
Author Topic: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~  (Read 69986 times)

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #90 on: October 05, 2012, 11:50:27 AM »
:'( :'(

The song and video reminds of someone I once knew once upon a time. Tears still flow everytime I think about that person.  :'(

Yes, even superhero(s) can't always save those they love especially when it's inevitable.

that person gave u something that he or she will never get back. time shared can never be taken back from someone. the best thing about living is that you still have time to share with the ones you love.

don't waste it away. you'll never be alone....

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #91 on: October 17, 2012, 01:49:14 AM »
October 17, 2012

Our God is Greater

by Shane & Shane

I always thought this song reminded me of Starship's Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now.

I think I'm going to run that combo through with the chorus somehow. Should be a nice hook.

Before the Throne

by Shane & Shane

I love the part in this song that goes.. Hallelujah, Hallelujah.. reminds me of Elvis's remake of Glory Glory Hallelujah! But in this tribute to him.

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #92 on: October 18, 2012, 03:20:28 PM »
October 18, 2012

The other day I was talking with my cousin. He's a fews younger than I am, but he was trying to introduce some girl to me. He told me that I'm the kind of guy that a girl would fall in love with over time and that's better than falling in love with at first sight? What does that mean? Not to say that I'm bad looking...lols .

I asked him who he was trying to hook me up with. She's somewhere living in Milwaukee but doesn't come out much. I kind of brushed it off because I haven't met her yet and she seems like the really conceited type of girl. But he told me she was really attractive and that we would make a good fit.

When a guy is trying to introduce a really attractive girl to you, whewww.... at times like these it's good to have people like that in your life. I don't know if she'll ever even get to know me because from what he told me, my first thought was she's really conceited, and closed behind doors. =S

If she ever comes through I'll meet up with her and see how things go, but all I have is his word. He's my only connection to her. Otherwise, it is almost a lost cause.  :(

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #93 on: October 25, 2012, 02:04:51 AM »
October 25, 2012

Romans 8:26 - In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

Something from this past weekend I remembered.

Three little trees

 Once upon a mountain top, three little trees stood and dreamed of what they wanted to become when they grew up.

The first little tree looked up at the stars and said, "I want to hold treasure. I want to be covered with gold and filled with precious stones. I'll be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world!"

The second little tree looked out at the small stream trickling by on it's way to the ocean. "I want to be traveling mighty waters and carrying powerful kings. I'll be the strongest ship in the world!"

The third little tree looked down into the valley below where busy men and women worked in a busy town. "I don't want to leave the mountain top at all. I want to grow so tall that when people stop to look at me, they'll raise their eyes to heaven and think of God. I will be the tallest tree in the world!"

Years passed. The rain came, the sun shone and the little trees grew tall. One day three woodcutters climbed the mountain.

The first woodcutter looked at the first tree and said, "This tree is beautiful. It is perfect for me." With a swoop of his shining ax, the first tree fell. "Now I shall be made into a beautiful chest, I shall hold wonderful treasure!" The first tree said.

The second woodcutter looked at the second tree and said, "This tree is strong. It is perfect for me." With a swoop of his shining ax, the second tree fell. "Now I shall sail mighty waters!" thought the second tree. "I shall be a strong ship for mighty kings!"

The third tree felt her heart sink when the last woodcutter looked her way. She stood straight and tall and pointed bravely to heaven. But the woodcutter never even looked up. "Any kind of tree will do for me." He muttered. With a swoop of his shining ax, the third tree fell.

The first tree rejoiced when the woodcutter brought her to a carpenter's shop. But the carpenter fashioned the tree into a feedbox for animals. The once beautiful tree was not covered with gold nor with treasure. She was coated with saw dust and filled with hay for hungry farm animals.

The second tree smiled when the woodcutter took her to a shipyard, but no mighty sailing ship was made that day. Instead the once strong tree was hammered and sawed into a simple fishing boat. She was too small and too weak to sail to an ocean, or even a river; instead she was taken to a little lake.

The third tree was confused when the woodcutter cut her into strong beams and left her in a lumberyard. "What happened?" The once tall tree wondered. "All I ever wanted was to stay on the mountain top and point to God."

Many, many days and nights passed. The three trees nearly forgot their dreams. But one night, golden starlight poured over the first tree as a young woman placed her newborn baby in the feedbox.

"I wish I could make a cradle for him." her husband whispered. The mother squeezed his hand and smiled as the starlight shone on the smooth and sturdy wood. "This manger is beautiful." she said.

And suddenly the first tree knew he was holding the greatest treasure in the world.

One evening a tired traveler and his friends crowded into the old fishing boat. The traveler fell asleep as the second tree quietly sailed out into the lake. Soon a thundering and thrashing storm arose.

The little tree shuddered. She knew she did not have the strength to carry so many passengers safely through with the wind and the rain. The tired man awakened. He stood up, stretched out his hand and said, "Peace." The storm stopped as quickly as it had begun. And suddenly, the second tree knew he was carrying the King of heaven and earth.

One Friday morning, the third tree was startled when her beams were yanked from the forgotten woodpile. She flinched as she was carried through an angry jeering crowd. She shuddered when soldiers nailed a man's hand to her. She felt ugly and harsh and cruel. But on Sunday morning, when the sun rose and the earth trembled with joy beneath her, the third tree knew that God's love had changed everything. It had made the third tree strong. And, every time people thought of the third tree, they would think of God. That was better than being the tallest tree in the world.

So next time you feel down because you didn't get what you wanted, just sit tight and be happy because God is thinking of something better to give you.

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #94 on: November 09, 2012, 01:46:59 PM »
Nov. 9, 2012

I'm glad that I still have hands...

Article I found about invisible barriers.

You can, and you must unleash the power of your mind if you want to achieve the success you are striving for. You can become whatever you want. You can become an overwhelming success, or a miserable failure, it just depends on what you decide to believe.

It's important to remember that whatever your mind focuses on is what you will get. I have had patients that thought that they were going to get the flu as soon as it was "flu season." And guess what? Shazam! Just as they had "predicted", they came down with a raging case of the flu. I have had people that would blame their congestion and sinus issues on the allergens that were floating around in the air. (Even though many others were breathing the same air, with the same allergens floating around with nary a sign or symptom.) So this power of belief is mighty, to fix us, heal us and focus us.

One of my mentors related this interesting account of an intriguing experiment. In a Southern California aquarium there was a study conducted on the intelligence of sea animals. The scientists placed a barracuda and Spanish mackerel in the same tank. Now for those of you that aren't fans of seafood, the barracuda is a natural predator to the mackerel. Unbeknownst to the two fish, there was a transparent barrier placed in the tank. So when the barracuda saw the mackerel and attacked, the barracuda bonked his nose on the transparency which stopped it from eating the mackerel. After repeated attempts at attack, and being thwarted at each attempt, the barracuda stopped trying. It had been conditioned to believe that there was something preventing it from succeeding, and not being able to reach its goal. Later, the scientists removed the barrier from the tank, and even though there was no barrier, the barracuda BELIEVED that the barrier still existed, and never again attempted to attack the mackerel. This limiting belief was a great detriment to the barracuda, because he allowed himself to believe that he couldn't attain a tasty morsel for lunch. When this story was related to me, the two fish had lived in the same tank, barrier free, for two years.

So what are the barriers that you have right in front of you? Are they real, or are you conditioned to think they are such? Remember, it is all in your mind. You can overcome any obstacle, real or imagined if you simply, and powerfully put your mind to it.

Article Source:

« Last Edit: November 09, 2012, 05:24:17 PM by jon_jon »

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #95 on: November 14, 2012, 02:54:54 AM »
Do You

As You Wish

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #96 on: December 09, 2012, 01:20:33 PM »
December 9, 2012

Snowy day. =(

Take me to your heart

Hiding from the rain and snow
Trying to forget but I won't let go
Looking at a crowded street
Listening to my own heart beat

So many people all around the world
Tell me where do I find someone like you girl

Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true

They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away

Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart

Standing on a mountain high
Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky
I should go and see some friends
But they don't really comprehend

Don't need too much talking without saying anything
All I need is someone who makes me want to sing


« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 02:05:34 PM by jon_jon »

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #97 on: December 09, 2012, 03:25:18 PM »
별빛달빛 starlight moonlight by secret

This song was stuck in my head for the longest time! ack...

Finally found it. Someone posted a video of Baby Yerin below:

which lead to this other video:

and so forth...  :P

ok. I'm glad that's all figured out now!

shoo bi do bap bap ba....

hopefully it will stick in your head now too..haha

« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 03:34:26 PM by jon_jon »

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #98 on: December 24, 2012, 09:45:11 PM »
Stardate Captain's Log 12/24/12

Christmas just isn't Christmas anymore? As a kid, you'd think that Santa was real, Elves are real, and the Snowman can come to life at night! These days, I really want to believe. I just want to...

But I must keep the real thing that matters most. The one thing that my heart is hanging onto. Maybe just maybe, a man came down from Heaven and saved us all from death. And the true meaning of Christmas is a perfect being. Jesus Christ.

Noh, I just didn't swear. That's what u think, when I said His name. However, what crime did I do? Am I not perfect enough? Must I pay for my ignorance? Must I live to make mistakes? Is that what life is all about? Questions. Blood was paid for. And now I have a new beginning.

Merry Christmas.

9 Crimes (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

Leave me out with the waste, this is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place to be thinking of you
It's the wrong time for somebody new
It's a small crime and I got no excuse
And is that all right, yeah?
I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that all right, yeah?
If you don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it?
Is that all right, yeah?
I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that all right, yeah, with you?
Leave me out with the waste, this is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place to be cheating on you
It's the wrong time she's pulling me through
It's a small crime and I got no excuse
And is that all right, yeah?
If I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that all right, yeah?
If you don't shoot it, how am I supposed to hold it?
Is that all right, yeah?
I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that all right?
Is that all right with you?
Is that all right, yeah?
If I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that all right, yeah?
If you don't shoot it, how am I supposed to hold it?
Is that all right, yeah?
I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that all right?
Is that all right with you?
And is that all right, yeah?
Is that all right?
Is that all right?
Is that all right with you?

« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 09:47:28 PM by jon_jon »

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #99 on: January 06, 2013, 03:40:27 AM »

Angels? Are they real. If they are I'll need one with me this year. I'm torn between some life altering decisions... Please send your angels to protect me this year God. Direct my paths to your likeness. This is my prayer. (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake


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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #100 on: February 01, 2013, 11:02:24 AM »
We all face altering situations in life either from bad decisions we made or from things which we really have no control of and the only thing we can really do is hold on to hope and try to have faith that things will turn around in our favor. Although, things don’t always turn out as we hope, life does not end until we stop breathing.  I always say to myself, what does not kill me will only make me stronger, so I continue to wake to live life trying to make the best of what I have or what is left anyways…  so, cheer up and don’t feel too bad, as you’re not alone.. 

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Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #101 on: February 02, 2013, 01:31:53 AM »
We all face altering situations in life either from bad decisions we made or from things which we really have no control of and the only thing we can really do is hold on to hope and try to have faith that things will turn around in our favor. Although, things don’t always turn out as we hope, life does not end until we stop breathing.  I always say to myself, what does not kill me will only make me stronger, so I continue to wake to live life trying to make the best of what I have or what is left anyways…  so, cheer up and don’t feel too bad, as you’re not alone.. 

You're right. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #102 on: February 02, 2013, 01:33:50 AM »
Long Spoons in Heaven and Hell

A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like."

The Lord led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.

The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful, but because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.

The Lord said, "You have seen Hell".

They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, "I don't understand." "It is simple," said the Lord, "it requires but one skill.

You see, they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves." When Jesus died on the cross he was thinking of you!

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #103 on: February 05, 2013, 03:54:01 AM »

The Gaze (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

What a strange song. Heard it today from out of no where on my remixes. Must be a newer song just came out but not as popular yet.

My Destiny where are you?

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

Offline jon_jon

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Re: Txhuas lub npau suav yog koj~
« Reply #104 on: February 06, 2013, 01:04:33 AM »

My sister and aunt asked me the saddest questions of all time, awhile ago. Who packs your lunch for you? And who cooks for you? I just didn't know how to answer them. I've always ate out or packed my own lunch...

Looks like the girl from Laos my mom wanted me to get married to has already been taken by another Hmoob Mekas. Well, it didn't help that I told her that I wasn't coming to see her anymore since I want to marry a Hmoob Mekas girl. And then my aunt's house caught on fire this past month, so I had no one to go with anymore. Just great... now I'm stuck back at the beginning again.

I don't care for love anymore these days. Love is not everything in life to me anymore. I think that idea has died with me a long time ago. When I was in the 5th grade and had my near death experience drowning in the lake. Shouldn't have walked on thin ice, but I'm still alive and made it. I should have let go then to that edge of the ice. Maybe six feet under would have been better than suffering alone. Everyone who knows that story thinks I'm a super human being, but being super has nothing to do with it. When you're young you want to live, but as you get wise you see the world isn't what you expected.

There's got to be more to life than Love, Death, and Life.

What is Love? As my sister asked, "Who packs your lunch...?"

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. —Bruce Lee

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“our worlds collided and in an instant your ocean had color because of my sky.”

—r.m. drake

