a screaming message "I Just See One Red Eye!". The radio went dead. A few seconds later the Sergeant of the Guard heard M-16 rifle fire from deep in the jungle.

When the Security alert team arrived to the tower about 15 minutes later they found the tower clearing deserted. The floor of the tower post was covered in blood, bits of uniform, and several expended 5.56 cartidge cases. There was another spot near the edge of the clearing covered with blood next to a M-16A2 rifle laying on the ground. There was a blood trail leading into the jungle but no sign of the two Marines. At daylight Negrito indian trackers were brought in to follow the trail and search for the Marines. After a short time the trail just vanished. The Negrito indians said the demon that lives in the jungle took them. They had a name for it. I cannot recall the name but their legends describe it as a beast with one red eye. The Two Marines were never seen again.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 08:04:23 PM by Snake »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2103 on: November 03, 2010, 05:44:28 PM »
Here's one more:

I'm a Marine MP (Military Police) on Quantico and have a few stories myself.

One of the first nights after I finished FTO, I was doing our security checks. Obviously if something is unsecure, we have to clear it then secure it. Everything was going fine until I reach an old 3 story WWII morgue turned supply building. The corporal I was with refused to go with me so I was stuck clearing it myself. I heard so many footsteps behind me even though absolutely no one was in the building with me, cold gusts of air in the middle of August and lights turning on and off when I am on the complete other side of the floor in 5 minutes I was in there. Also it is situated right next to train tracks that they used to bring the bodies in on. You could hear trains stopping right outside of the building and when I went to look, nothing. I came out pale white and told the corporal what happened, thats when they decided to tell me that it was actually an old morgue. Still to this day refuse to go in there at night.

Two other stories revolve around our headquarters building. The first one is, while they were renovating the building, only we had keys to the doors. Well when you have to make a head call while at our gate, that's where you go. One night at about 01, someone needed to go. He walked in to the building and saw someone standing there. He looked at him and he was just standing on the stairs in the old green uniforms like the ones from the movie Full Metal Jacket. The sentry asked him the basic questions and the Marine just turned and walked up the steps. The sentry went to follow him asking for back-up and heard a door slam before he got up the stairs. He stayed at the top of the stairs until back up arrived and 4 people cleared the entire building. Never found anyone.

Also, our headquarters building has our medical clinic in it. Once again at night, someone needed to go in there and heard a baby crying from the medical corridor and saw the light on in there. When he made his way down the hall the light wasn't on and as he got to the door, no crying. So he walked back down and the crying started up again. He never went to the bathroom...

« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 08:03:24 PM by Snake »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2104 on: November 03, 2010, 05:45:44 PM »
Here's one told by a fellow cop...some of you may have read it in the marriage section:

Myself and a buddy on my squad responded to an alarm. The incident location was an old office type building that had been converted to doctor's offices. There was a pharmacy attached to it. Our dispatch received a motion signal from an upstairs office. Key holder arrives on scene and we go in to secure the building. The stairs were locked behind a door that, of course, the key holder didn't have keys too, so we took the elevator up to the second floor (not the most tactically sourd option, I know).

Elevator opens to a pitch black hallway... except for one overhead light at the end of the hall. We start checking doors, and so far all are secured. We get to the last office, and sure enough, the door is unlocked. We make entry and observe it to be an unused office. The door opend to a sizable waiting room and reception area. There were about 10 or 12 exam rooms, all cleared with no hiccups.

We exit the office and immediately, something seems off. That is when I realize the overhead light at our end of the hallway that had been on was now off, replaced by another light over by the elevators. I look at my squad mate and he is completely white. I ask him what is wrong and he says, "Weren't all those doors we just checked closed and locked." I tell him yay, so. Buddy says, "Well now they're all standing open." Sure enough, all the offices down the hallway we had just checked were now standing open. Pucker factor sinks in at this point.

So we start clearing offices and securing offices. We finish the last office, and on our way out, just before we turn the corner to get into the waiting area, the main door just slams shut. Then, our radios start going nuts with some kind of static feedback. Now I just want to get the hell out of there.

We get back in the elevator and head down to the first floor to make contact with the key holder again. However, key holder is no where to be found. I contact dispatch and request a call back number for the key holder so I can advise him of what we found. Dispatch states that the key holder was still enroute to us and was advising an eta of 5 minutes. I advise dispatch that we had already been out with the key holder. Dispatch requests I give them a call.

I call dispatch and she tells me that there is no way we were out with a key holder. She states that the alarm company had only just made contact with one. Eventually, the "real" keyholder arrives on scene and I ask her about the man that had let us in the building (the first key holder). She asked me to describe him, so I did. She states that that sounds like one of the doctors that used to lease the office on the second floor AT THE END OF THE HALL. She then states that he had committed suicide at his summer home several days ago.

I still won't go back there.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2105 on: November 03, 2010, 07:40:06 PM »
Cool stories there Snake.  Please people, more scary stories !!! 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2106 on: November 03, 2010, 07:53:31 PM »
Ok last one for tonight, true story told by special force commandos during the vietnam war....

As you may or may not know, the people of Vietnam are very superstitious. This applies both to the ethnic Vietnamese who live in the coastal areas and the deltas and lowlands, and also the "Montagnard" tribes (Hmong and Bru) who live in the mountainous areas on either side of the Laotian border.

I think this story involved the Bru, but I don't remember 100%.

Anyway, a team of U.S. Army special forces was assigned to a small village of these people as part of the "Civilian Irregular Defense Group" or CIDG program. Their mission was to organize the villagers into a cadre or militia, and teach them how to resist terrorism by the Viet Cong and NVA.

Since this particular place was near several high speed trails that were used by the enemy, the SF guys had taught the villagers how to construct a perimeter and defend it during the hours of darkness, when sentries were posted.

One night, while the American SF guys were asleep, they were awakened in the dead of night by a high volume of automatic weapons fire coming from the perimeter around the small village. Needless to say, the SF guys first instinct told them that the enemy was probing the perimeter and the sentries had opened fire on them, so they grabbed their guns and gear and scrambled to the perimeter lines to reinforce the sentries on line.

The sentries were firing wildly, burning up a shit ton of ammuntion, throwing a huge amount of lead into the darkness of the surrounding jungle. They seemed to be terrified by something.

The American SF guys were cool heads though, and observed strict fire discipline, holding their fire until they had visuals on the enemy.

And that was the problem - there WAS no enemy. The native sentries were firing AT NOTHING.

Finally the SF team commander got them to cease fire and calm down enough to find out what the heck was going on.

Then, the native sentries finally explained what was going on.

One of them claimed that he saw "Panoah" - a supernatural demon that lived in the jungle and devoured men's souls in the middle of the night - and that is why he opened fire.

The rest had just followed suit, being fed by the infectious terror spread by the first man.

True story.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 08:00:30 PM by Snake »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2107 on: November 04, 2010, 04:38:43 PM »
dam snake your stories are  the shit, especially the last one
its like the hmong elders would call "p nyu y" thats how you say it but obviously not how its written
and the doctor incident whoooooh!!!! major pucker
post more if you have some

« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 01:34:34 PM by DRTYLUVN »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2108 on: November 05, 2010, 03:04:35 PM »

Sorry for being so long and not having the best description of the ghost but hey I'll let you people's imagination to the work ^^. I've got one involving my dad but will post if anyone wants to hear. Peace out.

Post more!  We all would love to read it.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2109 on: November 06, 2010, 01:56:37 AM »
Post more Snake.....

You just revived this dead thread

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2110 on: November 08, 2010, 01:35:58 PM »
Post more Snake.....

You just revived this dead thread
hey chingy
post more of what you kno about fresno, would like to kno more from my home turf

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2111 on: November 08, 2010, 02:18:24 PM »
hey chingy
post more of what you kno about fresno, would like to kno more from my home turf

My Sac cousins(teenagers) came down for the new years a few years back and we were pretty bored having gone to the Hmong new years for two days straight. So my cousin asked us to take them to a nearby fishing park and have a picnic. He also met his Sac friends at the new years and invited them on our trip. When we got to Lost Lake they were daring someone to swim in the ice cold water first then the rest will jump in and they'll treat him for pho. After a few minutes, everyone was dipping in the water because the idea of pho after an icy cold swim sounds good. Then my older cousin started screamin, "Dragon Dragon". Everyone got out of the water then he said that he was just ducking around. So his friends and I told him not to duck around like that at rivers and lakes.....

Well after the new years they went back and home and didn't mention it to anyone. Well my cousin's friend's mom happens to be a very powerful psychic Shaman and the night they got back, this Dragon lady to to her in her dream and told her that her son and his friends were messing around at her lake and she don't appreciate it. So the next day she confronted her son and told him that he knows best not to mention the word "Dragon" around any body of water. Yea it surprised him because he never told his mom about his lost lake trip and none of his friends told any OG's.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2112 on: November 09, 2010, 10:51:15 AM »
Shit chingy
he should kno better than that
he's lucky nothin happend to him

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2113 on: November 10, 2010, 01:17:25 PM »
When i was a child, i would hear voices but never saw anythng. when i was in my hs years, i would see a bunch of black shadows, now, those are demons. it came to the point where in broad daylight or sleeping next to my sister with the light on, it would come to me frm out of nowhere. sometimes the slower ones i would see move frm the hall and n2 my bedrm. finally my parents wrappd up a knife 4 me to put undr my pillow. hung bamboo in my room and hit every area in my rm with a bamboo and peach branch. then they pounded some leaves and othr stuff and burnt it.

it stoppd till i got married and moved in with my hubb.

one day i was nappin, there's one of those long slim mirror across frm my bed on the wall. btw as i was napping, i felt the bed sinkin in as if someone was crawling in2 bed. i thought it was my hub and with my eyes still close, i told him to stop shaking the bed so much. it got quiet. then some more crawlin up to my shoulder. i turn around and opend my eyes, there in the mid afternoon light next to me was a huge shadow and just as soon as it saw me awake, it vanished right thru the mirror. i ran out asap. that nite, in my dream and for a whole week, a man, shadowy figure said, we found u. i was so scared, i put the knife back undr my pillow and taped up all mirrors in my rm. next morning my hubb bit.chd at me for breaking the mirror. however i didnt break it. i went to grab for my red cloth wrappd upknife undr pillow but it dissapeared. i ask hub where it was and he told me he never touchd it or knew i had it. my hubb's grandma was informed and she sent me 2 fake medium and large size plastic doberman dog and 1 plastic cat. i placed the large plastic dog outside. and the medium plastic dog and cat on my nitestand by me. they put money paper on door and on mirrors. everythng became quiet for that time.
thats scary
have you seen a shaman yet??

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2114 on: November 10, 2010, 01:29:02 PM »
When i was a child, i would hear voices but never saw anythng. when i was in my hs years, i would see a bunch of black shadows, now, those are demons. it came to the point where in broad daylight or sleeping next to my sister with the light on, it would come to me frm out of nowhere. sometimes the slower ones i would see move frm the hall and n2 my bedrm. finally my parents wrappd up a knife 4 me to put undr my pillow. hung bamboo in my room and hit every area in my rm with a bamboo and peach branch. then they pounded some leaves and othr stuff and burnt it.

it stoppd till i got married and moved in with my hubb.

one day i was nappin, there's one of those long slim mirror across frm my bed on the wall. btw as i was napping, i felt the bed sinkin in as if someone was crawling in2 bed. i thought it was my hub and with my eyes still close, i told him to stop shaking the bed so much. it got quiet. then some more crawlin up to my shoulder. i turn around and opend my eyes, there in the mid afternoon light next to me was a huge shadow and just as soon as it saw me awake, it vanished right thru the mirror. i ran out asap. that nite, in my dream and for a whole week, a man, shadowy figure said, we found u. i was so scared, i put the knife back undr my pillow and taped up all mirrors in my rm. next morning my hubb bit.chd at me for breaking the mirror. however i didnt break it. i went to grab for my red cloth wrappd upknife undr pillow but it dissapeared. i ask hub where it was and he told me he never touchd it or knew i had it. my hubb's grandma was informed and she sent me 2 fake medium and large size plastic doberman dog and 1 plastic cat. i placed the large plastic dog outside. and the medium plastic dog and cat on my nitestand by me. they put money paper on door and on mirrors. everythng became quiet for that time.

freakin' scary.

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