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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2265 on: March 22, 2011, 11:15:21 PM »
I use to get sat on too, one time I was too tired to fight it off so I flick it off and I could tell it got mad or something because it squeeze me harder while still on top of me and also that weird sound it was making got louder, I just drifted off to sleep. One time I felt the sensation of it coming so I got up and ran to the light switch but my feet and body was so heavy I was running in slow motion, than I felt a cold hand grab my left shoulder and pulled me back. I would shake it off and than it grab my right shoulder, I shake it off too than it grab my left again, it was as if it was playing with me so I got mad and swung a punch around with my right hand but hit nothing. Our house has a basement so if someone was to run through the house you could hear the thump through out it. I started pounding my every steps hoping someone would hear it and it worked, as soon as I reach the light switch and flick it on my wife came in and she was like  :o "what are you ding?" . . . I was standing in a boxing stance looking back toward the room breathing hard  ::). Ever since, I don't really sleep by myself, and sometime even when my wife is right beside me, it'll even tried to come but I'll just kick her feet and she'll move or something than what ever that thing is stay more away.  ??? weird, strange, yes indeed.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2266 on: March 22, 2011, 11:21:03 PM »
Sorry to say this but we got some horrible writers in here. It wouldn't hurt to write in paragraphs. Having a big blob together with no breaks makes it impossible to read. 

say you what? read writing mine too hard? understand can't you, okay is it.  :P

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2267 on: March 23, 2011, 01:17:35 AM »
Ever since that time I'm more aware of my area and more cautions about going to places.

Here's a fishing story, back in 2002 or 2003. I took one of my Hmong co-worker with me to go catch some white bass at my fishing place. We got there around 5am, and man even when the moon is fully up there. It's dark as heck cause I have to drive though the woods to get to were I want to fish. Well when we got there I was like dude my timing was off, I miscalculate cause normally it takes 1 hrs to get there but since there was no car on the road we got there faster than I planned. And it's gonna be about another hour before the sun starts to shine, and we don't need to be out there too early. So we sat in my car chilling till 6 am and we got your gears out and walked to the river. When we got there the air was quite, the river quite. The moon was full and you can see the shore line, Water dropped down to where you can see a good 3-4 ft out to bottom. It was only me and my co-worker there so we were casting our line out there. About oh 10-15 minutes pass then I hear a big a$$ splash right off the shore to my right side about 50 yard. I could see that the water splash was about a good 5 ft splash, like how you would throw a huge rock and you can see the break of water. the splash was right by the shore so there was only about 2-3 ft of water but the break was about 4-5 ft in the air. So I ask my buddy if he saw what I saw? He said "it's just a beaver" I was trying to be a cool headed guy, but I know this river and there is no beaver here. later the same splash a little bit closer to us now. So I reel my line in and  took my Hmong knife and unsheathe it from my waist. LOL I shined my $60.00 hunting browning flash light over there but saw nothing. I thought that it was a deer cause that place has a lot of deers. Then The fog came in and got thicker and thicker to were my light could only see about 1ft in front of me. Than the splash got closer and closer, and it was about 10-15 yards from me and my buddy. Then i told him hey I think it's time for us to go to walmart and buy some fishing line.

So we pack up and went to my car and drove out of there. When we got out of the woods I was like. Dude W T F was that. So we drove back into town and and stayed in my car and took a short nap. when i awoke it was like 7ish am. So we drove back to the river, cause by now more Hmong people are there already. When we got there my BIL and his bro(s) was there but they were packing up and going somewhere in a hurry. So I was like WTF. Then we saw that there were 2 more Hmong dudes fishing there. so me and my buddy went to fish. I was casting out at the same spot I was while my buddy went to where there splashes was coming from, and fish there. There was this Hmoob dude that was there fishing so that's why he went over there. The hmoob dude that was over by the splash came to fish where i was cause the white bass was hitting were I was. He asked me a weird ? like did we notice anything this morning. I was like uh-no. But I hear him chanting some strange Hmoob lingo. Well we caught about 2 five gal bucket, and called it a day. while we were on the road away from the river. My buddy was like did you hear that OG chanting? I said "yeah, but i don't know what he was saying". And I'm Hmoob too. My buddy told me that those word are the old lingo that the Hmoob use at the funeral only. Those word don't get use outside, unless something happen. I was like dude I think they run into what we ran into this morning.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 01:26:01 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2268 on: March 23, 2011, 02:13:34 PM »
 :sleepy2:  These are a bunch of repeating stories.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2269 on: March 25, 2011, 12:21:16 AM »
Saki Saki: omg you just freaking made my day, love your stories and your grammar lol, laughing my a$$ off right now. Damm But very interesting story how you and the ghost have this sort of relationship and you both fear each other somewhat lol. Please tell me more, Please

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2270 on: March 26, 2011, 02:01:47 AM »
So this happened either on a Friday or Saturday, cause me and my wife was getting ready to have our first kid. My wife was getting closer to her due date and since I worked 1st shift. I didn't want her to be at our house by herself or our self, I'm a wimp when it come to things like this. So we went to sleep at her moms' house for the whole week. Well it didn't take long before something tried to sit on me. Me and my wife slept in the living room, on the sofa ( the one that is like a couch but can be broken down to be a bed, half couch, half bed type thingy). I slept by the wall and my wife slept on the edge, cause woman they need to get up and go use the bathroom, ha ha. That night something came and sat on me, and knowing how it goes. I was like shyt here we go-again. LOL. It tried to sit on me but I fought it, and finally I broke feel, the reason how I broke feel was funny, cause I managed to physically scream out loud. And in my dream I chased what ever it was off the bed, and it ran right into my parent in laws room and dived under their bed. So I woke up and said to myself fk. I'm going to go and get this
S O B from under my parent in laws' bed, cause it just fk up my sleep. Then I stopped, cause I was like Shyt what if I go running into their room and scare the crap out of them. Than what will I tell them, that they have a thingy under their bed. Cause I chased what ever it was into their room!. (Now looking back at it I wonder what will happen if I did go ahead and do that, ha ha). So I said "shyt what ever this thing was I'll deal with it when morning comes".

I laid back down and went to sleep. My wife slept like a log, cause all the commotion I was doing, she didn't even said what's going on... LOL. And when morning came she didn't even notice anything that happened to me that night.. So my MIL woke up and I was up already. Then she asked me what happen last night? Cause she heard me screamed and was going to come and check on us. But than she said "that made be it was nothing". Funny, so I said " something came and sat on me and I was fighting it the whole time, even though it tried to, but I fought it". And it ran into your room and dived underneath your bed. I got up and was going to come running into your room and grab what ever it was out from under the bed but I stopped cause I didn't what to freak you guys out last night.

She got freak out by what I was telling her. Then she told me a story of my FIL back in Laos. How this thingy would follow him around or something like that. I couldn't remember the detail. This happen in Laos, so she was like that's why she never sleeps on his side if the bed, cause one time she did that and she felt a hairy hand touching her or something or she touched a hairy hand. And she got scare. So I'm guessing what ever that thing was...  Well I'll let you guys decide.
Is it a merge coincident that it happen or did it have anything to do with what my MIL told me. After that night I went back home and brought my samurai sowrd over to the in laws place. But nothing happen. LOL

I have some more stories, be back..
Thanks for reading some of my life experiences.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 02:17:43 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2271 on: March 27, 2011, 12:40:35 AM »
This happen way back, In related to the story above. Sorry my time line is off.

We moved in with her parents' for a short term, til we can find our self a home.

we went and looked at a lot of the houses that day. When we( meaning  my wife and her mom) got back and I was tired. And yes me and my wife slept in the basement. My wife and her mom saw this house and wanted to go see it. So I said " I was tired and wanted to go take a nap". So I went to sleep, Just right before I was about to fall a sleep, I saw what it looks like a little meeka boy, 1st he was at the door looking at me. Then he walked right up to or next to my left ear and he started to talk to me. So I talked back to him but I don't remember a single word I said to him. It felted like someone was really there talking to me, I said to myself "who is this little kid and how did he get in here"? Then I felt this pressure, kinda of like when you are about to get sit on. Then I said to myself "oh shyt it's seems like, it wanted to jump in the bed with me". I could feel right away that it was them, and I opened my eyes, I sat up and looked around the room, my heart was beating so fast.  but I saw no meeka kid in there with me, I was alone in the basement. I could see that it was still day light outside, and I could feel my hair standing up. I got out of bed and headed outside, funny cause everyone was outside in the back yard chilling.

(So I guess you can say that one of it's form, it can change into was a meeka kid).

I think that back in the old days when I use to get sit on, and me fighting it and finally did something. It sort of gave me some courage that I too can fight it and not be too scare of them.

Here's a saying, it goes like: when you sleep, you should always sleep with your feet facing the door entrance. So your head is always looking at the door, cause your spirit can see who is coming and going out of the room. I kinda see the point cause that's how I always sleep, and that's how I can sense it.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 12:52:12 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2272 on: March 27, 2011, 02:03:34 AM »
Okay here's one, I'm not gonna go into too much detail,
Not a scary one but an usual  life experiences.

This is from my own personal dairy:

So this happened when my FIL passed away. And in the process his truck was sold to one of their relatives. My FIL came to me in a dream, he said " he came to visit his house and his truck, but when he got there he didn't see his truck. And was wondering if I knew where it went to". I said '" well your truck was sold". he said " to who". I said " to one of your relative". but I couldn't tell him who bought his truck, all I could say was the daughter's name but not the father's name. Then he kinda of got mad that his truck was sold. Then I woke up to a major pain in my chest.

At first you know how the OG's are and their beliefs. So I was like W T F. are you kidding me. This can't happen to me cause I'm just the S I L. I call myself the jungle son in law. translated that  in Hmoob.

I've heard stories like when a close family moves on and they need something, they'll come into your dreams and tell you things or want you to do something for them.
I was freaking out and in a lot, I mean a lot of pain cause I've never experienced anything like it. This happened around 4-5 am and my wife was sleeping like a pamper kid. I told her that I'm in a lot of pain, but as always she slept without even as much as to look at me or see what is happening to me. LOL. So I got out of bed and went into the living room, and was rolling on the floor like I was dying or something.. Ha ha. Around 6am I called my mom and told her my dreams and she told me to call my MIL, to ask who the relative's name, who bought the car.. So I called my MIL and told her about it and she told me the name. And also for me to do this by by or something like that to my FIL.( To those who knows what I trying to say here, I can't find the right words explain it) I told my MIL that I don't get it! So while I was on the phone with my MIL, she told me to repeat what she said. But right after she had said all those stuff, the pain was like, it disappear. After some more pains down the road I finally went to the ER. and found out that I had gallstone.. LOL and yes I no longer have my gall bladder.  
Just thought that it was strange.

B T W is this page dead or something... I seems to be the only one here writing stories LOL

« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 02:18:31 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2273 on: March 27, 2011, 03:28:19 AM »
Good stories Saki. You got any fishing, hunting, dragon drowning or more shape shifting stories?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2274 on: March 28, 2011, 12:19:49 AM »
I got a few water story, I don't know if it's Zaj or just encounter of the unknown.

1st story: This took place long ago, it was a hot day, so me my friends and his wife. We went to Phalan Lake to go swimming. 1st of all I can't swim. I knida do but if my feet ain't touching the ground I'll go belly up, LOL. so you can say that I can't swim, period. So we got to the lake and if you ever been to a swimming area and see that it's block by a yellow rope. So that, if you can't swim don't go beyond the rope. That's deep water, but it was only about up to your waist. I'm about 5' 5" tall.
So we were playing tag and chasing one another within the yellow rope. There was a lot of ppl there and also 1 life guard was on duty that day.

Here's the strange part, one of my friend(a) was it, and was chasing the other friend(B). I saw that my friend (c) had swam up to the yellow rope and I decided to swim there. As I was swimming there,I felt this very strange feeling and I stop and stood up in the water and looked towards my friend (c). He was looking at me, like he has seen a ghost. I mean his eyes were as big as an owl. I ran/ jump towards him and said "what happen" he told me that when he was swimming towards the rope he felt like someone tried to grab his wrist/hand.
Then he stood up and look at what ever it was. He said " it was a little girl, and it was like someone or thing was dragging her away from him and the little girl tried to grab him". I said " hell no, are you shyting me"!.

By this time all my friends had swam towards us. And (c) told them what happened. So all my friends stop doing what ever they were doing and we all jumped out of the water, and went to the beach. I said to my friend (c) that he needs to report this to the life guard. He say " you kidding me, they might think that I'm crazy or something". I said " shyt, what are we going to do than". What if it was true and someone just died. At least we try to tell an adult, and if it was false then it's okay. But he was too scare to even think about it, he said to me that it felt like a dream and that it was not true, it can't be true. Then his wife said " you better go and tell the life guard was you saw". We were still auguring, than out of no where the life guard blew her whistle and demanded everyone out of the water. By this time I was freaking out and said " holy shyt, is this really happening". The life guard was calling a name but no one answered. So she had some one dialed 911. and told all the grown ups to hold hands and they started walk back an forth in the water.

This was the 1st time I ever saw this and hopefully that I will never ever see this again. As they were doing that I could hear the siren of the police, ambulance and fire trucks wailing towards the lake. I saw ppl diving under water trying help with the search. I saw the fire ppl pulling out their inflatable boats and gears and rowed out to  the lake. We all watched this for a good long time in hopes that they could find a body or this kid shows up out of no where. After a while I was like dude I think we need to go, cause I don't wanna see a dead body. So we all left, After that day I never wanted to go swimming in that lake. This lake is well known for it's drowning of ppl. OG's said " that there's a Zaj livivng in the water". I personally don't know how many, but it's a lot of hmoob ppl that drowned there, but yet I still see a lot of hmoob ppl go swimming there too. Anyways everytime some hmoob drown there the OG's would look into it, and say that the Zaj took them.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 12:25:29 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2275 on: March 28, 2011, 12:55:58 AM »
Story 2: Til this day I can not find and explanation.

This was at a river. I'm not going to say the name of this river. Anyways it was summer and the water went down, way down that ppl can walk into the middle of it and stand there and fish. So my friends and their big brother, they all went into the middle of the river, I was scare to do that so I stayed at the river bank and cast out my line. Trying to catch some carp or anything. As I was standing there I noticed to my right side that there was this very bright green color in the water. The sizes of this thing was no longer then 3-4 inches and it was like about 3-4 steps from the shore. if you were to step into the water it would been like one half of a half of your calve.

The green color was like almost green but it looked like a fish and some what not. To me, it felt like it wanted me to reach my hand into the water and pick it up. Okay this river also has dog fish. If you ever saw one it's kinda greenish mix black. But this green blob had no head or tail. It was like sitting there or floating there. I was like WTF is that. I pick up a small rock and threw it right into the blob, but it didn't move, I picked up a small twig and threw it there too. But nothing happen. I was like what it that thing. I was going to stick my hand into the water and try to see if i can pick it up.

Then it hit me, I was like,  I better not do that. I hear stories on ppl  fishing and drowning without making any splashes of water. Like they just went an poof, gone.
Just like that.
I scared myself out. LOL so I didn't bother to pay any more attention to it. About 3-5 minutes passed and all my friends and their brother came back to the shore. I told my friends' older brother that I saw something strange in the water while they were all gone. As I started to point to where that green color was. I looked and it was gone, just like that, I mean were could it swam off. Then I thought to myself. Holy crap did I just encounter a Zaj's trick or was I seeing things.
Even til this day I said to myself, I'm one lucky SOB. What if I stuck my hands down that day, in that time and no one was around me. What would of happen to me.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 12:59:42 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2276 on: March 28, 2011, 01:16:19 AM »
damm that Phalen story was scary azz hell. out of all the drowning stories i've heard, never have i heard anything about the drowning victim reaching out to try n grab the living. whhoooo, creeps. man if i saw a green thing in the water like that, i would've grabbed it or poke it with the fishing pole. now i learned not to. tell me more....any bigfoot stories?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2277 on: March 28, 2011, 01:22:41 AM »
3rd story: I just found this out last week

So I brought some old, old photos of my cousins. The photo was taken at a zoo, and me and my cousin was riding this plane. I was putting these photo up but I didn't have anymore room in my house to hang it. Okay I still have some room, but my wife wouldn't let me anymore. So I brought it over to my parents house. My parents saw that pix of me and my cousin on that plane and my mom told me that, Zaj took him many years ago. i said to myself, I've heard this story before. But I forgot all about it. Anyways when this happen he was a fully grown man and the way he drowned was weird. So the families went on a pick nick and there was this lake. Everyone was having fun. (I don't remember the whole story). So it went like this every one went home. When the family got home they were like, where's( I'm not going to say his name) and everyone was like ain't he with you guys? So they called up the family member and asked where he is. Some say that they saw him in the lake with every one else. So the family went back to the lake and look for him, but he was no where to be found. They called the police and the police went to look for him cause they think that he drowned. Well it was like 2-3 days later when his body was found. It was weird that a fully grown man just out of no where, poof, gone and no one knew where he was at that time. Everyone left him not even known where he was, or who he went home with. I heard that he was a collage grad too.

I remember him when we were little kids and grown up together and then they moved far far away into a new state and I was still here in Minnesota. Man the reality is starting to hit me now.  I just lost a cousin here in the US.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2278 on: March 28, 2011, 02:05:55 AM »
Sorry to say, but I've not encounter any big foot thingy,

But I do have another strange fishing story.
So this took place at T. Island here in Minnesota on county 10 in Hasting. That night a bunch of us guys wanted to go catch some big cat fish. I mean those cats were big a$$ heck. You have to tie down your rod, otherwise it'll be gone and since it dark over there. you can not tell if you got a hit or not and if you go check your pole and it's gone, HA ha. That's when you know that you just got a hit. LOL. Anyways a long story short. that night something came to visit us. It was dark in the woods and since we got there late we didn't have a fire going but only our head lights, and flash lights. We did have a little fire going but not enough woods. So all of a sudden we all heard what was like a baby crying or a bird crying in the woods. It started far away from us then it got closer and closer. Dude I was about to piss in my pants the night. (I think I know why it happened. Cause when a bunch of the guys were there, they were making all sorts of noise.) I told them to pipe down when they were getting too rowdy. Some of these dudes were a bunch of a$$ hole. (After that night I told myself that I'll never go fishing with a bunch of penis heads).
So the crying was getting closer to us and was like 30-40 yrds to our left. then it went back into the woods and came back. I took out my Hmoob nife and was ready to do, what I had no idea what I was think at that time, getting ready to piss in my pants..LOL and those dam penis heads was getting ever more louder. I finally got piss and said" why don't you penis heads shut the Fk up". And they all shut up. Then I asked my best friend if he's hearing what I was hearing. he said yeah, but it's just a bird. I thought to myself yeah, he's right it's probably a bird. Then that thing was like right behind our car and I was getting ready to crap my pants by now. Then it went farther and farther away from us and that was it. I looked at my watch and it was 3 am, i said to myself "Bird!!, why would a bird be up this late of a night, and it sounded like a baby crying and it sounded it a bird".  So my other grown up friend started his car and turn on the head light and we went to find wood for our fire. Man we made a bond fire that night and when morning came we all took off out of that wood. I've never been back to that place since. LOL

« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 02:11:39 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2279 on: March 28, 2011, 07:42:26 AM »
saki saki.. we are reading.  O0

Those things do take on forms of anything or any beings.

My aunt has one that still follows her till this day. Her hsb had left for work when she heard a knock on the door. She got up to go open it and there was no one there. She went back to bed and about 30 mins later she heard someone walk down the hall. She glanced over at the door and saw her hsb. She was in a dream like state and drift off again. Everyday after that it will come to her in her hsb's form but she was look at his back, it was a white guy's back. They ua neeb and found out she went caught it from this place and asked her  if she had been there and she said yes! she did go there and that she felt weird but didn't think any of it. The sha-man sent him back and she stop having those episodes. However she did get another visit some 15yrs later.  :o

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