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Great Sage

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Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« on: January 09, 2013, 11:47:38 PM »
Disclaimer: First of all, I don't believe in ghosts, spirits or the supernatural. But these stories were told to me by the witnesses themselves; therefore, it's up to you to decide whether they're true or not. Here goes:

The Thing in the Woods
One of my best friends is an avid hunter so he moved to Schofield, WI after he got married. My friend loves hunting; especially deer and squirrels. Just drop him off near the woods and he'll go right in and disappear for days.

Anyway, I was visiting one weekend and we were drinking out in his backward and I asked him, "Don't you get scared out there? I mean what if there's a Bigfoot?... Or a ghost?" I was expecting him to laugh, but he got very quiet... Then he said, "I did see something once." This is what you said to me:

It was a cold night and he hadn't seen anything all day. As he huddled in his deer stand, he noticed a buck rushing down a ravine about 25 yards away. He thought to himself: what luck! Then a bunch of doe came running as well. They looked as though they were being herded. Then he saw this black thing moving towards them. He thought it was a bear trying to attack them, but it moved very oddly and made a strange noise he'd never heard before. Right away, he thought maybe it was his first sasquatch sighting, but this changed when the thing seemed to float along. When he saw this, the hairs on his back stood up. It was moving very fast through the brush and just floated along.

Auntie's Back
One my my mom's female cousins passed away in Michigan and my family went to support them. They lived kind of out in the country-side and there was alot of us at the house that evening. When it got dark, all the little kids came in except my nephew; we'll call him Bob. No one knew where Bob was so my brother said he would go outside to smoke and take a look. My brother had only been outside a couple of minutes when he and Bob rushed back into the house; almost stumbling on each other. Everyone broke out in laughter, but my brother had this very serious look on his face. Yet, he didn't say anything.

On the drive home everyone was asleep in the back, so my brother was talking to me so I would stay away. Suddenly, he said, "You know I think I saw something in those woods... So did little Bob." I was like "What the heck?" And he continued: I had just gone outside and lit my cigarette when I heard little Bob laughing and running near the garden. So I called out to him, but he didn't answer me. He just kept giggling, so I went over to see. It was dark and I could just barely make him out. But as I got closer, I saw a shape quickly duck behind the shed. Then I said, "Bob what the heck are you doing here?!" And he replied, "I'm playing with Auntie." When I heard that, I grabbed him and ran into the house.

To this day, little Bob swears he played with Auntie.

One of my brother-in-laws told me this story. He was at a church camp near Osceola. I think he said the place was used to treat wounded soldiers during the civil war. Anyway, when it got dark he and a couple of guys and girls snuck away to play hide and seek in the nearby woods. He really liked this one girl so he kept chasing her, but he got kinda lost. Then he heard laughing and saw branches moving so he took chase. No matter how fast he went, it didn't seem like he was catching up. Also, the voices of the other people seemed far behind him, so he got really scared and began to shout, "Hey you, we gotta go back! This is too far, we gotta go back!" But there was no response. He didn't know what to do, so he began to turn back. Just then, something tugged on his shirt and he took off like a missile! He didn't look back at all, he just kept crashing through the woods. Whatever was behind him was running just as fast; he could hear the footsteps, branches snapping, and something like breathing behind him. But he kept running and praying in his mind until he reached the clearing. All the other teens had gone inside so he just ran inside. It seems they all thought he had gone in already.

I have more, but I have to get going... If you guys are interested in hearing more, click thumbs up and I'll be back.

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Great Sage

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 04:30:37 PM »
Okay, here's more...

Is That You Friend?
This is an oldie told to me by a distant Uncle; he's quite old now. Anyway, this story takes place back in Laos. Uncle was known for being a tom-cat and liked to visit girls in nearby villages. One day, his mom says to him, "You'd better stop going out so much or something is liable to happen to you," and he in turn responds, "I'm not afraid of anything; it's all just stories. Besides, I heard there's a beautiful girl far away where your brother lives and I'm going to go visit." With that, he was off again.

When he got to the village, he was smitten by the girl's beauty and decided to stay with his relatives. But after several days, he didn't get anywhere with her and decided to go home. He was about half-way home when he heard someone walking ahead of him. It was pretty dark by now and he could barely make out who was ahead. So he called out, "Hey, friend where are you headed?" No response. So he quickened his pace to catch up.

By now Uncle was agitated that the person ahead didn't hear him so he went into full sprint and caught up. Then, he realized it was his friend Vue (name changed to conceal identity) from the same village. Uncle was so glad to see someone that he just began chatting away about the past several days. All the while, Vue was very silent and just kept walking. Finally, uncle said, "Vue, what's your story? Where did you come from?" No response. 

Uncle thought Vue's behavior was weird, but it was late and he was tired so he thought maybe Vue was just as weary. So silently they walked on in the dead of the night. As they neared the village, Vue suddenly veered off the path into the thick brush. Uncle shouted, "Where the hell are you going?" and gave chase. However, Vue was nowhere to be found and Uncle couldn't see anything through the dark trees. He called out to Vue several times but nothing was heard. Finally, he decided to go home to get help. He thought perhaps Vue needed to take a piss and slipped and fell somewhere.

When Uncle got home, he said to his mother, "I saw Vue on the road, but he disappeared into the woods. Let's gather up a search party." But his mom replied, "Are you crazy?! Vue died while you were gone and they just buried him last night. His grave is still fresh outside the village." Uncle nearly fainted when he heard this.

The next few days Uncle got very sick and nearly died. If not for spells from the local shaman, he says he would have perished.

Bedside Manners
One of my best friend's mom passed away and we were in Minnesota for the funeral. I wasn't there the entire week before the funeral, but one of my other friends (we'll call him Neng) was there. Neng was there the whole time helping out whatever needed to be done. So on the first day of the funeral, while we were all there, Neng stayed was slow to get up. He was just very tired and slept in.

It was about 9AM when Neng began to stir. He was sleeping in the friend whose mom had passed bed and didn't want to get up. He figured he would get going in the evening. He also thought he was along, but it seemed someone was still there too. It was probably another adult who was too drunk to get up too. So Neng dozed off again.

Around noon Neng thought he heard the other person messing around with the pots and pans. Probably trying to cook something. Neng was still tired, but he needed to get up. Still, he laid in bed and let his mind wander off. Then the door nob turned and Neng pretended he was asleep so he wouldn't be bothered. But he was terrified beyond belief when a woman dressed in Hmong clothes floated in. She didn't say anyting, just floated in and sat right on the edge of the bed. Her back was to him. His heart was beating so fast he thought it was going to burst, but he kept his eyes shut. Each time he opened his eyes slightly to peek, she was still just sitting there. In desperation, he thought to himself, "I'm going to make a run for it!" Just as he lunged forward, she was gone.

This Is My House
A friend of mine told me this story. When he was ten, his parents took him to visit a home they were thinking about buying. It was an older home, but very big and suitable for their growing family. The house had a huge attic that could be used as another floor level and my friend found his way up there.

My friend remembers that there were alot of toys and stuffed animals in the attic; particularly in a far off closet. He was rummaging throught the closet when something seemed to grab his hand. He got really scared and struggled to get free. Then a little girl walked out of the closet and just looked at him. My friend was scared but puzzled and said, "Do you live here? We might buy this house." The little girl looked at him and said, "This is my house." Then she floated back into the closet.

While they were driving away, my friend told his parents this story. They didn't make an offer.

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2013, 10:42:19 AM »
nice stories O0
keep them coming if you have more please

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Great Sage

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2013, 11:45:40 AM »
Drip, Drip, Drip
A distant Cousin found his brother dead one morning. This Cousin was married and his older brother, who was unmarried, lived with them and their 2 kids. This particular morning, he never came down and when they investigated, he was dead. The cause of death: cardiac arrest at 29.

Shortly after the funeral, the wife and 2 kids went away to visit in-laws. My Cousin worked nights so when he got home, the wife and kids were already gone. But they seemed to have left alot of water on the floor everywhere. Cousin was annoyed, but cleaned the mess and went to bed.

Before he fully asleep, Cousin heard a dripping noise. It went, "drip, drip, drip" then stalled and continued on. He figured it was a leaky faucet in the bathroom, but was too tired to get up so it could wait til morning. Still, the sound kept going and it seemed to be coming from everywhere. So he got up to go check.

When he got out of bed, he saw that there was water all over the wooden floors again. He thought to himself, is the tap on in the bathroom upstairs? He went upstairs and the stairs were wet along with the hallway, but the bathroom was completely dry. In fact, there wasn't any water dripping at all. A little bit confused and scared, he decided to go watch some TV in the living room.

It was around 3AM when he finally dozed off... He awoke momentarily to turn off the TV, when the dripping could be heard again and he awoke immediately. He was still lying on the couch when the sound seemed to come nearer to his position. He was so scared he just froze up and shut his eyes. He was peaking through his eyes quarter-open when he saw a figure walk around the couch he was lying on. It was his deceased brother! But he was all soaking wet and dressed in the same funeral garb. The thing came and walked very silently, while dripping water, around the living room.

Although he was scared at first, my Cousin says he had this warm feeling come over him. It just felt very calming even though he couldn't believe what was happening. Then the deceased brother walked back into the kitchen and upstairs to his bedroom.

The next day, my Cousin went to his parents house and told them everything.

Flowers Anyone?
Okay, this story actually spooked me out because my dad's first cousin (Uncle) told it to me.

My Uncle worked as a custodian for a funeral home. He usually cleaned the place and locked up at by 11PM. When he started the job, he was scared but got used to the idea of a dead person in the main room. After all, he thought to himself, it was just a body. But this one night changed all that.

It was a typical Saturday and some white folks had finished an evening funeral at 8PM. The deceased was a middle-aged father, apparently dead from health problems. Uncle made his rounds in the basement and back up to the main floor. He looked into the main funeral room and the casket was closed with flowers on top. There was alot of flowers and Uncle thought this man must have been well-liked. Then he went into the office to have dinner.

He had just begun to eat when he heard a loud noise and it made him jump. His hair stood straight up because he realized where he was (you learn to forget where you're working in such a place). He just sat motionless listening for anything. Then he thought he heard someone walking around in the main funeral room. He didn't want to investigate, but maybe it was a burglar so he gathered his courage to go and look.

When he peered into the main funeral room, the casket was open and all the flowers were thrown everywhere. The casket was also empty! He was so scared he ran out of the place and to the nearest house that had lights on. They let him in and when he calmed down, together they called the owner of the funeral home. He told them everything that had happened.

The funeral director arrived and Uncle met him at the front. They went in and found that nothing had been destroyed or disturbed. But in the main funeral room, all the flowers were scattered everywhere and the coffin was closed again. The funeral director opened the coffin and the man was back in there again.

My Uncle quit after that.

Knock, Knock? Who's There?
I had an Aunt who's husband died leaving her and her daughter by themselves. They lived on this dead-end road and there was a large wood behind them. One evening, there was this loud banging at their front door. But when they went to check, no one was there. This happened again a few hours later, and again no one was there. Finally fed up, they went upstairs believing some neighborhood kids were being mischevious.

Around 2AM the knocking began at the back door, facing the woods. They were awakened and annoyed, but didn't care to look. However, it kept banging until they went downstairs. As soon as their lights came on, it went quiet again. But the moment they were settled upstairs in bed, the banging began again. This went on throughout the night and they got so fed up, they called relatives... Finally, one of our cousins (a young man) went over and slept on the couch to make sure no one would try to hurt them.

As the young man slept in the living room, he had this eerie feeling that someone was walking outside. He kept hearing foot falls outside and would often look out the window, but nothing was there. He slept with a big machete nearby. Finally, the banging stopped and they all slept throught the night.

The next morning Auntie said good-bye to the young man outside and the neighbor from across the street came over. The neighbor said to her, "Did you lock your daughter outside or something? I kept hearing this loud noise and when I looked outside I saw this little girl banging on your door. Then she ran around outside very fast to the back, and then to the front again doing the same thing. I thought it was the weirdest thing, but I saw your lights come on so I went back to bed."

My Aunt was stunned, but didn't say anything. She went to the back door and noticed there were little footprints, small like a baby's going into the woods.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 11:50:46 AM by Great Sage »

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Great Sage

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2013, 07:58:57 PM »
If you guys like these stories and want more, just give a  O0

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2013, 11:34:49 AM »
 O0 O0

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2013, 10:32:07 AM »
more please O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2013, 12:56:42 AM »
These stories are great, more please  O0 O0 O0 O0

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Great Sage

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2013, 08:33:04 AM »
The Swing
There's a Cousin whose wife and kids left him, so he moved in with his parents. Now, his parents live on 5 acres of land in Iowa. There's a one-acre clearing surrounded by 4 acres wood, where they have a garden and grow rice. In the middle of the clearing is an old swing-set with one swing and a crooked slide. Since the house is rather small, Cousin's parents set him up in an old camper with wheels, parked outside in the far corner of the yard - adjacent the woods. They used to tow this thing into the woods and camp out, but the novelty wore off. Therefore, Cousin made it his temporary home.

If he had any reservations about sleeping in that old camper, he never showed it. It had aluminum siding and a door that locked from the inside. It seemed safe enough; he figured. But he never did like that old swing in the yard. It was just sitting there; rotted to the ground. And when the wind blew, the swing rocked back and forth and squeeked.

Early one morning (around 2AM), Cousin was awakened by a familiar squeeking sound. Normally, he wouldn't stir; but this time it was especially loud. It became so bothersome that he grudgingly peered out the window. What he saw jolted his body and he froze with fear. He coudn't make out much details. The only light is a smal night light next to his parent's home. But he swears he saw someone or something swinging on that old swing set. It was small dark figure swinging so wildly the swing set was lifting at the corners.

He just watched it for a couple of minutes without knowing what to do. He decided to scare it, thinking maybe it was just a person, so he yelled ou, "Hey, get off my property!" No response. He yelled again... No response. Just more swinging. Then he realized his 22-caliber rifle was nearby. He often used it to shoot birds and squirrels. Sliding the small window open, he shot out towards the ground nearby. The thing stopped and made a noise... "Tsk, tsk, tsk." Then got off the swing and started towards the camper. Cousin got so scared, he struggled to close the window. Then he pulled the covers over his head and just listened.

There came a gentle tapping on the wall. The tapping gradually worked its way towards the door. The door handle turned. Cousin instinctively got up and aimed his gun at the door. He thought about shooting, but didn't. Then it became silent except for the sounds of the night. But Cousin held his gun and waited for any suspicious sound. He was sweating bullets.

He didn't come out until he heard his parents outside that morning.

I'll be back later with more stories. If you liked this story, please click thumbs up (+1) and I'll know to post more up.

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2013, 11:20:16 AM »
Please continue...:)

The last one gave me chills.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 11:22:34 AM by boO »

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Great Sage

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2013, 12:26:03 PM »
Momo Did It
My first girlfriend, Chua Moua, told me this story.

Chua and her family had just moved into a big, old house. The paint on the wooden exterior was all chipped and pealing. And when the wind blew, the house creaked from every corner. Still, they took it because they had a large family: 5 girls, 1 boy and mom and dad. Chua was the eldest at 15.

Right away, they knew things weren’t right. They always heard noises. Most of it they attributed to the house shifting, but some they couldn’t explain. Sometimes there seemed to be voices talking late at night. Other times they heard loud noises as if someone was fumbling through the dishes. One time they came home from visiting relatives to find all their food had been emptied onto the kitchen floor. They thought someone had broken it. Yet, all the doors and windows were undisturbed.

But their troubles had just started. It was during the summer and both of Chua’s parents were usually at work during the day; leaving her in charge. She discovered there was a small market nearby and often went there to fetch supplies. One morning she came back from the market to find all her siblings holed up in the shoe closet. When she asked them why they were in there, they answered: “Momo did it.” Chua thought they were playing a game and dismissed it.

The pattern continued though. Each time Chua came back from somewhere (usually the market), all the little ones were stashed somewhere. One time it was the basement and they seemed very scared. Chua became concerned and told her parents. Her parents told Chua to pretend she’s going somewhere and peak into the house. The next morning, Chua told her siblings she was going to the market and hid outside. Then she heard a lot of commotion and peered through the window. It gave her such a scare she almost fainted.

Through the window, Chua saw an old woman dressed in black. She was screaming and ushering all Chua’s siblings into the closet. After she put all of them into the closet, the old woman began to clean the house. Chua was beside herself and didn’t know what to do. She ran to the market and called her mom and dad from there. Chua’s parents met her at the market and the three of went home. They found all the little ones huddled together in the closet. They said, “Momo did it.”

Even though they signed a lease, Chua’s family decided to move. Chua’s uncle told them to move in with his family, even though it would be crowded, until the lease was up. But Chua’s uncle told them, “You have to make it seem like you’re not really moving. Otherwise, it might follow you.” So Chua’s family slowly moved things a little at a time. They would act like they were visiting their uncle and bring a few things here and there. Finally, they moved out and Momo never bothered them again.

A few years later, Chua took me to see the house. It was “condemned” by the city because it was too old. As I looked at it, I felt so angry I began to throw rocks at the windows. Most of them were already broken anyway. But then we heard the house creak loudly and we took off like zebras!

The Hand That Slaps You
When my Aunt and Uncle first came to America, they lived in a very old house. The house had no basement, but there was small room on a lower level just off the kitchen. In this lower room, there was an old washer. They were so excited about that washer, because they had never knew of one. They could wash their clothes and hang them outside.

But the room had a secret. One evening Aunt and Uncle had a spat. I don’t know what they argued about but Aunt got mad so she decided to go do some laundry. She had just walked in with some clothes when the door shut behind her and the lights went off. When she reached for the light switch, a hand slapped hers away. She thought it was Uncle and yelled, “Stop playing your stupid games!” Then she tried to push whoever it was away, but all she felt was something hairy. That’s when she got very scared. It was pitch black in the room and she could hear something breathing. Suddenly, she gave a loud yell and burst through the door.

Uncle was asleep on the couch when Aunt came and woke him up. But he was still angry so he told her to buzz off. She kept saying she felt something in the laundry room, but Uncle said she was trying to trick her. So she went upstairs to sleep with their 2 kids.

Later that night, Uncle awoke because he had been sleeping a long time. But it was still dark out. He decided to get up and watch some TV, so he reached for the light next to him. Something gave his hand a sharp slap. He got angry thinking it was Aunt and turned to look. He saw a dark figure leaned up against the wall. Uncle was so scared he didn’t move. His mind began racing with fear and he thought his heart was going to burst through his chest.  The dark shadow slowly turned and walked into the kitchen towards the laundry room. Uncle ran upstairs.

They only saw the dark figure one more time. One morning they came downstairs and it was seated on the living room sofa. They went back upstairs and called relatives. But when everyone got there, it was gone. I clearly remember when a lot of us went there and they were talking about someone strange happening. But I didn’t know at the time because I was only 5 years old. They moved out when the lease expired.

Not So Empty Nest
Aunt and Uncle (both deceased now) were alone in a big house. All their children had gotten married and moved away, leaving the nest empty. Uncle was disabled from a stroke so he didn’t work. But Aunt still had her job so she was away all morning. This left Uncle home all morning and he didn’t know what to do with his time. Then there were the strange noises that came from upstairs.

All the children used to sleep upstairs. But since they left, Uncle hardly ventured up there. There was no need. He had all his things on the main level. But every so often he kept hearing someone walk around upstairs. Every time he would tell us about it, we all assumed he was going senile. Heck, even he admitted maybe his mind was going. But he wasn’t that old yet at the time…. Just a little over 50.

It didn’t really scare Uncle; just bothered him. Sometimes it seemed to be running, other times it just paced back and forth. But whenever Uncle would go investigate, he’d see nothing and hear nothing. Later, when he was back downstairs, it would start up again. It drove him nuts.

One morning the running started very early while Aunt and Uncle were still asleep. Uncle got so fed up that he stood at the bottom of the stairs and yelled up. Then he grabbed a nearby shoe and threw it up there in defiance. It made a loud thump and the noise stopped abruptly. Uncle went back to bed.

After Aunt had gone to work, Uncle awoke and the running started again. It ran towards the top the stairs. Then there was a loud thump at the bottom of the stairs. Uncle went to look and saw the same shoe he had thrown up there that morning laying at the bottom. He got so angry he went and grabbed a broom and began pounding on the ceiling. He was cursing the whole time.

The noises never stopped. Aunt said she heard it during the weekends sometimes. But Uncle always heard it. When they both passed away, none of their kids wanted that house. They sold it immediately.

Gotta go back to work. But if you guys like my stories... Just click thumbs up (+1) and I'll be sure to share more stories I've heard over the years. I got lots of them.

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2013, 04:53:29 PM »
You are a good story teller! I don't believe in ghosts either but like to get spooked by scary stories haha. Keep them coming.

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2013, 05:17:16 PM »

I believe in ghost and bigfoot (not being sarcastic).

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Great Sage

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2013, 06:19:07 PM »

I believe in ghost and bigfoot (not being sarcastic).

Here's a bigfoot story for you. We were camping one time and this OG told us this story:

The Roadside Terror
It was the early 90s and a Hmong dad and his son were on their way to visit his daughter and son-in-law in Traverse City, MI. Being from WI, they usually took US-41 North up through Canada. It was a journey they made every year. This year, his wife couldn't go because she was working. The car was also having problems, but his daughter really wanted them to visit; so Dad and her brother made the trek.

It was very late when they reached US-2 East. They had just passed Gladstone into Hiawatha National Forest when the starter gave out. The car wouldn't budge another inch in the pitch black night. So father and son were stranded on a lonely highway with no one in sight. If you've ever been on this highway, there are sections where no lights are present. You won't find a gas station for miles either. So the two of them were just sitting in the dark. Remind you, they didn't have cell phones and it probably wouldn't do them any good either.

It was getting cold, so the dad being an OG, decided to build a fire outside. Therefore, the two of them gathered some dry leaves and branches and made a fire. They had just settled down when they heard some grunting from the nearby forest. At first they thought it was an owl, but the grunting got louder. Then it turned into a howling sound, like "whooooooo-hooooo." The sound was very low and continuous. They started to get scared, but realized the fire was their best friend.

Then they could hear it moving among the trees. They heard branches snapping and leaves rustling. I seemed to be circling them in a half circle back and forth. Always, it stayed just beyond the light of the fire, so they couldn't see it. But they could hear something breathing and grunting. The son was very scared and wanted to go into the car, but the dad said to stay near the fire for protection; because it was probably just a bear.

The dad made some noises to scare it off, but it didn't go anywhere. He found some small rocks and threw them into the forest. A few seconds later, the thing began throwing things back. It threw a twig; then a larger branch came crashing. That's when the dad got scared and took his son into the car. They locked the door and just peered into the woods. The fire was slowly dying and they thought it might come up to the car when the fire was gone.

Just then, they saw oncoming lights. It was a car. They got out of their car and ran into the middle of the road waving their hands. The car stopped and took them to the nearest gas station a few miles ahead. There, they called for help and worked things out. They made it to Michigan the next day.

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Re: Some Scary Stories Just For Y'all
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2013, 11:10:01 AM »
one my biggest fears as a avid hunter/fisherman

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