
Author Topic: We lost our family dog several weeks ago  (Read 7520 times)

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We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« on: April 01, 2014, 04:37:53 PM »
you don't realize how loyal a dog really is until you lose one. esp seeing it collapse just a few feet away from you. It's the same feeling of losing someone close to you. seriously. No, I didn't cry. lmao But I felt a rush of guilt. Like man, I said I was going to take him for a walk the other day but never did. Man I was just about to go buy some new dog food since Im sure he's tire of the same brand or type. Then it's like man! I should have known. He's been very droopy and stayed in his dog pen most of the time.

trust me, if you have a heart and soul. Losing a dog you seen grown from puppy to adulthood is the same as losing a love one. :'( haha

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2014, 06:27:54 PM »
What breed was your family dog?

Mine was a boxer.  I had to put her down because she was ill for a very long time.  I cried for a couple weeks because it was just sad.  :(.  Still miss her. 

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 01:37:23 AM »
Sorry to hear that.

Our was a Labrador retriever mix. he lived for a good 14-15 years. veterinarian did an x-ray and found his spleen had burst. Operation was not a guarantee and too costly for us to afford so we thought it was time to send him to dog heaven. I like boxers too, I think they are gentle giants. How long did your live? I heard that 14-15 years was the average lifespan for a dog?

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2014, 07:06:20 PM »
She was 13+, the most loving and obedient dog I ever had.  She could have lived longer, but she developed seizure and was heavily medicated for a few years.  I think she is at peace now, no more suffering.     

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2014, 11:00:55 AM »
Sorry for your loss. Take comfort in knowing you gave your pet a good life and keep him/her alive in your thoughts.

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2014, 11:02:20 AM »
i cried (shamelessly) when my bird died

pets are family

my condolences

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2014, 11:11:30 AM »
So sorry to hear that.  Dogs are in our lives for such a short time, but make such a big impact from their loving and caring attitude.

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2014, 02:53:47 AM »
whow Sweet Tears! you are really compassionate. I've lost other pets before, but it wasn't until we lost our dog that I understand why some people love thier pets so much. lol sorry for your loss too.

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Offline SummerBerry

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2014, 01:14:03 AM »
Pet are like family.  My mom dog lived with us.  I'm the on,y one who does all the works.  My kids are starting to come around last week after many months of her living with us.  I even talked to her like she's my kids.  Telling her mommy will get you some foods and water.  Will take you for a walk in a while.  About 2-3 weeks ago she was missing around evening when it wasn't dark yet.  I walked my neighborhood looking for her 2x.  Told myself apbefore bedtime to just let the fence crack open a little and maybe she'll find her way home.  Next morning my kids was like she's back. 

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2014, 07:50:08 AM »
The hardest part of being an animal lover and an owner is parting from your most beloved companion. :( I know the feeling, I have been through it and it hurt, no matter how long time surpass the pain never goes away. It will be a year in July that I said my last good bye to my beloved Lab-Retriever, Calvin.

Calvin came to us broken, lost, unwanted, insecure and empty. He never really had a permanent house, moved from home to another home. Most likely was because he was a run-away-dog. Every chance he got to go out, he would storm out and not come back. Most of the owners surrender him to a no kill shelter. We picked Calvin, read his story and just feel in love with him. The first time I saw Calvin, he was so thin, thin to the bones. I told him, "I am not giving up on you no matter how hard our journey will be".

It was rough for the first year, he would run away and I would have to chase after him. It was almost as if he was looking for someone, waiting for someone to return. This happen so often that he have to wear a harness 24/7. Although he was a run away dog, he was a very loyal and gentle dog. He loved cats and made friends with everyone he met. For 3 years that I've had him, I have only heard him bark twice. Calvin was my shadow, my right hand. Every where I went he would follow, no matter where we were at.

Not only was Calvin a run away dog, he had a lot of anxiety issue. There were histories of nights where he would wake up panting in the middle of the night trying to crawl out of the bedroom window, trying to escape. Although it was unknown, I truly believe that my Calvin was a very special dog. I believe he had the ability to scent when someone was passing away. I say this because Calvin and I worked with many patient that were at the end of their stage life. When a time like this happen, Calvin refuse to leave their side, not until that person pass/no longer with us. I've discover that it happen too many time, and as I continue to evaluate I also learned that his anxiety was lesser and lesser to the point where he stopped panting and scratching. I think he learned to cope with the fear through his experience, something he was never really able to overcome.

In the middle of June, I discover a hard lump on his right rear end. I was devastated when the vet broke down the news to me. Although they weren't very sure how big the lump can get and how well he can manage the pain since he was already an older dog at his very few last year. Calvin was diagnose with a tumor and things grew rapidly. I can still remember the day I said good bye to him. It was the most heart breaking day ever, I cried all day, all night, all week, for months. My world turned upside down just knowing the fact that my days revolved around him and when tomorrow comes he wasn't going to be around anymore. There are a tremendous of guilt I have, the way his eyes looked on that very day that we put him to sleep, the way he refuse to lay down and just surrender. I wish I could've done more for him unfortunate my time with Cal was very short. A year before Calvin was diagnose with Cancer he was finally on a no-leash-no-harness meaning he didn't run away anymore. He stayed by my side refuse to leave, refuse to leave my sight. I was glad to see him run but I was happy that he trusted me.

The choice I made for Cal was one of the hardest decision I've ever made. The pain, the guilt, the tears it never disappear. But instead of focusing on the sad and the misery, I pat my back for the accomplishment I made with and for Calvin before he passed. I was able to trust him and have him trust me. Calvin finally break free from his anxiety and from his wandering ways. He gained a tremendous amount of good weight since the first time I saw him. He had a home, a permanent home that would not give up on him. He had love, a consistency of love that comforts and surrounded him. People says, animals are animals they're nothing more that, but to me, animals are more than companion. They give us something that people can't give and that's the unconditional love that others can never understand. To me, Calvin was and will always be my buddy, the only buddy that listen and comfort me when no one can understand me. I loved him! My forever buddy!

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2014, 11:41:38 PM »
^ Awwwweeee.  :'( Your story was sad yet at the same time also heart-warming. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It looks like Calvin did find his forever home before his time was up. I hope he is well now.

Have you adopted any other dogs since?

Thank you for sharing your story.


Zong, that's a really long time with your dog there. I also am sorry to hear about your loss. The emotional bounds humans and animals share are just as great as any other relationship we have with our loved ones.

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2014, 03:02:30 AM »
little late, but thanks ladies for sharing your dog story and your condolences.

been thinking about getting another dog couple of weeks ago... but in the back of my mind, I was afraid I will not make a good dog if the thought come across my mind again, i'll look into it again.

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Offline duckwingduck

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2014, 02:54:45 PM »
I think we should be able to put our love ones to sleep too especially when they are suffering and they choose to go to theaven. 

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Offline duckwingduck

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2014, 03:14:43 PM »
Good-bye is good-bye. There are no easy way to say good-bye to either a human being or an animal. When it becomes apart of your family, it's hard. But if they are suffering and feeling miserable, you just have to do what you can to ease them the pain of suffering.

That's hard. It must be very hard watching your love one drinking the poison to take them to heaven.  I watch a documentary about a man who has ALS and went to Switzerland with his wife to legally commit suicide.  His wife was by his side when he drank the poison and she was there til he died. 

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Re: We lost our family dog several weeks ago
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2016, 12:38:06 PM »
So sorry to hear that.  Dogs are in our lives for such a short time, but make such a big impact from their loving and caring attitude.

That made me almost cry... so sad.

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