
Author Topic: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan  (Read 28623 times)

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Offline Vandal Savage

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #45 on: May 31, 2013, 09:13:56 AM »
lets say this, if u can run, organize, arrange and be in charge of a hmong traditional wedding/funeral without seeking assistance from the ELDERS, than i would agree......... if u cant, and still need help, than why all the bickering!?!?!?

before GVP passed, (RIP), majority would bash on him, how he stole money from your parents or wat not, did he ever point a gun an say pay me??  they were willing to pay him for watever cause......... .but in the meantime, forgot how we got here in the USA the first place?
and now this with the 18 clan???  wtf!?!?!

We have so many hmong stores, etc....but majority would rather support the other races??  i dont get it?!?!? 

Thats why we dont have a country and never will, becuz of our egos, thinking im better than you or wat not, bashing and talkin down on one another....sup port one another, i would rather have a hmong person in the senate, council, board members, etc... than any other race, wouldnt u??? starting to give up on this, "OUR" generation will never ammount to our parents and wat they did n wat they overcome...our generation dont have that resilience...s mdh!!

Exactly.  Those who are bitter (for no apparent reason other than their feathers are ruffled) should take it up with Lao Family.  True, it is an organization similiar to the federal government, which rules and laws which Hmong people use.  But unlike the federal government, if you choose not to follow Lao Family's rules, they don't arrest you and force you to pay.  Heck, Lao Family doesn't even charge taxes!  Hahaha...why complain so much?  If it really bothers, you...then do something about it.  Splatter your agenda all over the Hmong papers, better yet..."expose" them at the national level.  I'm sure with all this energy you've spent typing and criticizing them, you would have already gathered a rallying group of staunch supports to aide your "cause." 

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #46 on: May 31, 2013, 09:21:43 AM »
lets say this, if u can run, organize, arrange and be in charge of a hmong traditional wedding/funeral without seeking assistance from the ELDERS, than i would agree......... if u cant, and still need help, than why all the bickering!?!?!?

before GVP passed, (RIP), majority would bash on him, how he stole money from your parents or wat not, did he ever point a gun an say pay me??  they were willing to pay him for watever cause......... .but in the meantime, forgot how we got here in the USA the first place?
and now this with the 18 clan???  wtf!?!?!

We have so many hmong stores, etc....but majority would rather support the other races??  i dont get it?!?!? 
Thats why we dont have a country and never will, becuz of our egos, thinking im better than you or wat not, bashing and talkin down on one another....sup port one another, i would rather have a hmong person in the senate, council, board members, etc... than any other race, wouldnt u??? starting to give up on this, "OUR" generation will never ammount to our parents and wat they did n wat they overcome...our generation dont have that resilience...s mdh!!

Don't you pull General Vang Pao into this.  That man has his own crimes and history to him.  He did great things as much as horrible things.  Please don't start with that properganda with me!

I will explain so you may think clearly for a bit instead of drownining in political reasonings.  This is what's at stake; let me paint you the picture.  Hmong community needs help, we have a non-profit orgranzition (18 clan counsel) promising to assist Hmongs with issues.  This is a great! plan.  But these plans were did not go as intended, its being exploited for finanical gain.  Money plays such a huge role it destroys the morals behind the idea.  Why do hmongs always bash hmongs? You keep saying that; because Hmongs don't know how to play by the rules.  They always feel to have a "gain" in the process.  The decease Senator "Paul Wellstone" was our greatest political leader; he had great ideas for the hmong community.  Now, we're being run by "uneducated" old fashioned men who still believes that hmong men are entitled.  Understand that we live under American government which allows rights to all people.  It's so backwards thinking, that is why hmongs will always bash hmongs.  They have no understanding and williness to admit their flaws and mistakes.

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #47 on: May 31, 2013, 09:26:22 AM »
take action/do something/riot/protest...

.....complaint s=NOTHING!!! esp on here lmao!!
So are you saying this forum is only for the perverts and goof-balls to come rant.  This is a public forum for all to share and inform.  If you are concern with me sharing my views and thoughts.  Please promote your goofballs and perverts on here.  They seem to entertain you more. 

Please, 18 counsel should be doing better.  And not exploiting our people. 

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #48 on: May 31, 2013, 09:31:42 AM »
Don't you pull General Vang Pao into this.  That man has his own crimes and history to him.  He did great things as much as horrible things.  Please don't start with that properganda with me!

I will explain so you may think clearly for a bit instead of drownining in political reasonings.  This is what's at stake; let me paint you the picture.  Hmong community needs help, we have a non-profit orgranzition (18 clan counsel) promising to assist Hmongs with issues.  This is a great! plan.  But these plans were did not go as intended, its being exploited for finanical gain.  Money plays such a huge role it destroys the morals behind the idea.  Why do hmongs always bash hmongs? You keep saying that; because Hmongs don't know how to play by the rules.  They always feel to have a "gain" in the process.  The decease Senator "Paul Wellstone" was our greatest political leader; he had great ideas for the hmong community.  Now, we're being run by "uneducated" old fashioned men who still believes that hmong men are entitled.  Understand that we live under American government which allows rights to all people.  It's so backwards thinking, that is why hmongs will always bash hmongs.  They have no understanding and williness to admit their flaws and mistakes.

well for one thing, complaining in here wont do nothing!!  secondly, if u know so much, start another organization, wether non profit or not, and go compete against them!?!  i guaran-dam-tee you that if u did, majority will still go to the 18 counsel bcuz they know the traditions, rules, laws, the hmong community..... .yea, some of yall mite be educated wit a BA, PHD., but no, i mean ZERO knowledge about hmong customs/tradition.......and yet complains!!!  i feel bad about the less fortunate, uneducated elders or wat not, but wat can u do???

and bout GVP, dont even start!

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #49 on: May 31, 2013, 09:48:02 AM »

well for one thing, complaining in here wont do nothing!!  secondly, if u know so much, start another organization, wether non profit or not, and go compete against them!?!  i guaran-dam-tee you that if u did, majority will still go to the 18 counsel bcuz they know the traditions, rules, laws, the hmong community..... .yea, some of yall mite be educated wit a BA, PHD., but no, i mean ZERO knowledge about hmong customs/tradition.......and yet complains!!!  i feel bad about the less fortunate, uneducated elders or wat not, but wat can u do???

and bout GVP, dont even start!

Can you comprehand the difference between "complaining" and "informing."  They're the same.  The idea behind complaining is to bring into light an argument-  an awareness.  We must complain before changes can be made.  Yes, the idea of a public forum makes for a great "complaining" or "informing" media tool.  I can also go out and throw big signs and have a riot party but I decided to choose this medium to discuss my concerns. 

People come here to complain  about their wives and husband as an act to "inform."  They want advice, change, something-      Understand that there is a problem with 18 counsel. 

« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 09:51:14 AM by Hmong-Everything »

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Offline Vandal Savage

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #50 on: May 31, 2013, 09:57:03 AM »
Ok, this thread has officially gone boring, and even pathetic.  Time to check out of this burning hotel. 

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #51 on: May 31, 2013, 09:58:29 AM »
the affect of not having one would be more detrimental to the pecially to those of less education and less fortunate.  of course one can advise them to settle disputes in court, but as you know, the court does not have the time of day to listen to anyone's sob story.  Courts ruling is final and cost can much more than one can endure.  Most of the time, it isn't so much the resolution of the issues but just having someone listen and hopefully understands a person's problem, with a much more favorable ruling.
Yes! that idea is the key to the problem.  To help the less fortunate.  I know how the court system works.  The courts would prefer people go through mediation first before having to file their petitions. 

If 18 counsel actually provides free services and better judgements pertaining to woman rights.  This will all be solved.  Remeber; this organization is non-profit yet they charge atleast $500 per mediation session.  The only thing free is the "consultation." 

18 counsel is in it for the money.  It's obvious.

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #52 on: May 31, 2013, 10:43:16 AM »
$$ is the root of all evil!

will u work for me for FREEEEEEE???????   ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #53 on: May 31, 2013, 10:48:10 AM »
$$ is the root of all evil!

will u work for me for FREEEEEEE???????   ;D ;D ;D
18 counsel is being funded by the Minneosta Government Assosication.  They are being paid a nice large sum every year to assist the hmong community.  But they are charging for their services.  18 counsel is not working for free.  Money does changes people's morals and conduct.  I just wish the hmong community is aware of what's going on.

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #54 on: May 31, 2013, 11:01:08 AM »
time to clean house...?

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #55 on: May 31, 2013, 11:01:38 AM »
Oh STOP complaining and START doing if who ever think they can do a better job!!!!
It doesn't do any good complaining in PH.

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #56 on: May 31, 2013, 08:58:20 PM »
Wow, really?!

Is this the best the PH has to offer?  So many bash 18 Xeem, but they know so little about it.  Many of you are truly desktop expert.  The vice president of 18 Xeem is actually a female.  Get the facts straight before you open your mouth.  Now doesn't that make you look and sound foolish.  With a simple statement, all your bashing becomes completely obsolete.

Here is how you bash 18 Xeem:

1) Ridicule them on their stupidity of making rules when the Constitution already has rules to govern all its citizen.  If 18 Xeem contest or object, denounce your citizenship and leave this country.

2) The credentials of the members are laughable, at best.  The vice president is just a mere teacher.  What qualifications does she have to create laws.  Certainly, a BS in political science is a start; but to be taken seriously, you need a Ph.D.

3) As the members if another Hmong person violate them, are they happy with the guidelines set by their counsel.  Really, $5,000 gives you the license to fornicate any woman.  I will take you to the legal system and see how much damage I can sue you for.

4) There are so many other ways to bash them.  I understand your frustration with their self-appointed righteousness.  If you are going to attack them, you must do so intelligently.  Expose all their flaws and stupidity.  The title of your thread says "Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan".  Thus far, I've just seen superficial conjectures.  You need to dig deeper and have something concrete to base your opinions.  Systematically tear them down one piece at a time.  When there is methodology to your discourse, others will not think that you are just a mad lunatic.  I hope that you will do more than just criticize them on PH.  I want to be there in person when this happens.  Keep me posted.
wow, someone has there pantys in a bunch. Why are they working so hard? All the work goes unnoticed due to the fact that's none of it is legally binding at least as far as I can tell. If PH isn't fulfilling enough for you, you shouldn't visit anymore.

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Offline slude

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #57 on: June 01, 2013, 01:14:10 AM »
Was trolliing and read all the two cents,

18 xeem = old people finding work for themselves

If you are educated/westernized then educate your parents

So that that when they are old, they dont find work for themselves.

Problem solved.


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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #58 on: June 01, 2013, 09:52:08 AM »
I'm not with the 18 clan or against them, all I know is you foolz don't let them dictate your life but then you let allow a judge decide your faith in court.  It's basically the same system all together run by different people and different law. O0

« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 05:41:00 AM by woofwoof »

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Re: Exposing Hmong 18 Counsel Clan
« Reply #59 on: June 03, 2013, 08:06:19 AM »
I'm not with the 18 clan or against them, all I know is you foolz don't let them dictate your life but then you let allow a judge decide your faith in court.  It's basically the same system all together run by different people and different law. O0
There's a difference with Judges and 18 counsel.  Judges follow American laws and regulations.  18 counsel promotes the flaws of Hmong culture and traditions and doesn't pratice "civil rights."

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