
Author Topic: I'm not special  (Read 3155 times)

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Offline Griffith

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I'm not special
« on: March 31, 2019, 08:26:44 PM »
I see things in my dreams. Stuff that's going to happen are shown to me in the spirit Realm. I don't claim to be gifted but somehow Spirits show me stuff.
Some stuff way too personal for me to put it out there.

But I can tell you this. My father came into my dream and told me he wasn't gonna be with us for long. I woke up and was crying. Then  I texted all my brothers and sisters about the dream. They all thought I was crazy. One week after that we found out he had already contracted stage 4 cancer. One week later he succumbs to his illness.

A couple of days later I had a dream dat we held his funeral and we were dressing him up. And there was something and have been put on him and my mom was not pleased about it. It was something like a a shirt a blanket or something. But I couldn't decipher what that meaning was. Then I told my mom about my dream and to my sister. My mom thought I was nuts. That same day my mom and sister went to the hmong flee market to pick up the pants. And I told my sister who was going with my mom. To keep an eye out. They all thought I was crazy.

Anywho turns out the hmong lady fawk up my father's pants. She accidentally cut a bunch of little holes while she was tailoring the pants. And have patched all up, which looks like a bum's tore up pants. My mom got so mad she haha at that lady for fakwing up the pants. My mom was so Furious she forgot and she even paid for it.
After she got home she told me about it. I told her. that I've already foresaw the issue. But couldn't tell wat it meant. And now I know. It was the pants thats my mom wasn't happy.

The next dayshe went back and haha some more to that hmong lady. They got into a huge argument. Which my mom told her if she ain't gonna make a new one. She better pay my mom back her money. At the end the hmong lady have to .ake a new one.

Sorry for the long story.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2019, 08:48:12 PM by Griffith »

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Offline Griffith

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Re: I'm not special
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2019, 09:02:02 PM »
Durning that time. We were looking for coffins. And found one that was made from those woods from Laos. Sorry I can't spell it.
After a long day we went with that coffin. I came home and that night I had a dream my father came and said to me " he's happy we bought him a nice house to live in".

The funeral came and went without any issues. I had many more dreams about my father visiting me. But thats too much info to put it on paper.
And supposedly you're supposed to release the spirit one year after the funeral or whichever comes first. As long as you have everything ready to do the spirit release.
After much debate. And we gotten everything ready. That night I had a dream. My GM who has passed away in 97 or 98. She told me. She'll be waitting for the release of my father's spirit. So they can both go together.
That next day I told my mom about it. And this timeshe believed me.
A week later we released his spirit so he can move on.

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Re: I'm not special
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2019, 09:40:16 AM »
I actually believe some people are gifted with the sight of future. It can come in a dream or come in visions or just looking at someone. There are many different ways many are gifted.

Do you only dream of family?

I'm not a Christian or into devilish cults but I once had a dream that God sent his generals to prepare for war: heaven vs hell. He said there were too many evil now and he needed some of his soldiers. I asked how? The general said he was ordered to go and collect some of the soldiers. At least plenty since the devil is also collecting. I saw waves and chaos and flood and more waves. Then I saw a whole army of new soldiers, most-asians. I asked where do these people come from, the general replied: God.
I dreamt of water. I dreamt of drowning for 2 week. I dreamt i got hit by earth under water. I couldn't take the thought away. I am so afraid of drowning. I didn't know what I dreamt but scientifically speaking it was just my imagination running rapidly wild. I told people, they shake their heads at me. As if to say, just another crazy.

2 months later-a big tsunami hit Japan. Coincidence?

I would share more but I think that's enough crazy from me today 😆

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Offline Griffith

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Re: I'm not special
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2019, 11:24:03 PM »
There were quite a few times I dreamed about Zaj. In my dream I was fishing in this lake and all a sudden this snake like head popped out of no where. And was looking at me. Then the ppl around me. I had my head down, cuz I didn't want to look at the Zaj's eyes. After that it went bck into the water. For many nights
I kept dreaming about the Zaj. And it was looking for someone/ thing.
I kinda got scare of fishing. The strangest part was when I took my boat out into this lake. We've been fishing this spot for a while too, so it wasn't new to me. I took my brother and his friend.
I trolled my boat to this spot under some tree. Where we've been catching large mouth bass. All a sudden I saw this golden fish. Popped his head out. Looking at us. I told my  brother. "Do you see what I see"?. He said "yes". And he was gonna cast his line there to try to catch it. I told him "no". Don't throw your line at it. After a while that fish swam down and never came back up. It was very strange. It was the first time I ever saw a strange fish.
At first glance I thought it was a Gold fish. But the thing was pretty huge. Not some ting little goldfish that you see at the pet shop. After that incident. I hadn't gone back to that lake. And slowed down my fishing.
Even tis this day I'm very cautious of around any bodies of Lake.
Call me crazy too.

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Re: I'm not special
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2019, 02:54:05 AM »
Hmm I don't know how dragons or zaj looks like. Only in movies do these creatures exist in its physical form but I'm sure it can look like anything.

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Offline Griffith

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Re: I'm not special
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2019, 12:27:42 AM »
For as long as I can remember, I've always been able to see things into the future. But really never understood it. Durning all my dating years.

I've forseens stuff. I can see if my girfriend(s) were cheating on me or not. Most times they're  70% over 30% true. And I did not want to believe in them. Call me crazy I've never understood why I can see stuff like this.

A couple of years after my FIL passed away. My MIL started dating  again. When she was about to be remarried. My deceased FIL came into my dream and told me that her new husband called him up and asked him for permission to marry his wife.

And then the following week. They did the hmong marriage. Call me crazy.
A couple of years later

Rigth before they were gonna get divorce. I had a dream that they both will go their own separate ways.
That following week or so. It really happened.
So tell me coincident or not?

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Offline Griffith

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Re: I'm not special
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2019, 12:47:58 AM »
There was this one girl who I was deeply in love with. We weren't really dating but was seeing each other. I would always go over to her house and meet her parents and chat with them. I wasn't shy about getting to know her mom and father.

But somehow it was off. I was deeply in love with her. But she had a vibe that was off. So then I started seeing stuff in my dreams. She was seeing other guys. And I was kinda like her backup plan.
For weeks I kept on having the same dreams over and over. Until I confronted her. And she claims she wasn't seeing another guy.

But those dreams kept coming more and more. Until oneday my school buddies told me they saw my girl at a party. Hold hands with another dude. They all thought it was strange as they all knew me and her were seeing each other.

That same day I called her up and told her. That my friends all saw her with another man at a party. And asked if it was true. She finally told me it was true.

And she was seeing him while at the same time seeing me too. So I asked her to just forget about me. And move on. I was deeply sadden. Ever since that time. I've paid a little bit more closely to wat I dream.

A year or so later she called me up and wanted to talk to me. I chatted with her for a minute or so. And I told her I've already moved on. And I'm currently dating. I told her I still had feelings for her. But I was deeply betraded by what she did to me.
And told her it's best if we don't talk to each other anymore. Cuz it'll reopen all the pains she has caused me.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2019, 01:02:01 AM by Griffith »

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Offline Griffith

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Re: I'm not special
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2019, 01:14:07 AM »
This was about 15+years ago.
My buddy who was marry and I wasn't. But I hung out with him and his wife. I look at them both as my older brother and sister. I was there when his mom passed away. So you can say we were like a family.

Many years later i had a dream that I went over to his place. And knocked the door. And his mom opened the door. I was shock, cuz I know his mom passed away.
So I asked for his name and asked if he was home.
The mom answered me with " you know he is married, and I don't like that you're hanging out with him and his wife".
So I said "oh". And then I woke up..
Sad to say I still went to his place. But limited how long I stood over there. And eventually slowed my visits to his place. He got mad at me for not visiting him as much as I did in the past.
When I did stay at his place. Most of the time I tell him, oh. Let me run back home to go get something and I'll be right back. And then I just never return to his place. He got mad at me for the lack of visitstions to his place. I just tell him. Oh I've picked up a new sport and I really like it. Hence why the less visitations to his place.
Till this day he never knew why I stop hanging out with him.

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