
Author Topic: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)  (Read 230886 times)

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #450 on: April 23, 2013, 08:18:27 PM »
May = hmongti te'o.  No pic no care

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #451 on: April 24, 2013, 08:42:33 AM »
May = hmongti te'o.  No pic no care

LMFAO!!! PUahahahaah!! A game of CATFISH from LHG!?? I don't know, the brother writes too well for me to tell. I'm sure LHG wouldn't mind sharing with his awesome fans, some photos of him and May.  :2funny:

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Offline LonelyHmgGuy

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #452 on: April 24, 2013, 02:11:34 PM »
LMFAO!!! PUahahahaah!! A game of CATFISH from LHG!?? I don't know, the brother writes too well for me to tell. I'm sure LHG wouldn't mind sharing with his awesome fans, some photos of him and May.  :2funny:

For obvious reasons... I would rather not post any pictures of May on this site. PM me and I will see what I can do for you. :)


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Offline LonelyHmgGuy

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #453 on: April 24, 2013, 02:12:39 PM »
Lonely Hmong Man,

Such a good expression writing .  Write a book make a fortunate to go back. LOL.

One blast with Hmong USA and you never go back.   As long as you two didn't stretch legs together I think you both are fine.  Even so, it is better to love lost then never loved at all, right?

Hey, I could use that $40.  What about that loving kids of yours?  Aren't they longing for your warmth chest?  BTW, seriously, I can sell you a better way to call LAOS.


I am open to all options... DO you have a cheaper way to call Laos?


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Offline LonelyHmgGuy

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #454 on: April 24, 2013, 02:13:42 PM »
awe.  welcome back to reality... and all those stacks of bills.   O0

yeah... what an ending to your laos journey round 2.. and with a twist...  i was hoping you'd say you'd go  back for her asap.  hehehe.  it's never too late to start the paperwork ya know!  good luck to you and may.

Thank you for the well wishes.


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Offline LonelyHmgGuy

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #455 on: April 24, 2013, 02:22:25 PM »
Home, Part 3

As a kid, do you remember wishing for things or had ideas that now as adults may seem silly and irrational. You may not have but I did. I used to daydream about such foolish things all the time. For me, I had this crazy idea that if I wished for something hard enough and believe in it hard enough, that whatever I wished for would come true. Idiotic, I know. But as kids, I guess, we all cope with our fears in our own unique way and mine was to wish for things I lacked.

I remember one summer, back in the late 80s; my mother had fallen into a deep depression. Chronic depression runs in my mother’s side of the family, but at the time we did not know it. We had just recently immigrated to the US and my parents were still very fearful of doctors and western medicine. The old Hmong women and the Hmong men who came to visit called it “kho siab” and attributed her feelings of loneliness to her lost soul. But no matter how many “hu plig” or jingle bell our family did for my mother, her depression never went away. Eventually, she became a vegetable, staring out the window for days on end. The life and vitality that she once had was gone. Even at my age, I knew something was wrong. I knew my mother was sick and for a little child, losing one’s mother must be his greatest fear; at least for me it was.

In my heart, I prayed and wished everyday for my mother to get better. Thinking I was not wishing hard enough, I would clinch my fist and close my eyes tightly. Many, many days of wishing and praying passed and soon my hopes and dreams faded. Even God did not have pity on this poor kid, I thought. I have not mentioned this to anyone until just now, but that summer was one of the lowest points in my life. My mother did eventually get better, once summer ended. As time pass, her laughter and her smile also return. By winter, she became sociable again, but I will never be the same again.

At around 5:00 PM, a voice came on the public announcement at Vientiane Airport, asking for anyone who was flying out on the 6:00 PM flight to Hanoi to check in at the security desk. My heart sink. For a moment again, I clinched my fist and shut my eyes tightly. God, I pray, why can’t there a computer glitch, a fire at the boarding gate, an earthquake, or something that only Providence can explain. Please just let me stay here just a bit longer!

Minutes passed and reality set in, a pat on my back from my cousin reminded me that I was no longer 12 years old and that it was time to go. I held May one last time as tears were streaming down our faces. Her last words to me were, “don’t go to long”. She waved as I passed the immigration clerks and headed towards the waiting area. Just like that, she was out of my life again and just like that she was gone.

Final Thoughts tomorrow…


« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 02:36:19 PM by LonelyHmgGuy »

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #456 on: April 24, 2013, 07:20:53 PM »
LHG.... Have you ever play the card game "bullshit"? I call bullshit. Why so much writing and no pix? Not even a pix of Laos.

Don't be an ass. Dont wreck the essence of LHG's thread with your idiotic garbage.

Have a good day...:)

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Offline LonelyHmgGuy

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #457 on: April 24, 2013, 07:52:28 PM »
LHG.... Have you ever play the card game "bullshit"? I call bullshit. Why so much writing and no pix? Not even a pix of Laos.

It is EXACTLY because of people like you and your comments that I don't post pictures here.


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Offline LonelyHmgGuy

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #458 on: April 24, 2013, 07:52:55 PM »
Don't be an ass. Dont wreck the essence of LHG's thread with your idiotic garbage.

Have a good day...:)

PM me with your email... I will send you some pics.


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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #459 on: April 25, 2013, 09:31:25 AM »
For obvious reasons... I would rather not post any pictures of May on this site. PM me and I will see what I can do for you. :)


Don't sweat the idiotic comments from others in here bro.  Whether your stories are true or fake, only those who have experienced Laos can relate.  And I can relate to a lot of the places, experiences you have described.  I'm not demanding you send a pic for confirmation, but it would be nice to see you and the lady of your dreams.  Inbox me a pic if you dont mind.  Lastly, good luck to you and May.  It's a hard process, but i wish that things work out for the best for both of you. 

P.s.  I'm planning to go this year during the new years.  We'll see how things pan out.  ;D

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #460 on: April 25, 2013, 10:03:28 AM »
Skyy, you are just filled with hate and jealousy that it's was NOT YOU that had the opportunity to experience all this. Otherwise, you wouldn't be all up in here posting all your nonsense stuffs. LHG doesn't have to post any pictures to justify or to collaborate his story. I know him to be a sincere and honest man. Don't rub off your hate onto other people. If you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. You have the right not to read this thread if it hurts you that much!
Have a great day!

« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 10:10:46 AM by yoursunrise4ever »

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Offline LonelyHmgGuy

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #461 on: April 25, 2013, 12:45:23 PM »
Don't sweat the idiotic comments from others in here bro.  Whether your stories are true or fake, only those who have experienced Laos can relate.  And I can relate to a lot of the places, experiences you have described.  I'm not demanding you send a pic for confirmation, but it would be nice to see you and the lady of your dreams.  Inbox me a pic if you dont mind.  Lastly, good luck to you and May.  It's a hard process, but i wish that things work out for the best for both of you. 

P.s.  I'm planning to go this year during the new years.  We'll see how things pan out.  ;D

No worries bro... some people have an agenda and unfortunately, they will never see the world past their front doors. Too bad too.

I hope you have a great trip. Believe it or not, I might be heading back for New Years.. PM me as the time approaches. Hopefully, we can meet up over there.


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Offline LonelyHmgGuy

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #462 on: April 25, 2013, 12:46:33 PM »
Skyy, you are just filled with hate and jealousy that it's was NOT YOU that had the opportunity to experience all this. Otherwise, you wouldn't be all up in here posting all your nonsense stuffs. LHG doesn't have to post any pictures to justify or to collaborate his story. I know him to be a sincere and honest man. Don't rub off your hate onto other people. If you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. You have the right not to read this thread if it hurts you that much!
Have a great day!
Sunrise.... always to my rescue!! :) Thank you.


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Offline LonelyHmgGuy

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #463 on: April 25, 2013, 01:01:33 PM »
Until next time…

Entering and leaving Laos, as far as I can relate, is like dating and breaking up with someone. Seriously, bear with me for a second and I will explain the similarities. When I first arrived in Laos, on what seems like months ago, I was filled with excitement, joy, hope and happiness. Somewhat like the start a relationship with someone new. Everything, every detail seemed like a source of joy and happiness. As soon as the plane landed, I was on my feet and already looking around. I could not wait another minute to get off and to step onto the street. The anticipation of seeing my cousins, the smell in the air, the heat, the humidity, everything about Laos, I wanted to see. Simply put, it was pure joy.

Now, with the thought of leaving Laos looming, my mood had completely changed to one of sorrow, regret and despair. Gone was the excitement, gone was the happy mood and gone was hope that I have had just a few weeks before. Regrettably, my relationship with Laos was coming to an end… and like most breakups, I was lost and miserable. Like a heart broken lover, I wanted nothing more than to delay the end that I knew was coming. I thought about everything that would stop that plane from taking off. Give me one more hour, one more day, please, I begged!  Coming home was the last thing I wanted to. Rather dramatic, I am sure, but those were the thoughts racing through my mind that day.

I settled into a chair in the waiting room in front of Gates1 and 2 at Wattay Airport on Saturday afternoon, a little bit past 5:00 PM. My carry-on bag was at my side and my lunch of boiled chicken and rice my cousins had made for me was clutch tightly in my hand. The rice and chicken was still warm to the touch and only made me miss everyone I was leaving behind even more.

Sitting a row over and to the right of me were 4 little old Hmong ladies. Despite the heat and humidity around us, the 4 little old ladies had on multiple layers of clothes, thick jackets and long black polyester pants, the kind of pants my own grandmother would often wear. On their necks, everyone had a thick white string that had been tied into a necklace. And on that necklace was a laminated 4x6 card with their names and flight numbers on it. Unlike me, they were very talkative and full of excitement. Even while sitting down, I see that 3 of the 4 little ladies were still carrying their backpacks; like what 3 little girls would do before the start of a trip to the beach or to Disneyland. Seeing how happy they were bought a smile and laughter to my face.

As it turns out, the 4 little old Hmong ladies were coming to America. All 4 of them were from Xieng Khouang however they weren’t related. 3 of the 4 ladies were heading to Fresno, California and the last and smallest one was going to Madison, Wisconsin. I can only imagine the fear they must have and the excitement they must feel. I can only wonder how they will make the leap from South East Asia to 20th Century USA. I can only imagine the culture shock, the things they will do, the people they will meet and the places they will visit, I envy them! And I hope they will have a good visit and a great time in America.

The 4 little old ladies and I boarded the same plane heading to Hanoi. With a blast from the engines, our plane lifted off and for the second time in a year, I am leaving Laos again. As the plane leveled off, I peeked out my window. Below me, among the thousands of dimly lit houses was May and her little store. Down there, was someone I truly cared for.  Quietly, I whisper, “May, I will be back for you”.

Well, that’s my trip. The 4 little old ladies and I parted ways in Hanoi, their route included Japan than onto LAX, while mine was to South Korea and San Francisco.

As for Laos, despite what you have heard and think you know, unless you have been there yourself, you must not judge.  Laos is neither good nor bad, it is neither heaven nor hell, and it is definitely nothing like the stories you have heard. Laos is both beautiful and simple. The people are friendly and warm. It is what it is and nothing more. I truly hope you have a chance to visit Laos someday. And if you still need a reason, go find where your grandparents came from, go find your roots. Because like the old saying goes, “it’s your past that defines your future” and without knowing our past, how can we know who we are today. Again, go with an open mind and I promise, you will have a great time.

Until next time, good bye and good luck to you all… I promise I will stop by, from time to time, and check on everyone. Perhaps give you all an update on how things are going for May and I.

Happy Travels, LHG

« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 01:10:16 PM by LonelyHmgGuy »

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Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« Reply #464 on: April 25, 2013, 04:52:27 PM »

Thank- you for sharing your travels with us.

Be well and happy...


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