
Author Topic: ToMyWanderingFuture  (Read 1173 times)

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« on: April 15, 2011, 01:53:54 AM »
Dear future,

I, jet (last name still undecided)

TOday:  4-14-11

I have left step mom's house, i took my belongs with me not much but a few stuff of personal use.  I am glad i'm out of it, so much saddness of it.
Nothing i can do tho, the step mom that my so called real dad divorced.  (real dad, no i dont have a dad anymore.)
I have no regretts, living in that house seems like an eternal prison.  Today, i've been threatened to move out for the 3rd time.  Threatened, i'm not ashamed of leaving, was only matter of time before i left myself.  That step mom, the one who i thought was nice and helpful.  To my knowledge, i despise her, but never hated her.  Though i would love to see how her life would end up like.   I guess i'm done watching this soup opera.  I am comptemt to a point that i was able to stay there that long.  I've also been hated that long, for almost a year i can only feel hatred from them.  Oh well, with this day gone, i can restart a new day, with just me in it, from now on, my days are my days, with no one else. 
My life actually really starts today,  i have no hatred, no remorse, this episode of my life will be erased, my mind will be changed, from now on i see those people, they are marked in my mind.  They who hate me dearly everyday, from now on my life i will blossom with no hatred for them for anyone, it will be a once a nightmare kind of dream.  I must live for myself, my days i will be at peace, my mind i will not have no more hatred.  Only live to be better than yesterday.

i seek no vengence in this life, i seek only fullfillment of inner peace.  The step mom who wronged me, playing tricks on me, saying she will split the income tax money worth 7k if i claim her 3 kids.  Now that she has that money, she has kicked me out of the house, and rumors me around how i'm a son of a bich.  She has no idea wat her future holds, i see it so clearly how it is going to end.  But i can not seek vengence in my mind, i am not like that.  Let those who steal and wrong me be gone with the wind.  I will fly onward with my own future. 

Tomorrow is a new beginig for me.  May i live with a clear voice in my mind and love of life for the fullest.


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