
Author Topic: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~  (Read 69224 times)

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #120 on: August 21, 2013, 05:10:20 AM »
August 21, 2013

On Monday I had a flat tire going into work, damn it was hot as heck trying to take off my tire, sweating bullets! Good thing I heard it while I was on County Rd B. It must have blown out after I came off the highway. I drove for awhile and pulled into a BP and put on the spare. Those were brand new tires I bought this summer, I called into the shop and got it fixed today. They did it for free. Thank God!

Bad news, well I had some good news going into work. But that's for me to know and for you all to find out one day.  O0

Everyone's getting married this Labor Day. Times flying, gotta plan your future. Can't wait for things to come anymore. Have to go get it. (*note to self, be a go getter)

State fair starts on Thursday. Should I go? Should I not?

Tus tsim ntiajteb

Fij rau koj


Zam txiv

Wb txojkev hlub

Fwm txug kuv nam

Yuav pib qhovtwg

Lub ntuj tso kuv lug

Uas sab ntev tos koj

Yog muaj ib hnub twg

Yog muaj ib hnub twg kuv tau koj lug uas kuv tus,
Kuv yuav xyov koj lug kuas muag, dlaws koj kev nyuajsab,
Hab kev quajntsuag.

Yog muaj ib hnub twg koj tau kuv lug uas koj tus,
Koj yuav nyob kaj sab quas lug, tau txujsab nyob ibtxhab,
Moog ibtxhis.

Koj yuavtsum txhajtxim sab, saib koj yuav nrug leejtwg moog
Koj yuavtsum txhajtxim sab, saib koj yuav nrug leejtwg moog

Yuav nrug kuv, moog los...

Tso kuv tseg...

J'Adore ;o)


« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 05:13:41 AM by jon_jon »

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake



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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #121 on: August 21, 2013, 02:45:39 PM »
GO! GO! GO!  the fair only comes once a year :)
I'm taking my son this year and we are going to catch the rodeo show since my coworker's horses will be in competition this year again.

Loved the music selection too.... XF. Txawj Pes and Koungla are in my collection too :)

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #122 on: August 21, 2013, 03:01:24 PM »
Sorry I had never read your journal before till now.  I LOVE this song....!  Do you happen to know if this is an actual movie?  I want to watch it now :D

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Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #123 on: August 22, 2013, 02:57:52 AM »
GO! GO! GO!  the fair only comes once a year :)
I'm taking my son this year and we are going to catch the rodeo show since my coworker's horses will be in competition this year again.

Loved the music selection too.... XF. Txawj Pes and Koungla are in my collection too :)
I will go during the week for State Fair, when it's less busy.

Sorry I had never read your journal before till now.  I LOVE this song....!  Do you happen to know if this is an actual movie?  I want to watch it now :D
Thanks, I love the song too, but I haven't seen the movie yet. It's a Chinese romantic comedy that came out in 2008.

The movie is called, "If You Are the One," starring Ge You and Shu Qi.

It's about an inventor who becomes a multi-millionaire after selling his invention to an angel investor and decides to leave his bachelor life to find the girl of his dreams. Only to fall in love with an air stewardess that he crosses paths with.

Ge You is a well known actor in China for his comedic roles and personality in movies. Shu Qi, also a famous actress in China, you've seen her in The Transporter with Jason Statham.

Part two just came out in 2010. Although part one looks better.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 03:00:36 AM by jon_jon »

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #124 on: August 27, 2013, 03:16:29 AM »
August 27, 2013

I'm trying this new work out called, P48x. It requires that we follow this statement for 14 days:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." - Phillipians 4:8 for Christ.

Last week was a really strange and awkward week. On Monday, had a flat tire, and during the week some guy died at Motel 8 apparently from gunshot wounds because none of the workers wanted to let him in during the early hours. They found him dead.

Another night while coming home off the same exit at that same Super 8, I noticed a car pulled-over by the cops, I saw two cops one in front with a gun and the other in back aiming a rifle at the car driver. A passenger had gotten out of the car and had his/her hands up while the driver was still in the front seat of the car. The next day on the morning news I heard that a guy had died that night from a police altercation. That was all they got, but they never mentioned the other passenger who surrendered on the news. I wonder why?

What was awkward was that the car was not on the road, it was situated on a grassy knoll (no pun intended) facing 180 backwards from the exit on the off-ramp.

About 4-6 squad cars if not more were there and an ambulance. :-X

Then this past Saturday, a childhood friend of mine who I grew up with passed away in the hospital. He has been having problems with his heart and has been doing dialysis for about two months because of a blood infection. He didn't survive leaving behind his young wife and kids.

Life is short, we don't know when our time will come and go. We just have to make it through everyday and remember to smile along the way.

As a butterfly in its cocoon, as we are on earth. We all make that struggle, and one day like butterflies; we'll all fly out of here, living our true form, not of this world. But forever in the endless void of this universe.

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #125 on: August 28, 2013, 01:22:38 AM »
August 28, 2013

Today I met my dad's sister's kids. Technically his nephew which makes us cousins? I never knew I really had more cousins, but we are actually closer than we think related. I guess everybody's related to a Vang somehow somewhere. He just got back from GVP's wife's funeral.

My mom tells me that it was GVP's spirit who came back to take her with him to the underworld. Really that's it?

Peb tsuas nyob ib pliag hauv ntiajteb, tseem yuav muaj qhov chaw uas peb tseem tsis tau mus txog...

Nyob uake ib ntus

Lub neej ib vuag

Koj txujkev hlub

Lub sijhawm

I carry your heart with me
By E. E. Cummings

i carry your heart with me
(i carry it in my heart)

i am never without it
(anywhere i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
                                                      i fear
no fate (for you are my fate,my sweet)
i want no world (for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #126 on: September 25, 2013, 03:10:26 AM »
September 25, 2013

Some days I just want to quit, and start all over again. Where would I go? What would I do? Who is going to help me? Wish things could be different.

The other night I dreamt that I caught a huge sting ray with a line and hook. I met an old friend with blond hair and he knew how to sing. I was standing on pieces of white foam board in the middle of a lake balancing myself reeling in my big catch.

I hope it's a good sign.

I'm thinking of catching that broadway show Wicked. It's practically been here in town for a few weeks now. It was here a few years ago too. I never had the chance to go, since no one wants to go see it with me. I'll go check it out myself.

One of my favorite past times, walking at the park. Some days I go for the smiles on people's face and to see who'll pass me by. It's getting quite colder now here at nights. Tonight's in the 50s but it will soon rise back up to the 80s this week, says the weather man.

One more night, one more night with you
 Close your eyes I'll give you my love
 One more night, one more night with you
 Please hold me once again 'cause I love you

Here I stand and I can't even cry
 My heart is breakin' up inside
 You say goodbye, you found somebody new
 Wherever you go I'll be with you

One more night, one more night with you
 Hear me now I can't let you go
 One more night, I'll open my heart to you
 Please hold me once again 'cause I love you

Before you leave, just take me in your arms
 And let me feel you once again
 Can't help myself, I still depend on you
 Whatever you do, I'll be with you

One more night, one more night with you
 Close your eyes I'll give you my love
 One more night, one more night with you
 You know how long it gonna last, it's up to you
 I wanna hold you once again 'cause I love you

J'Adore ;o)

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #127 on: September 25, 2013, 06:16:12 AM »
Nice read. Found some part to be funny too. A romanticist eh? Can't find those nowadays.  O0 Stay the same, as you are in writing.  God has someone waiting for you too. HE has someone for everyone.
And who packs your lunch? geez, don't even worry about that. As a woman, we have to pack our own lunch. :D

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"You drown not by falling into the water, but by staying submerged in it."

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #128 on: October 08, 2013, 03:57:24 AM »
October 8, 2013

I'm five years behind this but been looking for Journey's new CD Revelation with Arnel Pineda. I heard they found him from the Philippines on Youtube. Not bad, not bad.

Although I like Steve Perry the original singer's voice better because it's the original behind Open Arms, it's softer, Pineda's voice has a more powerful edge on it. Pineda's more of a hard rock 'n roll singer, but he filled in for Steve Perry just right. Neal Schon couldn't have found a better singer who was able to be molded into Journey's band. Considering they're all over 40 now. Pineda still looks super young, but he's actually 46...

I accidentally saw his documentary on pubic broadcasting. He grew up as an orphan with his mom passing away at an early age, his dad left him to the care of relatives. Truly, a great story of survival, and big dreams. One thing that I picked up from Arnel, is that he keeps on smiling, and he definitely doesn't let any setbacks ruin his future. One thing he does well, he keeps on singing!

You got to keep on singing even through the hard times. Keep the music alive. Don't stop believing! ;)

Open Arms

I think this is the best performance with Arnel singing Open Arms including an extended guitar solo.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 05:37:43 PM by jon_jon »

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #129 on: October 15, 2013, 03:35:37 AM »
October 15, 2013

Walked out in the rain today as it steadily fell between the cracks of falling leaves, it's sure dark.

I tried looking for Journey's Revelation CD today, and it's not at Barnes and Nobles for sure. They said they'll have to order it from Japan. I took a look at Amazon and guess how much they're selling that particular CD for... $338! Wow. Only one left, brand new.

You could only get the CD at Wal-Mart, I still have to go there. Hope that maybe I can find some there because I read in the news articles that it's only $11 bucks retail at Wal-Mart who has exclusive rights to sell that Journey CD.

Since I was at B&N I picked up two books, The Last Unicorn and Bride of the Water God. The Last Unicorn had a white cover rather dull looking but when I opened it up the pictures were full of color and the pages were glossy with a thicker than average feel. This original story was written awhile ago by Peter S. Beagle in the late 1960's, it later became an animated video.

The other book I picked up, surprisingly was the first book for Bride of the Water God. I got lucky because usually the first book is always gone in those Manga series, I bought it right away. However, the second book was gone, I'll have to come back and look for that another day. The Manga for this book is online and free as well. I don't know why I bought the book, but the online version has color if you ever want to read it, I included the link below:

Someday, maybe Soah will eventually find her husband. Being sacrificed to a Water God for the sake of saving your village from drought. Alas, it's raining tonight, have you found your love Soah or are those your tears falling from heaven.

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake


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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #130 on: October 15, 2013, 04:22:59 PM »
All this time es koj tseem npau suav txog ib tus hlub....  Great writings.

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Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #131 on: October 20, 2013, 06:31:27 PM »
All this time es koj tseem npau suav txog ib tus hlub....  Great writings.
Someone has to keep the dream alive.  :)

October 20, 2013

Yesterday, I went over to my cousins eating thing for his wife. It appears to be she's pregnant! I'll have to remember to get them something after she gives birth.

In other news today, I called up Wal-mart's electronic department and no stores within a 50 mile radius has Journey's Revelation CD. I couldn't find that CD anywhere, still it didn't matter while looking at ebay for that CD, I also won a used Playstation 3 for 120 dollars. What a deal! I'll get it in the mail next week but let's see if it works, the description from the seller said, tested and in good condition.

This is what my devotional says today.

"The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him." -1 John 2:4.

Often times we walk in our faith but disregard following God's commandments. To have a relationship with Christ is to walk in His truth. We need to follow those commands. Are there times in your life that you have not walked in the truth? What were the circumstances?

The rain has been drizzling all day today. It's murky out, the dismal turn of dawn rests upon my shoulders tonight. Stay warm.

Tears won't wash away my heartache.

Oh, I sold my heart to you
Babe, like all dreamers do
Feel the shadows of a heartache
Out of reach and out of touch
If I give you babe so much
Feel the shadows of a heartache
Oh, this restless world - I need my dream
Someone, save my life
And I know what it means

[Chorus: ]
Tears won't wash away my heartache
Tears won't wash away, tears won't wash away
Tears won't wash away my heartache
Tears won't wash away, tears won't wash away

And I'm losing my dream - I pray to you
Davi, oh Davi - I'm dreaming
Davi, oh Davi - believe me
Tears won't wash it away
Oh, won't wash it away
'Cause to get hold on hard baby
Say farewell, don't say goodbye
It's too late for a try
Why can't we live together
Years may come and years may go
Oh, you hurt before you know
In the shadows of a heartache
I'll be afraid I'm losing you
Oh, don't save my life, babe
Oh, you're making blue

[Chorus: ]

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #132 on: November 03, 2013, 05:00:53 AM »
November 3, 2013

Some days I wish I had the power to turn back the hands of time. Tonight we went an hour back in time or some like to say we get an hour to sleep in, but here I am. Time stands still for no one, we shouldn't measure it by how long one lives but by the moments we lived; nothing by coincidence everything made and crafted by the hands of God. However, we choose our course to live those moments. That is the beauty of it all.

Some days I wish I could fast forward time. That would make all those times that caused pain to pass through faster. All those times when you have to live through hardships, tribulations, and worries. They all pass us by and as the saying goes, "You either sink or swim."

Some days I wish I could stop time and hold it forever in the palm of my hands. All I would have would be memories of you. Those memories would give me strength to carry on through each day. Encouraging me to be strong and to breathe again because it would mean that you were alive in me. That without you my heart would ceased to beat, the world would stop turning.

If ever the world stops turning, we'd end sailing across the deep blue yonder.

In our blue destiny...

Dont claim to know much
bout the turning of the tides
People they come and go
leave a trace
Oh but you are certainty
Question marks have faded
Nothing we couldnt do
hand in hand~~

When the path was dark
I could see sparks
as you sailed straight through
to my heart.
I will dry your tears
shake off your fears
Sail into our blue

In the early light
as your smile breaks like morning
something inside me stirs,
pure and true
Its the curving of your back
the protection of your warm arms
Mountains could fall, and Id
not have a clue
When the path was dark
I could see sparks
as you sailed straight through
to my heart.
I will dry your tears
shake off your fears
Sail into our blue


They can tell us our love is wrong
They can tell us its all in vain
If we burned to the ground tomorrow
Loves in the remains
When the path was dark
I could see sparks
as you sailed straight through
to my heart.
I will dry your tears
shake off your fears
Sail into our blue destiny ~


« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 05:18:56 AM by jon_jon »

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #133 on: November 04, 2013, 02:04:45 AM »
November 4, 2013

Enjoyment is a spiritual thing and it is not based on circumstantial things. The ability to enjoy life and live purposefully comes from the creator. The power to enjoy something comes from God and only He can allow you that fulfillment.

Solomon writes: "There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it lies heavily upon men; a man to whom God gives wealth, possessions and honor, so that he lacks nothing of all that he desires, yet God does not give him power to enjoy them, but a stranger enjoys them.  This is vanity; it is sore affliction."  Ecclesiastes 6:1-2

You may have fancy cars, luxurious houses, and wealth beyond imagination, but it is through God whom allows you the ability to enjoy those things. Without his Son's death and resurrection the life that you live is not everlasting but a temporarily one here on earth. Even though you do have these things they will not be with you in the after life.

Solomon had everything a king could ask for. At the end he knew that death could not be escaped. All the horses, wives, and riches of the world he could not take with him to the after life. All but a passing in the wind.

*If only I had one wife, and a white horse. I'd be happy. =P

At the end, those of you who want to save your life will lose it, but those who lose their life for His sake will find it. I only pray that even if I can't find love, I'll remember you. And when you know that I'm lost.

You'll be there...

Over Mountains
Over Trees
Over Oceans
Over Seas
Across the desert
I'll be there

In a whisper on the wind
On the smile of a new friend
Just think of me
And I'll be there

Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight,
To be with you
Because I'm on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
But I've gone nowhere

Just think of me,
And I'll be there

On the edge of a waking dream
Over Rivers
Over Streams
Through Wind and Rain
I'll be there

Across the wide and open sky
Thousands of miles I'd fly
To be with you
I'll be there

Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight,
To be with you
Because I'm on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
But I've gone nowhere

Just think of me,
And I'll be there

In the breath of a wind that sighs
Oh, there's no need to cry

Just think of me,
And I'll be there

Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight,
To be with you
Because I'm on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
But I've gone nowhere

Just think of me,
And I'll be there

Just think of me,
And I'll be there

Think of me...
And I'll be there...

J'Adore ;o)


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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #134 on: November 11, 2013, 04:34:33 AM »

Guard the truth and be strong in strength that He is with us till the end of age.

A teacher (from Paul to Timothy), a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer. 2 Timothy 2:13.

Warm brisk air filled the night, pondering to myself on the stone steps of the Spanish Piazza; you had dreams to accomplish, goals to finish, and places to be. My persuasive homily to you before you left had no moot point. You've made your decision to pursue mindless matters to fill your resume and studies. Love can wait, friendship was a forethought.

Love, it wasn't on your mind. For the fruit of knowledge was more appetizing to your taste.

Here I am standing between you and the world. And you chose the world over a mere man. What can I do to make you mine? What can I do to change your heart?

You're now somewhere in the Big Apple, where dreams are made of. A pocket full of dreams. I too have a dream, but my dream left with you. It was better to let you follow your dreams of greatness, that I wanted you to fulfill your dreams even if it meant that I was not a part of it.

Don't forget to hold onto that spoon of oil, while making your dreams come true.

Ciao Bella

One day I'll catch you in a taxi, or by flickering red lights in times square, we'd stop and peer from underneath our umbrellas. Brushing the rain from my brow I'll wave and you would smile. We'd finally take our time and make our way to SOHO, then afterwards a few blocks down to enjoy an Italian Café for a piece of tiramisu.

You were stronger than me, and when you left... I knew you were. Your eyes never turned back to meet mine.

It was over, the dream is but a dream.

Ciao Bella.

I'll tell myself don't fall-in-love again, taxi girl. You don't need me.

It was a rainy night
A rainy night in new york city

Oh, she'll never fall in love, had enough of all
She was only 18, starring at the wall
She's my taxi girl - she was my baby
Through the stormy weather, through the stormy rain
She drove her little cab all over again
She's my taxi girl - she is my baby
Her only friend was luca, she's working for the rent
But that guy was a hooker at the end

Oh baby, hey, be my taxi girl
Oh when you're alone - i'll be a part of you
Hey, be me taxi girl - i'll be your home
I'll make your dreams come true

Oh, she'll never love again, baby that is true
That's the answer just for me and you
She's my taxi girl - she was my baby
From the heart of harlem to 5'th avenue
She drove her yellow cab like they all do
She's my taxi girl - she is my baby
Her only friend was luca, she's working for the rent
But that guy was a hooker at the end

J'Adore ;o)


« Last Edit: June 30, 2019, 08:07:53 PM by jon_jon »

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

