
Author Topic: ~ The Road Less Traveled By ~  (Read 51265 times)

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Re: ~ The Road Less Traveled By ~
« Reply #105 on: May 19, 2017, 11:52:24 PM »
The Art of Letting Go

As I slowly crawl to the end of this journey alone, I realize how tired my heart is.  It hurts.  It's bleeding from inside and there's no cure.  I wonder where and when I've gone wrong?  I tried to remember the happy moments but the clouds in my mind are too thick.  I shed a dry tear and realized that there's no tear to shed.  I'm left with nothing, but excruciating pain.  I want to cleanse my mind.  I want to heal this wounded heart.  I want to lift my spirit and replenish my soul.  If I let go a little at a time, will I finally find a cure to my bleeding heart?  The art of letting go -- how does one even begin?

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"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."<br /><br />


Offline Mrs.Vang

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Re: ~ The Road Less Traveled By ~
« Reply #106 on: October 05, 2017, 06:30:49 PM »
Words for the heart…

I realized that when a relationship fails, a marriage is broken, or when a loved one leaves, and you feel as if the world is closing in on you, you’re afraid to move on, you don’t even know how to go on from where you’re standing – the key is to not lose hope.

Meet people, meet lots of people, and be friends. Don’t be picky; get to know them. If you’re picky, you might lose a chance to study them. If there’s a connection, maybe slowly date a bit more seriously, but do not commit just yet, because you’re still healing. Find yourself first, discover who a person is – not through their words or the words of others, but by hanging out with them and observing them in their natural environment.

What you’re looking for in a partner cannot be determined from the way he looks, what he does for a living or his past. What you should be looking for can only be determined from meeting him and observing him in his natural environment.

The end of a relationship means it is the beginning of something new – you have the whole world in front of you. You have all the time in the world to find THE ONE. You shouldn’t feel rushed; there’s no rush – so, don’t worry about a biological clock ticking. All you have now is time, lots of time – to heal, to meet people, to smile, to laugh, and most important of all – to enjoy life. Kiss someone, just because you feel like it. Dance in someone’s arms, just because you can. And then walk away into your safe haven when you feel unsafe, and be yourself again.

It’s okay to be sad at times and mourn your loss. One day the pain will become easier to bear. Then you can finally let it all go. In the meantime, don’t forget to live and enjoy each moment. Take a walk, eat with friends, go shopping, pick a flower, sing a song. You’re still alive, so live, LIVE like it’s nobody’s business but yours. And make no apologies for your life or the decisions that you make.

Life is short, make it a beautiful one...

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"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."<br /><br />

Offline Mrs.Vang

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Re: ~ The Road Less Traveled By ~
« Reply #107 on: October 08, 2017, 08:30:45 PM »
Ib zaj dabneeg nyob rau hauv kuv nruab siab...

Tiam no kuv tsis tu siab rau lub ntuj, kuv tsis tu siab rau txoj hmoo, thiab kuv yuav tsis tu siab rau koj vim kuv paub tias ua ntiaj tib neeg nyob, nyias yeej muaj cai xaiv nyias txoj kev taug. Txawm yog lub ntuj tso wb los sib ntsib, sib pom, sib paub ib vuag dua xwb los, kuv mam li thov ua koj ib tug zoo phooj ywg. Kuv mam txhawb koj lub siab, lub ntsws, thiab txhawb koj lub zog kom koj tsuas muaj kaj siab lug mus ua koj lub neej xwb.

Txawm kuv yuav mob siab thiab mob ntsws npaum li cas, lub kua muag yuav poob ntws nto npaum twg los tsis ua cas. I will silently drop a single tear into the ocean for you. And if someday you’re lucky enough to find it, and if you can distinguish it from the rest of the ocean water, then perhaps, that’s when you and I can be real.

Kuv mam cim koj zoo zoo cia rau hauv kuv nruab siab es yog fab lwm tiam muaj tiag, kuv mam li taug kev rhuav mus thov kom Yawm Saub tho txoj kab rau wb taug, muab txoj kev rau wb rov los sib nrhiav dua, seb thaum ntawd koj thiab kuv wb txoj kev hlub puas ho yuav ciaj ncaig. Tiam no ces kuv mam li xav tias ntawm koj thiab kuv wb tsuas yog ib vuag dua, zoo yam li tus npau suav xwb.

Thov ncaim cev, tsis ncaim siab…

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"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."<br /><br />


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Re: ~ The Road Less Traveled By ~
« Reply #108 on: October 16, 2017, 01:29:13 PM »
since 2012,.. wow, how do you guys write for years on out. I can't even dedicate myself to write for one day.  ;D ;D\

I should read your posts, it'll be good practice with my hmong.  ;D

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Offline Mrs.Vang

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Re: ~ The Road Less Traveled By ~
« Reply #109 on: October 24, 2017, 07:45:32 PM »
since 2012,.. wow, how do you guys write for years on out. I can't even dedicate myself to write for one day.  ;D ;D\

I should read your posts, it'll be good practice with my hmong.  ;D

Read mas.  Lam tau lam sau laug hnub laug hmo xwb os.

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"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."<br /><br />

Offline Mrs.Vang

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Re: ~ The Road Less Traveled By ~
« Reply #110 on: March 01, 2018, 06:11:21 PM »
I have walked on so many roads; I have touched so many souls; and I have melted enough hearts, but there is one place I haven’t been to... and that is the heart of my soul.  I reached out my arm to comfort those in need and I kissed away their pain, but I bottled up my own tears to hide away the pain in my heart.  There are so many words I have not said, many letters I have not written, and many songs I have not sung… and today, there are no more songs left in my heart.  I am empty, but then tomorrow I will start anew.  I will remember to walk that road that leads to the heart of my soul.  I will put on my bikini and swim in the tears from that bottle.  I will write new songs to serenade my own heart, and I will fill up that emptiness inside.  The long and lonely road is almost over and I can’t wait.  The rebirthing of my soul is near, this much, I can promise myself.

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"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."<br /><br />


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Re: ~ The Road Less Traveled By ~
« Reply #111 on: November 05, 2018, 12:55:52 PM »

« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 01:10:01 PM by Steven »

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Offline Mrs.Vang

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Re: ~ The Road Less Traveled By ~
« Reply #112 on: April 02, 2020, 06:19:48 PM »
It has been way too long since I've stopped by to visit this road.  Many things have changed - many roads have closed, some bridges are burned, yet a few trails have just been paved.

Turning back the hands of time to years ago, nothing has changed, really.  Time is so limitless, it seems like it was just yesterday when I came across Pebhmong and be reunited again with so many old faces and met many new faces.  Social media have what made some of us who we are today; some become drama queens and kings, some hide behind the screens for other agendas, and yet others are just here to kill time and to observe a free show.  I, guiltily, have spent countless hours on social media to make myself known that I am still breathing and kicking and enjoying life still.

It is sad that today, April 2nd, 2020, we've come to this -- weather it is the end of the world or not, we're all here walking down World History together and we can't even hold hands!  I have always wanted to travel and I urged everyone to travel.  Life is so short, I repeated it out loud numerous times.  We're like a bubble in the wind, one prick and we disappear in thin air.  Wish I had traveled more.  The world is such a beautiful charm.  There's nothing more magnificent than God's creation.  But realize one thing; what's given to us could also be taken away.  So, when our world is returned to us, travel far and yonder.

Last but not least, my message is - there's only one of us in this world.  When we are no longer here, all there's left of us is the memories we leave behind, so do our best to protect ourselves from harm.  Wake up early to see the world, smile often, laugh heartily, make memories, share happy moments, love deeply, and cherish the moments together.  If there's another chance in another lifetime, I'd want to meet you again.  But before that, let's get through today and another day, and the day after. 

- Zaj Dabneeg Hauv Kuv Nruab Siab

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"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."<br /><br />

Offline Mrs.Vang

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Re: ~ The Road Less Traveled By ~
« Reply #113 on: May 31, 2022, 02:57:30 PM »
Has it been that long?  The smell of tomorrow is quite refreshing, yet the promise of a taste of it is not for everyone.  I feel fortunate that I still have this opportunity to stop by for a visit.  :)

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"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."<br /><br />

