
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1607391 times)

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3900 on: May 15, 2014, 04:57:56 PM »
Here's one.  Sounds just like the same creature from that other story.

Out camping with friends.  Walking along this path with my friend talking loudly.  She asked me "Oh crap, Meg did you bring that extra sleeping bag for me?" Yea I got it, we're good.  We kept walking, soon we were getting pretty far away from camp by now.  There's this awful smell of copper mixed with blood. We thought nearby campers were cooking something so we didn't think too much of it. Suddenly from the brush across the stream that our path paralleled we heard "Beeehh did yeeyyee bbrbrring da eeetra eeepi berrrggg fo meee." It was so inhuman sounding like an animal almost.  Like a deer or cat trying to talk. 

It repeated several times.  Each time it sounded more and more like my friend.  We were terrified and starting running back to camp.  We heard leaves moving behind us but were too afraid to look back.  Then we heard a low whimper "waaaitt... I'm...hurt."  It sounded just like me.  I'm crying, we kept running.  As we got closer to the opening into the field we were camping the bushes are thicker.  We're not real fit and we had been running pretty hard.  Gasping for air.  Directly from the right of us we heard "tired YET"  Sounded just like my friend but almost with a bark. 

Shaking so hard at this point.  I turned to look back and saw this massive mound of fur in the bushes.  It turned and went back the way we came from.  We finally got to the camp and told our friends what happened.  Of course they did not believed us.  We refused to stay there another night.  We packed some of our stuff, got in my car and drove to town and spent the night in a cheap motel.  At about 10PM my friend's phone rang.  It was my other friends at the camp.  "WILL YOU GUYS GIVE IT UP? IT'S BEEN 2 HOURS , YOU'RE NOT SCARING US JUST KEEPING US FROM SLEEPING." 

My friend who was with me gets hysterical telling them to leave the camp.  They were convinced that we drove back and were in the woods yelling that we were hurt and for them to come help us.  I turned up the motel TV and let them hear that we were in town.  They hung up immediately and drove to town and spent the rest of the night with us.  The next day we went back for the rest of our shit and never went camping there again.


« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 07:00:13 PM by Snake »

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3901 on: May 15, 2014, 05:25:54 PM »
Keeping the thread alive!

One of my clients and pretty good friends has a customer whose father in law is alleged to have been reduced to a neurotic child by a terrifying SQ encounter. I have spoken to the son in law once, but "Pop" is extremely resistant to talk to anyone outside his family. I know who Pop is because he is very accomplished in a mechanical field that I'm very interested in, but I've never dealt with him. His overall reputation as a person is stellar on a bad day.

Pop loved to hunt. To avoid divorce, when he neared early retirement he and wife got some land in Smith County, TX so he could hunt often without all the disruption of taking expeditions all over the place. That satisfied wifey and he hoped to retire in peace.

Last November he was in his very nice north-facing custom deer stand on his land about 1,500 feet from the house when he heard steps coming from the south. Once the steps got about 50' away he barked out a trespassing warning to leave and never come back. He could not see behind him because the stand is mounted on a very large tree.

The steps stopped, then in 4 quick strides the creature appeared just to the side of the tree, slightly forward of it, and spun around and looked right at him. Pop started screaming and this upset the creature, which screamed too and approached the stand and JUMPED UP, trying to reach him or grab the bottom of the stand (15' up to bottom) and pull the whole thing down.

Once he got his wits a little assembled, he went on the defensive and leaned up to donate a .270 round to the animal, but he was so scared that he dropped his gun over the rail, which threw him into a panic. The SQ had already touched the bottom of the stand with two jumps and he felt his life was in extreme danger.

Survival mode kicked in hard and he went for the only weapon he could think of - cans of iced tea! Right as he leaned down to open the cooler and snatch a can of tea, the SQ backed up a few steps and Pop believed the SQ was about to get a running start so it could jump higher and get him out of the tree (I think it's possible that it wanted to keep Pop in sight - the front of the stand was solid and covered with brush for camo - he bent down to open the cooler and the SQ backed up to keep him in view - just a theory).

Pop sprang up and whaled a can of tea as hard as he could at the SQ and nailed it square in the upper face, which made it double over and groan loudly, hands over face. It seemed dizzy and surprised. Then Pop poured the ice and water from the cooler on it, and that wigged it out in grand fashion. Just as he followed by throwing the cooler at it (missed) too, it tore off to a nearby treeline by the creek and watched him through a crook in a tree, rocking side-to-side.

Right then Pop was just about bowled over by the realization that he had his Colt 1911 with him in his backpack. He dug the gun out of the bottom of the bag, aimed at the creature's head and fired. Nothing happened - he didn't have one up the snout. So he then racked the slide and right then the thing took off into the brush to the north and crossed the creek shortly after being out of site. He got off one shot and is certain he missed by a wide margin.

Pop waited a short while and dismounted the stand to return home. He was white as a sheet and crying when he got there, and it was the first time in 32 years his wife had seen him cry, or even noticeably scared. Since then he will not hunt, will not penetrate the treeline around the house, and will not even leave the patio after sunset.

Here's the kicker - a couple of weeks ago Pop's truck broke down on the thickly wooded private dirt road leading from the FM to the house. He was stranded in the middle of a sunny afternoon about 700 feet from the house. Instead of walking home, he shut himself in the truck and kept calling people on his cell phone until he found someone to come and get him for the 20 second car ride to the house!

His son in law received a hysterical voice mail message of Pop, sobbing, begging for him to come help, so the guy had to drive all the way from Nacadoches to give a hardened combat veteran and lifelong adventurous outdoorsman a very short ride from the front yard to the front door. And Pop had a .44 magnum Colt Python on him, which he now always has with him.

There were also some items missing from the site, but I've not gotten enough of a detailed account of that yet. It's my understanding that the rifle and can of tea are unaccounted for, but I'll clear that up on the follow up contact that is to occur Monday (I badly hope). There have been some other curious incidents, but nothing like terror in the tree stand.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3902 on: May 15, 2014, 06:18:09 PM »
Thank for keeping this thread alive, Snake.  I don't think I want to go camping ever again!

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3903 on: May 15, 2014, 07:29:49 PM »
This happened during my college days.  Went fishing with a group of friends. The picture belows shows the location of our fishing area and the screams/sounds.  It was getting dark, around 10PM. As we fished away we saw a car approached our area.  It was a deputy, he asked to see our fishing permit.  Right after he got done checking out permit we all heard a loud ass scream coming from the other side of the river.  Everyone just kinda looked at each other.  Then another long scream.  It sounded like a female.  The other side of the river is all forest with huge cliffs. No way to get over there unless you crossed the river. 

The deputy looked around and shined his flashlight into the forest, just darkness and trees.  He then made a radio call.  Moments later another deputy arrived with a dog.  They told us to leave the area.  We left.

2nd story.  A bunch of friends and I went camping.  We had set up camp in the location below in the picture.  We drank and BS most of the night.  At around 2AM as we were about to go to sleep we heard a baby crying about 70 meters to the left of us.  First it was a baby crying follow by laughing.  The location where it had came from was all forest and very densed.  No way to get there unless you crossed the river.  BTW this was in a state forest and not a camping site.  Then we heard a female screaming very loud.  We all got scared and started packing out shit and got the heck out of there.  We had camped there many times but that was the last time we ever went there.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 07:32:40 PM by Snake »

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3904 on: May 17, 2014, 05:56:39 PM »
Snake, great stories.  I was nicely traumatized.   ;D

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3905 on: May 19, 2014, 02:41:47 AM »
Snake, thanks for your stories. All those outdoor stories remind me why I selectively camp.

I remember those Congress homes. My cousin grew up there and whenever I visited them we would avoid walking by the fence along the back where she said some gal committed suicide. I still dream about that neighborhood and sure enough, there's always a ghost in my dream. 

Yes! I do remember that older woman who committed suicide in the woods (she hung herself from a tree). I saw the cops wheeled her out in white sheets. Not long after that they installed VERY tall fences along those woods. We used to play in those woods all the time but after her suicide NO ONE went into those woods.  Many kids saw strange things in the neighborhood at night.  I might even know your cousin.

One night my brother was coming home from the neighbor's house and saw a very thin and long (almost human like) creature crawling very low towards that retired home building.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 02:57:09 AM by Snake »

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3906 on: May 19, 2014, 10:36:50 AM »
Is what ghost fear about you that what's we fear about ghost  ;D

In a way. I think many ghosts that have bumped into humans have had to do their own spirit-calling ceremonies to call their spirits back. lol

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3907 on: May 19, 2014, 10:38:03 AM »
It is human nature to fear "things" that we don't understand or know.     

True. But no matter what we know about ghosts, we really can't be fond of them, right? lol

Casper isn't a real ghost. Just a cartoon.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3908 on: May 19, 2014, 10:38:51 AM »
You have some very interesting stories, Snake! Thanks for sharing them.

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3909 on: May 19, 2014, 03:21:49 PM »
You have some very interesting stories, Snake! Thanks for sharing them.

Hey no problem, just trying to make this thread interesting for everyone to read.  Here's another one.

A few years ago when i was living with my parents.  I had stepped out to have a cigarette at around 2AM.  My mom hated cigarettes so i had to sneak out back by the woods.  As i was smoking i noticed my neighbor Sean down at the edge of the woods, just staring at me.  What the heck is he doing there for.  I waved at him but he just stood there. 

Suddenly i noticed it was getting hard to breath.  The air became thick and kinda humid.  It smells like the way pennies tasted (very coppery).  It was awful.  Took a drag from my cigarette and somehow got smoke in my eyes (if this has happened to you, you know it hurts like a biatch).  I'm forced to close my eyes and rub them for a few seconds.  When i looked up, Sean was closer to me.  It looks like he had walked from the edge of the woods but now he's stopped and stood still again. 

What the freak was he doing in the woods anyway.  How did he move so fast in a very short amount of time.  He started to waved at me but it's like he's jerking his arm instead of moving it fluidly (like he's not sure what he's doing with it).  It started to creep me out the way his arm moved.  It did not look normal.  I put out my cigarette and without taking my eyes off him, started walking backward towards my parent's house.  Got to the door and went inside.

Shut the door and went to the window.  When i peeked out he's staring RIGHT THE PHUCK AT ME, closer to the house maybe 10 or 15 yards away.  Went and locked very door and windows and double checked them to make sure they were locked.  Went and check the basement door, looked out saw him standing right outside the window staring at me.  He's jaw was just kind of drooping. 

When i looked at him he does the jerking wave again.  I screamed and ran upstairs and encountered my step-dad.  He asked me why was I screaming for.  I told him someone's outside the house.  He ran and got his gun and checked outside around the house.  He didn't find anything.  Later I asked my neighbor Sean about it and he has no idea what the phuck i was talking about.



« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 03:24:54 PM by Snake »

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3910 on: May 19, 2014, 04:02:53 PM »
 :toothy11: I thought this one was pretty scary.

My wife asked me if we could go camping.  Hated the idea but she seems to be very excited about it.  I told her sure why not.  Couple weeks later we drove to a secluded bit of land her grandparent's owned.  Spent hours setting up the tent and camp site.  We got everything ready and went hiking.   It started to rain a little.  We got a little wet and doubled back.  We got back to our site just as it gets dark.

Made a fire.  Wife is getting a little low on energy.  We ate and talked for a while.  Decided to go to sleep.  We had inflatable mattress and double sleeping bags.  We got in together.  She was shivering so i asked her if she was okay.  She said she was fine but kept shivering.  Moments later she said she didn't feel good.  I said to her "you said you were fine".  She lied because she didn't want to ruin our trip (oh boy we get to go home).

I felt her face, it felt really hot.  "Well it won't be any fun if you don't feel well, i think you may have a fever" i said to her.  I guess let's go home then.  Got up and helped her to the car.  Started it and turned on the heat.  I went back and started to pack our stuff.  I was in the tent deflating the mattress.  I heard the horn beeps and ran over to the car.

She said there was someone around our camp.  She said they were crawling.  As soon as she saw them moved and was sure it was someone she beeped the horn.  I could tell she was very upset.  I didn't believe her though and told her to relax and I went back to packing.  I got everything outside the tent and stepped back to roll up the mattress.  I heard her yelled my name.  It sounded like it had came from the woods. 

Why is she outside the car?  Then I heard "HELP ME MY LEG IS BLEEDING".  I rushed out the tent and glanced at the car.  She is asleep in the seat.  WTF is going on?  I heard something yelled again "HEEELLLPPP MEEE".  It sounded like my wife but somewhat off (too raspy and deep), it came from the woods.  Took down tent, rolled it up and shoved it into the car.  Left a few things and got the phuck out of there.  Drove like a maniac (very fast).  Woke up wife and had her seat belt on.  Got home and asked her to tell me what she saw.  She said it was white, though it was a naked person crawling behind some trees.  She saw them stood up against the tree and she beeped the horn and they dropped down and crawled away really fast.     

« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 05:01:46 PM by Snake »

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3911 on: May 19, 2014, 10:19:30 PM »
Yes, you might know my cousins, Snake. It was a small neighborhood. Although, I've always remember the fence being there so I'm not sure how long ago they were put up.

I need to make a mental to only read these stories during daylight.

The fence were always there but the first fences were not very tall.  After the suicide they replaced it with really tall ones.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3912 on: May 19, 2014, 11:53:59 PM »
:toothy11: I thought this one was pretty scary.

My wife asked me if we could go camping.  Hated the idea but she seems to be very excited about it.  I told her sure why not.  Couple weeks later we drove to a secluded bit of land her grandparent's owned.  Spent hours setting up the tent and camp site.  We got everything ready and went hiking.   It started to rain a little.  We got a little wet and doubled back.  We got back to our site just as it gets dark.

Made a fire.  Wife is getting a little low on energy.  We ate and talked for a while.  Decided to go to sleep.  We had inflatable mattress and double sleeping bags.  We got in together.  She was shivering so i asked her if she was okay.  She said she was fine but kept shivering.  Moments later she said she didn't feel good.  I said to her "you said you were fine".  She lied because she didn't want to ruin our trip (oh boy we get to go home).

I felt her face, it felt really hot.  "Well it won't be any fun if you don't feel well, i think you may have a fever" i said to her.  I guess let's go home then.  Got up and helped her to the car.  Started it and turned on the heat.  I went back and started to pack our stuff.  I was in the tent deflating the mattress.  I heard the horn beeps and ran over to the car.

She said there was someone around our camp.  She said they were crawling.  As soon as she saw them moved and was sure it was someone she beeped the horn.  I could tell she was very upset.  I didn't believe her though and told her to relax and I went back to packing.  I got everything outside the tent and stepped back to roll up the mattress.  I heard her yelled my name.  It sounded like it had came from the woods. 

Why is she outside the car?  Then I heard "HELP ME MY LEG IS BLEEDING".  I rushed out the tent and glanced at the car.  She is asleep in the seat.  WTF is going on?  I heard something yelled again "HEEELLLPPP MEEE".  It sounded like my wife but somewhat off (too raspy and deep), it came from the woods.  Took down tent, rolled it up and shoved it into the car.  Left a few things and got the phuck out of there.  Drove like a maniac (very fast).  Woke up wife and had her seat belt on.  Got home and asked her to tell me what she saw.  She said it was white, though it was a naked person crawling behind some trees.  She saw them stood up against the tree and she beeped the horn and they dropped down and crawled away really fast.     

ohh scary. lucky no kids.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3913 on: May 20, 2014, 12:37:57 AM »
According the Hmong vets and hunters, back in the old country soldiers would always carry TRACERS with them.  They say somehow tracer bullets could harm these "creatures/things" in the woods/jungles. 

I know someone (older guy) who had seen a shape shifter thing/creature back in Laos.  He said him and his friend were heading home from the next village over.  The jungle path was very narrow and it was getting kinda dark.  His friend was walking ahead of him and was rounding a curve in the path then disappeared around the corner.  As he got around the curve he saw his friend on the ground with a what looked to be a "person" standing on top of him.  The thing was about the carry him away when he yelled at the it.

It turned around and looked surprised to see my friend.  He said the thing looked humanoid but had started to change and looked more human.  It then dashed of the path and head towards the jungle.  He helped his dazed and disoriented friend off the ground and they hauled ass home.  He later asked his friend what had happened after he had round the corner.  His friend said as he rounded the corner all he remember was a black shadow/person. 

He said that if you were ever in the woods/forest/jungles hunting or whatever and if you heard voices calling out for help or calling your name, shoot some tracers as warnings and they'll never bother you.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 12:46:23 AM by Snake »

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3914 on: May 20, 2014, 04:09:53 AM »
When I was around 12-13. One of my distant uncle passed away. So being naughty kids at the time, me and some cousins around the same age, we would wander around the cemetery just because kids being kids at the time, we did whatever to kill a little boredom. This at daytime of course. LOL It's a pretty good size cemetery, well kept, and clean. A lot of pathways through the cemetery. We being lazy and naughty and probably ghetto as well at the time. We didn't walk on the pathways, or trails. Instead we just walk right over, cut through the lawns over the decease's graves.

Later that night, I dreamed a horrible dream. Obviously the decease were very upset at us. One of the decease I remember was like an old white guy, and all I remember was dreaming of us walking over graves. And that the message I got was they were upset.

On the day of the burial, me and another cousin were a little behind everybody, so we were walking on a fast pace trying to get there for the burial ceremony in time. For some reason, we both kept our feet on the trail this time. I thought, that was odd. Neither of us would walk over the graves, like we would the other day. It wasn't until later when I told him about the dream, and he said he had a similar dream too!  :-X

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