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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3000 on: January 10, 2012, 07:13:08 PM »
My first time posting here in PH.  Been lurking for almost a year on and off and finally joined. This thread was what made me join lol. ;D  Time for me to share some stories for you guys. All true and from my grandma who I don't think will lie. My Grandma will tell random stories to my parents when they are bored and I tend to eavesdrop on these crazy stories sometimes. My story telling sucks so bare with me.

The first story came from my Uncle who's about the same age as me. It was dark at midnight. Everyone was up but it was only about 5 to 4 people up at my grandpa's place who lived with his son. Suddenly all of a sudden everyone starts hearing knocking at the end of the hall. Everyone knew no one was over there. It kept knocking and knocking loudly. Then the kitchen sounded like there was someone knocking on the plates. My uncle got so freaking scared he just sat there silently at the living room pretending to not notice anything while watching tv. My grandma freaked and told my grandpa but he didn't hear anything. Finally my grandma went to fry some chili peppers so the thing that was bothering them would go away but the knocking just gets louder. Finally grandpa got up and did some shaman thing with knives and everything went back to normal.

This one's from my grandma(gm). When my gm was a just a little kid there was a shit load of dead people and paranormal crap back in Laos. She would hear stories of dead coming back to find food. There was one relative of ours that had died leaving behind her kids and a husband. At day the husband would go to work while the kids stayed home alone. When he was at work doing farm work or w/e his kids would be at home. At the time the husband was at work the dead wife would come back to cook raw ducks(if i remember correctly) and try to feed it to the kids. When the husband got home he find the kids scared as hell. The pot would smell like dead flesh with a boiled dead duck. Then night came. The wife would come walk around the hut(you know the old straw houses) and the animals would go crazy and they would hear cats meowing all around the house. The next day the husband went to work again and the same thing happened but this time he came back right when she was still at the house.  He would yell and curse at her in Hmong saying "Why the hell are you back. If your dead just stay dead." (sounds much more offensive in Hmong)  He got angry and took his rifle and chased her out into the forest. After that they never saw or heard of her anymore.  :knuppel2:

This one's also from my gm. She had a aunt back in Laos. The aunt had an only child but it died of sickness at a very young age. She would cry ask why did he have to die. Then she went to a shaman. The shaman told her that if you want your son back then go to the farm place all alone and you will see a child. Take it and it is yours. The next day she went out at the farm land. She saw a little kid figure that looked like his son. It was holding this other taller dark figure hand. She wanted it but she knew he was already dead so she just walked away.

If she did take the kid I wonder what would happen. :o

I've got other short ones but not worth telling since their so short and just explains what happens since I don't have much details.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 07:19:31 PM by AhSeng »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3001 on: January 11, 2012, 12:23:10 PM »
The story about the past on wife comming back and the straw houses, Oooo scray story.  You did wat i did, joinned PH, just for the ghost thread..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3002 on: January 11, 2012, 12:38:42 PM »
I don't think I cross my leg when I sleep, also I encounter being sat on a couple times sleeping on my side; I thought it wouldn't happen when I sleep on my side but it did. When I get sat on I fight with my spirt, it's like I close my eye and concentrate somoning my spirit out to fight it. I can also feel a little pain after the fight when I'm fully awake.

Once when I was sleeping on the couch at my inlaws and I felt it on top of me, I try screaming but it never works so I close my eye and told my spirit to fight it, I was fighting it face to face in the as if it was a dream but it seem so real because I can see the surounding and myself on the couch as I was fighting the black figure fist to fist. As I was fighting with it, it loss and took off; that's when I opened my eye and told wife to put her arm on top of me bcuz that usually helps me not getting sat on.
It hasn't happen in a couple days now because my mom brought some strings and knifes to a uncle to do some blessings on them, I was told not to open the knife case and it's under my pillow.

Another quick story:
My wife used to say that I was lying about getting sat on and stuff like that until it happened to her. We were in Milwaukee hanging out with some friends and my brother was seeing his girl down there and it was around 10pm when we left Miltown and coming back home. I needed to pee really bad while driving on the highway and some reasons most gas stations were close but there were a rest area up ahead. There was no car at the rest area but I really needed to pee and I was always hear stories about rest area but I had my brother with me so I wasn't scared, but my wife went in my her self bcuz she brave like that. So when we got back home she went to lay on the bed, while I went to the car to grab some stuff; out of nowhere she came out running towards me all scared and shit. I had a  wtf reaction on my face. She's all holding me tight and said that something sat on her. I was telling her now that's how I felt and I laughing in my mind because she always say that I was lying. To this day she hates thinking about it.
More stories coming soon, keep stories coming also, I love reading people's experiences.
the elders always say, when you are to stop by a rest area. don't say it out loud that your leaving(los peb mus tsev). otherwise the ghost or spirit would jump into your car and follow you home.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3003 on: January 11, 2012, 03:39:53 PM »
im not sure if this story was told on ph yet, but i did post my story somewhere on a meeka website. Anyway, this happen to me in 2004.  
  Here i go. I was pregnant with my very first child that year. It was around, you know what i forgot exactly what month. but anyway, it was early in the morning around 6:00. My hubby left for work, while i was still in bed sleeping.
  All of a sudden, my bedroom was filled with these fog or cloud like. My eyes were very sleepy and i could barley open my eyes. what ever it was wanted me to feel like i was dreaming. I started to freak out a little bit. Then i heard laughter coming from the end of my bed. As i look down i see these two small forhead moving side to side. The bed was high so i was not able to see their whole body. They then walk to the side of my bed. OMG! I got soooooo scared, i shut my eyes right away and pretended to be a sleep. but, before i closed my eyes i noticed that it was two little hmong girls dressed in hmong maybe 3 yrs of age. Anywho, I can hear them climb next to me staring down at my face, just giggling. My heart started to pound so fast, my body got hot. I mean i was very scared because nothing like this has ever happened to me before. So, i just lied in bed, eyes shut tight and the next thing i know, i was asleep.
  I woke up, dont know how many hours later not remebering anything at all that had happened that early morning. I went on doing my usual chores around the house. My hubby got home at 4:00. We left the house to drop off some movies, and on our way there I was sitting by the passenger side you know just staring out the window daydreaming. All of a sudden it then came back to me. I explained to him about the laughter and the little girls, and how freak out i was. He did believe too. Because you know we hmong people are superstitious.
 Well, anyway, that was something. I have two beautiful daughters now. So, people say maybe it was a sign that i was going to have girls or maybe they were my daughters. who knows. I was not scared of them, but the situation and everything that happened that morning got me scared. I wouldn't and had never thought of them as poj ntxoov because i know they were not.  O0

« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 03:58:33 PM by sexymomma »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3004 on: January 11, 2012, 10:22:03 PM »
Sexymama. It could mean a lot of diff. Way. Funnt ting is i love play'n RPG games, now tis is way back into the days to the spuer NES, were RPG was, not now. Anyways wen i used to play sooo much and than i get stuck. But couldn't find the answer, i'll then goto sleep and dream about it.... The i'll wake up like in the middle of the night, anf pop the game on and play as i dream/ saw it. And it did slove the prob(s).
Point is you'll see the future sumtimes in ur dream. So yea... You prob. Saw the future..but didn't understand it...we Hmng ppl believe in dreams. Well most of the time...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3005 on: January 12, 2012, 07:06:56 AM »

1st of all, you're a very good story teller.  I imagined everything as if I was there with you.

2nd of all, that is some freaky sh!t.  Never go running at night.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3006 on: January 12, 2012, 10:58:36 AM »
I've been reading the stories for quite some time now, just thought I share some of my many experiences...

About 15 years ago, our old house we use to live in was a abandoned broke down house, it was a mess in there and we use to rent a house a few houses away from that abandoned house so my dad and uncle decided to just to fix up that abandoned house for us to live in. The city didn't know until 4 years later and forced my dad to pay $4,000 to city for the house which was a steal for us. Knowing the fact that it use to be a abandoned house was scary already but the first 5 years seems to be ok and then one night my parents went over to my grandma house for a ua neeb and wasn't gonna be home til late so I had to sleep with my lil bro which was only about 6 months old and I was only 14 in my parents bed until they get home. It was probably around 10pm and I had just laid in my parents bed with my lil bro for about 5 minutes when the bed started shaking, i got scared and held on to my lil bro. This was going for a few minutes so I was like "F it! I opened my eyes to face it but it stopped. I was scared but still tried to go to sleep and about 15 minutes later, it started again, this time it was shaking more violently but about a minute into it, my sister woke up to go use the bathroom and she turned on the hallway light to the bathroom and it stopped. I grabbed my lil bro and turned on all the lights in the house and waited for my parents, I told them what happened but they kinda brushed it off.

A few weeks later, my cousin came and slept over, we were up playing video games kinda late and I slept upstairs and our upstairs was pretty open, my room didn't have a door, it was more of a living room upstairs then right when we went to bed, turned off the lights, we heard footsteps walking right outside of my room, our floor upstairs was this old hardwood floor and it was walking all around upstairs except in my room and then suddenly it walked and stopped in front of my room, a few seconds later, it walked away but my cousin stomach growled and the footstep "RAN" and stopped in front of the room and minutes passed, we didn't hear the footstep walking away so I got up and turned on the light and we looked and it was nothing, we slept with the light on all night and I slept with the light on ever since that day in that house.

Months later, my uncle came and lived with us so he took my room and I slept in the open upstairs, I was still scared and still slept with the light on but this time was just a little lamp. This one night I heard the footsteps again but I was facing the wall so after a few minutes of hearing the footsteps, I decided to open my eyes and look at the wall and I can see the shadow of whatever walking around on the wall, it had a weird deform shadow and everytime it walked away, the shadow will disappear but as it got close, the shadow was getting bigger and bigger, I somehow managed to fall asleep and still my parents brushed it off. A few days later, me and my sister was home alone and one of my uncle's friend came over to drop off one of the cd he borrowed from my uncle, since my uncle wasn't home, I went upstairs to drop the cd in his room and right when I walked out of the room, I heard this loud footstep, sounded like someone stomping and it was chasing me, it was loud as hell, so I ran as fast as I could and we have like 12 steps down, I think I jumped off after like the first few steps, screamed for my sister and we just waited outside for my parents to come home.

Years later, I remember my dad asked me to not go anywhere because we're moving, just like that, I assume they were experiencing some stuff too to move out of the blue, we sold the house for cheap too so some hmong peeps bought it the same day we were moving, it was a nice big house too but months later, they called and said that they woke up to dishes everywhere and cabinets opened and if we experience anything like that, my dad lied and said, "no", last I heard they didn't stay long either and sold the house. There was more to it, the first 3 nights at our new house, this new house was in a different part of town, a nicer city and neighborhood, compare to the first one. I was getting a new bed but wasn't delivered yet so I was sleeping with my lil bro in his room for the first 3 nights and the first night I heard the footsteps in the hallway and it was trying to open the door to the room and seems like it was trying to open my sister's door too, u can hear the door knob twisting and turning but somehow it couldn't turn it all the way, the same thing happened the next night and my mom was working 2nd shift so she don't get home late and my dad was a heavy sleeper so he never hear anything but on the 3rd day, I asked my sisters if they hear what I heard and they did too so we told my dad and by 10pm, he yelled out that we're going to sleep, lights were off and he was laying with me and bros in our room to listen and within 5 minutes, the footsteps started but this time it didn't try to open the door. My dad got up and say it was the hardwood flooring but we all know what it was but my mom was a shaman so she did this thing and put some of these stuff on every door in the house and it stopped and nothing happened ever since. I still have alot more to share...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3007 on: January 12, 2012, 11:10:23 AM »
This one was pretty scary, my parents saw it in person. My cousin and his family moved down to NC from MI for farming and they were there for a few years and then one night my cousin called his dad to let him know that they're on way back right now because his wife is acting strange and because his dad is a shaman too, maybe he'll know what to do. From what my parents told me, when they got back to MI, the wife didn't even look like her anymore, her english was kind of broken but this time her english was fluent, they had shamans come over to check on her and she was just cussing them out right to left in english, they said it was some Emily Rose shit... They had a hmong pastor come and he took off with the quickness, she was always in the bedroom and family members be in the living room talking about what to do and she would know right when they come in the bedroom and would cuss them out that whatever they thinking of is not gonna work. So they had a stronger shaman come I guess and he found out that whatever was possessing her was a guy that died at their farm and threatened to kill their 2 kids if anyone interfere, the demon said that he will leave once she gives birth to his child, months later she started bleeding heavily but there was no baby or anything but after that she slowly came back to herself. Still gives me the creeps everytime I see her but they never went back to that farm, hired some movers to go move their stuff from there back to MI...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3008 on: January 12, 2012, 11:26:36 AM »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3009 on: January 12, 2012, 11:27:35 AM »
This one happened to one of my cousin when they went hunting. They were all in their 40's...

They decided to split up and meet back at camp at a specific time, on the way back to camp, my cousin got to this area in the forest that got cold and chilly so he knew something was up, he got scared and stopped and look around and saw 2 feet, no body or anything by a tree so he minded his own business and just walked on by. Back at camp he told my dad what he saw but my dad told him is probably nothing evil, so out of the group, only my cousin and my dad know so they all went to sleep to get ready for the hunt next day, one of the guy in their group had a dream about his girlfriend in Laos or Thailand that she was waiting for him but he never came by, I guess he promised her that he was gonna come back for her after coming to the U.S. but couldn't do it and the girlfriend died. He told everyone the story the next morning at breakfast before heading out and my dad and my cousin just told everyone to go home, u know how O.G.'s are, while hunting or fishing, if they say go home then it's time to go home... Eventually he found out the story from my dad and I don't think that dude goes hunting anymore...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3010 on: January 12, 2012, 11:47:03 AM »
alot more but kinda lazy right now...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3011 on: January 12, 2012, 02:32:32 PM »
Sexymama. It could mean a lot of diff. Way. Funnt ting is i love play'n RPG games, now tis is way back into the days to the spuer NES, were RPG was, not now. Anyways wen i used to play sooo much and than i get stuck. But couldn't find the answer, i'll then goto sleep and dream about it.... The i'll wake up like in the middle of the night, anf pop the game on and play as i dream/ saw it. And it did slove the prob(s).
Point is you'll see the future sumtimes in ur dream. So yea... You prob. Saw the future..but didn't understand it...we Hmng ppl believe in dreams. Well most of the time...
um thankyou for the comments, but i have no idea what your really trying to say. what is RPG? spuer NES? :-\ is that some kind of games ???

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3012 on: January 12, 2012, 02:43:08 PM »
During the end of fall 2003, When i was still living with my mother in law, my husband and I would get into arguments and fights. He would leave for the day and sometimes night. Leaving me with his family. His mother didn't like me very much, so she would say hateful things to hurt me. I really didn't have a place of warmth so usually at night, around 8:30 to 9pm in the cleaner part of south east fresno, I would walk around the neighborhood to get away from the craziness and to calm down.

One day with my husband gone. Night time rolled around and I felt so alone. i felt so suffocated that I couldn't sit still. I put on my tennis shoes and ran out the door and into the night. It was almost around 10pm. The fogged had settled in, in some part of fresno.

A corner away, a block away and a few houses down, to the side, along the railroad tracks, sits an open field that hmong people farmed at. There was about an acre of land that wasn't being used so it had weed up to my thigh. Usually I would run right pass it, but I needed to breathe. i needed to escape. So I hoped over the little white fence and ran and ran into the open field right into the weed. Right into the patch of fog. And stopped.

From the corners of my eyes, I swore i saw some one running with me. He looked like an older man but with hmong clothes and a pink red rag around his waist. I brushed it aside. I was too mad, too sad to feel anything. I think this was a time I felt in my life that I wanted to just "die". I ran some more through the weeds and through the fog until I couldn't run anymore. From the distant, I could hear a faint voice singing the traditional hmong kwv txhiaj song.

 I stopped to catch my breath and listened, there was definetly a person singing kwv txhiaj. Then it stopped. All of a sudden, I  heard someone say "Koj tuaj absti no?" I turned around to see, and thought that it was one of the hmong neighbors that were probably coming back late from farming. But there was no one. I looked around and around. I felt a very cold chill down my head to my back. I never felt like that before. I turned and turned around. I was so far. So far from where I started.

I started to run and when I did, I heard someone running with me. I could see the weeds swaying as if someone was going through it. The rustling was right behind me. I felt something chasing me. I told myself it was just my imagination. I ran and ran till I got to the gate and felt that cold chill again. I hopped over and right before my eyes, I saw a corn tossed over me and landed right in front of me, as if someone purposely threw it.

I ran so fast home. I went right to hug my mother in law, said sorry and went to sleep. It was about an hour or two later that she started hollaring like crazy from the living room. She is a shaman and her jingles started ringing really loud by itself and scared the crap out of father in law. When she finished, she started yelling at me and told me, a loner ghost chased and followed me home.

Found out a week later from my husband and his mother that in that field, one of the neighbor's uncle had a heartattack there and died. Sad. The neighbor's wife used to farm there until she moved to minnesota. From then on, I never run at night or go into fields alone.
nice story there, the elders always say never go out at night time to cry or talk to yourself about death. because there are so much death around us and they will come after you, you know. so tsis txhob tu tu siab alright. so what, are you both still arguing? i know you said your motherinlaw don't like you as much. tried not to argue infront of her. im mean if you and her son argue and your calling him all these names of course they will not like it.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3013 on: January 12, 2012, 03:28:43 PM »
um thankyou for the comments, but i have no idea what your really trying to say. what is RPG? spuer NES? :-\ is that some kind of games ???
super nes was the ni ten dou,  Game console. RPG is a game  call role play games. More like adventure games. Sorry if i was using games as an example. Lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3014 on: January 12, 2012, 03:32:39 PM »
Shampoo, great stories. Love to hear more. If you got anymore.
Freaky stuff you got there.

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