
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1605808 times)

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3645 on: October 04, 2012, 11:01:25 AM »
Repulic, Spooky azz fk.. The part when the dad jump up and open the shade...Yikes, what if he see a face... stareing back at him Holy crap..

Movkuam: IDk if i have any.. All i know is that I do feel like there's something here.. watching over the house..You see the house that I live in... before I moved in the father was old and his health was not all there.. So we had to kinda rush to sign all the paper, just incase he goes postal..
Meaning he wasn't ill or anything.. he was just getting old.

But every now and then I would hear strange voices outside by my window. like griberish lingo..
i can tell that it sound like 2 little girls.. kinda talking to one another... but it could mean that I'm just hearing stuff.

You need a check up with the shaman (old style and new style)

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3646 on: October 04, 2012, 04:48:20 PM »
are you people doing drugs? Because that can have an affect of you seeing and hearing things too. :2funny:

Jesus said no yelling at the drugers and crazy people :2funny: :2funny: :idiot2: :idiot2:

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3647 on: October 04, 2012, 11:37:04 PM »
Lol to answer your ?...
Maybe too much happy happy in my younger youth..
Lets just say..i've seen too many strange N weird stuff in my i've hence my sense..and i'm prone to be light wen i sense something/one around me..and no i don't tink i have some kind of attchement from any ghost or so..but i do feel stuff..

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3648 on: October 05, 2012, 02:30:06 PM »
Strange??? I never knew that.
And hows ur sister doing now? she still hearing stuff? Or has she come back to normal? LOL

I do have to admit. I'm kinda death in the ears.. too much BOOM from guns.. I never thought of putting hearing protection. Until I started to be hard of hearing.. Or more to say I'm selected hearing.LOL But I do hears like 2 little kids tallking just outside my bedroom window, I never thought much of it..But my wife  don't seems to notice anything...Of course she never knows what goes on around the house anyways.LOL In a way I think that's good. Cause she don't believe in those stuff.LOL

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3649 on: October 06, 2012, 12:54:32 AM »
Evening Lullabies
Author: ComoMeat, told in first person.

When my family and I first moved to Minnesota from Thailand, I was only 8 years old. We lived in the project homes in West Saint Paul. My mother would always tell me to go home before the sunset because we lived next to an old lady who was going crazy. The entire neighborhood called her insane. I thought that was very mean of the adults. At night, I could hear her singing her grandchild to sleep. I didn't think that was crazy at all. Every time I heard a baby cry, she would sing and the baby would stop crying. I enjoyed listening to her sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars and the alphabet song in broken English. Sometimes, her singing even lulled me to sleep. My window stares into her bedroom and sometimes, I see her rocking and lulling a wrapped baby in her arms to sleep and feeding the baby with a bottle. She must have been a great grandmother because I rarely hear the baby cry. I didn't see this grandmother outside very often but sometimes when I’m walking home from school, I would see her standing by her living room window, carrying a baby on her back.

One night, I couldn’t sleep and heard the grandmother having an argument, she was too upset, so I didn’t hear the other voice over this grandmother’s loud voice. I think her daughter asked her to go baby sit the other grandchildren. The grandmother said, “kuv yeej tsis kam mus kiag lis nawb, kuv tseem muaj ib tug menyuam kuv laib zov!” (I refuse to go, I have another child to watch.) The grandmother was yelling because she didn’t want to leave her grandchild and how much she loved her grandchild. I started to hear the baby cry because of the argument. I looked through my window and saw the grandmother picking up the baby, singing, rocking and talking to the baby. The baby was giggling, laughing and fell back to sleep.

The next day, I walked home and saw a whole bunch of cop squads outside of her house. I walked inside the house and overheard my mom talking to my aunts about how THEY FINALLY TOOK HER. My mom was telling my aunt about how sad and depressed the grandmother next door had been since everyone died around her and that she outlived her family. She was not able to have any children and her husband died right after she moved to America, so she really was alone. The grandmother lived alone next door. She would wrap her old Hmong clothes into the shape of a baby and pretend to cry like a baby, talk like a baby and even laughed and giggled like a baby. The grandmother will even sing and rock the bundle of clothes in her arms back and forth, pretending to feed the baby then put the baby to bed.

My mom went on talking about how the grandmother also likes to carry the bundle of Hmong clothes on her back like a baby and have conversations with the bundle of clothes. According to my mom, last night, the grandmother had an argument with her dead family members because the grandmother didn’t want to die yet because she still wanted to be with the bundle of Hmong clothes that she calls her baby. The grandmother cried so loud about how she didn’t want to die that my mom could hear her but her dead family forced her to wear Hmong clothes and she drown herself in the bathtub. The police knocked on our door and asked if my dad called 911 because they received a dialed from our house. My dad said no. The police asked my dad if he knew why she was holding onto a bundle of Hmong clothes and why she would wear Hmong clothes and drown herself. That night, I was scared to sleep, I asked my sister to sleep with me. After she fell asleep, I started to hear a baby cry then I heard the usual lullaby song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, being sang then after that, I heard baby laughing and giggling.

There’s more stories that happened in that house afterwards but maybe I’ll share some more next time.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3650 on: October 06, 2012, 02:15:03 PM »
Holy crap... Wierd but creepy... Do tell us more...

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3651 on: October 07, 2012, 06:02:49 PM »
I'll add a few stories to the board.

The first one concerns my mother-in-law.  She had been sick for awhile being stricken with cancer.  She was taken home from the hospital so she could pass away peacefully at home with her family.

During the few days before she passed, she was possessed and saw three demons or ghost that were coming to get her.  My wife recorded the first incident at the hospital.  There she was complaining that she was hungry and even though my wife's family fed her she was constantly hungry.  Then on rare occasion she would be chewing and chomping with her mouth.  When asked what she was eating, she told the family the ghosts were feeding her raw meat and that's what she was eating.

After she was released to come home.  She would scream and get possessed.  When she was possessed she would have strength beyond anyone in the room.  The family had tried to tie her down and she would break the cloth holding her down on the bed.  Mind you she had been sick and very weak; however, she had the strength of ten men.  Other time, she would speak in tongue, literally talking mumbo jumbo.

One night my sister-in-law decided to read the bible to her.  She twisted and turned then in a low growly voice, taunted my sister-in-law.  Telling her she knows what's contained in the bible and that she's not afraid of the bible.  As my sister-in-law continued to read the Bible the voice would then scream and ask that my sister-in-law stop reading.  After a few minutes the demon would go away.

Whenever the demons came, the dogs would go crazy barking and making a ruckus.  However, these dogs were even scare of the demons because when the demons were in the house these dogs would run into the corner and cower afraid of what was there.

Finally, right before my mother-in-law passed she informed the family that these demons were coming for her because she owed them a baby.  They finally took her and she passed away.

The funeral was crazy, the last night of it there were loud banging and noise coming from the basement of the funeral home even though we all knew no one was down there.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3652 on: October 07, 2012, 06:17:03 PM »
Here's another story.

There was a girl that I was a friend with.  She was pretty active on Hmongonline back in the days.  If I mentioned her location, a few folks would know who she was but I best not.

We were good friend who talked on the telephone occasionally about life and whatnot.  I was invited out to visit her but being young and saddled with responsibiliti es I never did.

It was 2003 and it was a crisp fall morning.  As I was walking to school that morning, I was inspired to give her a call.  I don't know why or what but I had a premonition that I should call her.  After class that afternoon, I decided that I should call.  Now mind you, I had only her cell phone number.  On the other end of the line her mother answered.  I asked to speak to her and her mother went silent for a bit.  She asked who I was and where I was calling from.  I informed her I was a friend and calling from out of state.

Her mother than quietly informed me she had passed away last week and her funeral was just completed that morning.  I was shocked and numbed from this whole incident.  I told her mother I was sorry and that I didn't call to create a ruckus or anything but accept my sincerest condolences.

After I hung up I knew that this friend even though we hadn't talked a lot lately wanted me to know that she had passed on.  There was no other reason for me to have been prompted to call.  On top of that it was the day when she was finally put to rest too.  I know she had talked about being sick in the past and she had gotten better.

Sometimes things like this isn't scary but freaky in it's own way.


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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3653 on: October 08, 2012, 08:23:33 AM »

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3654 on: October 09, 2012, 03:00:17 PM »
All these ghost..i had a dream. Tat i went camp'n N ran into those little long hair thingy.. remember tis is just a dream..funny ting was i was chasing tat thing..N i was pretty scary, but sum how i grab my gun..funny cuz i always grab my sword. But i had my new gun..and i was shooting tat thing N chasing it. Like Ooo yeah..I got my gun.N i was shooting it and yell at it..then all a sudden i was shooting deers.. lol funny dream, but the point is i grab my gun N not my sword.. maybe my itchy finger needs to pull some trigger..

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3655 on: October 25, 2012, 03:41:29 PM »
Here's another story.

There was a girl that I was a friend with.  She was pretty active on Hmongonline back in the days.  If I mentioned her location, a few folks would know who she was but I best not.

We were good friend who talked on the telephone occasionally about life and whatnot.  I was invited out to visit her but being young and saddled with responsibiliti es I never did.

It was 2003 and it was a crisp fall morning.  As I was walking to school that morning, I was inspired to give her a call.  I don't know why or what but I had a premonition that I should call her.  After class that afternoon, I decided that I should call.  Now mind you, I had only her cell phone number.  On the other end of the line her mother answered.  I asked to speak to her and her mother went silent for a bit.  She asked who I was and where I was calling from.  I informed her I was a friend and calling from out of state.

Her mother than quietly informed me she had passed away last week and her funeral was just completed that morning.  I was shocked and numbed from this whole incident.  I told her mother I was sorry and that I didn't call to create a ruckus or anything but accept my sincerest condolences.

After I hung up I knew that this friend even though we hadn't talked a lot lately wanted me to know that she had passed on.  There was no other reason for me to have been prompted to call.  On top of that it was the day when she was finally put to rest too.  I know she had talked about being sick in the past and she had gotten better.

Sometimes things like this isn't scary but freaky in it's own way.


Did you ask what was the cause of her death was? I wonder if this person is the same one that I know.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3656 on: October 27, 2012, 12:49:38 PM »
Had a weird day and night yesterday/last night. I'm not sure if it's due to reading too many Hmong Ghost Stories or it's Halloween but yesterday was a little creepy which lead to an uneventful night.

So yesterday morning, it was just my baby great-nephew and I just home. After eating and cooking, I decide to sit down and read a couple of Hmong Ghost Stories. As I was reading one ghost story, all of a sudden, the door to our garage closed. It was as if someone closed it.  I sort of freaked out but quickly shrugged it off. About an hour or so later, the great-nephew is playing on the dinner table and starts crying. I ask him what's wrong and He shows me his hand and what i saw was weird (If only I had thought to take a picture of it and shared it). on his right hand were these little teeth marks. The funny thing about it is that it was in a neat circle. The dents were perfectly squared and even. After assessing it, i just figured it was nothing so he and i went on with our day.

Later that day, I left him with his uncle, (one of my nephews) so i could run some errands. Two hours later, I come home to the father, mother and uncle questioning me what was wrong with his fingers. They asked me if he had blisters on his fingers before I left. I answered No and i told them what happened during the day. Apparently there have been some weird activities going on in our house.

So night comes, we all headed to bed. Throughout the night, Charlie, our yorkie mixed dog, kept barking!!! To me, it felt like every or two hours that dog would be barking! I asked Nyaab this morning and she said that it was because the neighbors kept shooting little fireworks in the sky. To me, i thought that dog was crazy. anyway, during the time charlier is barking my great-nephew keeps crying too! like charlie, GN would cry every or so hour. Then this is where I had a scary dream. My subconscious was already scared because of charlie. Not only that but somehow those ghost stories invaded my thoughts. Being me, I shrugged it off. So in the dream, I was driving on this dark road. All of a sudden, There was a bad entity in the back seat and it was trying to make me lose control of the car. AS much as I tried to control it, it would try to turn the wheels. It got mad so it pushed me towards the steering wheel, forcing my upper body up against the car. I remember I kept screaming for God to help me. It wouldn't let me say Vaajtswv at all. I would get to Vaaj and it would paralyze my throat or my body. After a couple of tries, I was able to scream out for God to help me. Then all of a sudden, I woke up within another dream. I was still scare and didn't want to sleep alone so i went to nephew and Nyaab's room. LOL! Grown ass woman like me was going to go sleep with her nephew and wife. Stupid, huh? I'm not going to lie, i was frightened! in this dream, I was still so scared but I forced myself up to go to their room. While knocking on their door, i hear Zach crying. At this point, my fears got the most of me so as soon as nyaab told me to open the door and go in, I did. I asked if i could sleep in the room with them. We were just about to lay some stuff on the floor for me to sleep and then i woke up. My bladder was going to explode but i didn't want to wake up either. I thought that since charlie has been barking, if he saw me, he would want me to let him loose. I tried to go back to sleep but a thought came to my mind. I read a comment that all paranormal things happen at 3 am. On most nights when I'm awake at 3 am, I would feel uneasy but brush it off. I guess that's when my mind plays a lot of tricks on me. Their not big sounds or anything but it's enough for me to be aware.

so after a few attempts to go back to sleep, i look at the clock. I have ten minutes to use the bathroom and get back in my bed. I didn't care if charlie saw me or whatever, i was going to ignore him! Just as i was in my bed ready to go sleep, I hear a tapping sound. At first i thought maybe it was just pipes around the wall but it sounded like it was coming from the window! Now, I have little branches around my window but even with a lot of wind, the branches brush against the window. It does not make that tapping sound. OMG, when I heard that tapping sound, I freaked out! I grabbed my cell phone and pretended to watch some YT videos. after five minutes, the tapping stopped. I heard it a couple of times throughout the early morning but I didn't care. I wasn't going to let that thing keep me up.

whatever it is, i hope it goes away.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3657 on: October 29, 2012, 06:21:47 AM »
Dang, thats creepy.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3658 on: October 29, 2012, 11:48:58 PM »
hey everyone. i've had the pleasure of stumbling upon this page just a couple of days ago  :D i've been reading as much as i could on everyone's stories(though now its reached 200+ pages now and im only on page 60 or so). i figure, just like everyone else, i'll share my own experiences  O0

i have a LOT of stories to tell, but ill start with the scariest ones  :2funny:

this story is from my mom before she met my dad in Laos.
my mom is an orphan. my maternal grandparents passed away when she was young. my mom's dad was KIA in the war, and my grandma, well she never really told me what happened to her. she was raised pretty much with her grandma and her aunt along her cousins. her grandma was really sick and passed away one day. the next few days later, they all went to the garden and because their garden wasnt too far away from their house, my mom's aunt told one of her daughter to come back to cook for lunch for them. so there she is cooking rice and all on the cooker. out of nowhere, there came a rotting stench. my mom's cousin didnt think much of it. just as someone said in one of the previous stories, hmong houses have that shaft/attic thingy where you could go up and store stuff. she saw someone's leg popped down from the shadows and started swinging around. she thought to so she thought that it was my mom or one of sisters/brothers who secretly followed her back home to play a trick on her. so she took the stick that she was poking the fire with, and whacked the leg as hard as she could. the leg withdrew back into the shaft. HA! she said. that'll teach you to play tricks! she continued cooking rice and whatever food she was cooking when she realized she saw the leg pop back out, swinging to and forth. she got angry at this point and started cursing at whoever she thought was up there, still thinking one of her siblings or my mom playing a trick on her. so she whacked the leg again with her stick. this time, she whacked the leg so hard with her stick, a piece of meat fell off the leg as it retracted. she quickly ran to the piece of flesh only to realize that it was rotting! right at that moment, she connected the smell of rot and the rotting flesh and immediately realized what was going on, so she ran out the door back to the garden to tell her mom. my mom, her aunt and daughters(including the one that was cooking) all came back to the house scared. being the oldest, my aunt went in first. after a few mins, she came back outside and said everything was alright. she explained that when she went inside, she didnt see tracks going up to the ladder to the shaft, but she saw tracks going out towards the door. she said it was grandma who came back to visit because the left footprints was missing the small toe due to grandma missing her small left toe due to a gardening accident  :)

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3659 on: October 30, 2012, 12:14:58 AM »
here's another freaky one from my mom that she told me about one of my uncles still living in thailand.

we all know men in thailand/laos have a reputation for being pimps and mackdaddies. my mom's cousins are no exception. my uncle was a mack daddy. he was unmarried at the time but he was in one village one day macking on this one chick reputed to be one of the best looking in the village. it was getting dark and he had a long way back to his own village. started trekking around twilight and about halfway to his village, there's a river with primitive bridge to help people bypass it. it was starting to get close to dark, but still enough sunlight to in front of you. as he was approaching the bridge, he noticed someone about haflway on the bridge. as he got closer and closer, he realized it was a young girl, about his age, sobbing loudly into the river. he thought to himself OH DAAAYUUM! SINGLE WOMAN  :2funny:! so there he goes approaching the bridge and thinking up of ways he's gonna mack on this single, lonely woman out in the middle of nowhere. maybe she got dumped by her man, he thinks? awwww yea!

so he makes his way onto the bridge and goes up to her. he sees that she's having a really rough time cause she was sobbing hella hard, and she had her hands up to her face, covering them. he asks her if everything is alright, and why she out here? nothing. so he asks her if she ok and if she need someone to take her home, etc etc etc. so he starts with his macking and starts asking why a beautiful woman like her is out here by her lonesome with no man or escort? no answer. so hes sweet talking her and he's trying to pry her hand from her face because he wanted to see how pretty she was. he grabs both her hands and tries to pry it from her face and all the while he's sweet talking her, though she wouldnt. he's sweet talking her and all. and seemed to be working. her sobbing slowed and he's thinking to himself, hell yea! its working! so he went to grab her wrist again and when he pulled it from her face.......... .well, she had no face  ;) all he saw was smooth skin over where the eyes, ears, mouths shoulda been. he quickly SCREAMS and lets go and run passes her. uncle was so scared, guy pissed himself. talk about poj plig (however you spell it). hes running like a rhino about to gore his a$$, all the way home, while hearing THIS time instead of a crying woman, a laughing woman. he can hear her getting closer and closer to him. when he finally reached the village, the laughing stopped. he ran right to his house and told his parents what happened. his mom was scared, but he got slapped by his dad and lectured because he was effing around too much and not thinking about marriage  ::) that night he got really sick so they huplig for him. turns out, the ghost he met was girl who's husband killed by smashing her face in  :-[ and then dumped into that river.

my uncle? well he got better. no more pimping for him though  O0

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